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Another Q&A?

Another Q&A?  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Another Q&A?


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So, the first Q&A with Fraser I thought was a success. He did say that there would be another one sometime this year, but do we think we would like one now? I realise that it hasn't been that long since the last one, but it seems many members want some answers regarding certain topics from the man at the top.


There have been a lot of questions recently regarding AI changes and the so called Platinum refurbishment. The Thomson social media team have said that some queries will have to be taken up with Fraser on the next Q&A. So, do you think we want one soon?


If you'd like to see another Q&A soon, click the 'Yes Please' on the poll at the top, and we will see how many we get. :)

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To be honest Sailaway, I am not interested in another Q & A, but your post is quite timely as I had been giving the previous Q & A some thourght.


I personally think that since the Q & A session and good old Thomsons getting on board with us, the slant of this forum has changed, whereas before it was very lighthearted, informative forum, contributors experiences were shared and of course on the occasional 'problem experienced' posts advice given on the best way ahead or tea and sympathy and the 'virtual' shoulder given to cry on. Trolls were baited and put in there place before being banished.


Now the forum IMO is more negative, and the phrase 'come on Thomsons what are you going to do about it', is oft repeated. We are in danger of changing from a forum for discussing what we like best, our cruises on the Thomson fleet and our holiday experiences good or bad, to a Thomson Customer Service Centre.:)



And that Is why I don't want a Q & A and also because I could easily answer on behlaf of FE almost all of those tricky questions........'Sorry but I can not comment on business critical questions' :rolleyes::)


Please do not take this post as a slight against you, the tips and insider gossip you have provided has been very helpful and interesting so I would wish to Thank you for that.......Per hap we should hav a Q & A with Sailaway instead :D

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I agree with you topsey


this is not going to be an easy rose garden collaboration


I agree that its very easy to post negative/emotive comments directed at a faceless company, they don’t have the /feelings/passion/ego that we have, and this is why they can never fully engage with us


at the moment we are giving away our ‘valuable’ feedback to the company for what seems like nothing….but we were always doing that anyway (and they were probably monitoring the whole time, anyway)


to my eye its quite attractive that there is a tangible presence here …makes us feel that have not been left completely in the dark and we do now have an outlet right here, to highlight the issues most important to us, that may not have previously come to their attention and we know they are listening


but it’s a double edged sword


the issues we really want to know about, they cant answer in an open forum


but we have gotta just keep trying (sigh)….we may get that loyalty scheme yet (thumbup)

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I voted no. I think it is too soon to have FE back. I don't think he will have much more to say to us than he did previously and I would rather wait a while.


Regarding Topsey's comments, I would agree that there is more negativity and I would agree that some of that is around the team being on the forum to answer our questions. I like the answers straight from the horses mouth. If it shows that the team don't know what they should know, then good, they need to do better. However, we used to make the same sort of points before with no-one to direct them to. So, I would rather keep them here.


I view the "negativity" differently. I see it as "opinion". I love reading the amusing comments and visual posts on the forum and I am sure we will still see those and return to that balance again where the forum was a more positive place. However, for me that is a bonus and the real reason I come on here is to share information. In the last year there have been major changes to Thomson fleet and to the product in terms of increased charges, changes to AI etc. I think in a period of change like that is bound to be reflected in what we see in the forum as people experience these changes and react to them.


Topsey, I love your blog and if everyone could describe negativitity with your humour (or Geo's) we would not be having this conversation.

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Although id like another Q&A just because of the negative feedback recently regarding the Dream ive got to say Topsey has possibly hit the nail on the head.

Perhaps a better idea would be for some sort of private session with just Sailaway and FE where Sailaway could summarise all the little niggles into a few easy to digest questions, this would save poor FE having to answer lots of what are in fact often things that could be answered here on the forum by the old timers or the “team”.

I think the team are a good thing and they seem to be getting better , not so many "stock " answers now and they are helping aren’t they?

Its just there are many questions they cannot answer and like Topsey and geo have said all getting a bit negative on here now and that’s a real shame i agree.

Maybe another Q&A so soon will just add to the negativity further and that would be terrible.

So how about electing sailaway as our spokes person, he could put it to FE that we are worried regarding the recent Dream issues and any other more serious points without as ive said all the minor questions that can actually be answered by the team.

Sailaway could then do a report with the results and we are all happy (or hopefully most of us will be) as let’s face it its only getting so negative on here as we have had no re-assurance that things will change etc… for all we know they are possibly working a sweat up behind the scenes making changes after reading the reviews !

Would be a good compromise and good for Thompsons too, let’s face it I’m sure all the bad vibes on here at the min are not good for business, let’s ask the question is in private hopefully via Sailaway if he’s up for it and get back to normal.

What does everyone else think and more importantly , what do you think Sailaway ?

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Sorry, although Sailaway may do a sterling job, i don't know him from Adam, and don't see why he should be selected as a spokesperson for an open forum.


If there is another Q&A session, i don't see why i shouldn't be able to ask my own questions, same as anyone else.

