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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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I’m going to continue the review here in a second, but at this point in the narrative, I have to insert a true confession. Are you ready? Are you sitting down?



It continued in 2008 while I was on a 3-week mission trip to Hawaii, where I was helping to build a camp for disabled children. During the three weeks, I had amassed over 3,000 photos on my Nikon D50 camera…and one night, while reviewing my photos on the camera, a message popped up that said, “Would you like to reformat your memory card?”




I’d never seen that before, and figured, “What’s the harm in that?” And so I said, “Yes.”


You know where this is going, don’t you?



In the blink of a nanosecond, 3,000 photos that had captured not only the spirit of Hawaii, but of our efforts there, went POOF. Gone with the Wind. Nada.






OMG!! I did that in Aruba once! Fortunately (I guess) it was our 2nd time there, and we were just walking around the pier area. There's a little mall with a fancy chocolate shop. I took a photo of their Easter display and for whatever reason, obeyed the "would you like to format your memory card" diety. It was only that one day, but, boy I was really looking forward to the pictures of that chocolate shop.


And now I know -- never format the card after you've put pictures on it.


I would have jumped off a cliff if I'd lost 3,000 Hawaii photos. I hope you've been back!


I use this as a good excuse to go back someday--during Easter!!

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OMG!! I did that in Aruba once! Fortunately (I guess) it was our 2nd time there, and we were just walking around the pier area. There's a little mall with a fancy chocolate shop. I took a photo of their Easter display and for whatever reason, obeyed the "would you like to format your memory card" diety. It was only that one day, but, boy I was really looking forward to the pictures of that chocolate shop.


And now I know -- never format the card after you've put pictures on it.


I would have jumped off a cliff if I'd lost 3,000 Hawaii photos. I hope you've been back!


I use this as a good excuse to go back someday--during Easter!!


So it's not just me! Yes - lesson learned. DON'T DO THAT!!!


I didn't jump off a cliff - although we'd just left South Point, which has some amazing cliffs, coincidentally...but I did cry. Yup. However, my fellow team members pulled together and made CD's of all of THEIR photos over the last 3 weeks and gave me a copy so I'd have some photos for my scrapbook. I was SUPPOSED to go back last year for another mission trip - to work at the same camp - but these darn sinus issues prevented me from flying, and I had to cancel my trip. Yes. I've been struggling on and off for years with this, so I'm glad to be finally (hopefully) getting it all fixed with the upcoming surgery.

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We had contacted Arlene at the Educulture/Junkanoo Museum ahead of time and went there on our own, not through the ship although the Disney cruise we were on had that excursion (which ended up canceled so we had Arlene all to ourselves). It was a great time, the place is so colorful, and if anyone wants to go, I'd suggest emailing her to see if she'll be open.


This is the link to our Nassau album in Facebook (public link) if anyone wants to see the Junkanoo pics: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151256341391475.430754.557221474&type=1&l=48361b4bf5 - and me modeling the flamingo headdress from a previous parade.


thank you for sharing...I will be going there on my next stop in Nassau

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Finishing my facial at 3:35, I was a tad bit late to a (FREE!) Walking Tour in Central Park given by the head gardener on the Allure. This was actually a very interesting and fascinating tour…he didn’t just rattle off the names of the various plants, but he explained the thought process of why the plants were chosen. For instance, there is a lot of wind on the ship (on purpose – because otherwise, the Central Park area could get very stuffy and very hot) – so the plants have to be able to withstand a lot of wind.







All plants have to be approved by the US Department of Agriculture – and yes, some plants have been disapproved, mainly because they could be a pest attractant. He explained why the trees are constantly trimmed – mainly to not block the balcony views of the cabins in the park – and he talked about the two (so far) REAL bird nests that have appeared in the trees. Yes, they get “hitchhiking” birds – especially from Haiti, when the mountains get cold. The birds are just looking for a warmer habitat!


The (FREE!) tour lasted about 45 minutes, and had about a dozen or so of us. You don't have to sign up in advance - just look for it in the Cruise Compass and show up at the designated time in Central Park. I would recommend it - it was definitely fascinating.


After my tour, I had worked up an appetite - of course - and went to the Cupcake Cupboard, where I got a Pistachio Cupcake. I asked how many different flavors there were - thinking I'd try to sample EVERY flavor before the week was out - and the Cupcake Lady said, "Thirty two."




So much for my plans of sampling every single flavor.


