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Just back from Ecstasy - Cabin Robbed!


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I agree with you. Some posters here are quick to slam a "new poster" if they have anything negative to say about their cruise. I don't understand it, either.

Everyone here was a new poster at some time, and lots of people do not have a "perfect" cruise. I think most posters do post their own mishaps, so other people can be aware, or learn from them.

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I agree with you. Some posters here are quick to slam a "new poster" if they have anything negative to say about their cruise. I don't understand it, either.

Everyone here was a new poster at some time, and lots of people do not have a "perfect" cruise. I think most posters do post their own mishaps, so other people can be aware, or learn from them.



Its only a few people that may flame certain posters, but not everyone..

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I think its a sad situation all around....

while I believe the poster.........

I understand Carnivals Policy they will not be responsible...

I guess sometimes you have those people who might say oh I had 800.00 in my room and it was taken.......( the whole cost of thier 4 night cruise)

It would be just too easy if carnival was responsible to pull a scam like that...

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I've always been a little paranoid, but it's probably a good thing. When I leave the cabin, I usually have my carryon luggage on the floor by the bed. I place whatever I'm nervous about leaving in plain view inside the carryon and lock it with my combination luggage lock. I guess someone could come in and take the whole thing, or rip it open, but at least it gives me a sense of peace that my valuables aren't easily picked up and carted off.

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I sent the certified letters and just received back the green confirmation card that they had been received. I also finally received the magic "generated" letter that all the Guest Relations people kept telling me I had to wait for. Now that time has past and I am busy with my BF's wedding - I want to "get over" the incident. However, this letter and the way I have been treated by Carnival's people is so awful that I feel compelled to continue on until I get a modicum of sympathy and something that resembles fairness.


The generic form letter I received: :mad:


-----beginning of letter---

Dear (Irritation):


When any guest of ours takes the time to share their cruise experiences they obviously care enough to bring these matters to our attention.


Our sincere thanks to you for providing us with your comments and observations. Be assured that those in a position to effect change will be notified and work toward enhancing our product.


To welcome you back on board, we will make arrangments to have a Bon Voyage gift delivered to your cabin. Please call our Guest Relations Department 45 days prior to your next cruise. Then we will make arrangments to have this special gift delvered. Our toll -free number is 1 -800-929-6400. Any of our representatives will be happy to assist.


We hope to regain your confidence in us so that we may have the opportunity to welcome you aboard again soon.




Patricia King

Special Advisor, Office of the President



------(end of letter)


WE WERE ROBBED BY YOUR EMPLOYEE!!! We aren't complaining about the soup?!!!!! Grrrrrr


I think if Carnival thinks this letter is appropriate to send to victims of a crime (however petty to some) on their ships then they should win the award for MOST CLUELESS :confused: customer service.



Now that they have received my letter - maybe I will get something fair - as always I will keep all of you posted and want to thank you all for your kindness to me. If only Carnival could have been as sympathetic!




UPDATE ON THIS POST: I am also posting my exact posts on another cruise site and was just informed by another poster that they received this EXACT letter in response to them COMPLIMENTING their room steward on a job WELL done and that their "Bon Voyage" gift was a bottle of wine. :D Bwah ha ha. It is such bad customer service that I actually busted out laughing when he wrote that.

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UPDATE ON THIS POST: I am also posting my exact posts on another cruise site and was just informed by another poster that they received this EXACT letter in response to them COMPLIMENTING their room steward on a job WELL done and that their "Bon Voyage" gift was a bottle of wine. :D Bwah ha ha. It is such bad customer service that I actually busted out laughing when he wrote that.


Geez! I sure hope I'll never have to count on Guest Relations to resolve a serious complaint.

