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Review of NCL Star Oct14-21 Bermuda


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Have patience loyal followers, Kev is back and will resume tomorrow....




Next Up:

Bermuda Sailaway

The Bier garten

Back to La Cucina!!!

The Bier Garten

The Bier Garten

The Bier garten



Edited by luv2cruise53
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Have patience loyal followers, Kev is back and will resume tomorrow....




Next Up:

Bermuda Sailaway

The Bier garten

Back to La Cucina!!!

The Bier Garten

The Bier Garten

The Bier garten




We are not so patiently waiting Kev.........I LOVE THE BIER GARTEN! It was my favorite spot on the Star. Might have somethingto do with the very good, very strong mojitos Toya made for me :D

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Kev is scheduled back today. Wait, I think he was due back yesterday. :eek:


I Love ya Camz I really do. What is holding me up is dumping my last photos into Photobucket....the worlds worst program ever created so I can zip along. Also I am putting away my Xmas stuff, cleaning, cutting my hair,applying for a job and generally doing nada....:D




Xmas Away....Check

Job app....Check



So now I have no excuses left and I better hop to it....Or I will lose my loyal followers..


Thy will be done.



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So when I left off a couple...LOL...days ago I was in Snorkel park Beach.


Whereas I had paid my $5.00. I decided that this was kinda a rip off as the beach was kind of below par, and horseshoe Beach was free. But as they say, when in Rome...


Kev had paid so Kev would stay for a bit even though I do not do the snorkel. It should also be noted that I had no intention of giving that bar/restaurant any more $$$. I did have my beach duds so I figured I would swim about for a few.




and maybe watch some volleyball.




It really was a pretty spot all kidding aside, so I climbed up to that bars second for some Kev Arials.






And after a swim and some lounging it was going on 1:00 so I figured I would spend no more, tan no more, swim no more, snap no more and become a cultural guru next door at the Fort and Museum.


Up next:


The fort and the museum and a chance to watch swimming with the dolphins.



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Kevin, here's a name forgetting story for you! It's a good one! OK, so I am reading along for hours of your review (not complaining and thoroughly enjoying it) and giggling here and there. All of sudden, I come to the part where you are in the casino and you are betting your numbers, hmpf, I think, those are MY numbers. What a coincidence! Then I think, "yea, I remember on my Spirit cruise there was a guy that was betting the same numbers as me". This guy would come and sit and LOSE to 29 and then leave and sometimes later would come and check to see how 29 was doing.


But, I continue reading! Then, BING, DING DING DING...it hits me KEV! Yep Kev, you and I were on the Spirit together in March 2012. You and I sat down together on the pool deck and you showed me pictures of a prior cruise on your Kindle Fire. I do remember teasing you about your Boston accent and then you said "ME? You're talking about ME having an accent" LOL! Yea, well, I guess I do have that southern Louisiana accent don't I?


I can NOT believe I read about 10 pages of your review until I realized who you were! Notch one up for the Cajun Blonde!


Enjoying your review! Bermuda is definitely in the future cruise bucket!

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So out of the $5.00 gate:




and into the $7.50 gate....



Apparently it costs more to be educated and culturized than to swim, snorkel and get drunk.


So it opened to a nice somewhat claustrophobic courtyard that had arrow sign posts describing how easy it might be to get lost..which Kev promptly did. I found a family who were doing the Segway's and I snapped a pic.




I decided to head to my left cause it looked like the place to start so I followed the path and came to some armament holes and some stairs leading to these tight tunnels that lead to nothing and so I left there and regained sunshine and checked out the meadow which had some kind of Bermudian animals that were a cross between a sheep and a cow.I decided I would call them sheecows. I can't find a picture but take my word on this anomaly.








So after this dose of scenic culture I decided i would check out this museum up the hill to the right.


Up next: Educating Kev

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Kevin, here's a name forgetting story for you! It's a good one! OK, so I am reading along for hours of your review (not complaining and thoroughly enjoying it) and giggling here and there. All of sudden, I come to the part where you are in the casino and you are betting your numbers, hmpf, I think, those are MY numbers. What a coincidence! Then I think, "yea, I remember on my Spirit cruise there was a guy that was betting the same numbers as me". This guy would come and sit and LOSE to 29 and then leave and sometimes later would come and check to see how 29 was doing.


But, I continue reading! Then, BING, DING DING DING...it hits me KEV! Yep Kev, you and I were on the Spirit together in March 2012. You and I sat down together on the pool deck and you showed me pictures of a prior cruise on your Kindle Fire. I do remember teasing you about your Boston accent and then you said "ME? You're talking about ME having an accent" LOL! Yea, well, I guess I do have that southern Louisiana accent don't I?


