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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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I hope you are planning to do another EPIC review of this Top Chef cruise. We have always wanted to try one of those since we are addicted to any and all cooking shows!


But of course!!! My EPIC reviews are also great diaries/journals so that I can go back and relive my own adventures... ;)



I swore I would not read anymore Allure reviews until after our April departure. However when I saw your name on this I had to read it. I am so glad I am following along. Your adventures' date='sense of humor and style of writing make this review so entertaining and different from any other Allure review I have read. I can't wait for the rest. I hope you feel better soon and thanks for the review.




Thanks, Sue! I'm glad you didn't give up Allure reviews for Lent or anything - hee hee! And yes, I am different - thanks for pointing that out. I always knew I didn't really blend in with the rest of the crowd. ;)

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I am so glad you enjoyed your dinner solo. I sail solo and love the specialty dining room dinners. I never feel rushed and always get great service.


I am going on the Enchantment in the middle of the Top Chef cruise or I would love to be on it. Please take lots of food porn pictures.




I felt like a queen dining solo...it was wonderful. You are right - they never rushed me, and the service was impeccable. Wish you were cruising with us on the Constellation, but I know you'll have fun on the Enchantment! And yes - I will most definitely be taking pictures - of the food, as well as the chefs. Especially Fabio - my favorite! Yum.


Hi - first as with everyone else let me thank you for your terrifically entertaining reviews.


I just got off Allure from the 3/10 sailing and this of course reminds me of the wonderful time I had.


I know your review is not complete but I am hoping you did not miss seeing Chicago. We have been on the Allure three times now and I think I enjoy that show more each time.


By the way we had the same menu in 150 and I thought it was just wonderful.


Thanks, Jack! I'm glad you had a wonderful time on the Allure, as well...and I have a confession. I NEVER made it to see "Chicago". However, I've seen the movie about 100 times, and I have the soundtrack memorized, so I wasn't too upset that I missed it. Once I missed my reservation, I didn't feel like standing in the stand-by lines. This just gives me an excuse to sail again on Allure, tho! ;)


Wasn't that meal scrumptious? Did it bring back memories - seeing the pictures?! Sure wish I had the clams & caviar again...

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Okay, before we get started on Day 3 – here are the Cruise Specials for Day 2…in case you’re interested. And you’d better be interested. My scanner sits on the bottom shelf of an armoire…and I have to sit on a cold, tile floor to scan everything in…and my scanner seems to have a mind of its own and doesn't always cooperate....Yes, I’m having a whine & pity party for myself right now, in case you hadn’t noticed. ;)











I hope these are helping...I could quit scanning and posting them, but I thought future cruisers might be able to get some ideas of what is going on each day....


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The first time my boyfriend came with me on a RCI cruise, on our 2nd day (Sunday), while in the elevator, he said "Funny, yesterday we were in the Saturday elevator". He thought that the day of the week was the "name" of the elevator. I laugh every time I tell that story! HAHAHA.


I love this!! :D

When men say things like this you have to love them more!!


Edited by Arizona Laura
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"I’m not sure whose rule that is – that you can’t say you’ve been somewhere if you don’t "get off the ship – or if it IS even a rule – but that little voice wouldn’t shut up. It sounded suspiciously like my Mom’s voice, and I’ve learned, over the course of 50 years, that there’s no shutting my mom up when she thinks there’s a rule that I’m breaking. There was nothing to do but to get up from my little cozy corner at the Beach Pool and head off the ship. Sigh."


If you ever get there again and want something fun to do in Nassau, there is a Junkanoo Museum a little beyond and up the hill from the main shopping area that is wonderful. The owner, Arlene Nash Ferguson, has been in the Junkanoo parades most of her life and has so many interesting things in her old childhood home which is the museum. We loved it - http://www.educulturebahamas.com/ - check it out, best thing we did in Nassau on our many stops there.

