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Rape on Carnival


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Can we have some follow up on this, what did the rapist complain about?


As a former juvenile hall staff member, I can say these boys knew damn well what they were doing. I would give each 20 to life also....


I agree! These teen boys are NOT innocent! They are just making excuses!!! They should be tried as adults!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!

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Good to see nobody is blaming Carnival directly for this incident. Except for the poster who stated they should put a curfew on kids? Do know from personal experience these incidents are treated VERY seriously by Carnival.

Three people involved in the incident I refer too, two Italian Officers, and my daughter, employed by the entertainment department on the ship. Would like to add she was in her third year of working for Carnival at this time so not new to ship life, use to taking care of herself in many situations. She thankfully was not molested, but accosted late at night returning to her quarters. She was grabbed, held and and verbally abused when she resisted the advances of the the two officers but managed to break away and alert a friend. (Very distressed calls to mum on the other side of the world).

Carnival interviewed all three parties, because there were no witnesses, they then advised the FBI would be called in as officers denied it ever took place. (Incident happened in international waters). Each was advised FBI would be required they take a lie detector test. Daughter was happy to comply as she stated "I am not lying". Officers indicated they would refuse the test and were dismissed at next port of call.

Yes if incidents are reported correctly Carnival handle them.



This can happen on any line...But you will have many first time cruisers that will not choose Carnival for a cruise based on this incident.

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Noticed none of those posters who vociferously defend their kids running around all hours unsupervised is chiming in on this thread.


I'm not going to condemn the girl's parents since she may have sneaked out of her cabin.... but if it comes out she had no curfew, no supervision, and the parents were getting their drink on in another part of the ship at the same time... well... they would be culpable in my opinion.


We don't do enough to teach our daughters how to recognize danger. I can't believe she walked into a private cabin with a bunch of drunk animals.... So so sorry for her.


Sorry, this story reinforces my opinion of short Carnival cruises. :(

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This can happen on any line...But you will have many first time cruisers that will not choose Carnival for a cruise based on this incident.

Hope I used the "quote" button correctly? First time.

That is why I 'shared' this personal experience because people seem to focus on the negative and never see that sometimes companies ARE doing the very best they can for us. Might not always be the outcome we want/or think we deserve, but the fairest they can do for all parties.

Happily daughter overcame this incident and contuinued to work for Carnival for several more years until she chose to persue a different path.

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This makes me sick to my stomach to hear about this. It also AGAIN brings a very real light to the "false sense of security" we have on cruise ships. I have two teens of my own DS(16) & DD (15) and last year on our 7 day cruise we let our daughter head back to cabin alone (because she was tired) TWICE & heard about a young girl who was raped right in her own cabin by a crew member that used a key card to get in. :eek: Scary!!

And now to hear of this incident and I'm sure many more that we haven't heard. What kills me is why was this couple allowed to keep the original cabin? Where was this mans wife during the whole cruise? He admittedly said he had sex with other women throughout the cruise(I guess in that same cabin). & Why isn't any charges against the teen boys? Their only defense is that the adult told them to hold the girl down and assault her? I guess he told them to drink as well and if he said jump off the ship...then what?


I feel for this young girl...I agree with others that she should've been better supervised( they all should have been ) but, let's not blame the victim. These scumbags need to be prosecuted!! All of them.

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Reminds me of a rape case that happened in Conn (I think) where on lookers encourage the teens to rape the girl (in the movie Jodi Foster played the rape victim) and the spectators got charged and convicted with rape also.


I would like to know what this couple wrote and complained about to John H. Didn't the wife wonder where her loser of a hubby was and who he was bedding during the time they were on the ship?

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Reminds me of a rape case that happened in Conn (I think) where on lookers encourage the teens to rape the girl (in the movie Jodi Foster played the rape victim) and the spectators got charged and convicted with rape also.


I would like to know what this couple wrote and complained about to John H. Didn't the wife wonder where her loser of a hubby was and who he was bedding during the time they were on the ship?


New Bedford, Mass.

