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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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I have never checked UNDER the vanity for plugs, have always just brought along a surge protector extension cord thingy and used that. It takes up a lot of room on the vanity though. Glad you clued me in to those under the vanity plugs. I'm learning a lot from you even though I've been on both the Allure and Oasis before. Love your review.

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Hello, everyone!


My deployment to NY/NJ finally ended -


Yay...welcome back!!! We've missed you so much while you've been away busy with your ARC work...had to follow along on your blog and Facebook :) sounding a little like a stalker here!! :o


Looking forward to reading the rest - and as others have said you've made me re-consider the big ladies!!



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I checked the Time Stamp on my photo, Bob, and it says that photo was taken at 11:52 a.m. The line will only get longer as more and more people board the ship.... ;)


Glad I can help on the tour! It's a beautiful ship...so much to see and do!

Any chance your time stamp wasn't set for eastern time? Aren't you from the midwest? Maybe you're on Central time, meaning that picture was taken as 12:52pm (he said hopefully :D)?

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So...on to the bathroom!


It's tight...but functional...you are first presented with the space-tube shower:




Inside the shower, there is a clearly-marked "Shampoo" dispenser:




I know some people use it as a body wash, but to each his own.


For the ladies, there is a small "shave bar" in the corner...you can use this to prop your legs up for shaving. It takes some maneuvering, though, as when the space-tube doors are closed, there's not a lot of room inside.





There are two small hooks in the shower...for a scrubbie, perhaps? Or a washcloth?




And now to my biggest complaint about the shower...because, really, I was pretty happy with it, for the most part. The water was hot; the pressure was good; and it didn't leak too much water all over the floor.


However, I hated - HATED - this wire shelf:




Why, you ask? Because my soaps...shampoos...body washes...and razor...were just small enough to always fall through the "cracks" of the wire shelf. Do you know how HARD it is to try to scoop something up off the floor of a wet shower, when you're basically inside a test tube???!!

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Any chance your time stamp wasn't set for eastern time? Aren't you from the midwest? Maybe you're on Central time, meaning that picture was taken as 12:52pm (he said hopefully :D)?


Ha, ha - good try!


Yes. From the midwest. But no - that was a true time! I know this, because I was one of the first to board - with the Diamonds - and I made a bee-line for the Park Cafe.


I know we were boarding sometime after 11:00 am...not exactly sure exactly what time... By 12:52 pm EST, I was standing in the behemoth line trying to get show reservations! ;)


Someone upthread said the line peters out as the afternoon goes on...so maybe it's better later???!! (crossing my fingers and hoping for you!)

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Ha, ha - good try!


Yes. From the midwest. But no - that was a true time! I know this, because I was one of the first to board - with the Diamonds - and I made a bee-line for the Park Cafe.


I know we were boarding sometime after 11:00 am...not exactly sure exactly what time... By 12:52 pm EST, I was standing in the behemoth line trying to get show reservations! ;)


Someone upthread said the line peters out as the afternoon goes on...so maybe it's better later???!! (crossing my fingers and hoping for you!)

Oh well, can't blame me for trying. :D


Keep up the good work! Looking forward to Oasis in 82 days! (I know you're on Allure, but they're close enough and I enjoy your writing style!).

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Hi Sherri,


Pleased to have you back on the review!


We have booked cabin 10140 is this near where you were? It took forever to book a cabin and deck as this is our first cruise we didn't have a clue where we wanted to be! We eventually went for this as thought it would be quiet not lots of people passing through, not on an entertainment deck just cabins and near the elevators to get around easily.


The only thing that worries me is I've heard you can feel the ship moving more at the front - I don't think I suffer from seasickness, having only ever been on North Sea ferries before don't think it is quite the same!!


Just wondering what your thoughts were on our cabin choice.


Thanks so much


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Because my soaps...shampoos...body washes...and razor...were just small enough to always fall through the "cracks" of the wire shelf. Do you know how HARD it is to try to scoop something up off the floor of a wet shower, when you're basically inside a test tube???!!