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So…Day 3…At Sea…


Today is Tuesday. I know that because the elevator told me so:



...either that, or I got on the "Tuesday" elevator...hee hee...


Due to the lack of thrusters this morning, I was able to sleep in…yup, to the late hour of 7:05 am. Ugh. Being that my cabin is darker than a cave at midnight – I could have slept until 2:00 pm and been none the wiser, but I wanted to go to Stretch Class in the gym, which was scheduled for 7:30.



Today, there was a smaller crowd in class…and while yesterday, we’d had a young blonde Cameron Diaz-clone for our instructor, today we had a guy who reminded me of a 20-something Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was a no-nonsense teacher, so the class was a bit more intense – in tone and training – than I normally like. He told us all to grab a mat before class, so most of us walked over and grabbed a thick, blue foam mat. This was a mistake. We had no sooner grabbed a blue mat when we saw a vein bulging out of Arnold’s forehead…he was NOT happy.


Arnold: “ACK! Those are the WRONG mats!!!!” He looks at us like we’re all idiots. And judging by the fact that we had all rolled out of bed before 7:30 am ON OUR VACATION to head to a gym, yes. We were INDEED idiots.


All of us: Looking at each other in confusion, as Cameron Diaz didn’t have a problem yesterday with us using the blue mats… ???


Arnold: “Those are ONLY for abdominal class! Use the black mats for stretch!!!” Shaking his head in disgust, he point to a stack of black mats that, for all intent and purpose, looked EXACTLY like the blue mats…only…they were black….


Wow. Who knew??! So… if YOU decide to go to Stretch Class at 7:30 am on the Allure – and if you’re lucky enough to have Arnold Schwarzenegger’s younger brother teaching the class – you will now know to ONLY USE THE BLACK MATS FOR STRETCH CLASS!!!! You’re welcome.


As I said, class was tougher today…and afterwards, I attempted to walk a few laps around the walking/jogging track…however, my attempt was short-lived. I blame the wind, but in actuality, I was probably feeling the effects of Arnold’s class…or the Vodka from the night before…but either way, that walk wasn’t happenin’.


Well. Only one thing could bring me out of my depression brought on from being a Stretch Class Mat Flunkee – okay, actually, two, but it was too early for Vodka - and that would be a white chocolate donut…from the Café Promenade. So, that’s where I headed…and while there, I got a delicious Iced Chai Tea.



I love these...



After breakfast, I headed back to the cabin…where I watched a bit of the morning show on television with Ken Rush, our Cruise Director:





As a Cruise Director, Ken was pretty good…but I have to say I couldn’t help but compare him to Graham Seymour, our CD on the Freedom last summer….I think, in all the cruises we’ve taken, Graham has been our favorite – without question. And I just think no one will ever be able to “wow” us like he did. So, although Ken does a good job – especially for a ship the size of the Allure – I didn’t really ever connect with him.



Speaking of the television…let’s talk about that for a minute. Some posters upthread were talking about technology, and how far it’s come…and I’ll have to say I was blown away by the reservations/information that could be found on the interactive TV screen. All of the restaurant & show reservations I had made would magically appear on my television screen in my room:



Sorry for the flash in the picture…I’ve never claimed to be the World’s Greatest Photographer….


This was AWESOME! I LOVED this! It would tell you what port we’d be in, the hours we’d be there, and what reservations you had! It would even tell you that you had not one, but TWO reservations at Chops Grille! Wait, what??!! Well. It's not a perfect system...but it's pretty cool for the techno Geeks, like me. I DID have to manually enter my own Spa reservations - oh, the inhumanity of it all – but otherwise, there they were!


It didn’t end there, though…you’d get “email” on the TV screen…for instance, before my reservation at 150 Central Park, I got the following message:




Isn’t that COOL? I thought it was.


Crown & Anchor events would also come in via email, as well, such as this one:




So…if you’re into technology, check out the TV in your room….! I had so much fun with it!!!


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My table was on the right...by the window...



