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Ultimate Cruise Snob Stories


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Love this thread and enjoy reading about the wine snobs, card status color snobs, line up snobs, fish fork snobs, food quality snobs to name a few.


But our favourite pissing contest is about how much you paid for a cruise.


We receive those flash emails like you all do and are lucky enough to be able to travel on very short notice...airfare is the only thing holding us back so we dont take advantage as often as others that live on the east coast.


I have two favourite snob stories..

first one happened during our TA booked only one week out at a h*ll of a deal...I booked a balcony guarantee and we got a lovely cabin on the Riviera deck....for about $150/ day/couple...deal! At anytime dinner one nite, people were discussing how long they had planned for this trip, special celebrations, etc so when it came around to us, my husband naively said we had just booked one week prior. People tut tutted and said we MUST have gotten an inside cabin and he said no we got ( and paid for) a balcony. Then they said, well it MUST be on a lower deck ( see the snobbery?) and he coughed and tried to avoid answering but said no, we were lucky enough to be up higher on the Riveria deck. One woman was outraged and said she was going to the purser to demand that she be moved up higher. We left before dessert. That same woman found us in the Copenhagen airport and pointed a finger at my husband and said "YOU are the one who got that deal! ". ....geez, take a chill pill!


On our Grand Med cruise this fall, we also got a flash deal ( they are out there for everyone right?) and booked a guarantee balcony but got an upgrade to a mini suite the day before. Again at dinner one night, we sat quietly and listened to much older cruisers gush over all their cruises taken and wasnt China wonderful etc etc. Finally they stopped long enough to ask us how we enjoyed the cruise and we said we loved it ( Grand Med is a fabulous but busy itinerary) and then my husband said ( I could smack him sometimes) " and especially given that we got it for less than $100/day". Dead silence until one fellow said, again, " oh, for an inside cabin?" ( I guess only trolls stay there?) and hubby said " nope, for a mini suite" ( ok, now he was being a brat cuz he didnt say we were upgraded). The two couples looked at each other with their black cards and probably thought we were lying OR that that their TA didnt get them a good deal.


No matter...we all know that the person sitting next to you on the plane paid less than you did...its the reality of the travel business.

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Love this thread and enjoy reading about the wine snobs, card status color snobs, line up snobs, fish fork snobs, food quality snobs to name a few.


But our favourite pissing contest is about how much you paid for a cruise.


We receive those flash emails like you all do and are lucky enough to be able to travel on very short notice...airfare is the only thing holding us back so we dont take advantage as often as others that live on the east coast.


I have two favourite snob stories..

first one happened during our TA booked only one week out at a h*ll of a deal...I booked a balcony guarantee and we got a lovely cabin on the Riviera deck....for about $150/ day/couple...deal! At anytime dinner one nite, people were discussing how long they had planned for this trip, special celebrations, etc so when it came around to us, my husband naively said we had just booked one week prior. People tut tutted and said we MUST have gotten an inside cabin and he said no we got ( and paid for) a balcony. Then they said, well it MUST be on a lower deck ( see the snobbery?) and he coughed and tried to avoid answering but said no, we were lucky enough to be up higher on the Riveria deck. One woman was outraged and said she was going to the purser to demand that she be moved up higher. We left before dessert. That same woman found us in the Copenhagen airport and pointed a finger at my husband and said "YOU are the one who got that deal! ". ....geez, take a chill pill!


On our Grand Med cruise this fall, we also got a flash deal ( they are out there for everyone right?) and booked a guarantee balcony but got an upgrade to a mini suite the day before. Again at dinner one night, we sat quietly and listened to much older cruisers gush over all their cruises taken and wasnt China wonderful etc etc. Finally they stopped long enough to ask us how we enjoyed the cruise and we said we loved it ( Grand Med is a fabulous but busy itinerary) and then my husband said ( I could smack him sometimes) " and especially given that we got it for less than $100/day". Dead silence until one fellow said, again, " oh, for an inside cabin?" ( I guess only trolls stay there?) and hubby said " nope, for a mini suite" ( ok, now he was being a brat cuz he didnt say we were upgraded). The two couples looked at each other with their black cards and probably thought we were lying OR that that their TA didnt get them a good deal.


No matter...we all know that the person sitting next to you on the plane paid less than you did...its the reality of the travel business.


I cannot resist. I search and like good deals as well, but your husbands sounds like a "good deal" snob.


I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the frequent cruisers (some are being accused of being snobs) for taking the time to share your vast experiences and answering questions. I am disappointed that some posters on this thread are insulting some of you.


But I have enjoyed some of the stories.

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I cannot resist. I search and like good deals as well, but your husbands sounds like a "good deal" snob.


I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the frequent cruisers (some are being accused of being snobs) for taking the time to share your vast experiences and answering questions. I am disappointed that some posters on this thread are insulting some of you.


But I have enjoyed some of the stories.


LOL...I can see how it might appear that way but you give hubby WAY too much credit.


