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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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My parents do this on The Allure. We tried last March but I was recovering from a December ACL surgery so sometimes had to give in and take the elevator. An exception to my parents "no elevator" rule is always formal nights. They'd rather not hike in heels and suits.


Yeah I was thinking heels might slow this idea down. But it's good to hear that it is possible and not completely insane.

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Actually for the most part the ship only felt crowded on day one, after that it felt pretty good. The only thing we had trouble with were the elevators, they really should of added more or at least apply a different software algorithm.


Agreed. Sometimes there would be one readily available, other times it was at least 5 min wait. I got fed up and took 6 flights of stairs from 5-11 a couple times (which only served to remind me how out of shape I am!)

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Hey - I'm back! Thanks for all of the comments, tips, suggestions, everyone...and for being patient. My class last night had nine new volunteers, and it went AMAZING! :) I love teaching. :)


I did take the stairs - intermittently - so I do have some pics of some of the amazing artwork that can be found in the stairwells. I just didn't do six flights of stairs in one bunch - except for that one time after Muster Drill.... Not only was I huffing and puffing, but my broken foot was NOT happy about that!!! ;) I would try to take the stairs (1-2 flights at most) as much as I could, to offset the free cookies from the Cafe Promenade, as well as the (not free!) cupcakes from Cupcake Cupboard....


I'll try to go back and address each comment, post, etc when I get caught up on my own postings.... :)

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We left off our ship tour yesterday in Central Park...truly one of the most beautiful places on the ship...and one of my favorite spots....


We’ve now reached 150 Central Park…the ship’s premier restaurant, and certainly one of my favorites.




The restaurant serves a six-course tasting menu from it’s own kitchen – the only kitchen onboard that is NOT connected to the main galley. One menu is served the first four nights of the cruise, and a second menu will then be served the last three nights of the cruise – so foodies can dine here twice and not have the same thing. (And yes. I dined here twice, just so I could sample both menus. Reviews & photos to follow later. You're welcome. Geesh...the sacrifices one must make to write an EPIC review...dining & indulging in all of these culinary delights...!)




The inside...



I LOVED the décor inside – from the beautiful flowers in the main entry:



...can I take these home with me? Not that they'd match anything I have in my house, but they're just so darn pretty....!



…to the armchairs that looked whimsical, fun – and yet, once seated inside, very cozy and comforting. Yes. I have chair envy. I would LOVE to have these chairs in my own house...of course, if the chef at 150 Park Central came with the chairs, it would be HEAVEN. Of course, this means I've pretty much wiped out the restaurant - by removing the flowers, the chairs and the chef. <shrugs>



Don't you just LOVE those chairs? Even if you don't dine here, stop by on the first day onboard and take a peek at those chairs...they're awesome!



There are 76 seats in this small restaurant, and reservations are a MUST. However, I had no problem NOT booking in advance of the cruise; I was able to make my reservations while onboard. I went there right after I boarded the ship (while en route to get the roast beef sandwich across the way....)


Dinner takes approximately two hours, so keep this in mind if you’re trying to attend a show. My reservations were at 6:00 pm, which usually gave me plenty of time to make an 8:30 show, when needed.


When paired with wine, the cover charge for 150 Central Park is $75, and without wine, it’s $40. However, I purchased the Central Park Dining Package when I first boarded the ship, which cost $70 – this included my cover charges for not only 150 Central Park, but Giovanni’s Table and Chops Grille, as well.


I guess this is as good as time as any to mention that I had a mission when I booked this cruise:


My mission: Eat at every single restaurant (except for the MDR) onboard.


Did I accomplish my mission?


You'll have to keep reading to find out. ;)


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Let’s talk now about the Rising Tide Bar.




...Poor quality photo, but it gives you an idea of what the bar looks like...and how small it is....



To begin with, it’s very unique…a bar that slowly raises – and lowers – over three decks…you’ll be surrounded by the splash of color and noise in the Royal Promenade, and soon, you’ll find yourself in the tranquility and beauty of Central Park at night…without ever leaving your seat. The leisurely trip takes 8 minutes – plenty of time to enjoy a drink (or two) with friends.