At first, I was bummed that I wasn’t seated at one of the Clam Chairs – but after thinking about it, I realized I was at the perfect table. Dining alone, this gave me a good opportunity to people watch out the window while I dined. My reputation of people creeping – I mean, people WATCHING – had evidently preceded me, and the management at the restaurant knew the PERFECT place to put me.



The ambiance was very nice…beautiful, relaxing “spa” music playing not too obtrusively over the speakers…the lighting low enough to make us ladies look beautiful, but not too low so that we’re in the dark…I think the perfect time to visit this restaurant is after sunset, so you can enjoy the view out the windows of the beautiful park and its unique lighting in the evening….



My waitress for the evening, Natalya (from Ukraine), came over to introduce herself and explain how the evening would progress. She offered me a glass of wine, but I told her of my wine allergy. Her response proved delightful. She immediately said, “Vodka, then!” with a, “That’s settled!” look – and I had to agree. Vodka.



I ordered the famous Cucumber Basil Martini, and it lived up to it’s fabulous reputation.


The fork is there so you can get an idea of how big it is. It is very refreshing. It is very tasty. It is very good. Yum.



Natalya brings me my menu for the evening – which is not only mine to keep, but also has my name on it. I knew to keep this menu close, because that way, if I indulged in too much Vodka, I'd have a reference as to what my name was. That's important.



The menu…note that the restaurant will use ONE menu for the first three-four days of the cruise…and then change to a different menu for the remainder of the cruise….



She then asks for my choice of entrée: I could choose between “Modern Shepherd’s Pie” – made with lamb shank pave, or I could have the “Harris Ranch Beef Tenderloin ‘Reuben’” – a filet. Everything else was pre-fix, or already chosen by the chef. I decided to choose the beef, and Natalya quickly disappeared to put my order in.



I used the time to watch people, make notes in my little notebook, and sip on my Martini. Speaking of my little notebook...it's a tiny little memo book, and it comes in handy to make notes while traveling. It actually brought about an amusing exchange with another 150 Central Park waiter...he would see me scribbling in my notebook, and he finally approached me.


Waiter Guy: "I see you writing...are you a critic?"


Me: (thinking of the EPIC review I'd be writing later on CruiseCritic) "Why, yes. Yes, I am." I wasn't lying...I AM a critic. Right?


Waiter Guy: "Oh, I would LOVE to talk with you later. It is my dream to be a famous Food & Wine Critic in New York."


Me: "Uh....sure."


Oops. Perhaps I'd better not misrepresent myself in the future. Hee hee.


Life was good…and it was about to get better….


And just an FYI…if you’re not into food porn…you may want to skip the next entry…or two…or three…because that’s what’s coming next. Delicious, delectable culinary delights….




We had signed up for 150 Central on Friday of our cruise for the menu with the sole and pork loin. But after seeing this, guess we need to go twice, this looks amazing. So we sign up for Tuesday too. :D



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Well…it was a truly GORGEOUS day today…I needed to quit playing with TV and get out to enjoy the sunshine…so, POOL SLOTHING, here I come! Yesterday, with the ship being empty, for the most part, the Beach Pool had been my pool du jour. Today, knowing that the Beach Pool would possibly be filled with lots of Klingons – I opted for the Adults Only Solarium Pool.



Pretty much, a perfect day at sea…calm seas…blue skies…with a few clouds thrown in for interest…


The Solarium Pool wasn’t crowded at all at this point, as you can see in the photo below, but per the time stamp on this photo, this was taken at 9:00 am:




A view from a different angle of the Solarium, taken pretty much at the same time:




I found a chair, and quickly settled in with my Kindle and soda. It didn’t take long before the area filled up – and soon, there wasn’t an empty chair in the place. And yes. It wasn't quiet. Adults were chatting and laughing and having a good time, and it was all good. They're on vacation. It's not a library. Don't go there if you're expecting everyone to be tiptoeing around and whispering....