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Sorry, although Sailaway may do a sterling job, i don't know him from Adam, and don't see why he should be selected as a spokesperson for an open forum.


If there is another Q&A session, i don't see why i shouldn't be able to ask my own questions, same as anyone else.


Just thought it would streamline things a bit Sodafountain.

It isnt so long ago we had the Q&A, FE may not agree to another but he may be happy to sit and look at one email with a summery of the most pressing questions.

Things are getting so negative at the moment mostly due in part to the expectations of thae Platinum upgrade ( seems more people unhappy with the Dream than celebration although that is not yet finished) and the latest reviews which also touch on other problems.

I hoped if some answers came sooner rather than later and from FE himself things would get back to normal.

It doesnt really matter who asks the questions ( IMO) just that they are asked and to the right person.

Last time on the Q&A several people asked a similar question so just thought it may be a way to get some answers to the more serious worries for now, get some good feeling back on the forum and lighten the atmosphere again :):)

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I wouldn't be interested in a question and answer like the last time. Topsey is right......'sorry I can't comment on the business side'! The majority would still be asking the same things and still wouldn't get a proper answer.


Thomson without doubt will have been keeping an eye on this forum before their presence was announced. Smart move and smart research tool to improve any company and its profits. No expensive market research fees when all the feedback and information is in black and white on here for free, just a shame they don't listen unless its all 'wonderful' Thomson. The team are portrayed as being a valuable addition to Thomson customer service but are they? No not from the customers point of view. Questions go unanswered for long periods of time, stock answers are often given and some I am certain are incorrect information. (Do not get me wrong, I am not blaming the team who attempt to answer on the forum. It is their superiors FE especially that should be ensuring that staff are correctly trained and given the opportunity to have the knowledge enabling them to correctly and appropriately answer.) It is in my opinion nothing less than a failed attempt at PR! We're told the recurrent issues will filter up the tree but we shall see!


So far Thomson have only proved their incompatence in the customer service/relations department but then thats not anything that we didn't already know!


I think this is a great forum, its probably the most friendly and honest one with a good dash of humour thrown in. Tell you what I would like to see though is loads more photos of ships etc. Don't any of you forget its the people onboard the Thomson ships that make the experience great and that includes all of you here on the forum :D

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I wouldn't be interested in a question and answer like the last time. Topsey is right......'sorry I can't comment on the business side'! The majority would still be asking the same things and still wouldn't get a proper answer.


Thomson without doubt will have been keeping an eye on this forum before their presence was announced. Smart move and smart research tool to improve any company and its profits. No expensive market research fees when all the feedback and information is in black and white on here for free, just a shame they don't listen unless its all 'wonderful' Thomson. The team are portrayed as being a valuable addition to Thomson customer service but are they? No not from the customers point of view. Questions go unanswered for long periods of time, stock answers are often given and some I am certain are incorrect information. (Do not get me wrong, I am not blaming the team who attempt to answer on the forum. It is their superiors FE especially that should be ensuring that staff are correctly trained and given the opportunity to have the knowledge enabling them to correctly and appropriately answer.) It is in my opinion nothing less than a failed attempt at PR! We're told the recurrent issues will filter up the tree but we shall see!


So far Thomson have only proved their incompatence in the customer service/relations department but then thats not anything that we didn't already know!


I think this is a great forum, its probably the most friendly and honest one with a good dash of humour thrown in. Tell you what I would like to see though is loads more photos of ships etc. Don't any of you forget its the people onboard the Thomson ships that make the experience great just like on here :D


If i could master uploading onto here would add a few :confused::confused:

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I wouldn't be interested in a question and answer like the last time. Topsey is right......'sorry I can't comment on the business side'! The majority would still be asking the same things and still wouldn't get a proper answer.


Thomson without doubt will have been keeping an eye on this forum before their presence was announced. Smart move and smart research tool to improve any company and its profits. No expensive market research fees when all the feedback and information is in black and white on here for free, just a shame they don't listen unless its all 'wonderful' Thomson. The team are portrayed as being a valuable addition to Thomson customer service but are they? No not from the customers point of view. Questions go unanswered for long periods of time, stock answers are often given and some I am certain are incorrect information. (Do not get me wrong, I am not blaming the team who attempt to answer on the forum. It is their superiors FE especially that should be ensuring that staff are correctly trained and given the opportunity to have the knowledge enabling them to correctly and appropriately answer.) It is in my opinion nothing less than a failed attempt at PR! We're told the recurrent issues will filter up the tree but we shall see!


So far Thomson have only proved their incompatence in the customer service/relations department but then thats not anything that we didn't already know!


I think this is a great forum, its probably the most friendly and honest one with a good dash of humour thrown in. Tell you what I would like to see though is loads more photos of ships etc. Don't any of you forget its the people onboard the Thomson ships that make the experience great and that includes all of you here on the forum :D


Think you have hit the nail on the head, Whistler :cool:

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Sorry, although Sailaway may do a sterling job, i don't know him from Adam, and don't see why he should be selected as a spokesperson for an open forum.