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Oh yeah...most likely that is exactly where he'll get it...when he becomes somebody's toy in prison...which is exactly what he deserves.

while I wish that was the case, unfortunatly he will probaly be with many other defected people who have done the same or worse.

i do understand that there is a market for wood chipper lubricant .. that would be a better use for him

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It makes me sick to my stomach that the boys haven't been charged yet. The adult told me too? Since when have teenagers listened to adults!?


15 years old is old enough to know rape is wrong, I don't care how hormonal they are. The fact they had to HOLD HER DOWN should have made something click "Oh wait, maybe we shouldn't be doing this..." They had their wits about them enough to trap the friend in the bathroom.


I wonder if the girl screamed for help when the boys answered the door. If she did and the person walked away, then they should be charged too.

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If this is the couple I am thinking off, and I apologise now if it is not them. They complained of a very loud noise/vibration in their cabin that interrupted their sleep. I think from memory it may have been a balcony cabin, and the ship gave them an interior cabin to sleep in but they requested to also retain their balcony which the ship allowed. Their major compaint was they had to go from one to the other to enjoy the amenities they had payed for.

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I hope this pushes Carnival to set a curfew since a lot of parents seem to think it is okay & safe to let their kids roam all night on a cruise ship.


I second this!! A curfew is needed for those parents who don't monitor their children. DH and I often mention the numerous kids we see out on the boat at all hours of the night. I can't believe the negligence of some parents...and not just on cruises. My boys say I'm the strictest mom out of all their friends' moms, but I don't care. I WILL know where they are, what they're doing, who they're with and when they will be home! I'm not being nosey....I'm being a PARENT!!

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Noticed none of those posters who vociferously defend their kids running around all hours unsupervised is chiming in on this thread.


I'm not going to condemn the girl's parents since she may have sneaked out of her cabin.... but if it comes out she had no curfew, no supervision, and the parents were getting their drink on in another part of the ship at the same time... well... they would be culpable in my opinion.


We don't do enough to teach our daughters how to recognize danger. I can't believe she walked into a private cabin with a bunch of drunk animals.... So so sorry for her.


Sorry, this story reinforces my opinion of short Carnival cruises. :(


What is your opinion of "short carnival cruises" ? Neither the length of the cruise or the cruise line have anything to do with this. The first two rapes I ever heard about were both on Royal Caribbean. One by a guest, one by an employee. No cruise line can prevent a guest from commenting a crime, so your judgment should be on how they react. Police don't stop crime and firefighters don't stop fires, they just react to them

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Sickening! Even worse is that the juveniles aren't being charged with rape! Outrageous!


I am 110% all for a curfew to be enacted and enforced onboard. I hope this incident prompts such measures. I don't care how good a kid is, they have no business being outside of their rooms past a certain time. I personally think that it should be 11 or 12, but even if they did an hour or two past that, at least there would be an official curfew. I can already feel the flames, but really, the good parents will have their kids in the room by that time anyway and the bad parents will at least have a reason to get their kids under control by a certain time.


I don't know what time this happened. Yes, it could happen any time day or night, but the chances of a rogue bunch of drunk teenagers being bought alcohol with no supervision greatly increases every hour after dark. I don't have the facts to prove that point, but I don't think I can be convinced otherwise.

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I second this!! A curfew is needed for those parents who don't monitor their children. DH and I often mention the numerous kids we see out on the boat at all hours of the night. I can't believe the negligence of some parents...and not just on cruises. My boys say I'm the strictest mom out of all their friends' moms, but I don't care. I WILL know where they are, what they're doing, who they're with and when they will be home! I'm not being nosey....I'm being a PARENT!!


I disagree, I don't think kids should be running around all hours of the night unsupervised, but it's not Carnivals job to parent your kids.

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I disagree, I don't think kids should be running around all hours of the night unsupervised, but it's not Carnivals job to parent your kids.


And I disagree with you, it would NOT be Carnival parenting the kids. It would be saying that at this particular time (curfew), PARENTS need to be the ones parenting their kids instead of letting them roam around the ship. I see no problem with Carnival saying to parents that at a particular time, they need to act like responsible parents and get their kids out of the public areas! This would be in the wee hours of the morning when they've got no business out on their own anyway IMHO.