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As frustrating as it is, Carnival's response is probably about all they could do at least in terms of financial compensation. Now I'm not saying there is any excuse for no reply followed by a weak form letter. You are right, you're complaining about theft not cold soup. I doubt Carnival is in a position to give you any financial compensation for your loss beyong the pathetic Bon Voyage gift. We live in a world were grifters put pieces of human fingers in chili and fake accidents in pursuit of a financial settlement that will set them up for life. Were Carnival to compensate you for your loss, and please understand I have no reason to doubt the truthfullness of your story, I'm afraid they would be flooded with tales of "stolen" Rolex's , diamonds and wads of cash. Sadly, it is the world we live in.

I hope that in the future you will be able to give another cruiseline, if not Carnival, another chance. As you could tell from some of the responses to your original post most of us have had multiple cruises with none of the problems which plagued your trip.

Best of luck to you!

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Geez! I sure hope I'll never have to count on Guest Relations to resolve a serious complaint.



Well I posted prev. about a problem I had aboard the Carnival Spirit that I did not even report. It was reported internally through Carnival.


I received a discount on a future cruise and gift.


I cannot complain against Guest Relations since they have treated me so well.


In response to the OP and in my opinion , I understand that you were robbed in your cabin, however, without concrete proof Carnival cannot extend to you anything more than what they already have. Am not saying that you are scamming CCL but I am sure other people have.. Unless you have someone on video tape robbing from your cabin I dont see why CCL needs to offer you anything more.. :)

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We live in a world were grifters put pieces of human fingers in chili and fake accidents in pursuit of a financial settlement that will set them up for life. Were Carnival to compensate you for your loss, and please understand I have no reason to doubt the truthfullness of your story, I'm afraid they would be flooded with tales of "stolen" Rolex's , diamonds and wads of cash. Sadly, it is the world we live in.


VERY WELL SAID.!!!!!!!!!!!! happy34.gif

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I understand that there are a lot of jerks in the world who make a living out of squeezing money out of everyone they encounter through dispicable lawsuits and the like; however with that being said, I feel like it is fair to ask to be compensated penny for penny because there is just too many fingers pointing to their employee, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY be treated with compassion, respected, and sympathy.


If Carnival had responded promptly that due to policy whatever they were unable to do anything but that they were PERSONALLY SORRY and UPSET that this happened and would give us a gift equal to the amount stolen and not a cheap bottle of wine, upon booking another sailing, then I probably would have been a little disappointed but I NEVER would have given such negative reviews of the cruise to friends, felt the gamut of emotions of anger, shock, sadness, more anger and overwhelmingly compelled to warn everyone that would listen about my "sob story" and become a one-woman "online poster commando".


Basically, my thought is how horrible does their customer service have to be to make me, a normally laid back (ok lazy) individual whose already busy with her best friend's wedding AND her own husband's birthday, to take countless hours to email all her friends and relatives about her bad experience, call and write Carnival repeatedly, AND become a member of a couple of online cruise review communities to post about this one experience???? :eek:


The answer is they would have to be horrible.:mad:


p.s. For the people that think I am going overboard on this, put yourself in my position.


You realize that you have been robbed at the start of your vacation, you are scared, angry and hurt. You cry. You know who it is but have no proof. You realize that everything you had planned to do and saved up for has changed because you don't have the money. It wasn't alot, but it was alot to you.


You call security. They search the cabin. They search your purse. Then they search YOU - (they frisked us quickly - not a strip search or anything like that). You feel embarrassed and offended as they do much MORE than make sure that YOU didn't lose the items.


You don't say a single word. You know they are required to do it and you think (stupidly) that being compliant will help your "case" and prove you are honest and trustworthy and telling the truth.


You fill out forms and miss an entire night of activities (more $ down the tubes).


NO ONE apologizes. NO ONE says they are sorry. They talk about investigations and getting to the bottom of things. You wait till the next day and try and talk to the purser. They roll their eyes as soon as you mention your cabin # and sigh. You become persona non grata. You are told to wait till after the cruise to talk to the company.


Cruise ends - you do everything you are told to do. NO ONE treats you with compassion or sympathy. NO ONE says "We are so sorry this happened".