I had that same problem but solved it by putting an extra washcloth over the wires and everything stayed where it was supposed to. I use a scrubbie so there was always an extra washcloth to use :)

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Hi Sherri,


Pleased to have you back on the review!


We have booked cabin 10140 is this near where you were? It took forever to book a cabin and deck as this is our first cruise we didn't have a clue where we wanted to be! We eventually went for this as thought it would be quiet not lots of people passing through, not on an entertainment deck just cabins and near the elevators to get around easily.


The only thing that worries me is I've heard you can feel the ship moving more at the front - I don't think I suffer from seasickness, having only ever been on North Sea ferries before don't think it is quite the same!!


Just wondering what your thoughts were on our cabin choice.


Thanks so much



Julie - your cabin is right across the hall - and pretty close to where mine was.


I think you've made a very good choice:


It will most DEFINITELY be quiet...and it's just a quick walk to the elevators to whisk you wherever you need to go. I would often whisk down to Deck 5 and cross there - or I would go up to Deck 15 (the pool deck) and go across there.


As far as the movement, yes, I felt it. Did it make me sick? No. I don't get really seasick, either, though, so it's hard to gauge. I used the Seaband wrist bracelets for "bad" days - of which we had a couple - but really, the rocking at night somewhat felt soothing - like being rocked to sleep! I also used Bonine for really bad days - altho I'd take it at night.


As I said before, I think if I'd just had a window/balcony - which YOU do - I would have had the perfect cabin!

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Because my soaps...shampoos...body washes...and razor...were just small enough to always fall through the "cracks" of the wire shelf. Do you know how HARD it is to try to scoop something up off the floor of a wet shower, when you're basically inside a test tube???!!


I had that same problem but solved it by putting an extra washcloth over the wires and everything stayed where it was supposed to. I use a scrubbie so there was always an extra washcloth to use :)


Oh, NOW you tell me. :D


I don't have a lot of common sense, sometimes, and that never occurred to me! Now - you've given a valuable tip to everyone else in case they run into this as well! (Which sounds like they will, since there are at least TWO of us who had this issue!)

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The actual vanity area in the bathroom is reasonably-sized:




As you can see, you have two shelves below the counter to store items. I couldn't store much on the actual countertop itself for two reasons:


1. It was narrow...didn't hold much, and

2. If the ship starts rocking - that stuff goes flying.


There's a narrow cabinet of three small shelves...it looks bigger than it is in this photo, due to the mirror "doubling" it. It was perfect for all of my make-up and such, but I can't imagine having to share this with a partner!






There's a small drawer under the shelves. I used it to hold my "stick" eyeliners, mascaras, lipsticks, brushes, etc:






There are two hooks on the wall by the towel rack...I would hang up my swimsuit here to dry after dips in the pool:





And finally - on the back of the bathroom door - there are three hooks/knobs. Used for towels, robes, - or in my case, I used it to hang additional storage - I wanted you to know what you are getting. Sometimes, people bring a plastic "shoe" holder for the back of the bathroom door for additional storage - but just remember those three hooks there.





All-in-all, I found my cabin just right for me and my needs. Although it seemed that it took FOREVER to walk there the first day or two, I quickly adapted and it didn't seem long at all. I loved how quiet it was; I heard NO noise - from venues, from people running up and down the halls - nada. Nothing. And - it was SUPER DUPER dark at night. As well as SUPER DUPER dark during the day - if you like to take daily naps and want a quiet, dark sleeping area - then this cabin is the one for you!


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Oh, NOW you tell me. :D


I don't have a lot of common sense, sometimes, and that never occurred to me! Now - you've given a valuable tip to everyone else in case they run into this as well! (Which sounds like they will, since there are at least TWO of us who had this issue!)


hahahaha yes I'm sure lots of people have that problem and I'm glad I could help ... especially since you'll be on the Oasis soon ;)

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Oh, NOW you tell me. :D


I don't have a lot of common sense, sometimes, and that never occurred to me! Now - you've given a valuable tip to everyone else in case they run into this as well! (Which sounds like they will, since there are at least TWO of us who had this issue!)


Make that 3 :D. What a great suggestion as well.