If there is another Q&A session, i don't see why i shouldn't be able to ask my own questions, same as anyone else.


Yes I agree as well ,what would be the point of an open forum if you were to appoint anyone off these boards .

The idea of these boards is for us to all work together with each other to find what we need to know.

Glad you are thinking of new ideas Dreamgirl ,nothing wrong with that and I am pleased that you have thrown this idea into the arena

but sorry I personally would like us all to be part of anything that happens on this board.

This way no one could say " well the appointed one said this and the chairman said he never did ,he/She must have misunderstood."

Reading through the boards this week I have read whre the Thomson Team have replied with .. " Sorry for any confusion/Hope this clarifies" etc . So to go 3rd hand etc would be to me a no-no .

Just my opinion but I say lets keep it open and friendly as thats what brought us all here in the first place.:)

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Yes I agree as well ,what would be the point of an open forum if you were to appoint anyone off these boards .

The idea of these boards is for us to all work together with each other to find what we need to know.

Glad you are thinking of new ideas Dreamgirl ,nothing wrong with that and I am pleased that you have thrown this idea into the arena

but sorry I personally would like us all to be part of anything that happens on this board.

This way no one could say " well the appointed one said this and the chairman said he never did ,he/She must have misunderstood."

Reading through the boards this week I have read whre the Thomson Team have replied with .. " Sorry for any confusion/Hope this clarifies" etc . So to go 3rd hand etc would be to me a no-no .

Just my opinion but I say lets keep it open and friendly as thats what brought us all here in the first place.:)


Good post, Kalos. I wish they had a like/agree button on here.

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Yes I agree as well ,what would be the point of an open forum if you were to appoint anyone off these boards .

The idea of these boards is for us to all work together with each other to find what we need to know.

Glad you are thinking of new ideas Dreamgirl ,nothing wrong with that and I am pleased that you have thrown this idea into the arena

but sorry I personally would like us all to be part of anything that happens on this board.

This way no one could say " well the appointed one said this and the chairman said he never did ,he/She must have misunderstood."

Reading through the boards this week I have read whre the Thomson Team have replied with .. " Sorry for any confusion/Hope this clarifies" etc . So to go 3rd hand etc would be to me a no-no .

Just my opinion but I say lets keep it open and friendly as thats what brought us all here in the first place.:)


this is getting more confusing than the AI Thread :confused:


all I want is a good holiday/ cruise think there is too much "nit picking" going on


lets keep it light folks :)



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To be honest Sailaway, I am not interested in another Q & A, but your post is quite timely as I had been giving the previous Q & A some thourght.


I personally think that since the Q & A session and good old Thomsons getting on board with us, the slant of this forum has changed, whereas before it was very lighthearted, informative forum, contributors experiences were shared and of course on the occasional 'problem experienced' posts advice given on the best way ahead or tea and sympathy and the 'virtual' shoulder given to cry on. Trolls were baited and put in there place before being banished.


Now the forum IMO is more negative, and the phrase 'come on Thomsons what are you going to do about it', is oft repeated. We are in danger of changing from a forum for discussing what we like best, our cruises on the Thomson fleet and our holiday experiences good or bad, to a Thomson Customer Service Centre.:)



And that Is why I don't want a Q & A and also because I could easily answer on behlaf of FE almost all of those tricky questions........'Sorry but I can not comment on business critical questions' :rolleyes::)


Please do not take this post as a slight against you, the tips and insider gossip you have provided has been very helpful and interesting so I would wish to Thank you for that.......Per hap we should hav a Q & A with Sailaway instead :D



agree with above and that is me :)

Sailaway over to you


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I think it's too soon for another Q&A. Although there were a lot of good questions asked on the last one, I found a lot were just having a moan, so I think another one so soon would produce more petty gripes than actual questions.


Very astute Topsey I think I agree with you on this.

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Oh that would be amazing, maybe we need a thread on how to load pics? Any of you smarty pants posters out there want to help us get going? Please?


goto this website




click 'choose files' button....choose a photo from your computer & click open


hit 'upload it'


after the pic has uploaded


click on the 'copy to clipboard' button next to: hotlink for forums


open a message box on here


paste the hotlink code into your message (ctrl tab and v)


good to go

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Good post, Kalos. I wish they had a like/agree button on here.


Thanks Nell :)



this is getting more confusing than the AI Thread :confused:


all I want is a good holiday/ cruise think there is too much "nit picking" going on


lets keep it light folks :)




Yep Stevie I do holidays .. " Nit Picking" .. :confused: ... not in my nature :cool:


So lets all just sit back and watch a nice Chill out Film



Oh and lets all have a nice weekend :D

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goto this website





Cheers for that Geo :D I use Photobucket as a rule but I cannot have too many hosting sites so will give it a go :cool: Thanx ;)


Heres a couple of photos for Dreamgirl and Whistlerbc :)


First is a nice sunset on our sea day over the New Year




And a photo of the Majesty in Madeira ...


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