You get a generic computer form letter designed for BOTH complaints and praises. You are not worth the minimum of personal handling even though you were a victim of a crime.


THIS is what I am angry about.

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Well I received another letter last night from the Head of Security. I didn't bring it with me to work so I can't type it verbatim. Basically, no apology, I am SOL as it isn't their policy to recompensate victims and no mention of the Bon Voyage gift. My only consolation was that it had my details in it - so I KNOW he wrote it and not a computer.


After I read it I just got burnt out and decided that the whole ordeal is exhausting. If they could have just been understanding and said "We're sorry this happened" at the very beginning then I never would have been so upset.


Oh well, next time we will pick a cruise that has better safes and a better reputation for customer service out of our port. I definately want to cruise again as so many people on here just LOVE it. I am just thinking we picked the wrong boat and definately the wrong crew. With the money that was stolen, the bracelet, and the fact that we missed the entire formal night, captain's reception (with free drinks), etc. it was an expensive lesson to learn.


I am now going to focus all my energy on my BF's wedding (This Friday) and my H's b-day (This Sunday). I am very excited as I have waited for her to get married FOR EVER LOL:p I also know that my H will LOVE the gifts I got him (went way overboard as I felt like with all we have just been through it would be nice to have something positive for a change).


Anyway, thanks to all of you who have been so nice and I hope all your future cruises are great.


If I do get anything, although I have lost hope after last night, I will definately let you all know.

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I am so sorry that you didnt enjoy your cruise and your cabin was robbed.


I however must disgree in regards to Carnivals Customer Service/ Relations.. I have been treated fairly by Carnival. See attached link:



I hope you give Carnival another chance in the future ... :)

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It's unfortunate that this happened, and I'm very sorry it happened to you, but I agree with Bsan and others that Carnival probably experiences all these claims of lost or stolen items on a daily basis. Unfortunately, a lot of them are probably false.

I think that for you to want them to give you "a gift equal to the amount stolen" is expecting a bit much. It just isn't going to happen.


You seem to want them to say they are "personally sorry". Would it really make a difference? You really seem to be angling to get monetary compensation.


Oh well, next time we will pick a cruise that has better safes and a better reputation for customer service out of our port.
I think this entire situation would have been avoided if there hadn't been a user problem in the first place. There is nothing wrong with the safe. Just in the manner you used it. If you didn't get the key to the safe when you wanted, then you should not have laid valuables around. Everything should have gotten locked into your suitcase. I'm not sure why you wouldn't have felt more comfortable wearing the bracelet rather than just leaving it in a drawer.


Sorry if this comes across as a bit harsh. But, it's life. Again, I'm sorry this happened to you. It sucks, but think of it as a life lesson, and you will probably be more careful in the future.


Also, I'm not sure if this is a reason to give up on Carnival. If you had left your bracelet in a drawer on any other line, I tend to think you would get a similar response.

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It's unfortunate that this happened, and I'm very sorry it happened to you, but I agree with Bsan and others that Carnival probably experiences all these claims of lost or stolen items on a daily basis. Unfortunately, a lot of them are probably false.

I think that for you to want them to give you "a gift equal to the amount stolen" is expecting a bit much. It just isn't going to happen.


You seem to want them to say they are "personally sorry". Would it really make a difference? You really seem to be angling to get monetary compensation.


I think this entire situation would have been avoided if there hadn't been a user problem in the first place. There is nothing wrong with the safe. Just in the manner you used it. If you didn't get the key to the safe when you wanted, then you should not have laid valuables around. Everything should have gotten locked into your suitcase. I'm not sure why you wouldn't have felt more comfortable wearing the bracelet rather than just leaving it in a drawer.


Sorry if this comes across as a bit harsh. But, it's life. Again, I'm sorry this happened to you. It sucks, but think of it as a life lesson, and you will probably be more careful in the future.