Have stayed off this thread, found it about the time you had to head north, but now that you are back wanted to say thank you. We are doing Allure for a second time in June and every review I find something else I wish I had known the first time, or will make a point of doing the second.


BTW, you got out of town just in time, its snowing, again :(

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All that exploring - and reserving - and eating - has worked up a thirst. I needed some MAJOR stress relief, and it didn't take me long to find it:




I was so stressed that I drank half of it before I realized I hadn't taken a picture of it for YOU, Dear Readers. Oops. Hiccup. That won't happen again.


With drink in hand, I strolled along Deck 15 - the Pool Deck - enjoying the music that was playing, as well as enjoying the sight of so many excited cruisers...we were all in that HIGH ANTICIPATION mode that leaves you almost giddy.


Soon, though, it was about time to temper that excitement - for a brief moment, anyway - and head to the Muster Drill.



My Muster Station was in the Amber Theater - at the very front of the ship - and after arriving, I was directed to a certain row and told to fill in all available seats. I found myself seated next to a mother/daughter couple from Brazil - Amelia and Fernanda - and we enjoyed conversing and laughing and giggling while we waited for the Muster Drill to end. Fernanda works for Royal Caribbean, and she was taking her mother on a much-needed vacation. They were great fun, and as I left them afterwards, I wished that I had taken their photo.


But really. How creepy would THAT have been? Taking a photo of a random family that you will most likely not EVER, EVER see again - being that they are just two people on a ship of thousands. Can you imagine the conversation?


Me: "This was so much fun...and even though you're like, total strangers, and I'll likely NEVER, EVER see you again...can I take your photo?"


Them: Running away as fast as they can as they try to find RCI Security.


So...not wanting to be a Creepy Cruise Stalker, I didn't take their photo.





Here's the ironic thing. Amelia and Fernanda were the two random people that I DID keep running into - the rest of the cruise - in the craziest of places!!! Oh, you'll hear about it - trust me - so right now, just remember them as the Brazilian Mother/Daughter from Muster Drill. They'll make a reappearance in this review - several reappearances, actually - and so this was too, too funny.



So. Muster Drill has ended. Not just for me - but for some 5,000-plus other people. Who are all trying to move. At the same time.


As for me, I had a Very Important Date. Amy and her family had invited me up to the Secret Deck on Deck 11 for a Chocolate and Champagne Party. Well. Count me in. I mean, I love Amy and her family, but I love Chocolate and Champagne more...wait. Amy's reading this. Forget I said that. Let me rephrase this:




Immediately after Muster Drill is when the sick, sadistic deck planners sit back and laugh. Because they know - they KNOW - exactly what is happening at this moment. They KNOW that EVERY SINGLE PASSENGER who's currently in the bow of the ship - is desperately trying to make their way to the back. And they KNOW that EVERY SINGLE PASSENGER who's currently in the back of the ship is desperately trying to make their way to the front. Logistics say, it can't happen. At least - not in an orderly, organized fashion. I call Shenanigans!!!


Oh, it was bad. There was pushing, there was shoving, there was trampling. You would have thought they were giving away free 64" LED television sets - not just champagne and chocolate. It was sad.



Realizing that I had a better chance of winning a $500 billion dollar lottery ticket than I had of getting on an elevator in the next two hours, I opted for the stairs. With a broken toe. I climbed from Deck 4 up to Deck 11 - huffing, puffing, wheezing...a little worse for the wear. Once arriving on Deck 11, I crawled on my knees the ENTIRE length of the ship - down the narrow cabin hallway - in a desperate effort to get that champagne and chocolate. Oops - I mean, TO SEE AMY AND HER FAMILY.


And I just made it.


Amy, bless her heart, took one look at my face and saw the terror and nightmare I had been through to get there, and immediately stuck a champagne flute in my hand.



And...lookie. I drank half of it before a photo was taken. Oops. Hiccup.


The champagne was delicious, but I knew that more drastic measures were needed for my salvation - and so I indicated that I needed cake. Chocolate cake. And Amy and her mother complied:





And the chocolate cake was delicious.


