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4yo, 2yo transfer to port


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Thinking about booking a new years cruise with 4yo and 2yo. We've never cruised before but we've gone on all-inclusive. How do people manage with 2 kids and all the luggage? We will have to pack alot more for the cruise (clothes for every day) instead of mostly bathing suits that we would on all-inclusive. If we get a taxi from the airport to the hotel/ port will they have vans available?

I'd rather take a taxi than a shuttle to save money but want to make sure all of our stuff will fit. Also what about booster/ car seats??

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Carseats: You need carseats for both kids for a taxi or a van, for a full size bus you will not need them (b/c they won't have seatbelts to install them).


For our cruise, I bought a Radian, which folds up, but I found there would have been plenty of room for carseats between the bed and the wall in our cabin, where it was too small to really walk anyway.


4yr olds are too young for boosters (by booster I mean seat without a 5pt harness), they are not recommended until kids are 5-6yrs old and can sit still 100% of the car ride 100% of the time (hard to ask even of that age, but far worse for a 4yr old!)


The radian would be great for your 2yr old, who can ride rearfacing in it for a while yet (depending on the model, they rearface to 40 or 45lbs, my 5yr rides rearfacing in his). They are expensive though so another option would be to get a lightweight seat just for travel.


For the 4yr old, an RSTV would be a good option, its a wearble 5pt harness, and folds up tiny. DO NOT get any other wearable/vest style seats though, the RSTV is the only one that is an actual, crash tested safety device. There are many knock offs that are not safe at all.




Anyways - Get a wheely cart, the kind for luggage from walmart or wherever and strap your carseats on there to get them through the airport, and then install them in the van/taxi. At orlando airport they have lots of taxis and shuttles and buses right outside.


Wheely cart is also good for getting your carseats up to the gate, then just install them on the plane and use them (never ever ever ever check carseats as baggage)




I'm a certified carseat tech, so I know a ton about carseats!

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All of your "stuff" will fit in the trunk of a taxi...no worries! They'll MAKE it fit! Daytime wear on a ship is mainly bathing suits/shorts/tees/flip-flops....very casual...you can re-wear things more than once. Dinner is casual most nights...depending on cruiseline. Short are not for dinner, but you can get away with the same pair of slacks (for boys and men) multiple nights. NCL and Carnival don't mind shorts at dinner.

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We have done 3 New Years cruises with our kids when they were that age. We get a shuttle to the port that already has car seats just ask and they will provide them. We bring a stroller and then check the luggage with the porters and they deliver it to the room. No worries you can manage fine with two young ones.

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From another car seat tech...

Bring your own car seats. You may or may not be able to install seats from a rental company properly, and I've personally seen situations where people reserved car seats and there were none left. I've been promised car seats that never came...fortunately I had my own. Plus then you have them to use in port. Despite the naysayers on this form, I (and several others) have used car seats and boosters successfully in several ports.

Cruising is a bit harder than an AI in terms of transportation, but there are many other positives that outweigh these challenges.

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Julienatul, what shuttle did you use?


We would fly into FLL and may leave from the port in miami. Are there shuttles from the FLL airport aswell? We are also on a tight budget.


I definitely don't want to bring carseats from home... Wherever we go one person will be responsible for the kids alone, and the other person can carry everything else. I can't carry all of our luggage plus two carseats!

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Heretical though it may sound, you could chance travelling without car seats over a short distance. I was one of four children, and if car seats had been compulsory in those days, we just wouldn't have been able to go on holiday. Certainly I agree that it's not possible to carry them - you can't rely on any 2yo to stand calm by the roadside, untethered, while the parents are handling the luggage and car seats.

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Heretical though it may sound, you could chance travelling without car seats over a short distance. I was one of four children, and if car seats had been compulsory in those days, we just wouldn't have been able to go on holiday. Certainly I agree that it's not possible to carry them - you can't rely on any 2yo to stand calm by the roadside, untethered, while the parents are handling the luggage and car seats.


I really have no idea why people post this type of opinion. Yes, none of us as kids rode in car seats. Fortunately we survived. We now know car seats keep kids from death and injury, so we use them. We are talking about two children and seats, not 4, with two adults and a plethora of gadgets to help make it easier.

