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Ultimate Cruise Snob Stories


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I have a co-worker who "warned" me never to cruise out of Puerto Rico because she had just come back from a cruise from a port there and "the ship was just full of Puerto Ricans!" Duh - I'm not sure what she expected. She was upset that she couldn't understand everyone when they spoke and that "those people" party too much. I would imagine wherever a cruise originates from, there is a large contingent of people from that place! All we could do was laugh at her ignorance. ;)

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Don't take it personally, it is basically an automatic advertisement by tapatalk.


Not any different than "sent from my iPhone" or the great combination of "sent from my iPhone using tapatalk".


On one e-mail I received recently from an overseas friend: Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad


Can you turn off the "sent from my IPhone" message as well?

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I have a co-worker who "warned" me never to cruise out of Puerto Rico because she had just come back from a cruise from a port there and "the ship was just full of Puerto Ricans!" Duh - I'm not sure what she expected. She was upset that she couldn't understand everyone when they spoke and that "those people" party too much. I would imagine wherever a cruise originates from, there is a large contingent of people from that place! All we could do was laugh at her ignorance. ;)


Reminds me of my friend's DS & BIL who when asked how they enjoyed their vacation in Mexico replied, "too many Mexicans." It was all I could do not to laugh in their faces.



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I am finally caught up on this thread. What a delightful fun way to spend my down time. Than you to all who added their stories and gave me things to think about and good chuckles as well.


I guess I am a 'cup half full' kind of person and I do not let anyone of 'these sorts' stand in my way of keeping that glass full. I love sharing tables at meal time, if I don't like our table mates for a meal and see we are about to be seated again with the same folks, I ask, kindly of the MD, to be placed at another table as I have already met those people and want to meet new friends at this meal.


On our Panama cruise, we had a very grumpy elderly gentleman (GEG) on our last night in the MDR. (8 topper, with 4 of us traveling together, 2 single solo men,and one other couple.)

"Did everyone enjoy their cruise?" GEM started in. He was never going to cruise with Princess again, blaa, blaa, blaa. Didn't get the room he signed up for, too long to get to the dining room, (fill in next complaint here.) So, I quickly changed subjects -

"What was everyone's favorite shore excursion?" GEG starts in right away with how he didn't get off the ship for the full two weeks, and so on. "Well, sir, that was your choice wasn't it?" I turned to the couple to my left and asked them. After the full table had finished with that subject, we then went on to the weather for our returns.

"So, I hear there is a snow storm headed towards Chicago for our return." GEG jumps into the conversation again. How he is not going to get on the connecting flight if it is snowing and his son had better meet him in Chicago as it is only a two hour drive there (I am sure in good weather but not with a big storm coming!) and how he refuses to get on the second flight to his home.

By this time, all of us around the table had had enough of him and just ignored him and let him suffer in silence as his meatloaf was 'undercooked' (but he wouldn't send it back as one of our companions ordered the same dish and ate every bite.) We all just talked around him. The rest of the dinner was peaceful and we heard from the others at the table. So, my cup was over half full - 7 out of 8 happy people at a dinner table! Wouldn't think of one spoiling it for the others!


When we got up to leave, the other solo traveler stopped me and thanked me for putting GEG in his place. He had been placed at the same table with that man throughout the cruise and hadn't known how to handle it. (See, I taught him how to handle someone like that, so it was a win/win night!) And another win as I am sure GEG will not travel with Princess again!


When in doubt, go the Pollyanna route! Be a happy person!! :D:):o

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The more I read this thread, the more I am thinking that there really are very few snobs out there. I have met maybe three in my almost 70 years on this planet.


Folks are just very different. Some folks are very outgoing and love to talk about almost anything, while other folks are very private and hesitant to discuss anything they deem personal. To those more quiet types, we extroverts probably seem way over the top, and to those who are really extroverted, the more quiet types might appear to be stand offish and snobbish, but those are our own perceptions and not at all related to the intentions of the persons being judged.


I am an off-the-chart extrovert and can't even imagine a situation where the question "What do you do for a living?" could be interpreted as anything other than an honest question expressing sincere interest in another human being, a question which, in my experience, has sparked many fascinating conversations. I truly love hearing about other people's lives and their experiences, their travels, what kind of great deals they got on their cruises, and even their political and religious views. Some of the very best and most informative conversations I have ever had were with other people openly sharing their religious and political beliefs--of course, this requires the listener to have a completely open mind.


I am as fascinated by the life stories of garbage collectors (who by the way make a ton of money) as I am by the stories of college professors. Everybody has a great story.


The world is an amazing place and it is the people in the world that fill it with color, depth and interest. I want to learn from all of them.