The funny thing is, the movement is so subtle…so slow…and you’ll be so engrossed in conversation with your friends…that you won’t even realize you’re moving. It wouldn’t be until we’d reached the peacefulness of Central Park that I would suddenly be like, “Hey! We MOVED!”



Did you know that in the original designs of the Oasis-class ships, the Rising Tide Bar didn’t exist? The designers wanted a way to connect the Royal Promenade with Central Park, and the original plans had glass elevators linking the two. The plans became more dynamic over time, and eventually, a concept of a “drinking elevator” took hold, and the Rising Tide was born. I think it's ingenious - just like the Freestyle Coke Machines - and I hope to see more of these moving bars in future ships.




When the Rising Tide is "up" in Central Park...this is how it looks below in the Royal Promenade...a water & light show will be entertaining the guests....




Another shot of the water & light show in the Promenade....



It’s a small, but popular venue – capacity is 35 people. There are times posted throughout the day of when the next “departure” takes place:





I found that the bar was more crowded at the beginning of the cruise, but as the week went on, the novelty wore off, and it was easier to catch a ride and find a seat.


My other suggestion would be to ESPECIALLY make sure you ride this at night…as there’s just something magically about “floating” up to Central Park under the stars and beautiful lights….



So pretty....



I'll talk more about the Rising Tide later, but I would HIGHLY recommend this. The bartending staff here were extremely friendly - almost like a "Cheers" place, where everybody knows your name.

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I would join the "I'm never sailing on that monstrosity:eek:" group in feeling that this class of ship was just too big.


As I say that, I am searching the RCI website for a future family cruise.


I am so excited to read the rest of your review!!


I will also be reading your Freedom review as I will be sailing on her for the 5th time in just over a month and you now have me wondering if I might have missed some of the good stuff.:p


Thank you for the wonderful review!


Yup - never say never!!! I hope you enjoy the Freedom review - that was a Mother/Daughter cruise, so I didn't get to...um...partake in adult activities, so to speak - so it was a little different experience. ;)



First, I absolutely LOVED your Serenade review with your family from last summer. I mean, LOVED it. So much so that I sent the link to someone I have sailing on Serenade this July for a 12 night cruise with her husband and daughter (16th birthday celebration). And I told her to read it and use it as a guide for excursions while on the cruise. And to use your information to book. And to not book through me. I am her agent. And I sent her to your review for booking information. Because that's how much I LOVED your review.


Second, thank you for all of this detailed information about Allure. I am hoping to book it while on Explorer in March for our Spring break 2014 for me, my mom and my 2 Klingons. And the information showing the schedule of outdoor activities at the Aqua Theater is beyond helpful. I was planning on booking 2 Boardwalk view balcony cabins waaaay at the end of the row to get the best view of water, Aqua Theater and ship, and seeing the schedule of events and the times (late) that some run will be most helpful in deciding if I want to do that. My Klingons, at that time, will be 16 (OMG, and he just turned 15 TODAY) and 11.5 so noise running a bit later might not be so much of an issue, but it may be for my mom, so this gives me great information to go on when planning.


Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for your absolutely wonderful trip reports. I must go online at home and try to find your blog as I cannot access that sort of stuff here at work (shh, don't tell anyone what I'm doing LOL!).


Looking forward to your next installment.


Aw, thanks, Janet! I'm glad my reviews can help - both the European and the Allure! :) I appreciate your comments; it's food for the soul. :)

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For anyone new to my reviews, this lady and her husband, Ken, were on our cruise this summer to Europe...and my kids pretty much fell in love with them, as we did!



It's funny you would mention the Alaskan cruise in 2014...a bunch of us on Facebook - from the Serenade cruise - are talking of doing a Reunion cruise in the summer of 2014 - to Alaska. Have you booked yet? I'd love to find out what you're doing - as we need to start looking into it.


Yup, Mike and Mickey are going...don't know about the boys, as they both have jobs now and need to work to pay for college. We're hoping Mike can handle the waves - he has issues with that.


My shoes were Privos...by Clark. I know you can still get them online, as my aunt just bought a pair last week, at my suggestion...although they're only available in black now; I had bronze.