There are ways of figuring out how to carry two car seats, luggage and keep two children safe. DH and I have done it starting when our children were 4 and 2 respectively. For us, it involved a stroller to carry the two car seats, a baby carrier to hold DS2 and a free hand to hold DS1. We had a rolling carry on and two backpacks, along with three full sized suitcases through airports and transfers.

This is a completely different conversation if someone says they don't want to use car seats.

Getting off my soapbox...

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Heretical though it may sound, you could chance travelling without car seats over a short distance. I was one of four children, and if car seats had been compulsory in those days, we just wouldn't have been able to go on holiday. Certainly I agree that it's not possible to carry them - you can't rely on any 2yo to stand calm by the roadside, untethered, while the parents are handling the luggage and car seats.


Did you ever get into a bad crash? You are here, so no. Kids that didn't have carseats and got into crashes aren't here to talk about it. Carseats save lives, why on earth would you put your child at such a risk just for a vacation? A cruise isn't worth a life.



Put the 2yr old in a stroller, a carrier (they make them for kids up to 45lbs), or use a kid leash if you have to. Put the carseats on a wheeled cart (they fold up, cost like $15, and you can stack 2 seats on them, just flip on upside-down). 1 adult stays with kids/bags/carseats, the other takes a couple trips to load if needed. Yes, maybe its a pain, but its worth it.



I travel with 1 adult, 1 kid, 1 carseat, 2 suitcases, 1 backpack and 1 kids carry-on BY MYSELF through airports with multiple lay-overs, and I can do it! I'm like 5'2" and under 100lbs and have a crazy child. AND I don't check baggage AND I install his carseat on the plane. Its totally possible. I've done it from the time my son was an infant and he is 5 now. 2 parents is even easier even with twice as much 'stuff' because 1 person can stay put and the other shuttle back and forth to move stuff.



And yes, never rent a carseat, unless you want to use an expired, broken, dirty, wrong-sized, thrown up on, who knows if its crashed or not, who knows if there is one available or not seat.

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I don't feel comfortable having one parent responsible for one or both kids and also have to carry something. Two hands are for holding the kids hands, not other stuff. ;)

I don't see how 1 person can shuttle stuff back and forth since nobody will be there to watch the stuff, seems like it could easily be stolen in a busy airport. Also my daughter will be 2.5, she walks and talks and will not fit in a baby carrier!

What about the shuttles, don't they have carseats or booster seats? We rented a carseat for a trip in Scotland and it was fine.

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to the OP - I would just take a shuttle and call beforehand to see if they can supply a car seat or take a large shuttle (the kind of bus Disney has) and you don't need a carseat at all. I am a single mom and no way could I handle my Britax Marathon, my kid, and our luggage. My last cruise I took the Disney Magic transfer and it was fine.


Do what you feel comfortable doing for you and your family. Good luck!

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I would love recommendations for any shuttles that don't need a carseat or provide one in Miami. We won't need the carseats in port, or on the plane (We have a CARES harness), so it's just getting to the hotel, to the pier, and back to the airport. I would definitely rather not lug a carseat for 3 10-minute trips if I don't have to.

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I would love recommendations for any shuttles that don't need a carseat or provide one in Miami. We won't need the carseats in port, or on the plane (We have a CARES harness), so it's just getting to the hotel, to the pier, and back to the airport. I would definitely rather not lug a carseat for 3 10-minute trips if I don't have to.


Honestly, if you are looking for a transfer without car seats, look for a bus. Other types of shuttles are just not reliable enough in terms of providing appropriate seats, or even seatbelts to use with the seats. A bus is designed to protect occupants without the need for seatbelts, so they would be your best bet. Just know that a bus is designed to protect people bigger than the average sized 4 year old, so there are risks with unrestrained infants/toddlers/preschoolers even on a bus.

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I don't feel comfortable having one parent responsible for one or both kids and also have to carry something. Two hands are for holding the kids hands, not other stuff. ;)

I don't see how 1 person can shuttle stuff back and forth since nobody will be there to watch the stuff, seems like it could easily be stolen in a busy airport. Also my daughter will be 2.5, she walks and talks and will not fit in a baby carrier!