You see, we are a " mixed" marriage..i am platinum and he is gold. He had never cruised before so this is all rather new to him ( it was in the prenup..

" Must like cruising" hahahah).


He assumes when he sees black and silver cards that everyone is getting a " deal" as we often, but not always, do.


Plus I do all the travel planning so he likely doesnt have a clue what the price fluctuations can be.

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LOL...I can see how it might appear that way but you give hubby WAY too much credit.


You see, we are a " mixed" marriage..i am platinum and he is gold. He had never cruised before so this is all rather new to him ( it was in the prenup..

" Must like cruising" hahahah).


He assumes when he sees black and silver cards that everyone is getting a " deal" as we often, but not always, do.


Plus I do all the travel planning so he likely doesnt have a clue what the price fluctuations can be.


I absolutely love your husband, his innocence is adorable...tee hee

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Talking of wine snobs, we were once at the next table to a couple who asked to be moved to another table as the wine waiter was Asian. "What would he know about wine?" was overheard. This was in the days when we had separate wine waiters.

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Pam - so very true! I have COPD and am on oxygen. At times I can do without it and walk fairly well. At other times I can't walk across the room without it. I have gotten some dirty looks when taken to the head of lines at embarkation!:D


Sorry you have to deal with that--my mom also has COPD. Some days are better than others for her.


BTW, there's a very enlightening thread over on the disabled cruisers forum that was started by someone who was venting their frustration after reading some of the comments posted in this thread. Like others have said, not all disabilities are apparent all of the time.

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This may take me a while.


A couple of years ago we were waiting in the platinum/elite lounge ( really just a room with chairs) and we were close to the roped off area where we would board the ship. When they announced boarding for Elites, we picked up our carryons and headed to board the ship. no hurry, just casually walking to the line. As we got to the lady checking cards a "gentleman" dressed in a beret and wearing an ascot and carrying a walking stick (not a cane) stuck the stick in front of me and said "step out of the way sir, this if for elite passengers only and you certainly do not qualify"


I looked him in the eye and said that, indeed, I am an elite, and if he did not remove his little stick it would become a permanent part of his anatomy.

He huffed and puffed and backed off. There was a smattering of applause from the folks behind us.




Best one yet! Awesome reply.:D

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I am enjoying this thread as well. Fortunately, I have yet to have a direct encounter with anyone like these people, but I've seen them huff past me, and when I see them engaged in thier complaints to the crew, I give the poor crew member a smile and leave quickly.


I just read a response that seems to have disappeared. It was an apology and profession of love to frequent cruisers?


This isn't about being Elite, Platinum, or none of the above. It's about the misguided and rude treatment from people who think these levels entitle them to be Queen Elizabeth, OK, not Queen Elizabeth, as she's a gracious woman...lets go with Rock Stars and Celebrities.


The rude people are the very minority of frequent cruisers. Most Elite and Platinum are way nice and quite helpful, as demonstrated in every single thread on this site. Without them, we would have just a bunch of unanswered questions floating out there.


However, the rude people described here are living in a delusion. First off, many people can afford the highest level suite, but don't think it's cost effective. Others think it's worth the splurge (I am one who would love to splurge, just once if I skipped a vacation one or two years, but have yet to bite the bullet...upgrading a car lasts longer to me right now ;) )

Secondly, many people haven't achieved a status level maybe because they are either spreading the wealth with other cruise lines also, or are taking a variety of vacations rather than cruising all the time.

Third- getting a black card doesn't mean they have done well in life. It means they take a lot of cruises. The blue card next to them could be a newly retired CEO of a major company, but has never sailed before, and chose a mass market line because it's a family event.

You just never know...and only an idiot would get snooty with a stranger they know nothing about.

Remember Rose's mother? The money was all gone and her only option other than trading her daughter off was to take in laundry. She sure knew how to be a snobby aristocrat tho!


It's not about the level- it's about what certain people do with it.

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I am enjoying this thread as well. Fortunately, I have yet to have a direct encounter with anyone like these people, but I've seen them huff past me, and when I see them engaged in thier complaints to the crew, I give the poor crew member a smile and leave quickly.


I just read a response that seems to have disappeared. It was an apology and profession of love to frequent cruisers?


This isn't about being Elite, Platinum, or none of the above. It's about the misguided and rude treatment from people who think these levels entitle them to be Queen Elizabeth, OK, not Queen Elizabeth, as she's a gracious woman...lets go with Rock Stars and Celebrities.


The rude people are the very minority of frequent cruisers. Most Elite and Platinum are way nice and quite helpful, as demonstrated in every single thread on this site. Without them, we would have just a bunch of unanswered questions floating out there.


However, the rude people described here are living in a delusion. First off, many people can afford the highest level suite, but don't think it's cost effective. Others think it's worth the splurge (I am one who would love to splurge, just once if I skipped a vacation one or two years, but have yet to bite the bullet...upgrading a car lasts longer to me right now ;) )

Secondly, many people haven't achieved a status level maybe because they are either spreading the wealth with other cruise lines also, or are taking a variety of vacations rather than cruising all the time.