I had 6:00 pm reservations at Izumi, the Asian Cuisine venue onboard. Dress tonight was casual, so I wore this:



Again…strategically with no belt and no tight waistline…I’m smart like that.



Izumi is located right next to the Windjammer…besides having a $5 cover charge (for dinner…lunch is a $3 cover charge), you then pay for whatever you order off the menu (however, note that the $5 cover charge includes your gratuity). In my quest to try all dining venues, I bit the bullet – although I wasn’t happy about the cover charge in addition to a fee for the food, and I’m not big on Asian food…so I was skeptical.


I arrived, and at that time, the restaurant was pretty empty…but it quickly filled up as the evening went on…I was seated at a table right by the windows, so I was able to watch as we sailed away from St. Thomas…the timing couldn’t have been more perfect for my dinner reservation. There was soft Spanish guitar music playing over the speakers, which made me chuckle, because it definitely wasn’t Asian music playing…but I still liked it.


My waiter, Junnel, immediately brought over a hot towel so I could cleanse my hands. He then explained the menu, and asked if I had any questions. I told him I am not a sushi fan at all, so he suggested that I do a “hot rock”. I had no idea what that entailed, but I trusted him, so I chose the “Mixed Seafood Rock” for $10. I also requested a bowl of Shrimp Wonton Soup for $2.00.


Within minutes, Junnel set a bowl of green beans in front of me:





Me: “Um, I didn’t order green beans….”


Junnel: “These are edamame.”


Me: “These are WHAT-a-may?”


Junnel: “Edamame.”


Me: “Eddie-mamma?”


Junnel: “Soy beans.”


Me: “OH! Soy beans! But I still didn’t order them.”


Junnel: “They’re complimentary.”




Junnel quickly realized that if I didn’t even know what they were, I probably had no idea how to eat them – and he was correct. I had no clue. He explained how to squeeze them into your mouth until the seed inside the skin “pops”…but don’t eat the skins, he warned. Well. He should have warned about popping seeds – as I accidentally choked on one that went down my throat before I had a chance to chew. Yikes. That's a nightmare that solo diners have - if we start choking on an errant soy bean, who's going to save us???!!!


Anyway…these soy beans, sprinkled with kosher salt, were very flavorful….I’m sure the salt made the big difference, but I really liked them. When I wasn’t nervous about choking on another seed, that is.


Service was definitely prompt, as my Shrimp Wonton Soup arrived by 6:12 pm. This was a clear chicken broth with mushrooms, scallions and two shrimp wontons…I found it light, and although flavorful, could have used a bit more salt.


Soon, my Seafood Mixed Hot Rock arrived…Junnel sets down a 6”x6” square “rock” in front of me that is so hot, it’s sizzling…I can literally feel the heat of this rock on my eyebrows. Junnel explains that it is currently at 575-degrees F, and to be careful. I draw back in horror, as if this thing is going to scald me alive. On either side of the hot rock, there are piles of various seafood – scallops, shrimp, tuna and salmon – along with some raw Asian vegetables.


Wait. Not only are the vegetables raw, but so is the seafood. Junnel sees my look of confusion and explains that I will be cooking my own food.


Wait, what?


I’m on a cruise!!! I am not here to COOK!!!


Actually…it turned out to be rather fun…once I got the hang of it and got over my fear of not only burning myself, but burning my dinner. Besides the meat and vegetables, there are three dipping sauces on the table, which I delighted in experimenting with and combining with in different combinations. You also get a bowl of white rice – and chopsticks, if you request them.


I found my dinner to be very good…even without the sauces for additional flavor…the seafood could stand on it’s own. I really enjoyed this.


Junnel asked if I wanted dessert, and I said, “Duh. Of course.” And he brought me the dessert sampler….Oh, how I wish you could see the picture – it was a work of art. There was some green tea mousse, caramelized flan, a rice cake stuffed with strawberry ice cream, and some marinated fruit. I liked it all – especially the rice cake, which dissolved in my mouth like a marshmallow. The sampler was $4.00, but I noticed later, looking at my receipt, that Junnel didn’t charge me for it. I don’t know if it was an oversight on his part, or if he was just feeling sorry for the silly lady who didn’t know a soybean from a green bean and was appalled at the thought of cooking her own dinner…on a scalding hot rock. And who almost choked to death on a popping Eddie-Mama bean.


I loved Junnel. He was fantastic.