Also, I'm not sure if this is a reason to give up on Carnival. If you had left your bracelet in a drawer on any other line, I tend to think you would get a similar response.




Very well said.... happy65.gif


No one ever expects to get robbed...


But you just can leave money or valuables laying around...


Additionally, without concrete proof Carnival will not refund you any money... Like everyone has said here it is very sad the world we live in that we can no longer take someones word at face value, they probably get hundreds of claims a day of things that "went missing or stolen" and mostly are probably lies...

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I have to agree with blackwing and Bsan; very well said both of you.


I can understand thinking that because you ARE telling the truth you should receive monetary compensation, but anyone could do exactly as you have done and been LYING the whole time, so how can Carnival know who is telling the truth? They can't, so they can't compensate ANYONE unless there is concrete evidence.

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At first I thought the OP had done a really "dumb" thing. However, after thinking about it, I have been on five previous cruises and DH and I have always left our daily purchases beside the bed or on the chair. I usually put things away once a day. I also leave my casino money in a bucket on the dresser. I always travel with my family and friends and we have never had anything stolen. However, after reading this post, I will be much more careful to put things away. I also have to warn friends and family before our upcoming cruise.


I am very sorry this happened to the OP. I am glad they didn't lose more. A lesson for all of us to learn... Honesty and values are increasingly going down the drain.

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colette5479 - I love your avatar! :D Where'd you find it? (Don't worry, I won't copy yours, just curious :) )


Sorry I missed your post! I just put Beatles Avitar in a Yahoo search and found it that way. I'm not sure of the site but they had lots of them. It think it was the 3-4 site on a yahoo search! And I don't care if you copy it or not:) If you will give me your email address I will mail it to you;)

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Honesty and values are increasingly going down the drain.





I think we all feel for the OP .


Usually cruiselines, hotels, etc., will tell you not to leave anything of value in plain site.


I've never had this happen to me on a cruise, but when I go I lock my cash, credit cards, passports, video camera and jewelry in the safe.


The stewards who have cleaned my room in the past have never stolen anything from me, they have always gone past the call of duty. However, I would never leave something out and give them an opportunity to "fall into temptation".


Additionally, I have to agree on this with Carnival.


It is likely it was a cabin steward but it could have also been that the OP did not close their door when they left the room sometimes unless you pull it hard to close it , it will not close, especially on an older ship. I remember on the Imagination one time I passed by my moms cabin and her door was open, she thought it had closed behind her and it didnt.. Thank goodness I came by and closed it but if I hadnt come by anyone else could have gone into the room and taken something. When you are on a cruise no one thinks that anyone is going to do anything bad.. But you are on a ship with 2000 people from different walks of life. You never know if your fellow passenger is a good person or a bad one. You dont know if they are an outstanding citizen or a pedophile.

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Dear Friends - Carnival is not saying they are "sorry" because that is admitting they did something wrong - - - here's food for though: what if the cabin steward wasn't the culprit - maybe your door didn't close all they way when you left the room, and a fellow passenger took your money and bracelet. . . .


I never take anything on a cruise that I don't want to lose in the first place - everything is can be replaced - with proper insurance - my wedding ring, tennis bracelet, necklace, and other jewelry is insured thru my homeowners policy - - -


I know you feel "violated" by Carnival, but you have to move on, and in the future, be properly insured, have credit cards with theft protection instead of cash, and travel wisely.


Next time - it would be in your best interest not to leave your money and bracelet in the room.


It's kind of like the lady who leaves her purse in the shopping cart, walks two isles over for a box of cereal, comes back to the cart only to find her purse was stolen - was that the store's fault?


Good luck - Dee

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Sorry I missed your post! I just put Beatles Avitar in a Yahoo search and found it that way. I'm not sure of the site but they had lots of them. It think it was the 3-4 site on a yahoo search! And I don't care if you copy it or not:) If you will give me your email address I will mail it to you;)

Thanks! :) You can send it to spambox42@hotmail.com. I appreciate it!

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