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LIVE: MSC Fantasia 17 night repositioning cruise Santos Brazil to Venice 5 March 2013

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So…..my LIVE thread isn’t actually so LIVE after all – I will have to work harder on this.


Having suffered through jet lag my night in Sao Paulo I was ready to leave the hotel by 08:00, earlier than planned but I had noted on marinetraffic.com that Fantasia had docked at 06:00 and figured that the embarkation time on the e-ticket of 16:00 was, as experience had proved merely a safeguard of MSC and that embarkation was actually to occur much earlier.


The Ceasar Park Hotel organized a car for me for the drive down to Santos. Michael (Northern Comfort) and Tim (Skipper Tim) had tried to convince me to join them on the Cometa Bus, however as enticing the adventure sounded and with regard to Tim’s comments above within the context of a photo that is to follow I am relieved that I decided to be lazy and just cab it. It was Rs340.00, about US$180.00 ( for the one way transfer; pricey, yes, but it is a good one and half / two hours down drive so in context it is fair.


There was a fair amount of haze as we descended through the mountains so, unfortunately there are no pictures, however it was breathtaking. My driver offered me chewing gum for my ears – I thought he was crazy but soon realized that the descent is rapid and I believe that persons who are incapable of naturally equalizing their ears would have a problem and soon enough we were at the base of the mountains making our way towards Santos. Observing a lot of police pulling trucks over, my driver; Robson explained that Brazil has a big problem with illegal immigrants coming into the country through Santos port and as a result the police are constantly checking the various transports.


Disaster then struck…..




(You can see Tim's bus stuck in the middle of it all)


Robson informed me that it was very unusual and was even himself taking pictures on his i-phone while we sat in the traffic. At this stage I want to make specific mention of how helpful I have found the Brazilians, nothing seems too much in their pursuit of perfect service, well at least excellent service. Case in point, dear old Robson soon commissioned a local cabbie to escort us through a short cut which would take us away from the congestion and soon, within 30 minutes we were at the cruise terminal surrounded by the masses of people disembarking.


Vehicles are only able to enter up until the baggage drop where as I climbed out a young local came running up to me asking “Fantasia”. I obviously replied “yes, but Yacht Club”. Saying yes yes, he started labeling my luggage – I looked at him and repeated “Yacht Club”, he looked at me repeated yes yes again and handed me a boarding card with the number 13 on it. It was at this stage I realized he didn’t realize, so I reminded him further “Yacht Club, where are the butlers?” It was now that the penny eventually dropped and while he went to go and ask his supervisor I settled Robson’s fee added an extra Rs20.00 for getting us out of the traffic and turned my attention to the young man trying to send me and my luggage the standard route.

“Sir, I am sorry I am new” he replied “I will take you to where you need to go”. My Tumi was handed to a porter, and I made my way with the young man still apologizing to the Yacht Club check in, ah……..home.



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Good morning from La Cantina Toscana, deck 7. This is the wine bar of the Fantasia and as such is not open at this time of day and thus is beautifully quiet. I initially set myself up on the pool deck (14) but the usual MSC entertainment mayhem is underway and I could neither hear Angela and Keith talk nor myself think. Back on deck 7, the neighbouring Cappuccino bar is open and having obtained a couple of cans of Brahma, the waitress very kindly insisted on bringing them and an ice-frosted glass to La Cantina Toscano for me. Cheers!


Even in the closed La Cantina, there is the noisiest game of dominos underway I have ever heard. It must be 'power dominos' or some other such variant which involves terrifying your opponent with the sheer brute force of play. The players are shouting too, much as I do if ever I am allowed to play Monopoly.


Last night we drank too much. Angela, Keith, Michael and I met here in La Cantina for pre-dinner drinks. We assumed our allocated table positions and met our fellow diners for the first time. I detected an initial element of resentment that we had not been present on the first evening (due to the Cruise Critics party) but this soon melted away.


Our table seats ten, which as I have experienced and discussed before is just too large to be able to adequately hear the opposite side of the table. This did not stop us talking and the wine glasses kept on refilling themselves without recourse to ever actually lifting a bottle.


The English menu contained the usual few giggles and there were the usual few surprises as the food arrived. Michael had inky rice which looked horrendous. He ate it like a man. My lasagne was somewhat unusual in being completely devoid of meat, tomato or colour. It was an unexpected albino vegan lasagne. I followed Michael's example and gave no cause to doubt my manly credentials. The ice cream was reportedly sublime while I feasted on a selection of Italian cheeses. I can't remember my other courses.