Good luck to Ken on his climb - we MISS you! The Klingons all say hello!!!!!



Hi Sherri,


We have pretty much decided that we are going to spend one week on land and the other on the Radiance. We are going to do the land portion on our own. You know how I hate those cruise excursions!


The plan so far is to fly into Anchorage and rent a car. From there Ken would like to go back to Talkeetna and Denali. After that we haven't decided what we want to do. I do know that we will return the car in Anchorage and take the train to Seward. I have been reading Alaskan boards and have found several reviews with lots of information.


We are planning on going sometime in June or early July. I want to book as soon as the dates open. We would like to try to get a Aft cabin. I am watching every day but don't expect the dates to open until March.


Did you buy any Bling? Ken usually buys me some when we go to the islands.:)


Let me know if you are thinking of going to Alaska. Maybe Ken and I will try to go at the same time.

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Chops Grille




Continuing our circle around Central Park, we’re now on the port side…where we encounter Chops Grille, the signature steakhouse on RCI ships. For experienced RCI cruisers, this Chops Grille is no different than any others – but for new RCI cruisers, all you need to know about it is, if you want a REALLY good steak onboard…this is your place. There’s seafood, as well, so if you’re not into beef – don’t worry. You’ll be fine.



It also has REALLY good desserts, as well, which I’ll mention when I do a review of it later on.


Chops Grille is ONLY open for dinner...between 5:30 and 9:30 pm...and there's a $30 per person fee...but...as I said before, I purchased one of the Specialty Dining Packages, and this included Chops. I had no problems making a reservation for Chops while I was onboard...but I did note that the restaurant was PACKED the night I was there. My recommendation would be, if you KNOW you want to dine here, make your reservations EARLY.




Trellis Bar



The Trellis Bar is an open-air bar that is found in the center of Central Park...would that make it central Central Park?


It's a very small bar - seating approximately 17 people - and appeared to be a popular place, both day and night, with adults. It's really set in a beautiful location, and again, at night time, it would be ideal to enjoy.


It's located right next to the "Living Wall" - a 5-deck high wall of beautiful greenery...






Park Cafe




Ahhh...the Park Cafe...a FREE dining venue that is open every day for breakfast and lunch (7:30 - 6:00 pm)...and the home of the famous (or infamous?) Roast Beef Sandwich.


Paninis, stir fry dishes, salads, and crepes are available for no cost. Here's a close-up of their menu that I took that shows what's available:





The Build-Your-Own-Salad Bar was delicious...I'll have photos later of what the available toppings are:




There's indoor seating, as well as a few outdoor tables...I enjoyed the outdoor tables, as I liked the fresh air and the people-watching...all free, as well!


There's also a separate counter/display for little desserts...but because there's a cash register sitting on top of it, a lot of people (okay...maybe not "a lot" - but certainly MOI) think there is a charge for the desserts. Note: The desserts are FREE - it's the specialty coffees and drinks that have a charge. Don't be confused, like I was...but it didn't take long for me to realize my mistake, and I soon was nibbling on a delicious little pastry....


I'll have a more extensive review of Park Cafe coming up...along with photos of some of the food....


And with just a few more places to stop, we'll be finishing up Deck 8...


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Sherri, I was wondering about what happens in Central Park and Boardwalk area when it rains? I think it is open to the elements, right? Just wondered if it makes it miserable and if the flooring gets slippery from the rain. I know it is not supposed to rain while on a cruise, but you know, sh.....happens (I mean showers happen).:p


I really would love to try the Allure or Oasis sometime. Just have to talk my hubby into it. That means driving to Florida. He won't fly. But, I am willing to do it. Maybe for our 50th anniversary in 3 yrs.


Great review, btw. Pictures are great. Wouldn't have known they were taken with a cell phone.


Gwen :)

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I love your review of the Allure as a solo traveler. At first I thought you were climbing the gangplank to some large resort but then it all sunk in that you were going on a cruise.


I have taken my first cruise last April with my Father on the Serenade from San Juan-Rome and will be on the Navigator from New Orleans-Rome in a few weeks.


I had to get my Father addicted to cruising and I'm 27 not like most parents who get their kids addicted to cruising.


