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Question about someone being arrested on board


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The people who worry about the direction our privacy and civil liberties are going (and I'm one of them) do have a valid point. First, I have no problem with enforcing warrants, but how far do you take law enforcement? Would it be too intrusive to, say, have video cameras placed inside people's houses that police could monitor? The Houston police chief actually suggested that back in the 1990s.


Then there are the intrusions that have nothing to do with law enforcement. For example, you can be placed on a government watch list even if you didn't commit a crime and aren't even under investigation for a specific crime. And, worst of all, there is no real process for challenging the fact that your name is on one of these lists and having it taken off. You might manage to get it done, but it's pretty much at the discretion of the agency that put you there.


And then there have been cases where law enforcement has placed GPS tracking devices on people's cars without a warrant. Their rationale is that, if your car is parked on the street or in your driveway, they can access it, so they don't need a warrant. Fortunately, the courts have generally disagreed.


Oh, and video cameras do get abused by law enforcement. We had a case here a few years ago where a state trooper was caught using one of them to zoom in on women and watch them as they walked down the street. The only reason he was caught is that the local cable company showed random images from these cameras, and this camera happened to come up. People on the street could see what the camera was doing, and a few shot it the bird. The police actually considered charging these people with making lewd gestures, while the state troopers did the best they could to hide the name of the trooper who was involved, and, to my knowledge, nothing ever happened to him.


I don't buy the argument of, "If you don't have anything to hide, then you don't have any reason to complain."

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This is a weird fear of mine.

I worry that I'll get a Jury duty summons in the mail but it is delivered to the wrong address and I never get it.


Then they come looking for me after the cruise or actually anytime.


I used to get the summons on a pretty regular basis but in the last 4 years, nothing.


We had our season Dodger tickets go to the street behind us and they were honest and nice enough to return them.

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It pays to remember that a warrant is not proof that a person is a criminal. And in America -- much to the dismay of many half-witted citizens -- a person is still innocent until proven guilty. If authorities extradite somebody based on a warrant, the least they could do is have their ducks in a row. I don't automatically assume that they do, nor that the person is guilty of anything.



I was thinking this the whole time I was reading this thread.


Not that I disagree with arresting people with warrants, but do remember they are not guilty until proven so in a court of law.

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You would be surprised tough how many people call and learn they have a warrant out for them and want to know if it is so.


Usually they hear it "on the streets" Most times it's BS , someone trying to threaten them.


Of course the only way for them to find out is to go to the front desk with photo ID and if there is in fact a warant out, they are arrested right then and there on the spot. So how many actually go after i tell them that I can't say.


Not necessarily.... I had what I thought were two unpaid speeding tickets in Arizona dating from 1978. I was afraid there was an outstanding warrant out for me. The state of Arizona has a very nice searchable database that includes names of all individuals who have outstanding...er, business with the State. My name, thankfully, was not on there. I think my Dad must have paid it.


I initiated that search when a woman here in Florida was arrested for an unpaid $85.00 fine for shoplifting from a Walmart 22 years ago. Handcuffs, the whole nine yards, taken from a Carnival ship with media snapping photos the whole way. eek.

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Nothing wrong in arresting those with valid warrants, whatsoever.


The "big brother" comment is very valid, however.

Notice all the cameras along streets, freeways, intersections, parking lots, in big cities, etc....?

This is only the beginning and at some point the naive will awaken.

Unfortunately, it'll be way too late by then.

Nothing to hide, here, but realize our privacy and freedoms are being eroded!!


Exactly right. "Nothing to hide" only remains nothing until the gov decides it doesn't like your "nothing" anymore. Then it's something and you can't hide.

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The people who worry about the direction our privacy and civil liberties are going (and I'm one of them) do have a valid point. First, I have no problem with enforcing warrants, but how far do you take law enforcement? Would it be too intrusive to, say, have video cameras placed inside people's houses that police could monitor? The Houston police chief actually suggested that back in the 1990s.


Then there are the intrusions that have nothing to do with law enforcement. For example, you can be placed on a government watch list even if you didn't commit a crime and aren't even under investigation for a specific crime. And, worst of all, there is no real process for challenging the fact that your name is on one of these lists and having it taken off. You might manage to get it done, but it's pretty much at the discretion of the agency that put you there.


And then there have been cases where law enforcement has placed GPS tracking devices on people's cars without a warrant. Their rationale is that, if your car is parked on the street or in your driveway, they can access it, so they don't need a warrant. Fortunately, the courts have generally disagreed.