What about the shuttles, don't they have carseats or booster seats? We rented a carseat for a trip in Scotland and it was fine.


You've never been in a situation where 1 parent has to hold the hands of 1 of the kids while carrying a bag? What about carrying a diaper bag and walking around the mall or something? really? As a parent I'm ALWAYS carrying "stuff" AND keeping track of 1 or more kids (I'm a nanny for 2 kids, so I usually have 3 kids all under 5, plus all of their stuff - food, diaper bag, bag of library books, my purse, the beach bag, whatever...). Put the little one in a stroller and have the older one hold onto the stroller as you walk, its really not that hard.


By baby carrier, I mean something like this: http://store.ergobaby.com/

Not like one of those bjorn crotch dangler type things that I'm guessing you are picturing. My 5yr old can ride in one, and they hold up to I think 45lbs, so a 2.5yr old is not too big. It REALLY makes things easier.



If you rent a carseat, its the same as using a used carseat. You have no idea what it's history is. It could have been crashed/dropped/damaged, it could be expired or broken, or have been cleaned with bleach (which damages it), or they might not have one the right size for your child, or maybe they won't have any at all if they ran out. Its too much of a risk.



I'd just take a bus, busses are safer than cars, don't require carseats, you can fit everything in it for sure too. It sounds like you are not willing to put in a little extra effort to keep your kids safe by bringing carseats, which is VERY doable, I know people that bring 2 kids, 2 carseats and all their bags with 1 parent and no issues, you have 1 parent for each kid, so you have it easy! I've suggested several ways to handle bags + kids, but if you'd rather not, take the bus. Don't put your kids at unnecessary risk by not using appropriate carseats.

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Leighi123 - with all due respect - you come off as very condescending and judgmental. Get over yourself. The OP didn't ask for a diatribe about how you think she is putting her kid's safety at risk. She asked a simple question. Get off your soapbox - nobody asked you to get up on it - geesh!!!

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dsrdsrdsr - Amen, sister!


It always amazes me how an OP asks one question, then one or more people take it upon themselves to lecture the OP on something the OP didn't ask about. It's as if they've elected themselves "Mother Superior" with respect to car seats. I think we all know that car seats serve a very important purpose. However, there will be instances where a car seat is impractible and we look for alternatives. I'm sure we all have the safety and security of our children at heart and the OP (and dsrdsrdsr) don't need to be lectured fabout it rom faceless stangers on the internet.

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I posted that type of opinion because the OP specifically said she didn't want to carry car seats. Since you asked.


Actually, since we are debating semantics, the OP asked a generic "What about car seats" in their original post. Thus why opinions were offered. you just happen to disagree. For that matter, we also disagree that children sometimes come with situations that seem "impractical" (your words, not mine).

I have first hand experience travelling with children the same age as the OP with car seats. It is possible, and I certainly don't find it impractical.

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B&Z's Mom - Well - your statement is not entirely true. See the OP's subsequent posting where stated she didn't want to bring car seats from home and she was looking for shuttles, etc. that had carseats or transfer buses with no car seats. Thus, any subsequent posting lecturing her, etc., were uncalled for.

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We will be cruising with a five month old and a 2.5 year old in march on Disney and are using Disney transportation for no other reason than not wanting to deal with two Car seats. We did do the cruise and car seat thing when we just had the one child and he was 11 months but I'm simply not willing to deal with it with two kids. Of course this meant choosing an itinerary that would not require taxis in ports. We did put the 11 month old in our laps in Bermuda on a mini bus to the beach (bigger than a shuttle but not a full sized city bus). You have to decide the level of risk you are comfortable with. I think the suggestions of buying all new at seats and harnesses and carriers for one trip are a bit excessive in my opinion.

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Leighi123 - with all due respect - you come off as very condescending and judgmental. Get over yourself. The OP didn't ask for a diatribe about how you think she is putting her kid's safety at risk. She asked a simple question. Get off your soapbox - nobody asked you to get up on it - geesh!!!