By the time I finished with dinner – around 7:00 pm – the restaurant was full. It was also noisy – so if you’re looking for a romantic dinner, Izumi is NOT your place. However, if you’re looking for some good Asian food – definitely try this. I was glad I worked through my skepticism, as it ended up being one of my better dinners...all things considered.


After dinner, I decided to head to – where else – but the Thermal Suite…and again, it was empty. I was back to having my own private Chartered Cruise Ship, and life was good.


Tomorrow was St. Maarten...and I had a fun adventure planned...so it was early to bed for me....


Edited by KansCocoa
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That is adorable! Did the Room Steward do that for you, or did you do it afterward? All we ever had were the animals, well except for the Steward putting sunglasses on them, they didn't do anything else. I love this puppy! I'd talk to it :)


I thought it was an aardvark :rolleyes:

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I thought it was an aardvark :rolleyes:


That made me go back and look at the photo - and you could be right! Aardvarks eat stuff underground, and my room could have been mistaken for a dark cave...


I hope I didn't insult him when I called him a Canine! :p

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I love this!! :D

When men say things like this you have to love them more!!



Yes, I agree! It is always me that says stuff like this. It is so redeeming that I have one story to pull out when he shares some of the things that have popped out of my mouth (eg..."Did Cassius Clay and Mohammed Ali ever fight each other? Or "How did the Mama's and Papa's know Mama Cass?", and many many other things)!


OK, now back to the review. I still have 4 more pages to catch up! :) Thanks Sherri-you are doing a great job!

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Sherri, thank you for all your wonderful reviews...enjoying this one especially since we were just on her in December. Also to add to other comments, I rather the smaller ships but the shows and what the ship has to offer is awesome...

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Poof. Gone with the Wind. Nada. But – ONLY for this day. I still have all the other photos.

Enjoying your review very much. I starting reading before my cruise, we gone for 2 weeks and came back and I am happy to still be reading your review.


Anyway, I lost my photos on my memory card last year when we were in St. Kitts, my husband said, no problem you can recover them; i guess when you delete photos they are still mysteriously still there. He had me download a program and sure enough it recovered all the photos.



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thank you for sharing...I will be going there on my next stop in Nassau


Jeanne, you're welcome. We loved it there. My husband just said last night the Junkanoo museum was the highlight of all our trips to Nassau. Arlene is a sweetheart, you'll love your tour.

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I have also heard that you can recover your photos off of a card with a special program. Perhaps that would also work when the camera formats the card?


I download my pictures every night onto my laptop. That helps me keep them separated into days & also gives me the mental security that if I were to lose/break my camera or anything else goes wrong at least I haven't lost an entire vacation's worth of pictures. If I have downtime I have been known to even start working on them during the cruise and on the way home on a long flight.

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I really enjoy your reviews, you have a wonderful style!


Just a tip regarding "oil in the hair". My mother once had a similar issue. After purchasing a pricey "remedy" from a salon that did nothing, my stylist advised a baking soda and shampoo mixture. One or two shampoos (during the same shower) and her hair was back to normal.


Can't wait for the rest of this review and then to your Top Chef cruise! Keep them coming and I hope you feel better soon.


Thanks again!!

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Hi again!


Sherri ~ thanks for your wishes re my DS accompanying me. I too have had a camera misadventure so am missing photos of Palm Springs & The Crystal Cathedral at Christmas from a land trip.:( I liked the edamame peas too altho' I'm not big on sushi.


janeyzee ~thanks for sharing your pictures of the Junkanoo museum, they brought back memories. I was on a NCL Epic shore excursion so lots of people but that was fun as we got to play instruments & try various pops.


I can hardly wait for my Allure adventure, I've been craving cupcakes!;)




~ Jo ~ :)

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Oh my. You have convinced me that I must go to morning stretch just to see Ms Diaz' twin and the young Arnold in action! Any monkey business over mats or class start time, they better look out.:mad: I imagine myself organizing the other participants to revolt with a battle cry of "This one is for Sherri, the MADQ!":rolleyes:


Please excuse the interruption. And now, back to our heroine!:D:p

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Hi again!


janeyzee ~thanks for sharing your pictures of the Junkanoo museum, they brought back memories.


~ Jo ~ :)


Great, glad you liked them. We had the best time there, I smile whenever I think of it. Arlene gave us whistles when we left and we blew them on midnight Christmas night when the Junkanoo parade was beginning and then I sent her the picture to prove we'd done it. Fun times!