By noon, I’d had enough sun and heat, so, I gave up my chair to a very appreciative fellow cruiser, and I headed inside for some much-needed a/c. And lunch. Along the way, I snapped a photo of the beach pool, so you can see the activity at noon:




Wanting to experience every dining venue onboard, I headed to the Windjammer for lunch, because it’s very conveniently located by the pool deck. When you’re on the World’s Largest Cruise Ship, you learn these little tricks – like, choosing a venue that’s close to where you’re at.


However, in case you want to venture out, but aren’t sure how crowded the other dining venues are, look for these TV screens that can be found throughout the ship:



Sorry for the blurriness….


A green bar indicates that the restaurant isn’t too crowded…this is VERY helpful on a ship this large, so you don’t waste a trek clear across the ship only to find a long line.


My lunch at Windjammer was your typical buffet fare…nothing great; nothing special; but hot and filling. I’ve always been partial to their mashed potatoes and gravy in the WJ, as well as the spaghetti…it’s a darned good thing I’ve never been on a low-carb diet, or I’d be in trouble, for sure! I will say that the WJ wasn’t extremely crowded; I think other cruisers had discovered the other dining options onboard, such as the Park Café, as well as the WipeOut Café…not to mention, the FREE pizza down on the Promenade.


Speaking of the Promenade, I needed something sweet after my heavy-carb lunch, so I headed to my home away from home, the Cupcake Cupboard. Today’s cupcake du jour was the Orange Creamsicle…and I forgot to take a picture. But imagine ribbons of beautiful orange, interwoven with stripes of vanilla…and you get the picture. I walked REAAAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY slowly today so that my cupcake wouldn’t take a tumble, and I was successful in not dropping it today. Yay, me!



The Cruise Compass was jam-packed with activities that I could have partaken in today, but I was having a grand ole’ time wandering the ship. Today was when I covered the ship, from top to bottom, with my camera, snapping pictures and just…exploring. It was interesting to come across the Card Room, which was bigger than I expected, and had more board games than I ever dreamed of. The library was good-sized, as well…and I even managed to find the Diamond Lounge today, which I considered a Badge of Honor. They REALLY have that thing hidden!



I've done the dance lessons before, as well as the trivia contests, and although I enjoy them, this cruise was more laid back...and was more for the fun of exploring the actual SHIP and all it had to offer....



All this exploring had worked up an appetite, so when I found myself on the Boardwalk, I checked out the ice-cream parlor…where I had, what else?



No. Not ice cream. If you guessed a delicious chocolate crepe, than ding, ding! Who knew that the ice-cream parlor serves chocolate crepes? Now, you know! And did I take a picture of it? Nope. I think I ate it too fast. It was good. It was not free. But it was worth it. So, I gave the ice-cream parlour thumbs up - at least for the crepes!



Although I forgot to take a photo of the crepe, I did take a photo of the funhouse mirrors in the Boardwalk...:






Around 2 or so, I headed to the Secret Deck balcony…with my Kindle and soda in hand. There, I was joined by Amy and her folks, where we exchanged stories of what we’d been doing since we’d last seen each other. Amy and her mom were soon heading off to a cupcake decorating class, so they headed off to get ready, while I decided to head down to the Promenade to see what was going on.



Who should be in the cupcake decorating class, but Brazilian Mother/Daughter Muster Couple??!! Remember them? The mom/daughter I had sat next to on Day 1, at Muster Station?! We had a quick reunion before their class started, which just tickled me, that I had ran into someone I actually KNEW on a ship this large.



Tonight, I had 6:00 pm reservations at Chops Grille, as well as reservations for the 7:30 Oceanaria show at the Aqua Theater. Soon, it was time to head back to my cabin and begin getting ready for my evening….

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We had signed up for 150 Central on Friday of our cruise for the menu with the sole and pork loin. But after seeing this, guess we need to go twice, this looks amazing. So we sign up for Tuesday too. :D




I'll think you'll be very happy...with either menu, or with both!