Agreed. Although I am a he. :)


You've never been in a situation where 1 parent has to hold the hands of 1 of the kids while carrying a bag? What about carrying a diaper bag and walking around the mall or something? really? As a parent I'm ALWAYS carrying "stuff" AND keeping track of 1 or more kids (I'm a nanny for 2 kids, so I usually have 3 kids all under 5, plus all of their stuff - food, diaper bag, bag of library books, my purse, the beach bag, whatever...). Put the little one in a stroller and have the older one hold onto the stroller as you walk, its really not that hard.


By baby carrier, I mean something like this: http://store.ergobaby.com/

Not like one of those bjorn crotch dangler type things that I'm guessing you are picturing. My 5yr old can ride in one, and they hold up to I think 45lbs, so a 2.5yr old is not too big. It REALLY makes things easier.



If you rent a carseat, its the same as using a used carseat. You have no idea what it's history is. It could have been crashed/dropped/damaged, it could be expired or broken, or have been cleaned with bleach (which damages it), or they might not have one the right size for your child, or maybe they won't have any at all if they ran out. Its too much of a risk.



I'd just take a bus, busses are safer than cars, don't require carseats, you can fit everything in it for sure too. It sounds like you are not willing to put in a little extra effort to keep your kids safe by bringing carseats, which is VERY doable, I know people that bring 2 kids, 2 carseats and all their bags with 1 parent and no issues, you have 1 parent for each kid, so you have it easy! I've suggested several ways to handle bags + kids, but if you'd rather not, take the bus. Don't put your kids at unnecessary risk by not using appropriate carseats.

That is the kind of carrier I was picturing, thanks for the tip - but my 2.5 year old would not want to be in that.


Yes, I have been in a situation where I had to carry a bag and hold the hand of one or both of the kids... in a mall. Not a busy airport or near busy streets.... In the same post you're giving me grief; for wanting to be safe by having one parent only responsible for the kids (not carrying bags aswell), and you're also saying that i'm not willing to put extra effort into keeping my kids safe. Really??

I thought I made it clear that I was wanting to be safe by having one parent look after the kids without carrying anything. If you want to risk kids lives by 'ALWAYS carrying "stuff" AND keeping track of 1 or more kids' then that's fine. But i'm willing to put a little more effort in the safety of my kids. ;)




Anyway, thanks to everyone for the replies. I will most likely go with the cruise ship bus.

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Agreed. Although I am a he. :)



That is the kind of carrier I was picturing, thanks for the tip - but my 2.5 year old would not want to be in that.


Yes, I have been in a situation where I had to carry a bag and hold the hand of one or both of the kids... in a mall. Not a busy airport or near busy streets.... In the same post you're giving me grief; for wanting to be safe by having one parent only responsible for the kids (not carrying bags aswell), and you're also saying that i'm not willing to put extra effort into keeping my kids safe. Really??

I thought I made it clear that I was wanting to be safe by having one parent look after the kids without carrying anything. If you want to risk kids lives by 'ALWAYS carrying "stuff" AND keeping track of 1 or more kids' then that's fine. But i'm willing to put a little more effort in the safety of my kids. ;)




Anyway, thanks to everyone for the replies. I will most likely go with the cruise ship bus.


Maybe its just where I live, but LOTS of people put their 2-4yr olds in those types of carriers for travel, to have hands free and not have to haul a stroller. It was just an idea b/c you seem like you have a hard time keeping both kids contained without their hands being held.


Not bringing 2 carseats if you plan on riding in a car is unsafe. Which is why I suggested the bus, because you seem to think its not possible for 2 adults to handle 2 kids and 2 carseats and luggage.


Maybe I just have better behaved kids, mine and the ones I babysit - I've never ever ever 'put them at risk' by carrying 'stuff' and keeping track of all 3 of them. They stay close, the littlest either holds my hand or rides in a carrier (she is 21months), and the other 2 walk beside me. I've never felt they were in danger and they are all always close enough to grab in any emergancy. Sorry but where am I risking lives?



Good idea, take the bus. Then you can hold everyone's hand.

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