I can NOT believe I read about 10 pages of your review until I realized who you were! Notch one up for the Cajun Blonde!


Enjoying your review! Bermuda is definitely in the future cruise bucket!


How nice to hear from you again. I truly loved that Spirit cruise. How are things in the Bayou?...Anyways, I am mad you only giggled a little here and there....I thought I was writing in high comedic prose....


After I finish this review I will be doing our Spirit cruise review and I will need your help correcting my mistakes as it has been almost a year.


Nice to hear from you,,,,say hi to hubby.



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A day late and a couple dollars short...Kev has FINALLY returned. Geesh. Keep it coming! I need more Bermuda info! :p


Kim, I am leaving Bermuda in 3 hours. I posted 15 pages of info on Bermuda.....My God girl you be greedy. Go back and cut and paste this Bermudas info into a word doc from all the info previously posted...for now we only have the Museum, and the Dolphins left..then sailaway....Be a good mitsugirly....LOL Kev:cool:

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Kim, I am leaving Bermuda in 3 hours. I posted 15 pages of info on Bermuda.....My God girl you be greedy. Go back and cut and paste this Bermudas info into a word doc from all the info previously posted...for now we only have the Museum, and the Dolphins left..then sailaway....Be a good mitsugirly....LOL Kev:cool:



Dolphins? Did you say Dolphins? sauteurocre.gif Woo hoo!


I need bigger pictures Kev...much bigger pictures. :D I can't see them so well.



They be so small




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How nice to hear from you again. I truly loved that Spirit cruise. How are things in the Bayou?...Anyways, I am mad you only giggled a little here and there....I thought I was writing in high comedic prose....


After I finish this review I will be doing our Spirit cruise review and I will need your help correcting my mistakes as it has been almost a year.


Nice to hear from you,,,,say hi to hubby.




The Bayou country is doing fine! In New Orleans, they are gearing up for Super Bowl Sunday on February 3rd and then Mardi Gras on February 12th. In my wildest imagination, I can NOT for the life of me fathom Super Bowl Sunday smack dab in the middle of Mardi Gras season...You wanna talk about a cluster @#$%!


Don't take my giggle here and there as an insult to your comedic genius; the cat gets highly irritated if my abdomen moves too much as she leisurely lounges in her most feline way on my lap as I read my tablet!


I can't wait to read your Spirit review. Help? I just told Mitsugirl that I wish I could do such an in-depth review but my memory goes into some defunct mode while I'm cruising. Hell, I try to write a journal at night about the day's happenings and I can't remember what in the world I did when I got up and throughout the day. I go into LaLa Land Oblivion!


Now for the big question!!! Do you remember me from the Spirit cruise and do you remember showing me your Epic photos on your Fire? That is your test for the day!

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Dolphins? Did you say Dolphins? sauteurocre.gif Woo hoo!


I need bigger pictures Kev...much bigger pictures. :D I can't see them so well.



They be so small





This is why I can't do a reivew...I don't know how to make jumpy, cheerleadery smiley faces nor can I make HUGE Harry Potter looking smiley faces! :p

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So into this imposing architecturaly indefinable structure I sauntered. It was rather sparse but had several rooms that traced the history of the dockyard, the history of Bermuda and a lot on colonization by...who knew...many portuguese interests.








So after being thoroughgly educated(30 mins) I headed back outside to visit the last exhibit....The Dolphins.


But first a pic of me....




Behind me is the Dawn so obviously I took this picture a couple of years ago, but today it is the same ocean, sky, stage and good looking guy so you get the drift.


Next up: The Dolphins



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Dolphins? Did you say Dolphins? sauteurocre.gif Woo hoo!


I need bigger pictures Kev...much bigger pictures. :D I can't see them so well.



They be so small




I have no idea how to capture bigger pictures. I have been given all sorts of advice....to no avail. I improved a bit from thumbnails but the big pics alude me. I use this absoultely useless, computer crashing, upload nightmare of a program Photosucket (no mispell)to upload pics that come in all sizes except big.

After this review is done...NOT BEFORE... Help me do big pics for the Spirit Review.

If you tell me now I will freak about all the past pics.


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I have no idea how to capture bigger pictures. I have been given all sorts of advice....to no avail. I improved a bit from thumbnails but the big pics alude me. I use this absoultely useless, computer crashing, upload nightmare of a program Photosucket (no mispell)to upload pics that come in all sizes except big.