I think I'm going to propose that my Father book us on the Allure with my Mother who has only cruised one to Alaska.


What do we have to lose? I could get my Brother on his first cruise when I show him what the Allure is.


Its much better than an All Inclusive Resort.


Cruising is one of the best ways to relax and unwind while seeing new ports which would be hard to get to flying. I picked the Navigator itinerary because there are plenty of sea days mixed with three ports before arriving in Rome where we stay for a week.


Call me an oddball for reserving a Trans Atlantic as my first cruise. 5 nights is too short 7 nights is still too short 10 nights good but still short 14 or 15 nights perfect. Its like a Back 2 Back cruise with nightly entertainment and good food and fun.


You don't know how excited I was when I went on the Serenade it was so much fun and I loved the Solarium and not having to walk to get a sandwich while enjoying the sun and warm weather as we crossed the Atlantic.


If you can help me promote going on a mega ship to my Parents please help me. Or I may do this solo because I love meeting new people and enjoy partying till 2 AM.


I was never bored on my last cruise there was so much to do. The cruise compass was my friend and I had a notebook where I jotted down what activities I wanted to attend. If you don't look at your cruise compass then you won't enjoy your cruise. I don't like the reviews when people say I'm bored come on people they overplan for a reason so you will never be bored.


I had so much to do onboard that there were two activities that I wanted to attend at the same time and I had to make tough decisions.


I can't wait to stroll down the Royal Promenade and eat in the Cafe Promenade or get some good larger at Two Poets.


The reason why I chose the Navigator was because it had a lot of the same features of the Serenade and more and then from here I would look at taking the Oasis or Allure.


If I could get the Royal Grand Suite for myself I wonder if RCCL would let me do that? I would love a huge suite just for me so I can invite and entertain Cruise Critic Members. If someone asked what you want for your birthday I would say just send me cash(:


Thanks again for your review and I look forward to reading more about your last minute cruise and future reviews.


Sorry for butting into Sherri's review, but i couldn't resist responding to your post!!

i so agree with you about all the things to do on a cruise ship!!!

i just love all the activities - it's like summer camp for adults!!!!

and i totally don't understand the trip reports i read where people either complain that they were bored, or all they do is lie around all day napping and/or reading!!! talk about boring!!!!! :eek:

but to each his own!!

as for me, i can't wait to sail the allure in August....summer camp here i come!!!


oh and i also agree with you that that the longer the cruise the better..

i hope to be able to do a TA cruise one day!!!!!!! (by the way, i'm the mom and thankfully, my 28 year old daughter is also addicted - she'll be on the allure with me!!)

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Sherri, I was wondering about what happens in Central Park and Boardwalk area when it rains? I think it is open to the elements, right? Just wondered if it makes it miserable and if the flooring gets slippery from the rain. I know it is not supposed to rain while on a cruise, but you know, sh.....happens (I mean showers happen).:p


I really would love to try the Allure or Oasis sometime. Just have to talk my hubby into it. That means driving to Florida. He won't fly. But, I am willing to do it. Maybe for our 50th anniversary in 3 yrs.


Great review, btw. Pictures are great. Wouldn't have known they were taken with a cell phone.


Gwen :)


Gwen - when it rains, it's a case of "Good news, bad news"...(don't you hate those??!!)


The bad news...there isn't a retractable roof or even an INVISIBLE roof that will prevent the rain from raining down on the open areas of the ship....


...however...the GOOD news is that in Central Park, anyway, there are handy-dandy, nifty-difty UMBRELLAS that are strategically placed all around...and are there for YOUR use and enjoyment. You grab an umbrella...walk to the next venue...and place it in the umbrella holder-thingy so the next guest can use it.


I am SOOOO mad at myself that I didn't take a picture of all of the umbrella stands to show you...


We had one brief shower during my cruise...it didn't last long, but it certainly chased a LOT of people down to Deck 5, the Royal Promenade! ;)

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Finishing up our tour of beautiful Central Park, there are a few retail shops on the port side that we can explore:



Picture This Photography Studio




In case the 1 trillion ship photographers floating around various spots on the ship aren’t enough for you, you can always come here and have a sitting with another professional photographer.