Everything was delicious. The breeze. The company. The fact I was still alive after nearly being trampled by 5,000+ people.



Once I was feeling a semblance of myself, I sat back and enjoyed the view... the delightful view of a Ft. Lauderdale Sailaway....

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The sailaway at Ft Lauderdale is like none other...


...we waited while this ship sailed before us through the channel...





Soon, we were on our way out of the little channel...we kept an eye out for the "famous" house that has it's own FlowRider:





And then we passed this house...someone just picked up a nifty piece of property!



I could live here.




And of course, there's the people on the rocks:





And a beautiful view of Ft. Lauderdale beach, on a beautiful evening in January:





All too soon, the sun was setting....





However...my evening was just beginning...I had a slew of activities planned for tonight, including dinner at Giovanni's Table, as well as a late night Comedy show. I quickly bid a quick farewell to Amy & Steve, and ran back to my own cabin so I could get ready for the night ahead.


Back at 10131, I met Norman, my Cabin Attendant...who was a delight. He had brought me a robe and my Diamond coupon book, and had turned the bed down and left the light on for me. We chatted briefly - and then...time to get ready!




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Sadly, I regret to inform you that half of that delicious chocolate cake was left in our cabin... we just never found the time (or room in our tummies!) to finish it!


I'm glad that you were so excited to spend time with our cake and champagne.... err.... I mean us. ;)



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Welcome back, Sherri! We've missed you!! Sorry about the ongoing sinus troubles. I hope the ENT can fix you up pronto. Tell us, did you take the train from NJ to FL? How was it??


Your photo of the Aquatheatre and sunset is fabulous! Hope you don't mind that I've "borrowed" it as our new desktop background. It'll be a surprise for DH next time I relinquish the PC.


One year ago today, we were on week 1 of our Oasis B2B. So sad...we have no cruises scheduled. DH has just begun a new job, so who knows when he'll be able to take some time off.


Your review is helping with that "no cruise depression." Thanks!

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We had several people on a balcony of that big hi-rise waving at us, and they had a big bon voyage sign attached to the balcony roof. Loved it (but can't for the life of me figure out how to get a photo on here, tried and it keeps saying download failed). Here's a link to the pic in Facebook, not sure if y'all can see it: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151433064016475&set=a.10151432374301475.449025.557221474&type=3&theater

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Dinner tonight was at Giovanni’s Table. I was joining Amy & Steve and her parents at their 7:00 pm reservation. This would be the one meal that I forgot to take photos of…and for that, I apologize. Suffice to say – this meal was FANTASTIC.




Our waiter was a gentleman from Peru, who was funny, informative and attentive. The food was generous and delicious, rivaling what we’d dined on while visiting Italy last summer. Appetizers and pastas were served family style, and we each enjoyed our own entrée. Dessert – for me – was some delectable cannoli…a perfect end to a perfect meal.


Oh, wait. Actually, the waiter addressed me by name - "Goodbye, Miss Sherri" - as I was leaving – so I guess THAT would be my perfect ending to a perfect meal. I was charmed.


After a quick visit to my cabin to change from my dress to capris (although dress tonight was casual – most diners at Giovanni’s were in dresses and pants), I visited the Spa for awhile….I had purchased a pass to the Thermal Suite, and as it was “only” 9:00 pm, I could enjoy it for an hour before closing time at 10:00 pm.


The Thermal Suite is a relaxation center that has steam rooms, aroma rooms, and heated beds. I had previously used the Thermal Suite on the Radiance-class ships, and I remember sitting on a heated bed, watching the ocean outside the glass window in peaceful harmony.


Imagine my surprise to find that the Allure doesn’t offer that beautiful ocean view while sitting in the Thermal suite. Nope. You sit in the heated bed, and stare at…doors.




Doors to the “other” rooms in the Suite – such as the dry heat room, or steam room. There are five beds, and I was tickled to find that I had it all to myself. No one else was with me, and I closed my eyes and just relaxed. Who needs to stare at doors? With my eyes closed, I just IMAGINED I was staring at the sea.