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Chocolate crepes???? In the Ice Cream Parlor????? Why, after reading a hundred million reviews on the Allure in the past year is this the first time anyone has thought to mention this??? And to think I may have missed them altogether as I could take or leave ice-cream when there are cupcakes to be had! Bye-bye South Beach Diet - at least for a week!:D

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Chocolate crepes???? In the Ice Cream Parlor????? Why, after reading a hundred million reviews on the Allure in the past year is this the first time anyone has thought to mention this??? And to think I may have missed them altogether as I could take or leave ice-cream when there are cupcakes to be had! Bye-bye South Beach Diet - at least for a week!:D


I KNOW, right?! Chocolate crepes!!! In the ice-cream parlor!!!! I am like you - cupcakes win out every time over ice cream, but in my quest to step foot in EVERY SINGLE DINING venue onboard the Allure, I stumbled upon a fantastic, delicious secret! (And I had whipped cream on top...!!!)



Please post a picture of you and Fabio from that Top Chef Cruise! Food porn and chefs to drool over ;) combined! I am so excited to read that review!


I'm hoping Fabio and I will accidentally (???) get stuck in the elevator together. Don't tell my Hubby I said that. Wait. He's reading this. Drat. Busted. ;)

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I KNOW, right?! Chocolate crepes!!! In the ice-cream parlor!!!! I am like you - cupcakes win out every time over ice cream, but in my quest to step foot in EVERY SINGLE DINING venue onboard the Allure, I stumbled upon a fantastic, delicious secret! (And I had whipped cream on top...!!!)

You're killing me here!:p

Edited by Sunny AZ Girl
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I am in Ft. Myers - on the Gulf side of the state. Besides writing, my plans are to rest and relax a bit...enjoy the sunshine...play some Pickleball (it's a big thing here...and if you don't know what it is, don't feel alone - I didn't have a CLUE!)...and work on my house a bit. And dream of my Top Chef cruising coming soon - of which there will most DEFINITELY be a review - especially of the food!



I am in Ft Myers too, loving your review and wish we could have some sunshine for you! Today was kind of blah where I was anyway.

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Sherri, your review is phenomenal. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to share this with us. I'm gonna call you Share-e. Hahahaha sort I couldn't help it.


On the compass for day 2, did I read right you get a free diamonds international bracelet????? OMG is that true?


Also, I always wanted to ask, aren't the pools kind of small? The beach pool seeems way to small to me, is it usually crowded?

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I am in Ft Myers too, loving your review and wish we could have some sunshine for you! Today was kind of blah where I was anyway.


A little blah here, too, but I had a delightful lunch with a fellow Ft. Myers friend who's also a volunteer with the Red Cross...so, I made my own sunshine! :) Actually, this is fine...it's better than the snow & cold back home...are you inland? I'm over by the Caloosahachie....I'm hoping for some rain this weekend, actually!



Sherri, your review is phenomenal. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to share this with us. I'm gonna call you Share-e. Hahahaha sorry I couldn't help it.


On the compass for day 2, did I read right you get a free diamonds international bracelet????? OMG is that true?


Also, I always wanted to ask, aren't the pools kind of small? The beach pool seeems way to small to me, is it usually crowded?


Wait, what? A FREE Diamonds international bracelet? I didn't see that...but trust me...if it's anything like what I've seen in the past, the "diamond" is so microscopic - you can't even see it. And the quality is such that you could let your five-year old wear it and not be worried. ;)


The pools are a bit small...but there are five of them. If you count the Main Pool, Beach Pool, Kiddie Pool, Sports Pool, and the Solarium Pool....plus, there are numerous hot tubs everywhere...so this somewhat disburses the crowds who are actually IN the pools. What gets MORE crowded are the sun loungers on sea days!