The post-dinner service back at the Cantina was equally effective and devastating. In what seemed like a hurried whirl, various members of the Cruise Critics cohort stopped by for drink and a chat, left and often returned without us ever moving. We retired well pickled and preserved.


I am pleased to report that the coffee at breakfast is significantly improved over that on the Musica last November. Perhaps MSC have listened to our comments! The juice I am afraid is just the same. I had thought that being in Brazil, the largest producer and exporter of oranges in the World, we may have had real orange juice if only of the from concentrate variety. It is still flavoured, coloured sugar-water. I squeezed my own this morning. To maintain the respect of my cabin attendant, from now on I will perform this potentially messy operation in the shower room.


I am an passionate fan of background 'musak'. I love it in supermarkets, lifts, restaurants and hotels. I was very impressed by the selection on the Musica. I think the selection I have heard on the Fantasia so far is even more impressive. The addition of Gareth Gates' cover of Unchained Melody is an absolute masterstroke. The timing and context of this addition is perfect - no one will know who Gareth Gates is on this ship. If they do, they will have long-forgotten his first and only hit. I commend the compilers, those under-appreciated geniuses who wield their black art to such mood-affecting, well, affect.


That's enough from me for today. Tomorrow we should arrive in Salvador de Bahia. I feel I have 'done' Salvador already so I may remain onboard to appreciate the ship. We shall see.


Che sera, sera.



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Did you bring the oranges with you or are you grabbing them off the buffet? We're getting on the Fantasia in Venice on March 31, and my mother-in-law was going to bring some sort of juicer/blender and a knife and raid the buffet to make her concoctions.

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Sitting here in the Top Sail lounge, canapés alongside and a Morango Caipiroska mid consumption let me attempt to get up to date.

The butlers at check in were not ready for us and I was shown to a small make shift waiting room within the wonderfully air-conditioned cruise terminal, which as you can imagine was a hive of activity. Knowing that two of the CC members were in Yacht Club I was eagerly scouring access cards of individuals waiting with me and to my luck the Heywoods were seated next to me, after a brief introduction it was time for us to be escorted to the waiting Yacht Club shuttle bus. It was a fair distance from the terminal to the quay where Fantasia was berthed and once again when we climbed off the bus the butlers were not ready for us and although it was only an several minute wait I personally felt it was a little unacceptable and was the first time I had every experienced any sort of chaos on an MSC cruise.


Using gangways to board in Santos Yacht Club guests had their own separate means of entry onto the vessel and once past security, who were their usual stern, uninterested selves we congregated while being briefed on the MSC Yacht Club elevator, its operation etc. At this time I made specific mention of the recording the elevator emits when the doors open “this elevator is required for an emergency, please leave when the doors open” and to my luck and the surprise of many an onlooker the recording rang out as the doors opened.


Check in for Yacht Club is done onboard at the concierge desk, your credit card is recorded or you deposit cash. This cruise is in USD, which as a purveyor of casinos I relished at the thought that I would only be losing USD as opposed to EUR. Once done I was introduced to my butler Vasant who is from India and as Skipper Tim indicated he had worked with Celebrity for 15 years. I knew where my cabin was as I had stayed in the one alongside on a previous cruise and it was quite funny watching this petit man carry my back pack, all 7 – 10 kgs of it. I naturally led and he must of thought “dear me” as we descended to deck 12.


My cabin was still in process of being cleaned, thinking that it is strange that they would escourt me to my cabin while it was in no shape to receive guests I got down to business with Vasant. I had prepared on my ipad earlier everything that I required for the CC Meet and Greet, handed it to him and simply said “make it happen”. Invitations, drinks canapés and two tables for us for dinner, not a long list but a list and a task nonetheless. I left Vasant and went for lunch where I returned the steak as it was like eating leather and opted for the crumbed pork chop from the available any day menu instead. L’Etoile remains unchanged from 2011, as too does the silver service.

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Post lunch I went back to my cabin to go and see if my luggage had arrived and as it had I called for Vasant........it wasn't going to unpack itself ;) Vasant arrived and got down to business and while he was doing what he needed I started looking for a point where I could plug my external hard drive into the Bose sound system of the cabin....bless, Vasant was so eager to please he kept on leaving his post at my luggage to assist me........FYI there is no USB port anywhere to be seen but there is HDMI ports, a WII and a DVD player of some sorts.


I always take the laundry package, although it has changed since I last took it, 25 USD for 20 items for next day return or 45 USD for 20 items for same day - previously it had been for 30 items, but irrespective it still remains a good deal. It was at this time that I explained to Vasant that being South African I am accumstomed to staff and for me if it is on the floor it needs cleaning, if it is not on the floor it needs to be returned to the walk in closet.