After this review is done...NOT BEFORE... Help me do big pics for the Spirit Review.


If you tell me now I will freak about all the past pics.




Hehe...no prob. wink.gif

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So removing my gorgeous self off the pedastal of pose..I head downhill and come to the main attraction of this walled area of knowledge. The Dolphin pool is rather cool and is placed against a wall that has access through a hole to fresh ocean water.




The best part of this Dolphin Experience is the ability for non-swimmers to get up close and personal.






It was so nice of them to let us onto the bridge since there were no swimmers and we all had a close up experience....for nada....Kev knows how to get his$7.50 worth.






So I headed out after a few dozen minutes of admiring these truly amazing creatures....On my way out I spotted a local guy who seemed to be enjoying his day.




And that be all she wrote.


Up Next:


Lunch at the Italian place...Name escapes me....who knew?



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So removing my gorgeous self off the pedastal of pose..I head downhill and come to the main attraction of this walled area of knowledge. The Dolphin pool



The best part of this Dolphin Experience is the ability for non-swimmers to get up close and personal.






It was so nice of them to let us onto the bridge since there were no swimmers and we all had a close up experience....for nada....Kev knows how to get his$7.50 worth.






So wait, I'm confused...


You paid the $7.50 to get in to this place and it was where the dolphins are right? Do you know how much it is to do the dolphin swim? Is the lady in the picture one of the friends you were with and she did the swim? (That's why I thought maybe you would know the cost if so). What is the name of the place? Any details?


We have done the dolphin swim in Cozumel (and it was quite expensive) plus there was a height requirement (which I know you qualified...) but wondering if you had any more info? :)

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The Bayou country is doing fine! In New Orleans, they are gearing up for Super Bowl Sunday on February 3rd and then Mardi Gras on February 12th. In my wildest imagination, I can NOT for the life of me fathom Super Bowl Sunday smack dab in the middle of Mardi Gras season...You wanna talk about a cluster @#$%!


Don't take my giggle here and there as an insult to your comedic genius; the cat gets highly irritated if my abdomen moves too much as she leisurely lounges in her most feline way on my lap as I read my tablet!


I can't wait to read your Spirit review. Help? I just told Mitsugirl that I wish I could do such an in-depth review but my memory goes into some defunct mode while I'm cruising. Hell, I try to write a journal at night about the day's happenings and I can't remember what in the world I did when I got up and throughout the day. I go into LaLa Land Oblivion!


Now for the big question!!! Do you remember me from the Spirit cruise and do you remember showing me your Epic photos on your Fire? That is your test for the day!


Helllooo your profile has your picyure...hellloooo!!!!! But seriously yes I remember, we had a great time and I remember showing you the Epic Pics as well....don't ask me how, cause I supported an entire family in the Philipines from my drinking at the Bier garten...LOL


NOLA deserves a huge 3 week smash....I would not want to be there seriously...what a mob....I went in March on a cold raw rainy weekend before our cruise and it was mobbed with nada going on....well Basketball March Madness but nothing like Super Bowl Mardi gras.


Mitsugirly is Kim...it's easier than writing out mitsugirly for the mentaly challenged.:D



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Helllooo your profile has your picyure...hellloooo!!!!! But seriously yes I remember, we had a great time and I remember showing you the Epic Pics as well....don't ask me how, cause I supported an entire family in the Philipines from my drinking at the Bier garten...LOL


NOLA deserves a huge 3 week smash....I would not want to be there seriously...what a mob....I went in March on a cold raw rainy weekend before our cruise and it was mobbed with nada going on....well Basketball March Madness but nothing like Super Bowl Mardi gras.


Mitsugirly is Kim...it's easier than writing out mitsugirly for the mentaly challenged.:D




I said it was a test and you passed! Yippie Kai Yay! I knew M-I-T-S-U-G-I-R-L-Y's name was Kim but wasn't quite sure if YOU knew! Oh and to make you feel better, I had a big guffaw, LOL belly shake on the support of an entire family in the Phillipines.

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Mitsugirly is Kim...it's easier than writing out mitsugirly for the mentaly challenged.:D




Kev likes those easy 3 letter words...like "Kev" :D


I said it was a test and you passed! Yippie Kai Yay! I knew M-I-T-S-U-G-I-R-L-Y's name was Kim but wasn't quite sure if YOU knew! Oh and to make you feel better, I had a big guffaw, LOL belly shake on the support of an entire family in the Phillipines.


Oh my gosh, I just did the belly shake on that one too (or it could be that I'm missing the Mexican cuisine and I just had a plate of tacos? :eek:)

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