I'm with you! 100%. Have met some GREAT people by simply asking "Were are you from?" and "What do you do?"

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i agree that it is how it is said and the subsequent reaction that matters.


we sat with a well traveled couple four times on our cruise. we were happy to hear about their adventures and get advice from them. we had been somewhere they hadn't, so we were even able to share some information.

another night we sat next to two best friends who were much older than us. i found out that one of them had spent her life in the occupation i am fairly new at. we spent the rest of the dinner talking about it.

those were great conversations based on "what do you do" and "where have you been" questions.


we also encountered those same conversations that were not asked with kindness in mind and left us feeling judged. a man was interested when finding out my husband has his accounting degree, but made a rude comment and ignored us after my husband told him he was not a cpa.


does everyone need to ignore all topics of travel, occupation, and place of residence? definitely not. but those who intend to use that information to judge should steer clear.

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Sometimes, someone you start off thinking is a snob, isn’t—other factors come into play causing them to be stand offish....I offer this story.


My cousin and I both in our late 50s cruised on RCI where at the time, all dining was traditional. We had an assigned table for 6 that was rectangular in shape and right by the window. On the first evening, we arrived at our table first so naturally took the two seats opposite each other by the window.


Some time passed before we saw two older ladies approach our table. We smiled and said hello. They acknowledged us then sat at the far end of the table leaving the seats between us empty….a tad awkward. No one else joined us…on that night or on any other night.


My cousin who is blonde, vivacious and very friendly said ‘please, come join us’. The two ladies looked across at each other and mumbled ‘no, thanks, we are fine here.’


Our server came and took our drink orders . The two ladies did not have wine or a cocktail and seemed most interested in burying their heads in the menu, ignoring us.


My cousin, not one to be easily brushed aside, asked with a friendly tone and smile ‘so, is this your first cruise?’ and they nodded yes. Dead silence after that. My cousin pushed on….’so, where are you ladies from?’ They said ‘oh we’re Canadian’. My cousin said ‘so are we….so where about are you from?’. They said ‘Saskatchewan…a small town you wouldn’t have heard of it’.


My cousin’s dearly departed hubby had served in the RCMP and back in those days, the only places you were stationed were ‘small towns in Saskatchewan that you’ve never heard of’. So my cousin said ‘oh I’ll bet I have….what town?’. They named some little one horse town where of course my cousin had indeed heard of and had lived in.


Finally the ladies …sisters as it turned out….warmed up a bit and eventually were sharing stories back and forth with us. But, they still never moved from their chairs at the end of the table.


The next evening, we arrived at our appointed time and lo and behold the ladies were sitting in the chairs by the window and practically ‘yoo hooing’ us over to sit down next to them. They then admitted as it was their first cruise they didn’t know what protocols were and felt a little overwhelmed by the size of the ship, getting lost, what to do and when, etc.


Then, the one sister giggled and asked for a suggestion for what drink she should order as she was a recent widow and felt a bit out of her realm. We volunteered that we were both widows and her demeanour softened noticeably. We suggested a gin and tonic as a safe choice. Needless to say, by the end of the cruise, they felt much more relaxed and were friendly whenever they saw us.


On the last evening we had made arrangements with another couple we had met to dine in one of the specialty restaurants and the sisters were devastated that we wouldn’t be dining with them on the last nite. But, we made a point of going back to our table after our dinner and we had dessert with them.

I love this story :)


It helps me to remember that it's not what you take away from an encounter that matters, but what you bring to it.


That being said, I have had my share of snob encounters, rude people and attitude from fellow cruisers and have responded in inappropriate manner at times :( But I will try harder to remember that I am not perfect and perhaps my kindness and tolerance will "play it forward" in some way to all of those imperfect people that I meet while having a wonderful cruise :)

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Reminds me of my friend's DS & BIL who when asked how they enjoyed their vacation in Mexico replied, "too many Mexicans." It was all I could do not to laugh in their faces.




That reminds me of a comment by one of my "cruise acquired friends" who is a taxi driver in Acapulco. We were talking about the comparison between Los Angeles and Acapulco when he came up with this gem !!


He said "Acapulco is just like Los Angeles except Los Angeles has more Mexicans than we do" !!!!


NOw -- which one of us is a "place snob" ?


At any rate, it was funny and a line I have used many times.:D

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I enjoy telling folks that I am a retired IRS agent! That usually stops the questions.:D



Ah but what if you really are a retired IRS Agent??? Which my husband is..(yes they do retire) and he very rarely tells anyone what he did. If asked he says he was an accountant.. if pressed he may say he was with the treasury... For some reason people just don't want to hear you worked for the IRS...