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The death penalty is not used enough!!! This piece of s--t is a animal.

If an animal acts like that we uthenize it. WELL ??? Why are we spending

our tax dollars keeping someone like this alive. They are a danger to society and always will be. This sucks for Carnival also. I hate to see these

pieces of trash giving Carnival a bad name. They are pure SCUM!!

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And I disagree with you, it would NOT be Carnival parenting the kids. It would be saying that at this particular time (curfew), PARENTS need to be the ones parenting their kids instead of letting them roam around the ship. I see no problem with Carnival saying to parents that at a particular time, they need to act like responsible parents and get their kids out of the public areas! This would be in the wee hours of the morning when they've got no business out on their own anyway IMHO.


Guess we can agree to disagree. If your a responsible parent do you want Carnival telling you what time is best for your kids to be in the room? If you do then what time? Maybe someone else who thinks there should be a curfew thinks it should be a different time. I don't believe in punishing the mass to protect the few. People already complain about to much " big brother " and what your asking for is more. IMHO

And again, I don't think kids should be out all hours of the night, strictly from a safety stand point .

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And IMHO, if you tell a parent what time to have your kids back in the room. Carnival is parenting, they parenting the parent


True enough - and I think some parents need that! Parent the parents to force them to parent the kids! :rolleyes: Yes, we will have to agree to disagree on this one. I am a parent and would gladly welcome and even lobby for a curfew. I don't mind at all if Carnival were to tell me what time they wanted the kids in the room. I do consider myself a responsible parent and would not in any way take offense to that. I don't mind a little big brother if it makes for a better cruise for me and others. You might be perfectly responsible, but clearly not all are (from past experience).

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I live near this area and we have seriously considered taking our child on her first cruise with us - no way now!


Since more rapes happen in schools and churches, you therefore will not allow her to attend school or church?


Really, you think that if you were to take your child on a cruise that there is the remotest possibility she will be raped?

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My question is for all the curfew supporters, other than maybe safety , why would you have one ? If it's truly for safety then kids should never be allowed out of the room. Crime is 24/7, if you make adjustments, predators and pedophiles make adjustments. Disney World doesn't even have a curfew, yes the parks close, but if you stay on Disney property they don't tell you when to make your kids go to the room.

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The problem is that the "good kids".....the responsible kids....the kids who know better than to go into a room with a stranger....the kids who don't give in to peer pressure and break the rules because their "new best friends" are doing something.....end up losing.


But...in thinking it over....those "good kids" would be back in their cabins at a decent time anyway.


So...although rape can happen at any time of day/night...bad things are more likely to happen when less people are around, which translates into the wee hours.


Therefore....there should be some kind of curfew. If that puts a damper on "your perfect angel's" vacation, or your vacation....then go somewhere else. And this should be in the contract, with the penalty of being put off at the next port, or confined to the cabin if it's violated.


Seriously....is there any real reason a 14 year old needs to be roaming around at 3 AM?

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The problem is that the "good kids".....the responsible kids....the kids who know better than to go into a room with a stranger....the kids who don't give in to peer pressure and break the rules because their "new best friends" are doing something.....end up losing.


But...in thinking it over....those "good kids" would be back in their cabins at a decent time anyway.


So...although rape can happen at any time of day/night...bad things are more likely to happen when less people are around, which translates into the wee hours.


Therefore....there should be some kind of curfew. If that puts a damper on "your perfect angel's" vacation, or your vacation....then go somewhere else. And this should be in the contract, with the penalty of being put off at the next port, or confined to the cabin if it's violated.


Seriously....is there any real reason a 14 year old needs to be roaming around at 3 AM?


None. Always told my kids nothing good happens after midnight. The curfew MIGHT have prevented this.... my guess is it took a number of hours of 'partying' for the girls to get to such a state they thought it was a good idea to go into a cabin with that pack of animals. A curfew earlier in the evening might have interrupted this guys' nefarious plans.

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