As exhausting as unpacking was i thought I would reward myself with a bacardi and coke at the The One Pool. Engaged with two of the young Brazilian staff I noticed a familiar figure behind the glass that seperates The One Pool to the rest of the deck space utilised by the rest of the ship. Taking a chance I called out "Tim" and yes I was correct it was the one and only Skipper Tim. Chatting briefly through the holes between the panels we parted ways.


Several hours later it was time for the CC Meet and Greet and what a Meet and Greet it was. Vasant, albeit slightly late was excellent, and I believe that its success can be measured by the hangovers the following morning.



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Best live form...thread I've encountered in a long time. Keep up the good work guys keeping us entertained! Enjoy Salvador.

We've done some Live blog's on the website i moderate on


here is a link to an example . It's mainly images and it's title gives it away "Postcards from MSC Musica"


The cruiser sent images to me from his blackberry along with some commentary and I put them on to a thread in which I had reserved a sequence of posts which I could edit.


I ran two parallel threads:- one in which I announced the arrival of the new "postcards" (with links straight to the new postcard)and a second on which members could pass comments and the cruiser could reply. This allowed the Postcard thread to run uninterrupted by comments


I'd be interested to know what you think of the format














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Good morning from L'Africana Cafeteria all the way aft and on deck 14. It is 10:15 and the area is occupied by a mix of late risers having breakfast and professional stop-aboarders armed with reading material or tablet devices like me. Outside it is hot enough to steam a potato and I don't envy those on the tourist trail through the streets of Salvador de Bahia right now.


I awoke to a free in-bed massage around 7:30 a.m. - the earthquake-like vibrations were an indication that the ship's thrusters were manoeuvring us into our docking position. Duane had mentioned this feature of his suite at the other extreme end of the ship but this was the first time I had experienced it. It was a pleasant way to start the day and far more stimulating than an alarm clock.


As I write this, the tanker 'Tango I' is coming alongside immediately beneath, with a few nudges from a tugboat, presumably to refuel us ahead our almost one week long sea crossing to Madeira.


Angela, Keith, Michael and I had a conference yesterday lunchtime and decided to do the unthinkable - request a change of dining table. I mentioned my unease with it yesterday. The others felt similarly particularly because of the lack of space. At one point the waiters were taking side plates away to make room for dinner plates, the cutlery could not be spaced a plate-width apart and knees and elbows were generally touching. There were simply too many of us for the size of the table.


We spoke to a surprisingly young and surprisingly large maitre D' who, a phone call later, gave us a table for six. In practice we discovered this is a table for six where one place is taken by a large column. This was a good arrangement. We now had much more space between us and a 'hot seat' in which we could torture the occasional guest. However this would be the third table in as many nights and we will be getting a reputation.


Talking of the large, young maitre D', it is an observation that every member of staff in a managerial role is Italian and none of those beneath them are. By implication, Italian staff joining MSC must start at management level and conversely no matter how experienced and talented, non-Italians do not rise to management. I am happy to be corrected on this point..


At breakfast, Keith has finally given up on cornflakes. The first morning, they arrived with his cooked course. On the second, he made a point of asking only for cornflakes so that a separate cooked order could be placed afterwards. They failed to arrive without a reminder long after we had finished our first course. When they eventually came, they arrived without milk. Cold milk was requested but what was poured was clearly hot. I had never seen steaming cornflakes before. This morning they again arrived with the cooked course and again without milk. He managed to obtain cold milk but has finally admitted defeat on the cornflakes front. When in Brazil....


I finally got around to a tour of the ship this morning. I found the adults-only area located mid-ships around the funnel at a towering deck 18. This had superior wicker sun loungers and giant wicker baskets fitted with mattresses upon most of which were beached some whale-sized old men. They had apparently been selected as super-sized loungers. There was also a large jacuzzi occupied by a large party of overly-familiar but consenting adults.


Beneath this on deck 16 (there is no access to deck 17) is the panoramic 'Liquid Disco' which is cleverly decorated in vomit-coloured, liquid-effect splodges on the floor and walls so that it always appears clean - no matter what happens. Aft of this is a small video games and pinball area leading to the '4D cinema' which curiously has more screens than seats, but that is not to say very much, I think there were just six of the latter and one of these appears to be permanently occupied by a seriously under-worked attendant.


Outside and aft of the vomit venue is the traditional shuffle-board area and less traditional water slide, sadly not currently in use. Still, it looks like it would be fun in rough weather.