Edited by KansCocoa
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Here it is…a Friday night…and I COULD be out, partying and dancing and living it up…and yet…in my dedication to my loyal Readers….I, instead, choose to sit here and continue the EPIC review of the Allure of the Seas.


Who am I kidding?


I’m still sick. The only party happening is the party in my nose, and the only dancing I’m doing is dancing to the medicine cabinet for more sinus medication...but I learned from the BEST (Hi, Mom!) on how to play the Martyr Act. Hee hee.


My two teams in the NCAA have already lost, so I don't even need to watch the tournament...so here I am. Being a Cruise Critic Addict. Like so many here.


Okay…it may be Friday night in REALITY, but on our Caribbean cruise, pretend it is Tuesday night…and I’m getting ready to head to Chops Grille…for another solo dining adventure! Actually, Steve and Amy tried earlier that Tuesday afternoon to join my reservation for dinner, but it was too late; the restaurant was fully booked. And they weren’t kidding. When I checked in at 6:00 pm, just about every single table was full – and before 7:00 pm, it was completely packed with diners. So – take note, Dear Readers – if you want to dine at Chops Grille – make sure you have your reservations EARLY. It is a very popular venue!


For the Fashion Police online, I decided to take a photo of what I wore to Chops:



Hubby wanted to know why I “chopped” off my head in the photo…I said it went with the theme of tonight’s dinner. No. I didn’t really say that. I wanted the critique of my DRESS, and not my face or hair. Which still had a bit of oil in it from yesterday.


Tonight’s “official” dress code was casual…so I figured this dress was perfect. Notice it didn’t have a tight waistband…that is VERY important when indulging on a cruise ship. It’s all about comfort, folks.



So…I was seated at a table for two, and William, my waiter, walked up to welcome me and bring me my menu. Hey….wait a minute. I know this guy. How do I know him? My mind was thinking rapidly, while I tried to place him…he must have figured out what I was doing, because he said, “Oh, it’s you. I made your Chai Tea this morning at the Café Promenade. With the white chocolate donut.”


YES!!! That’s how I know him! Man…he’s good…that he not only recognized me, but remembered my order, as well! I guess I’m memorable like that…although I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Hmmmm. Moving on.



So…the menu…I took photos.






I ordered the Crab & Shrimp Crab Cake for my appetizer, and the Petit Filet Mignon for my entrée, with a side of mashed potatoes. While waiting for my food, I conversed with a couple who were sitting at the table right next to mine. (the tables are pretty close together here – especially the “2-tops”) This couple were English teachers from Michigan, and they were relatively new at cruising. Oh, didn’t I have fun, giving them as much tips and advice as they requested – so perhaps they’re reading here, and they’ll remember the Drama Queen from the Allure…??!!


William brought the bread, which is most definitely a sour-dough…I liked it, but if you don’t like sourdough bread, you won’t like this. It was strong…but tasty. I couldn’t help but wish I had a pot of the 150 Central Park salts to sprinkle on it!


Soon, my appetizer arrived:




This was pretty good….the acidic lemon, squeezed over the cake, brought the flavors out exceptionally well…and I really enjoyed the texture, the crunchiness, of the coating of the cake. I hate nothing more than a mushy crab cake…and this was not mushy. I would order this again….


Soon, my entrée arrived:




Let me, in full disclosure, say that I am born and raised in Kansas City…home of massive stockyards and the best beef in the country, outside of Texas, perhaps. I have been spoiled on good beef my entire life, so I am what you would call a “beef snob.” My honest opinion of Chops Grille – and their filet – is that, though good, it’s not great. Don’t shoot me. This is the second time I’ve eaten at Chops over the years, and I’ve had the same opinion both times…that the beef is tender, and juicy, but there’s just…something…that keeps it from being great. I like a steak with a good seared crust…and this didn’t have it.


So…take my opinion for what it’s worth. When it comes to seafood, I wouldn’t know a good lobster from a hole in the ground – cuz Kansas City’s not exactly known for it’s seafood – but I do know good beef. This was good. But….


