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Cruising with your parents...memories.

Brenna's Mom1

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Many of us have cruised as grown adults with our "older" parents since a Cruise ship seems a darn good way to do that. What are your memories (new or old) about those times.


I'll never forget trying to keep track of both parents...there were six of us and two of them, but they always seemed to wander off at the most inappropriate times. And when we did finally corral them together to go into dinner, etc. they always let us know that "they" hadn't wandered off, the ship had just moved. I loved it.

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Took my mom (who was 79 at the time) on a Liberty cruise last August (Unfortunately, dad didn't want to go :(). Anyway, some of my faves about mom:


  • Her refusal to go out on the balcony unless the ship was docked. She would stand in the doorway and take a quick peek but that was as far as it went for her
  • She would watch our son and his cousin like hawks...she's very very VERY protective of them and it amused me how she would pretty much hover over the pool when they were swimming. But after the 2nd day or so, she realized just how protective she was being and actually backed down.
  • Dancing with one of the vendors in San Juan
  • She completely fell in love with Guy's Burgers
  • She was more of a night-hawk than the rest of us and loved visiting the casino
  • But funniest of all was when she told me that the whole time, she thought that on sea days, we were "anchored" out to sea but still close enough to the previous islands to go back if needed. I guess that it was such a smooth sailing that it never bothered her.

Overall I truly enjoyed her and am trying my best to convince her to cruise again with us this coming August.

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FIL winning the Hairy Chest contest for the third time when he was 80.

The video played over and over and everybody knew him. Greeting him with Hi 5's etc.

MIL wasn't too happy about it and pouted the rest of the cruise.

Didn't help that the group with us told her she was being foolish, lol.

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My mother has been batteling Cancer for awhile now. I have done many cruises with her. Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico, Disney..... I have so many memories from all of these that I will never forget. We have had many great times together during these trips. I love my mom because she is not afraid to try new things. She will always get a new food to try, go down the waterslide, or try out some new activity.


Too many people have regrets about lost opportunites when their parents have passed on. I can honestly say that I will never have these feelings. I have taken every opportunity to get to know and share life with my parents, Many of this is thanks to cruising. I will always have many, many memories of our great times together in far away places.

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However, if you want details....


- Wasting the day away at Nachi Cocum in Cozumel

- Doing a helicopter tour of the island of Kauai on our Hawaii cruise

- Getting up close to the face of Dawe's Glacier on the expidition boat in Alaska

- Watching her go down the slides on Imagination

- Watching her looks of awe and wonder as we explored Allure of the Seas

- Seeing her bargain with a Jamaican man over a necklace

- Watching her hunt down Mickey Mouse so we could get a picture together on the Disney Dream


Many, Many, more.....thank you OP for giving me the opportunity to smile today.

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My parents could NEVER afford a cruise when I was younger. We were lucky to get 2 weeks down the shore in a cramped 2 bedroom apartment that we shared with my aunts, uncles and cousins.


My father turned 81 last year and my mom passed away about 30 years ago. My dad since remarried for about 20 years now and still never truly went away, they'd take car trips to Florida to visit friends ... that's about it.


Last year I invited them to the Southern Caribbean cruise out of San Juan. They were on sensory overload, we stayed in San Juan 2 nights pre-cruise, went on all the excursions on each of the 5 islands we visited after that, etc. My dad, albeit in a wheelchair, kept up with us and had a grand ol' time, even my stepmom!


After the cruise they said they didn't think they would ever be able to cruise again, they said they were getting old and it would be too much for them to keep up with us again.


Yesterday, I found an awesome deal on the new NCL Breakaway that will call New York City her homeport. I booked for DD and I, then thought again about my dad and stepmom and called them. I told them a new ship out of New York City is coming and I booked already for November, it's a port we can easily get to by car, train or bus - door-to-door in less than 2 hours.


Do you want me to reserve you a cabin too?? My stepmom's answer: YES! Her next question: Where are we going?

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AWWWE....this thread really makes me smile. God will bless all of you for bringing your parents with you on your cruises. "Honor your mother and father and your days on earth will be long." Not sure of where that is, but it's in the Old Testiment. God bless you all....