Third- getting a black card doesn't mean they have done well in life. It means they take a lot of cruises. The blue card next to them could be a newly retired CEO of a major company, but has never sailed before, and chose a mass market line because it's a family event.

You just never know...and only an idiot would get snooty with a stranger they know nothing about.

Remember Rose's mother? The money was all gone and her only option other than trading her daughter off was to take in laundry. She sure knew how to be a snobby aristocrat tho!


It's not about the level- it's about what certain people do with it.


You are, indeed, a very wise woman :)

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5) On my next cruise I am going to wear a lanyard with an old Holiday Inn room key card in it.:p

Great idea! I have an old room card I think it's plain white. If someone really pays attention to the card's color and asks, I will tell them it is Princess' new super-elite level.

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MY wife is currently on the the Crown so i can't ask her (thats not snobing, that complaining I'm home with the grandkids), But I think it was Royal Caribbean when she asked if they could punch her card so she could keep it on a lanyard, that they told her they would be happy to BUT she wouldn't be served as hole punched in a card (no matter the reason) meant the bearer was under age....

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Great idea! I have an old room card I think it's plain white. If someone really pays attention to the card's color and asks, I will tell them it is Princess' new super-elite level.


LOVE IT....and so believable...what other color would trump black? WHITE of course! I'm searching my drawer for a card right now!

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Another reason we choose to dine by ourselves. You never know who you will get stuck with.

However, look at all the interesting people you are not going to meet. We have had to put up with some annoying boors, but most have been charming company. It's only one meal.

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Every time I see a lady who is carrying a handbag around the ship I wonder what in the world she feels she has to have on her person, other than her cruise card, maybe a coffee card and sometimes a book or kindle. Small bags might carry those things - it's the ones with the big handbag that I can't figure out. I am afraid I would set down a handbag somewhere and then go off and leave it. I use a lanyard and often carry a book with my coffee card as a bookmark. If I'm not out and about to read, I return the book/kindle to the cabin and go with free hands.


Nothing wrong with the exercise one can get walking back and forth to the cabin.


First cruise yes I carried my big purse around. Found out it was a hassle and was able to buy a small shoulder type bag on board. I need to bring my pills and cruise card. Later in the cruise I was able to fit most of the things in my pockets. So It was a learning curve for me.

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First cruise yes I carried my big purse around. Found out it was a hassle and was able to buy a small shoulder type bag on board. I need to bring my pills and cruise card. Later in the cruise I was able to fit most of the things in my pockets. So It was a learning curve for me.


I carry a small Princess tote (not those big blue ones they give you). What's inside? Kindle, kleenex, hand sanitizer, pen, Patter, coffee card, Cruise card is on lanyard and fashionably goes with everything.

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I carry a small Princess tote (not those big blue ones they give you). What's inside? Kindle, kleenex, hand sanitizer, pen, Patter, coffee card, Cruise card is on lanyard and fashionably goes with everything.


The coffee card is also a fashionable accessory!:)

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I have enjoyed these post so much, especially the wine snobs. I live in the Napa Valley(Just an ordinary person) yet see so many snobs it's not funny. They all try to out do each other on their knowledge of wine. When they start yacking about their knowledge, I always remind them to drink the wine that they like even if they prefer 2 buck chuck(trader joes wine). I have been to 3 chefs tables, and have been lucky enough to be with only the non-snobs. If someone did try to be a snob, I would ignore them just the same way I did back in my snobby high school. BTW, my favorite wineries here are not the big well known fancy places, but the small mom and pop wineries such as Bennett Lane winery or Cunard vineyards.

Also ANY person that says the food is lousy at the chefs table is out of there mind! I think Princess does a beautiful job at their chefs table and is comparable to many fine restaurants. My number one hobby BTW other then cruising is Cooking, so not to brag, but I do know a bit about good food.


I think your thoughts are right on the money!:) Over the years, I have come to believe that some people would complain about anything & brag about everything. Comments like "that is why you are over there and I am over here" serve no one well.

We are on Long Island, New York and I agree that some of the small wineries here also produce some very good wine! Nothing as plentiful as Napa Valley though.:p

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Noun1.fish knife - a small table knife with a spatula blade used for eating fish


A bit of advice from me ----- If you are left handed, don't even try to use one of those things !!!!!!





Not left handed but definetly left footed, would any of you be offended if I just used my hands?:D


I dont think using my hands make me a snob:rolleyes:

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You nailed it !!!! The knife is backward for us lefties:eek:!!!!! If I tried to switch hands, I would have fish all over me and anybody within ten feet of me !!



We could make the staff run around looking for a "left handed fish knife" that would drive them crazy as they sent the fish and meat back to the kitchen for recooking.

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