Oh, and video cameras do get abused by law enforcement. We had a case here a few years ago where a state trooper was caught using one of them to zoom in on women and watch them as they walked down the street. The only reason he was caught is that the local cable company showed random images from these cameras, and this camera happened to come up. People on the street could see what the camera was doing, and a few shot it the bird. The police actually considered charging these people with making lewd gestures, while the state troopers did the best they could to hide the name of the trooper who was involved, and, to my knowledge, nothing ever happened to him.


I don't buy the argument of, "If you don't have anything to hide, then you don't have any reason to complain."


I was put on a "watch list" the year I had gotten my license to carry a firearm. It delayed my family long enough that we missed our flight. Luckily we weren't flying to a cruise on departure day, we were going to Disney. There were 7 of us. I couldn't get a boarding pass, had to wait and speak with people, wait for phone calls, then we all got in line to go through security and it took us over 1.5 hours to get through. We missed the plane by 10 minutes. The damn thing had pulled away from the gate but was not moving. We watched it sit there for another 15 minutes before it actually left. I have a feeling they gave our seats away and that was why they pushed it out of the gate.

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Another one of these threads with no video! Someone getting arrested for larceny, someone getting arrested for being drunk because they were fighting with the spouse the night before. They all fail unless we have video! I mean posting it here you want our true thoughts right?......need video. Just saying.


? you are saying the OP should have taken video?


you say "just sayin" what do you infer??

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My aunt and cousin and my aunt's friend just got back today from a 5 day out of Miami. I think it was the Destiny. This morning, at about 5:30, security came in my aunt's cabin and arrested her friend, and said she was being extradited back to VA for grand larceny charges.

This is all I know for now. Is this common practice to arrest people with warrants when coming back into port, or is there some special reason the decided to arrest her?

Do you think maybe when she used her passport to board, it was flagged?

Just curious, never heard of someone being tracked all the way from VA to FL for grand larceny.

Ouch! I bet your aunt is going to be careful of who she picks to cruise with from now on :)!

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Can they put a warrant out on your for an unpaid parking ticket:o:o:o?

If so, how would one KNOW there is a warrant out for their arrest?

I think I need to pay the damn ticket. Don't want to get taken away in cuffs over $115.:o:o

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Can they put a warrant out on your for an unpaid parking ticket:o:o:o?

If so, how would one KNOW there is a warrant out for their arrest?

I think I need to pay the damn ticket. Don't want to get taken away in cuffs over $115.:o:o


Yes they can, trust me I know.



Call your local clerk of courts and they will tell you.

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Not necessarily.... I had what I thought were two unpaid speeding tickets in Arizona dating from 1978. I was afraid there was an outstanding warrant out for me. The state of Arizona has a very nice searchable database that includes names of all individuals who have outstanding...er, business with the State. My name, thankfully, was not on there. I think my Dad must have paid it.


I initiated that search when a woman here in Florida was arrested for an unpaid $85.00 fine for shoplifting from a Walmart 22 years ago. Handcuffs, the whole nine yards, taken from a Carnival ship with media snapping photos the whole way. eek.


She was taken from a Disney Ship.

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First, they weren't arrested by security... they may have been detained, but not arrested. They were arrested by Homeland Security or US Marshal, and then turned over to the local police to be taken to jail, then extradited, if the entering agency authorized extradition.


Yes, this is VERY common, and if there was a warrant, they should have been arrested.


Commit the crime.... do the time.

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First, they weren't arrested by security... they may have been detained, but not arrested. They were arrested by Homeland Security or US Marshal, and then turned over to the local police to be taken to jail, then extradited, if the entering agency authorized extradition.


Yes, this is VERY common, and if there was a warrant, they should have been arrested.


Commit the crime.... do the time.


I hate to point out the obvious but a. In this country a person is innocent until proven guilty and b. being arrested does not automatically make someone guilty.


I have to play devils advocate...I'm a criminology student. :)

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Reading all these stories, what amazes me is, do they do any tracking of people that don't cruise?


Sally has had the outstanding warrant for over 10-years but they couldn't find her? Because she didn't take a cruise!!


Have a job - apparently no check

Fly on an airline - I"ve never seen anyone arrested

Pay your taxes - thank you very much

Get a drivers license - good for you


But if you have a warrant and you cruise, they'll get you. Do they really sit around and wait for people with these warrants to cruise to get them? How hard could it be to track down a person using other means?


How often does a criminal on the downlow decide, gee, I'm going to take a cruise in a few months? They must come out of their cave just long enough to book it, then go back into hiding.