Deck 15 brings the regular jogging/walking track overlooking the main pool area on the deck below, together with, all the way aft, the 'Lido Catalano' - a smaller pool area complete with two jacuzzis and small bar fitted around the Yacht Club only L'Etoile restaurant. This I imagined would be my preferred outdoor part of the ship but it is somewhat blighted by excessively loud party music and a lack of shade for the tables and chairs. Perhaps as we move towards Europe, as the sun weakens and the music tones down, this area will come into its own.


Descend the stairs on the corner here one deck straight into L'Africana Cafeteria where I am now. I will cover some features of the lower levels another day.


Tonight is the fourth consecutive evening with a 'casual' dress code. We have not had the Captain's welcome or introduction to the senior staff. There are a rumoured 450 additional guests embarking at Salvador so presumably this has been postponed until tomorrow.


A young Brazilian waiter has just stopped by for a chat. He confessed to not liking Brazilian guests because they are messy and rude, "Europeans are much better!". I wonder he tells the Brazilian guests? Actually, I have heard similar opinions from staff a few times now to the point that one waiter said that after a season in Brazil, this repositioning cruise is a holiday for the staff!


It is time for me to head to our regular 'Cruise Critics reception' table in La Cantina Tosca for the pre-lunch stint. In a ship of this size, it is a great arrangement to easily touch base with our new friends.





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Tim ... On the Oasis they have similar things to those chairs in the Adults only area at the Front of the ship .... :)


"I had prepared on my ipad earlier everything that I required for the CC Meet and Greet, handed it to him and simply said “make it happen”. Invitations, drinks canapés and two tables for us for dinner, not a long list but a list and a task nonetheless"


All aboard .... i hope the above request was followed by Please ?

Edited by sidari
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Very informative & entertaining and I will read your thread through your trip, but hope it doesn't become a Jeremy Clarkson style commentary towards staff and their non appreciation of the way particular nationalities like their home favorites.

Keep it going in the right spirit. :)

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All aboard .... i hope the above request was followed by Please ?


Although I am sure I did include a verbal please I believe the 50 EUR note I slipped him at the same time on the understanding that, irrespective of the fact that it is their job, good service brings reward counts the same.

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Today is the day that I catch up…..well at least try.


The next day we found ourselves in Buzios, which I can only describe as quaint and charming and can fully understand how it has become the playground of the Brazilian elite. I will be returning to my stop in Buzios later in the thread once I can work out what happened to the pictures I took with my new second camera, but for now all I have for you is it was a fantastic day spent on a motorized catamaran spent going from beach to beach, turtle watching, caipirinha drinking and throwing myself overboard on occasion for a swim while anchored.


I spent the afternoon in the Top Sail lounge admiring the view and realizing lucky I am at 32 to be able to experience days like that spent in Buzios.




Buzios in the distance




My evening was rather uneventful, passed out by 20:00 from a combination of jet lag, sun and fresh air you can imagine my horror when I awoke 5 hours later unable to fall back to sleep. Eventually, several hours later with the aid of a pot of hot chocolate delivered to my suite by the night butler I was able to get an additional 4 hours before it was time for breakfast and the start of our first sea day.




View from my suite.

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I spent most of the day at The One pool and have prepared a little pictorial for you to see the differences between the Yacht Club sea day experience to that of the rest of the ship.



The One Pool



The One Pool bar



No lounge chair hogging or needing to swipe your card to get a towel at The One Pool



View aft from The One Pool

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For the life of me I can't recall the name of this pool which is located in the general part of the ship - note the magrodrome is open as save for a bit of wind the weather was perfect.



Walking aft on deck 15



Aqua Park with scantily clad individuals everywhere :eek:



Entering the Gaudi Pool area far aft deck 15



Gaudi Pool

Edited by All aboard??
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We've done some Live blog's on the website i moderate on


here is a link to an example . It's mainly images and it's title gives it away "Postcards from MSC Musica"


The cruiser sent images to me from his blackberry along with some commentary and I put them on to a thread in which I had reserved a sequence of posts which I could edit.


I ran two parallel threads:- one in which I announced the arrival of the new "postcards" (with links straight to the new postcard)and a second on which members could pass comments and the cruiser could reply. This allowed the Postcard thread to run uninterrupted by comments


I'd be interested to know what you think of the format















Hi Pete

I had a look at the threads and a general poke around the site. I think the thread was interesting and informative, particularly for those looking for info on the ship itself, the line and the ports. After all picture often convey more than words can. I don't know the poster, so that was pretty much it for me. Where this thread appeals to me is the humorous tone of the writing, having more than one CC member contributing and because both Duane and Tim are solo cruisers like me, and have a similar outlook on some things,I almost feel like they're friends taking me on holiday with them, if that makes sense? I feel more "connected " to this thread.that said were I to have spent a lot of time on cruise mates, and be familiar with the poster, I might feel more involved too.