On sea days, this studio was open from 10:00 am – 1:30 pm and again from 5:30 – 10:30 pm.




Britto Gallery



I love the luggage...there'd be no doubt that's your suitcase...!!!


If you’re not familiar with Brazilian artist Romeo Britto, you should really do a Google search…as he’s pretty colorful and creative. This gallery/shop offers little collectibles, prints and other Britto-created items…for a cost, of course!


Here’s a tip: DON’T take photos inside this shop, or you’ll get yelled at…don’t ask me how I know that. Apparently, there are signs inside that request no photos (and "No touching" - I think??) but the signs are EXTREMELY tiny, in my opinion:



This sign is about 2" by 2"...if they don't want photos, can't they make their signs a little larger??? I'm just sayin'...some of us "older" folks can't exactly see that little tiny sign when we walk in the door....


It seemed that every time I walked by the Britto Gallery, I’d hear the RCI employee inside, in an endless refrain, yelling: “NO PHOTOS!” They should put it on tape or something and play it when people walk through the door.



This sculpture is outside in the park, and it's okay to take photos of...I think, at least...as no one yelled at me, "NO PHOTOS!" when I snapped a photo of it.


There is a SECRET Britto painting onboard that is NOT available for the “general cruisers” to see…and it’s okay to take a photo of….I was lucky enough to be able to snap a photo of it, and I’ll share the secret story of where it is in my day-to-day blog.







A Coach store…for all of us Coach-junkies…but be warned that these are at FULL Coach prices…!!! Handbags, accessories, and other stuff...let's just say I walked in, looked at the prices, and then walked out...but there was some BEAUTIFUL stuff in there!


We're almost done with beautiful Central Park...I hope you've been enjoying our walking tour...! :)


Edited by KansCocoa
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Am I crazy for wanting to do this on Allure? Probably....

I was on the Allure last year and took the stairs everyday to the pool. Our cabin was on the 3rd floor so I did get in a lot of excercise:eek: Some of the people we were with thought I was nuts but I did not gain a pound and ate more than my share. I am not bragging just saying that it can be done. We have always taken the stairs, it saves from having to wait for an elevator and the pushy people. The only time it was hard was when we boarded on the first floor and wanted to go to the Windjammer on 11 (other ship) and I was coming down with something and the stairs won. I needed to stay in that night.:(

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I just want to say THANK YOU for taking the time for this your of the Allure - you are so detailed on every spot of the ship - I was on the Oasis a few years ago and will be going on the Allure November 2014 for a special birthday - did you go to the breakfast with the characters or any info on the chefs table

Again Thank You for your review


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Here’s a tip: DON’T take photos inside this shop, or you’ll get yelled at…don’t ask me how I know that. Apparently, there are signs inside that request no photos (and "No touching" - I think??) but the signs are EXTREMELY tiny, in my opinion:



This sign is about 2" by 2"...if they don't want photos, can't they make their signs a little larger??? I'm just sayin'...some of us "older" folks can't exactly see that little tiny sign when we walk in the door....


It seemed that every time I walked by the Britto Gallery, I’d hear the RCI employee inside, in an endless refrain, yelling: “NO PHOTOS!” They should put it on tape or something and play it when people walk through the door.




You took a picture of the sign saying no pictures. No wonder you got yelled at!


I wonder what would have happened if your personal alarm was set off in the Britto gallery..... ;)

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Sherri I am loving your review! I was sad to see Gambee's review end and thought nothing could compare to it.....until now! I love your review just as much as I loved his. It's so fun to see all the different perspectives from other cruisers.


I am in awe of all the thought and time you put into the posts and all the photos. I feel like I'm right along there with you! I am absolutely loving all the sites you have captured from this ship. I'll be here reading along until your final post. We are sailing on her in 60 days and I can't wait!


Thanks for taking the time to make so many of us happy!

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Finishing up our tour of Central Park...(can you tell I LOVED this neighborhood?!!)


Besides the various shops, restaurants, bars and benches…Central Park has some other little treasures along the way….


There’s a Sculpture Garden, where this particular piece was one of my favorites:




I have no idea what it is…other than a giant mouth and a giant ear…but every time I saw it, I imagined a woman (like me) talking the ear off of her poor, harried husband (like my own Hubby)…and it made me smile.