Having said that and with all of the new Carnival rate plans, Carnival should just set up a Criminal rate. If you have an outstanding warrant here is your special deal, it's even cheaper than the Super Saver plan - but cancellation charges still apply ;)

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Reading all these stories, what amazes me is, do they do any tracking of people that don't cruise?


Sally has had the outstanding warrant for over 10-years but they couldn't find her? Because she didn't take a cruise!!


Have a job - apparently no check

Fly on an airline - I"ve never seen anyone arrested

Pay your taxes - thank you very much

Get a drivers license - good for you


But if you have a warrant and you cruise, they'll get you. Do they really sit around and wait for people with these warrants to cruise to get them? How hard could it be to track down a person using other means?


How often does a criminal on the downlow decide, gee, I'm going to take a cruise in a few months? They must come out of their cave just long enough to book it, then go back into hiding.


Having said that and with all of the new Carnival rate plans, Carnival should just set up a Criminal rate. If you have an outstanding warrant here is your special deal, it's even cheaper than the Super Saver plan - but cancellation charges still apply ;)


When you cruise your identifying info is put into an unknown number of government databases by CBP and those databases will show outstanding warrants if those warrants are input by the originating authority. (Plus they know where you are going to be at the conclusion of your cruise so there is time to get someone there.)


Finding someone with an outstanding warrant is a manpower intensive task and most departmetns/agencies will only invest that manpower for the people with the most serious offenses.

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I used to have a friend with a very common first and last name. When he was a student at a very large university, he was one of five men enrolled there with the same name. Seriously. Each had a different middle initial, but first and last names were the same.


My friend was arrested once. One of his namesakes committed a crime. When the police asked the school for the perpetrator's address, the school inadvertently gave my friend's info instead.


Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk 2


This has happened to me twice during background checks. There was a felony warrant in NC for someone with my exact name and birth date. I have never been to NC so they ran my SS#. Found out I wasn't who they thought I was. The second time it happened, I asked them to use my SS# again and there was not a problem. I have since changed my name (got married) and there is no more issue with it. It is scary when you think all is well and they want to arrest you though!

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I used to have a friend with a fairly common last name. His first name was Mark. He went to a very large university where he was one of five men named Mark or Marc, all with the same last name. One of the other guys committed a felony. Police asked the school for the guy's address, and wound up arresting my friend. Easily cleared up but scary at the time.


Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk 2

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Reading all these stories, what amazes me is, do they do any tracking of people that don't cruise?


Sally has had the outstanding warrant for over 10-years but they couldn't find her? Because she didn't take a cruise!!


Have a job - apparently no check

Fly on an airline - I"ve never seen anyone arrested

Pay your taxes - thank you very much

Get a drivers license - good for you


But if you have a warrant and you cruise, they'll get you. Do they really sit around and wait for people with these warrants to cruise to get them? How hard could it be to track down a person using other means?


How often does a criminal on the downlow decide, gee, I'm going to take a cruise in a few months? They must come out of their cave just long enough to book it, then go back into hiding.


Having said that and with all of the new Carnival rate plans, Carnival should just set up a Criminal rate. If you have an outstanding warrant here is your special deal, it's even cheaper than the Super Saver plan - but cancellation charges still apply ;)


I had the exact same thought. However, have you ever looked at one of those lists of unclaimed property in your local paper. I'm always amazed at who they can't find. Many are names of well know businesses or corporations that would be easy to find through Google or the Yellow Pages, but they can't seem to find them?

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I have that problem when I cruise and my passport is scanned at the end by Customs. There is a flag for someone in NY who is wanted for Grand Larceny. One year difference in date of birth and different race. It has caused me to get pulled for secondary search on a couple of occasions as they do a full NCIC check. Luckily I have not been put in hand cuffs yet.


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I had the exact same thought. However, have you ever looked at one of those lists of unclaimed property in your local paper. I'm always amazed at who they can't find. Many are names of well know businesses or corporations that would be easy to find through Google or the Yellow Pages, but they can't seem to find them?

You're assuming they actually looked. They may not have been legally required to. It's possible that all they were required to do was hold the property for a certain amount of time, and, if no one appeared to claim it, publish a notice in the newspaper, wait a certain amount of additional time, then dispose of it.

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This is a weird fear of mine.

I worry that I'll get a Jury duty summons in the mail but it is delivered to the wrong address and I never get it.


Then they come looking for me after the cruise or actually anytime.


I used to get the summons on a pretty regular basis but in the last 4 years, nothing.


We had our season Dodger tickets go to the street behind us and they were honest and nice enough to return them.



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