We took my mom with us in '06. We had our oldest son then. He passed 3.5yrs ago due to an accident at 14. We just NEVER know what God has planned for our future. We can't take "things" with us when we leave this world, but in my belief, we can take memories. Those are PRECIOUS! Bringing your parents with you on your cruise is something we'll NEVER forget. She went again with us in '11 to celebrate my dh's 50th birthday. (Trust me, we needed something to celebrate after what we had endured almost two years prior.) She enjoyed it as much as we did. She's going with us again in about 60+ days!!!:D


My best memory was on the last cruise. She didn't want to go explore San Juan with us at that port. We knew she'd LOVE the history though and were sad for her for it. She said her stomach felt bad that morning. Well, what a surprise it was when we got back from exploring one of the forts and having lunch in OSJ when we got back onboard, to discover that yes indeed she HAD been out! This is a woman is who is scared to death to be alone or to travel solo. (my dad died about 10yrs ago) She not only got off the ship, but she hopped on an impromptu tour bus and for like $15 or something, the man took her and about 15 others around the whole town and stopped to take photos at all the landmarks. I was soooo proud of her!!!!!:D:D


Moral of this story is that if you are afraid your parents can't keep up, you'd be surprised if you just let go and give them some slack, they can create some of their own memories! That's what I love about cruising. You have so many choices of what to do. Everyone is so super laid back!

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LOVE this thread! I think my favorite memories are all from my very first cruise with my parents.


- Getting on board for the first time and being tricked into thinking the DODs on the tray were free. My mom made us all grab one and she kept yelling "take them! they're handing them out as a welcome!" ... $35 later she realized she was wrong.


- We went to have our first formal portaits done on Promenade across from the casino and my dad thought the backdrop was a sturdy wall so he leaned against it and the whole thing fell down. Everyone stopped to stare and people started clapping... I was 15 and of course mortified. LOL


- We all went to play Bingo in the main lounge one night and dad didn't get that Bingo wasn't just straight across one row... He of course gets all the numbers in one row and he has stood up and yelled BINGO! (so loud I'm sure people on Lido heard him... poor guy was so excited only to realize they were playing some random formation. LOL...


As you can see my dad was quite the first time cruiser. :D


- Last one was I think my favorite one... Second cruise we took my parents had their own room and one day I walked in and find my mom (51 years old), her hairbrush in hand, standing up on their bed (dancing) and singing to the Beatles which were playing on those headboard radios the Victory used to have. It was so great to see them both acting like kids.

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After my father passes away in 2011, we took my mom on her 1st cruise. Highlights:


-Her eyes when she 1st saw the ship.

-The amazement in her eyes when she stepped on the ship.

-Finding her best DOD

-The good times that she had and all the memories made on that trip.


I only wished my dad was still here with us and well enough to make the trip with us :(.

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These are great stories! My sister and I (and our husbands) are taking my parents on their first cruise together (my mom cruised with her family before they were married) in June to celebrate their 50th anniversary. I am so excited and all your stories are making me even more so.


I know my mom, who will turn 72 on the second day of the cruise, is already planning to try the waterslides, ropes course and mini-golf. She'll do anything. I think my dad is most excited just to be on the water with his whole family. He went to the California Maritime Academy and was in the Merchant Marines for a while way back in the day. This will be his first pleasure cruise and he can't wait.

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Reading this thread has me sooooo excited! We are going on the Magic February 3rd and my in-laws and my dad and stepmom are going with us. DH and I are so excited to be going with our parents. My dad & stepmom have cruised before but never with us. My inlaws have never cruised much less been on a vacation. We are all very excited. My mother in law said she wanted to go zipling so we jumped on it and are planning on doing that in Jamaica. We are all going to swim with the stingrays in Grand Cayman.


Reading all the responses to this thread has me grinning from ear to ear. I can not wait to make some wonderful memories with our parents!

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Lots of memories!

--My mom winning not one, but two jackpots in the casino! (all I got was the t-shirt!)

--My mom trying chocolate melting cake for the first time -- she didn't come up for air, she just kept spooning it into her mouth

--Watching her expression when she saw the cruise ship for the first time!

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We did quite a few cruises and Europe trips with our parents but the last one we did before my mother passed away last year was one of the best.