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They were in the front row here too. The comedian said they are the official parents of 5 princess ships and they have taken 145 cruises. That got an an audibal gasp from the crowd!


just got an email from Princess that features this couple. Very nice intersting story about them.


I am sure many of you have received the same email.

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A few years back we were on a Caribbean cruise on the Ruby out of New York City where we live and the second night when we went to dinner we were placed with three other couples, the three men were all hot shot wall street brokers and they were bragging about the deals and tricks they do giving me hot stock tips, telling what to watch for in a few weeks, basicaly breaking the law and bragging about it, after the main course was done one of them asked me what I do for a living. I just could not resist the temptation, I replied that I was an Investigator for the Securities and Exchange Commision, well you should have seen their faces, they jumped up said hey look at the time we got to go, but you did not have dessert and coffee I said, by the way I didnt catch your names. The waiter came over looked at them almost running out of the dinning room turned to me and asked what happend, I told him that they said they had a show to catch. My wife looked at me and said, really the SEC, really. I would wave to them every time I saw them on and off the ship. I'm a Carpenter and my wife is a Teacher, no SEC.

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just got an email from Princess that features this couple. Very nice intersting story about them.


I am sure many of you have received the same email.


Pleasant surprise to see the story about Mom & Dad when I opened this today.

It is a nice article in the Captain's Circle E-news Letter. If you haven't gotten yours yet, maybe this link will work:


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A few years back we were on a Caribbean cruise on the Ruby out of New York City where we live and the second night when we went to dinner we were placed with three other couples, the three men were all hot shot wall street brokers and they were bragging about the deals and tricks they do giving me hot stock tips, telling what to watch for in a few weeks, basicaly breaking the law and bragging about it, after the main course was done one of them asked me what I do for a living. I just could not resist the temptation, I replied that I was an Investigator for the Securities and Exchange Commision, well you should have seen their faces, they jumped up said hey look at the time we got to go, but you did not have dessert and coffee I said, by the way I didnt catch your names. The waiter came over looked at them almost running out of the dinning room turned to me and asked what happend, I told him that they said they had a show to catch. My wife looked at me and said, really the SEC, really. I would wave to them every time I saw them on and off the ship. I'm a Carpenter and my wife is a Teacher, no SEC.


That is absolutely priceless!

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A few years back we were on a Caribbean cruise on the Ruby out of New York City where we live and the second night when we went to dinner we were placed with three other couples, the three men were all hot shot wall street brokers and they were bragging about the deals and tricks they do giving me hot stock tips, telling what to watch for in a few weeks, basicaly breaking the law and bragging about it, after the main course was done one of them asked me what I do for a living. I just could not resist the temptation, I replied that I was an Investigator for the Securities and Exchange Commision, well you should have seen their faces, they jumped up said hey look at the time we got to go, but you did not have dessert and coffee I said, by the way I didnt catch your names. The waiter came over looked at them almost running out of the dinning room turned to me and asked what happend, I told him that they said they had a show to catch. My wife looked at me and said, really the SEC, really. I would wave to them every time I saw them on and off the ship. I'm a Carpenter and my wife is a Teacher, no SEC.


Love it.

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A few years back we were on a Caribbean cruise on the Ruby out of New York City where we live and the second night when we went to dinner we were placed with three other couples, the three men were all hot shot wall street brokers and they were bragging about the deals and tricks they do giving me hot stock tips, telling what to watch for in a few weeks, basicaly breaking the law and bragging about it, after the main course was done one of them asked me what I do for a living. I just could not resist the temptation, I replied that I was an Investigator for the Securities and Exchange Commision, well you should have seen their faces, they jumped up said hey look at the time we got to go, but you did not have dessert and coffee I said, by the way I didnt catch your names. The waiter came over looked at them almost running out of the dinning room turned to me and asked what happend, I told him that they said they had a show to catch. My wife looked at me and said, really the SEC, really. I would wave to them every time I saw them on and off the ship. I'm a Carpenter and my wife is a Teacher, no SEC.
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My wife looked at me and said, really the SEC, really. I would wave to them every time I saw them on and off the ship. I'm a Carpenter and my wife is a Teacher, no SEC.


Your wife would make one helluva good " straight man" as i dont know how she kept from breaking out in peels of laughter with your deadpan answer...best story i' ve heard in a long time! :D

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Your wife would make one helluva good " straight man" as i dont know how she kept from breaking out in peels of laughter with your deadpan answer...best story i' ve heard in a long time! :D



Actually, we were laughing for about ten minutes after they left, we were on the cruise celebrating our 24th anniversary, she is a good side kick, she said to me that the guy across from her turned pale, she thought he was going to toss the steak that he just ate. things are good when you can make each other laugh like that.

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