At 10:00, I headed to the Comedy Club, as I had snagged 10:30 reservations for the Comedy show. I wanted to get there early so that I would NOT be seated in the front row. Not to mention – it was just funny to watch everyone else as they filed in. They’d head to the front row, but then stop in their tracks, when they realized they were at a COMEDY show. Which meant front-row sitters would more than likely be picked on by the comedians. I wish I’d gotten a dollar for every time I heard a whispered, “We are so NOT sitting in the front row!!!”



The dreaded front row...

I was in the 3rd row…and in front of me was a middle-aged couple from Austin. The husband, a retired fireman of 31 years, was very social – and he loved nothing more than talking to everyone who was sitting around him. When he found out that I was cruising solo – he was shocked. SHOCKED. He kept shaking his head, saying he couldn’t believe that my Hubby would have “let” me do that. He kept looking at his wife, saying, “Don’t you get any ideas!” Once we began talking about his work, and my volunteerism with the Red Cross, we really had a great discussion.



The awesome ceiling in the Comedy Club....

Before the show started, I’d had a few reservations about going…mainly because it was late, and I was rather tired. Especially after sitting in that heated bed for an hour – I could have nodded off at any time. But – knowing how difficult it was to snag a reservation to this show, I decided to stay.


And was I glad that I did. Good lands, this show was HYSTERICAL. I laughed…and laughed…and cried. Because I was laughing so hard. If you go – you need to go with an open mind. Nothing is safe. No gender, no race, no stereotype. They’re all targets – and you will die laughing.


The show ended at 11:30, and I pulled my splitting sides together and managed to slog off to bed.


A great first day.


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You are my absolute favorite on CC! Sorry about the sinus troubles. Hopefully the weather here in South Florida will clear up soon along with your sinuses! Really enjoying this latest review on a chilly and wet night! Did you see you made the front page of Cruise Critic? You are a star and kudos to all of your tireless work with the Red Cross!

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You are my absolute favorite on CC! Sorry about the sinus troubles. Hopefully the weather here in South Florida will clear up soon along with your sinuses! Really enjoying this latest review on a chilly and wet night! Did you see you made the front page of Cruise Critic? You are a star and kudos to all of your tireless work with the Red Cross!


Hey, a fellow Queen!


Aw, thank you. My sinus problems have been ongoing for many years - but have really tanked in the last year, to the point where I'm constantly having to reschedule airline flights so that I don't rupture my ear drums. I'm so hoping my appointment tomorrow will get me some relief, so I can go back home to KC!


Yes...today was wet...rainy...a perfect day to get back to my writing. I had missed it. It wasn't until a Facebook friend (and fellow CC'er) pointed out the front page on CC that I saw that - wow. I'm tickled! Now, though, the PRESSURE! And not just sinus pressure, hee hee!!!

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I know some previous posters mentioned my train ride...wow. What an experience.


For the complete story, you MUST read my blog post about it here.


The short version: the actual ride itself was monotonous, but relaxing...I was able to get some much-needed rest, once I got used to the train movement. It's not a rhythmic rocking; it's herky-jerky, depending on the track.


The food was delicious. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality.


Unfortunately, at the end of the train ride, I had a 3-hour bus ride...and THAT is where things got...interesting. As someone said...this could ONLY happen to the Drama Queen. If you think I go LOOKING for drama like this, I really don't. Promise. ;)

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Sherri-who was the comedian?


What did you get at Giovanni’s?


Hate those showers..I totally agree about items falling through. You almost have to get out of the shower to pick something up.






Oh, gosh, Laura...you're going to make me THINK. ;)


The comedians...were two...each performed for 30 minutes. Their names were AJ Jamal and Kivi Rogers. (Lucky I kept my Cruise Planners)


As far as what I had at Giovanni's - I absolutely can't remember. That's why I normally take photos - so I can trigger a memory later. And I didn't put it in my notes! When I go peek at a menu online, I am guessing I had the shrimp...as I LOVE seafood, and try to eat it more than red meat.


And those showers - gah! You're right. If you dropped something - there was no way of leaning over with the doors closed to retrieve it! We'll have to remember the washcloth trick in the future!

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