We pulled a "sting" on our parents, they did not know that my sister and her husband were also going on the cruise. My sister dropped them off at the airport and told them to have a wonderful time. All arrangements had been made, including a table for six in the dining room and the waiters had been clued in. I made sure they were seated with their backs to the entrance to the dining room. After the four of us were seated, my sister and husband came up behind them and casually said "are these seats available?" You should have seen the expressions on our parents faces.........priceless. It gave them great joy to have us all together.


All of these trips have left me with treasured memories and I wish my mother was still here to go on the British Isles cruise we're going on this year.

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I've cruised with my mom three times.


The first was for her 50th birthday - she took me, my husband, and my sister on the cruise with her so that she could *hide* from the rest of the family and whatever they might do to embarrass her. Sis and I posted birthday messages all over her cabin door, and she was so surprised to get good wishes from random strangers all week :D Then she surprised me with an upgrade to first class on my flight home.


Eight years later I was newly divorced and starting to plan my first vacation ever on my own. She asked if I wanted to go on a singles cruise with her "because it's so much more fun to be with someone you love". We spent 3 days sightseeing in Seattle together, then a week on ship. It was wonderful to watch my mom being pursued by eligible men...and then to see her giggle with female friends she'd met on previous cruises. We had a great time together - and half the time she was still out partying with her friends when I went to bed.


Last year I invited her on Disney cruise with me, my little kids, and some friends. She decorated all of our cabin doors and coordinated pirate outfits for all of us. And one night we put the kids in the kids' club and stood in line to get our pictures taken with pirate Minnie Mouse. It was so much fun to pretend to be a kid again :)


Trying to coordinate a family Thanksgiving cruise this year. I really enjoy cruising with her.

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This is such a great thread! Growing up we never cruised, but took plenty of family vacations of which there are more great memories than I can even begin to share here. As an adult, we were able to cruise several times with my parents before my father passed away. By the time we started cruising, my father was having to use an electric scooter to get around. Some of the best memories of him cruising were the fact that he went everywhere on that scooter. I mean EVERYWHERE! He would go exploring the ship with his camera on sea days. We would find out later that he would make a wrong turn and would end up in a crew area. Instead of running him back into the passenger areas, he would apologize for being lost and ask a question. The next thing you know he was being shown around the area he was in. By the end of a 7 day cruise he would have a pretty good behind the scenes tour.


We have since cruised a couple of times with my mother. She and our son (now 13) always share a room. Once we step on board, its almost like she takes mine and my wife's parental rights (responsibilities? :)) away from us. He spends part of the time in the teen/tween area and the rest of his time with her. They go do all sorts of activities together and both of them really have a blast together. Any time my wife or I try to act like a parent to our son, she practically tells us that he's fine and to leave him alone. After each cruise they have both spent weeks talking about all the fun they had and start planning another cruise.

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What beautiful memories you all have made with your parents. I especially like it when the grandkids share those:) I, unfortunatly never got to cruise with my parents, but have a ton of other special memories of our time together.


I am trying to get my in-laws to do a cruise with us. Our interests are different than theirs (I want to be on a beach and my MIL wants to shop) so I think that is why a cruise together would be perfect. There are so many different things to do we can all be happy. They have cruised before and actually are doing a European river cruise this summer.


My MIL was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (very early) and would love to spend some time with her and my FIL before things get hard.

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my memories are with my grandparents, and that is the absolute best. i think my grandfather took it upon himself to make sure he embarrassed each and everyone of us, but with a sly wink and a twinkle and a present for allowing us to be the butt of his very poor attempts at jokes. nothing was better than getting that praise when we went diving for the first time, or mastered the zip lines, or his wonderment when we dove off cliffs or went ocean water skiing. and the most magical parts were late sitting dinner when we always geared the conversation to our family history, and how the staff would have to kick us out because each of us were enthralled with the stories. i don't know why but cruising just seems to bond generations.

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My Mom lives on the opposite side of the country from me, so in addition to visiting each other's houses we also try to meet up somewhere else for a trip at least once a year.