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Skippers log supplemental. We are just departing Salvador. Next stop Europe!


With 12 blasts of the ships horn nonetheless........which brings me to a fact of the day:


Did you know that the ships horn on the Fantasia is directly above Yacht Club's The One Pool :D

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"Did you know that the ships horn on the Fantasia is directly above Yacht Club's The One Pool "


Noisy then just as it is in the Sanctuary and the Adults only pool on Princess ships .... :D


Thanks for posting the pics, glad we are not pool addicts.

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Great live review, as added bonus, we have both yacht and regular reviews!


Super-sized wicker sun lounger baskets in the adult-only area, mid-ships on deck 18.


Do they start charging for the use of Solarium (as mentioned in an earlier thread, use of solarium at daily or weekly charge from summer 2013)?

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Also, does the charge pertain to the whole solarium ADULTS ONLY? area or to a certain section only with water misters, etc.



Great live review, as added bonus, we have both yacht and regular reviews!




Do they start charging for the use of Solarium (as mentioned in an earlier thread, use of solarium at daily or weekly charge from summer 2013)?

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I woke this morning at 9:30. To say this is the latest I can remember waking is something of an understatement. Short of forcibly disturbed sleep beforehand, this may be the latest I have ever woken in my life. What happened the evening before?


I think it all began with the sail-away from Salvador. I was heading for the bar at the the stern on deck 15 when I met Michael going the opposite direction. He joined me for a red wine or two as the ship rotated her way out of port. Suddenly it was time to rendezvous at La Cantina Toscana for pre-dinner drinks. I slipped on a jacket on the way but otherwise went as I was. We instigated the 'never in the same seat twice' rule which felt conservative after three nights of 'never at the same table twice'.


There was much speculation about the meaning of the (English) menu. As usual by the time things arrived we could barely remember what we had ordered. As there is so little correlation between menu descriptions and what actually is placed on the table, I would suggest to MSC that they dispense with printed menus altogether and intentionally rather than unintentionally surprise their guests at mealtimes.


Post dinner, the entire 13 of us from the Cruise Critics roll call, including the three from the Yacht Club, coalesced by chance in La Cantina Toscana, where I must mention the two pianists that alternate on the grand are superb. It was the first full reunion since our first night aboard and very merry.


At 11:30, the main event, the 'Goodbye Brazil' party was starting on the pool deck. Most of us transferred there. I remember it was windy but still hot. I also remember some of us saying goodnight, leaving and then rejoining us with tales of bottles of bubbly and cakes in their cabins. "Was there a note?" I asked. None. I think when we could no longer sit at the bar due to the relative movement of the ship to our brains, the last of us retired.


Sure, enough when I reached my cabin there was a bottle in an ice bucket and a circle of little cakes, with no explanation. The next thing I can remember was looking at the watch at the side of my bed at 9:30.


After a quick buffet breakfast on the deck above, I went on a jacuzzi crawl to sober up. I finished in the consenting adults area with the super-sized baskets (no offence intended) Then, still not completely sober, I had to resort to a beer. The best thing about beer is that it is around 95% water and so helps rehydrate but contains just enough drug to conceal the previous night's misbehaviour.


Duane has just called by and we postulated various theorems to explain the unexpected gifts in our cabins.


The days and nights are beginning to merge just as this huge ship is starting to feel small and friendly.


Enough, it is time for our pre-lunch routine and then.....



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Lunches on the Fantasia are starting to get as jolly as dinners on the Musica. Elizabeth, Stan and Duane unexpectedly joined Angela, Keith and I. On a ship of this size with so many aboard, I am not sure how our Cruise Critics friends are meeting so often spontaneously. If I were reading it in a novel, I would be losing faith in the narrative. Yet, unless I have died and gone to MSC heaven, this is how it is.


Lunchtime service was slow, hot food not as warm as the dish washer-warmed crockery it was served on or in and we were again in stitches over the poor English of the menu. None of this was to the detriment of our enjoyment of lunch.


Our waiter was from the same town as my surname in Romania and was superbly professional like no waiter on an American line could ever be allowed to be. He was distinctly old school European in his manners, discretion and forensic correctness the like of which doubles the value of the cruise ticket. Overall it was a good lunch!


Tonight is our first formal night - at last. We should be crossing the equator tomorrow (Sunday, around 3pm) so I will press my white DJ into service as the tropics allow. It is bound to attract some red wine I know but the laundry service on board is a rare cruise bargain at $25 for 20 items, suits separates included.


If you don't hear from me again, you can be assured that my final days were great :)



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