I also enjoyed this…thing…which appears to be a bench with some beautiful art attached to it…




I will admit…it was easy for me, the World’s Most Directionally-Challenged Person, to lose my bearings in Central Park. Without being able to see “water”, I’d get confused as to which way was forward…and which way was aft. However, I had two tools at my disposal.


First, there are carefully-designed signs that would point you in the right direction:





My other tool was Steve…I don’t know how many times we’d exit a restaurant, and I would inevitably ask, “Wait. Which way is forward?” And bless his heart, Steve would get me going where I needed to be going. There was one time when I didn’t have Steve with me when I lost my bearings, but a kind-hearted stranger heard my plea for help and quickly assisted me.


If only I would have remembered that the Coach store is always in front...or closest to my cabin...or closest to my heart. ;)


The beautiful plants (which are all real, by the way) are all labeled…and there are several free walking tours offered with the ship’s horticulturist. I took this tour (it will be mentioned in the Cruise Compass) and would recommend it, if you can fit it into your schedule. It was fascinating to learn not only about the plants, but the philosophy behind what plants were put into the design.





Some of the things we learned is that the trees have to be trimmed constantly, so as not to obscure the view out of the Central Park balcony cabins. They also have to be extremely careful as to what plants - especially flowers - they plant here, as they don't want to plant anything that attracts bugs or pests. Although - if you look closely - there are two "real" birds' nests that have been built by stowaway birds onboard. The gardeners do most of the gardening, watering and weeding in the middle of the night, so as to be "invisible" to guests.


One more post about Central Park...and we'll then be done...with Central Park, at least....!


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And now…Central Park at night…which can only be described as, "WOW!"


If I thought Central Park was beautiful by day…I was totally blown away at night. Between the crickets chirping…and the artfully-concealed lighting…the mood was very romantic. I could only dream of one day taking a stroll through the paths with Hubby…and hopefully, I wouldn't have a broken foot.



Up above Central Park is the Skyway Pedestrian Bridge…(someone had asked upthread about how you cross the “canyon” – and here’s just one way!); it’s illuminated in an illusion of clouds in the sky….the LED lights change colors, and it was fascinating to observe the different effects on the plants below…


By day:








By night:





It wasn't just the Skyway Bridge that was lit...the entire park takes on a new ambiance in the evening:






Unlike the REAL Central Park, I - as a woman traveling solo - could stroll these these gardens at night and feel completely safe...


So. There you are. Our walking tour of Central Park...now...on to the rest of the ship, as we still have SO much to explore!




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All I can say after following this is "COME ON APRIL". If you teach your class tonight like you do your writing it will be a breeze for them and you. Can't wait for the dining reviews....we just have to leave our group and try one out.


Hey, fellow Missourian! Thank you! My class went very well - sometimes, it just all "clicks"! Yes - you will most definitely have to try some of the restaurants... although, I honestly don't know which one to recommend over another - as they were all pretty amazing! (Uh oh...giving away a spoiler there!)



Loving your review. I'm only on page 3 but it's already lots of fun to read!


Thank you - I'm glad you're enjoying it...! There's still lots more to come, so stay tuned... :)

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Sherry your review is amazing...


Thank you, Lisa...and thanks for reading! :)





once again I am wonderfully entertained by your marvellous review/tour.


We wanted to sail on the Allure, but work and school commitments only left us able to go in the middle of the hurricane season - and we were too fearful! :eek:


You are giving my family a true insight into the ship and the sheer enormity of it all!


Loving the pictures, even if they are with a phone!


Wish your foot better and I cannot wait for the next installment. I shall sit down with a nice cup of tea and sit with a huge grin on my face.....:D


Thanks so much




Lisa - I'm with you - I wouldn't want to sail in hurricane season, either!!! Hopefully, your work & school commitments will change sometime so you can sail when the seas aren't crazy....like in January. :)


My foot is healing day by day...I'm anxiously awaiting when I can start running again, but I know patience is my friend.


Thanks for following along on the review...I hope it only gets better as we explore more of the ship!

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