We did our first mother/daughter cruise when I was 21 on about 10 days notice because it just sounded like a fun thing to try. Then we switched to AI's in the Bahamas for a while, but have since been on 3 more cruises together. One just the two of us, one with my stepdad to celebrate their 20th anniversary, and one with a number of other family members for my wedding last summer. I'll always treasure the memories and photos from each one.


I'm counting down the days until our next cruise in March which will be my Aunt and cousin's first cruise! They came to my wedding on the ship, but left after the ceremony because my Aunt was afraid of cruising. However, once they saw the ship I guess she decided it wouldn't be too bad since they agreed to go on this one. Wishing it were sooner as I am NOT enjoying the 10 degree temperatures here...

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We did a family reunion cruise to Alaska in 2006 with my mom, who was then 85, and my 3 brothers and their families. This photo is of me, my mom, and one of my brothers and his wife on the glacier. We were terrified that my mom would slip, fall and break a hip. Fortunately she did not! She's still alive, age 91, but her cruising days are behind her. This is a happy memory, though.


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I would love to have cruised with my parents. But it is something that my father would never have considered. He was a control freak, and if it wasn't his idea...But if we could have got him on the ship, he would have loved much of it. He loved to eat out, so would have loved the dining. He would have enjoyed the shows, but most of all, he was a people watcher. I think a chair in the shade with a good view of the bikinis...My mother would have loved it all. she loved to try new things. But they were gone before I resumed cruising, and it was inheritance from her that allowed my sister and me to start cruising. So I guess she is with us, in a way. EM

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My Mom, Step Dad and 2 brothers came with us on our Carnival Inspiration trip. We drove (from Michigan) a rented van and my Mom took her car. The plan was to visit my Grandmother who lived in Palmetto at the time for a few days pre-cruise. The troubles started on the way down when a fuse blew in my Mom's car making it impossible to get into their trunk where their luggage and Step Dad's wheel chair was stored. We spent about 4 hours at a dealership in Atlanta waiting for them to get to their car and fix it. We made it to Palmetto much later than anticipated. The next day one of my brothers got into a huge argument with the step dad at Grandmothers place. They were 2 adults acting far worse than my 2 children ever do. Looking forward to this cruise now :rolleyes:. On the way into Tampa on embarkation day a cooler flew out of the back of a truck in front of us, flew over our van and smashed into my mothers front windshield on the drivers side. Luckily we were close enough to the terminal for DH to take over driving her car slowly until we got there. The parking lot attendants were wonderful and helped us get everything set up to get the windshield repaired while we were on the cruise.


During the cruise my mother was sea sick most of the time...nothing we tried help her. My step dad complained about every little thing whether there was something wrong with them or not. I felt so bad for our waitress who was wonderful. Needless to say we never asked them to go along again.


On a side note we also had issues with my father in law when we took him on vacation with us out west. First his luggage got lost and it took almost 3 days for it to catch up with us at the hotel. Then he couldn't sleep anywhere...it just wasn't his bed. Finally when we went to go home, DH dropped me and DS, who was 2 at the time, at the airport (LAX). He parked outside the drop off and helped me get our luggage inside and was then going with his Dad to take the rental car back. As he was helping me get the luggage inside the security told his Dad he had to move the car. DH went back out and his Dad and the car were gone and nobody could tell him where they went. Talk about panic attack. I stayed by the terminal while DH walked up and down the street looking for him. Luckily his Dad remembered what airline we were on and happened to find parking for that airline. He was walking past the terminal when I spotted him. Talk about relief. I guess we just weren't meant to take parents along...

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My first cruise was with my (now ex) in-laws. The thing I remember most was that FIL (who was only in his late 60s at the time) could not figure out his way around the ship and kept getting lost. He had to ask a crew member to help him get back to his cabin once.


My mother turned 70 last year and has never really been anywhere or been on a "fancy" vacation of any kind. Last year as I stood on deck in Glacier Bay, I thought, "My mother needs to see this." We've talked about her going on a cruise with us, but it's always "someday". Well, I realize she's getting older, and while she's still healthy and active, you just never know. No more "someday" - she's going with us this summer! I cannot wait to see her face when she sees the ship, when we walk inside and she sees the atrium, when she has that first delicious meal, and Glacier Bay! She loves the ocean and I know she will just be in heaven the whole time!

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