When it came time to the dessert, I was torn between the Mississippi Mud Pie…or the Red Velvet Cake…I asked William what I should go with, and he recommended the Red Velvet…so that’s what I did:




I’ve learned to trust the waiters with their recommendations, and they are usually dead-on. And William was dead-on. My little notebook says, and I quote, “Red Velvet Cake – WOW!”


And that’s all she wrote. Which pretty much says it all.


My waistband-free dress paid off here...my other tip is that if you dine here, DON'T wear anything with a belt. And wear something that can stretch. You'll be thankful.



I had 7:30 reservations for the aqua show, “OceanAria”…and it was about 7:15. Would I make it to the Aqua Theater in time? If I’m not there by 7:20, my “reserved” seat is poof/gone with the wind/nada – and this show will be crowded, based on feedback from the night before. I’ll need to run…will I make it? Can I even run, with a broken foot??!!


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Sherri: On NOS, Chops had a "signature" martini - cucumber / lemongrass. Absolutely wonderful and refreshing. Do you happen to recall if Chops offered the martini? (I would love to figure out how to make it.) I tried ordering it at other bars on the ship, but they said they did not have the ingredients. Is that the martini you had at 150 Central Park?


Having a great time cruising along with you.



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Sherri: On NOS, Chops had a "signature" martini - cucumber / lemongrass. Absolutely wonderful and refreshing. Do you happen to recall if Chops offered the martini? (I would love to figure out how to make it.) I tried ordering it at other bars on the ship, but they said they did not have the ingredients. Is that the martini you had at 150 Central Park?


Having a great time cruising along with you.




Doug - that sounds exactly like the Cucumber Basil Martini at 150 Central Park. The recipe is as follows:



1/4 inch cucumber wheels for muddle and garnish

2 large basil leaves

2 oz. Monin lemon grass syrup

2 oz. Sweet and Sour Mix

(or, 1 oz water 1 oz Island Oasis Sour)

1.5 oz Grey Goose Vodka


This was FANTASTIC! :)

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A little blah here, too, but I had a delightful lunch with a fellow Ft. Myers friend who's also a volunteer with the Red Cross...so, I made my own sunshine! :) Actually, this is fine...it's better than the snow & cold back home...are you inland? I'm over by the Caloosahachie....I'm hoping for some rain this weekend, actually!




Yes inland and it my weekend to work so I will be inside for 12 hrs each day so it doesn't matter. I love rainy weekends at home, its like an excuse to be lazy. But you have criticing ;) to do so no laziness for you.

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When it came time to the dessert, I was torn between the Mississippi Mud Pie…or the Red Velvet Cake…I asked William what I should go with, and he recommended the Red Velvet…so that’s what I did:




I’ve learned to trust the waiters with their recommendations, and they are usually dead-on. And William was dead-on. My little notebook says, and I quote, “Red Velvet Cake – WOW!”






My first and only time in Chops, I was new to Weight Watchers, and of course, was trying to eat right and be sensible. Boy, was I foolish. I gave up the Red Velvet Cake for something that I thought would be more "diet

friendly. Well, never again........:p On my upcoming cruise in Nov. on the Grandeur, I will definitely be getting this dessert. It is my favorite cake and I am still kicking myself for not getting it then. But, I did lose 3 lbs. on that cruise and lost a total of 30 lbs. on WW. That was a good thing. But, next time all diet thoughts will go out the window. That cake looks so good. I can hardly wait until Nov. Thanks for the reminder of what I missed..:mad::(


Gwen :)

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The first time my boyfriend came with me on a RCI cruise, on our 2nd day (Sunday), while in the elevator, he said "Funny, yesterday we were in the Saturday elevator". He thought that the day of the week was the "name" of the elevator. I laugh every time I tell that story! HAHAHA.


That's hilarious. I might have to tell that story too! Thanks for the chuckle.