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I probably DID insult him...because he was gone by the next evening...


...but in his place, I found this:






I ignored it.






Silly Lady Person, it's an olymphant, everyone knows that.


Next time, when you just HAVE to go solo, I'll bit the bullet and accompany you. You know, so you'll have a chaperone :D


Excellent review, you're a hoot.

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Sherri thanks for a wonderful and funny review, one of the best I've ever read. I've wanted to cruise Oasis/Allure since they arrived on the cruising scene but my husband wasn't keen on such large ships. I am now happy to say after your review and photos that he is really keen and we are looking at autumn (fall) 2014, as our 2013 cruise is already booked, and combining it with a transatlantic from UK and trip to Orlando then fly back to UK.

Now going to check out your Eastern med review!

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Absolutely love your review. I'm going on my first cruise in August and have a couple of questions. What do you wear in the Thermal Suite? Also where is the closest place for me to get a good cup of coffee in the early morning? I'm cruising with my sister in law who doesn't get up as early as I do Our canon is on the 12 deck and plan on taking advantage of the private balcony. Thanks

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Sherri, I'm loving this review. Thank you! I found it yesterday & I'm up to date now. But now I have to go back and check on the your other reviews, especially the Europe one, as that's where I am.

Never really been keen on the idea of a huge ship but I'm changing my mind & I keep showing my DH the great photos to change his mind too. Food plays a big part in my holidays (in my life in general really) so I'm loving the descriptions and photos of your wonderful meals.

Less than 4 weeks til we go on our next cruise over here & can't wait. I'm feeling inspired to write my own review!

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Oh my. You have convinced me that I must go to morning stretch just to see Ms Diaz' twin and the young Arnold in action! Any monkey business over mats or class start time, they better look out.:mad: I imagine myself organizing the other participants to revolt with a battle cry of "This one is for Sherri, the MADQ!":rolleyes:


Please excuse the interruption. And now, back to our heroine!:D:p


You go Steeler Nation...I'm right there with you!

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Absolutely love your review. I'm going on my first cruise in August and have a couple of questions. What do you wear in the Thermal Suite? Also where is the closest place for me to get a good cup of coffee in the early morning? I'm cruising with my sister in law who doesn't get up as early as I do Our canon is on the 12 deck and plan on taking advantage of the private balcony. Thanks


We just got off the Celebrity Reflection. We spent a wonderful evening in the Thermal Suite. I wore my bathing suit. They give you a robe when you check in. You go from hot dry heat to cool showers, to hot steam, to an ice room on the Reflection. Not sure what Allure has as we have only cruised on Oasis and didn't go to the Thermal suite there. We stayed there about an hour and 20 minutes. I spent most of my time on the warm thermal tile chairs as I don't particularly care for the sauna or ice room, but I did like the dry heat room. We went later in the evening like Sherri, just after dinner and there were only about 5 other people there. It was heavenly.


Sherri, I think you posted the different types of rooms they had in Thermal Suite in an earlier post...RIGHT?


Sherri, Thanks again for your wonderful review! Sure are enjoying it in cold, snowy, Kentucky. We'll be down in Ft. Myers in late June! This will be our first trip there. Any suggestions on what we should do besides the beach and golf? Any restaurant suggestions would be helpful too. Sorry to hijack!

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I really enjoy your reviews, you have a wonderful style!


Just a tip regarding "oil in the hair". My mother once had a similar issue. After purchasing a pricey "remedy" from a salon that did nothing, my stylist advised a baking soda and shampoo mixture. One or two shampoos (during the same shower) and her hair was back to normal.


Can't wait for the rest of this review and then to your Top Chef cruise! Keep them coming and I hope you feel better soon.


Thanks again!!


Good tip - do you think they'd sell baking soda in the RCI Gift Shop onboard?! I could probably have sweet-talked Norman, my cabin attendant - or William, my Chai-tea guy - into getting some from the kitchen for me...??! :)



Oh my. You have convinced me that I must go to morning stretch just to see Ms Diaz' twin and the young Arnold in action! Any monkey business over mats or class start time, they better look out.:mad: I imagine myself organizing the other participants to revolt with a battle cry of "This one is for Sherri, the MADQ!":rolleyes:


Please excuse the interruption. And now, back to our heroine!:D:p


I LIKE that! Carry torches and pitchforks, too - that would be awesome. :)

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