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Oh goodness, your dishes from Chops look simply yummy! Wish we would have eaten there on our cruise (we walked by it, thought about it, didn't do it.) as it smelled delicious when I walked by it.


I can sympathize with the broken foot, I had surgery on my foot back in December and was still recovering during my cruise experience and it had some pretty painful points ( I had a pin placed in my foot to repair a damaged tendon and when we cruised the pin still hadn't set all the way just yet). Kudos to you for doing it too! Really enjoying the review and the photos *drool*.

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As I said, I had managed to snag reservations for the 7:30 pm showing of OceanAria, the water spectacular at the Aqua Theater. Steve and Amy had watched it the previous night from their balcony, and they had told me that it was a “must see.” I managed to make it to the Aqua Theater in record time – and I quickly found a comfortable seat towards the back of the theater. Before the show started, the giant video screens on either side of the stage made frequent announcements that no flash photography would be allowed, for the safety of the divers. Do you think everyone heeded that message, once the show started? Um, no. I was surprised at the number of flashes going off during the show - it looked like strobe lights! I turned the flash off my camera, but got horrible pictures for the most part, so I won't put you through the pain.




I think there’s a story behind the show – something along the lines of an “ancient underwater civilization comes to life” – but heck…who needs a story…what the next 60 minutes brought was nothing short of AMAZING. The show combines elements of diving, trampoline, and acrobatics – along with some pretty awesome music – and weaves a mystical spell that had pretty much everyone on the edge of their seats. When I say this, I say this in all seriousness:



Many years ago, Hubby and I enjoyed a Cirque du Soleil production in Las Vegas, entitled “O” – which was a water spectacular at the Bellagio Theater. This show reminded me a LOT of that Vegas show; and coincidentally enough, the cruise director, Ken Rush, said afterwards, “You’d pay $200 a ticket to see OceanAria in Vegas! And Royal Caribbean gave it to you for FREE!”


Well. Except for the cost of the cruise.


But anyway – he was RIGHT. This show was not only amazing, but they performed it on a MOVING ship at sea!


Of course, I missed about half of the show. Yes. Little did I know that the Incredible Hulk had combined with the Jolly Green Giant – and then decided to SIT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME during this show. Gah. When the show was over, and the Hulk/Giant in front of me stood up, I wasn’t surprised to see that he was probably very close to 7’ tall. I kid you not. And of COURSE he was sitting right in front of me.


When the show ended, it was about 9:00 pm…and that meant that it was time to head to the Thermal Suite in the spa and do some relaxing/unwinding on that heated bed. I had it to myself, once again, and life was good. Life was very, very good.


When I got back to my cabin, I was surprised – yet tickled – to see that my roommate had decided to take up my hobby of writing. Complete with a little notebook that looked suspiciously exactly like mine:




I told him that if his writing was any good, we’d publish it under the title of “Tails of the Canine Cruiser” – and he happily agreed. And then I realized that I was talking to a stuffed animal in my cabin, and I really, really must be losing my mind. Ack.


So…what did I miss today? Well…the World’s Sexiest Man contest was today…as well as the “The Love & Marriage Game Show.” But…being a seasoned RCI cruiser, I knew that both of these competitions would be broadcast ad nauseam over the next few days over the RCI TV station in my cabin….I really wasn’t missing anything. Keep that in mind, if you miss one of them. You'll be SICK of them by the end of the cruise.


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Drama Queen, you are making me re-think my position of never going on a ship that size. I had no interest in even looking at the Allure, until I saw your review, and having read a couple others, (and thoroughly enjoying them,) I decided to read this one. You are making the ship seem so much more appealing! It's going to be tough now to decide which ship to go on next. I was thinking of the Jewel, and hubby was thinking Celebrity anything, but the Allure is now in the running, mostly because of your pictures of Central Park. I can't wait to read the rest! It is taking me away from the winter that just won't end, here in southern Ontario.

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