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I wish this would have stayed on topic rather than who has the better parenting skills, I am mad as hell that my child was taken from her room and believe me if it was any of you, you would be too. I had all the sympathy for the other family and would have gladly assisted in looking for her, but to put this on a child or me for having 2 rooms is ridiculous they should no better than to remove a child without parental consent.


of course they should have known better..but you are sea and the security is made of of 3rd world guerilla types...and that is why now you really need to drill into your daughter the seriousness of what she did.


my kids are great kids and I am a great parent...but let me tell you some of our stories.....

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Not judging and _I_ tend to think similar but there was a thread on the HAL board about a parent missing the child in port and when running back to the ship to check if the child had gone back on his own was told to wait a second. The concensus was that this was inacceptable because every second can make a difference. When that is true the security did the right thing.


When a child is missing at 4:30am and her friend is alone without her parents it is hard for security to make a decision that all involved parties would agree on.


I would say just a very bad morning for all involved and not much NCL can do different without upsetting someone else.


The rooms were next to each other and security knew it. It would have taken very little time to just knock on mom's door first and no time to call her room from the security desk and request her to get her daughter. How much time was wasted by security walking to her room?

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Can you drop it, please? We absolutely cannot put our kids in a box. That is just as dangerous as letting them wander aimlessly with no supervision. My daughter has been cruising since she was 7 and has made so many friends - most of which she still keeps in touch with. My husband and I have made many friends on cruises. We have very good friends that we made from our roll call for our 2010 sailing of the Epic, and have since booked 2 more cruises with that couple. Not everyone is out to harm you or your kids! :)

SissasMomE, I think there is more to this than meets the eye. The daughter was right next door, but didn't ask them to get her parent, didn't yell out for her parent, didn't knock on the wall to wake her parent....most children would have been crying and screaming if this happened to them and no one heard anything. The husband and son were out looking for the daughter, who missed her curfew, security didn't call the parent when they had the young lady in a separate room questioning her. Call me skeptical, but I think something else was gong on here and that could be why the security department or anyone else did not apologize profusely for this, since I'm sure if everything was as the OP said, the cruise line had opened themselves up to a lawsuit and would do almost anything to squash the situation. I don't know?????

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What mistake?! She's 14! The only one who made a mistake here is security, no?


security doesn't care about her age. she is marriage material in some countries. and don't think for a minute i think she is responsible for her actions...because she is only 14..that is why.


if the mom wants to publicize it..that is her choice...i might do that if i were in her place..or might not.


the reality that we should learn here is that security does not care for the well being of 14 yo's on a ship..because they wouldn't do this if they did. and to be careful who you befriend on a ship..for if she hadn't been seen earlier with her none of this would have happened.


i can't help but think the security/crew etc...had more than a passing interest in the friend.

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security doesn't care about her age. she is marriage material in some countries. and don't think for a minute i think she is responsible for her actions...because she is only 14..that is why.


if the mom wants to publicize it..that is her choice...i might do that if i were in her place..or might not.


the reality that we should learn here is that security does not care for the well being of 14 yo's on a ship..because they wouldn't do this if they did. and to be careful who you befriend on a ship..for if she hadn't been seen earlier with her none of this would have happened.


i can't help but think the security/crew etc...had more than a passing interest in the friend.


I understand what you are saying. It's a very scary situation all around, and you are right - anyone can enter those cabins.

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SissasMomE, I think there is more to this than meets the eye. The daughter was right next door, but didn't ask them to get her parent, didn't yell out for her parent, didn't knock on the wall to wake her parent....most children would have been crying and screaming if this happened to them and no one heard anything. The husband and son were out looking for the daughter, who missed her curfew, security didn't call the parent when they had the young lady in a separate room questioning her. Call me skeptical, but I think something else was gong on here and that could be why the security department or anyone else did not apologize profusely for this, since I'm sure if everything was as the OP said, the cruise line had opened themselves up to a lawsuit and would do almost anything to squash the situation. I don't know?????


There usually is a "second" side ;) I can't see my daughter going with anyone, but at 14 .... who knows. Is it possible that she didn't come back to the cabin until 4:30am? Or was out and security saw her out at 4:30am? Not judging - just asking!! I know how kids can be ;)

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Can you drop it, please? We absolutely cannot put our kids in a box. That is just as dangerous as letting them wander aimlessly with no supervision. My daughter has been cruising since she was 7 and has made so many friends - most of which she still keeps in touch with. My husband and I have made many friends on cruises. We have very good friends that we made from our roll call for our 2010 sailing of the Epic, and have since booked 2 more cruises with that couple. Not everyone is out to harm you or your kids! :) Please don't misunderstand - they absolutely CAN'T run wild. Too many people think crime doesn't happen on ships, and it does .... but you kinda sound like your kids aren't allowed to make friends at all. If you didn't mean it that way, then I apologize. I've seen parents go in the opposite direction with the leash, and it always backfires.


nope my kids have plenty of friends and they are 4 sisters so they really don't need to make stranger friends on a ship...we don't have the urge to take away from each other to do so..the girls love each other and enjoy each other. they actually don't even notice others on a ship..why should they? they wouldn't have any time to be with them and that other person really doesn't want to hang out with 4 sisters who have a common bond anyway. so in a nutshell..that is why we don't care to or need to make friends on a ship.


but a ship is a city of 4000 strangers and we are not in the habit of walking around those types of cities and just making friends.


this whole thread is a perfect case in point that the stranger aspect can be invisible...this other girl was in fact a stranger that caused problems...but no one expected her to did they? everyone probably was thrilled that the OP's dd had someone to hang out with.

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nope my kids have plenty of friends and they are 4 sisters so they really don't need to make stranger friends on a ship...we don't have the urge to take away from each other to do so..the girls love each other.


but a ship is a city of 4000 strangers and we are not in the habit of walking around those types of cities and just making friends.


this whole thread is a perfect case in point that the stranger aspect can be invisible...this other girl was in fact a stranger that caused problems...but no one expected her to did they? everyone probably was thrilled that the OP's dd had someone to hang out with.

I would hope that anyone sailing with children would read this thread. The moral of the story is that you never know what can happen. Too many things go on on a cruise ship that we never hear (everyone, especially those with children should do their research, I think they would be surprised on what goes on). You are correct, I think people get a sense of security on a cruise ship, where in a strange city they would be more on alert to what could happen.

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I would hope that anyone sailing with children would read this thread. The moral of the story is that you never know what can happen. Too many things go on on a cruise ship that we never hear (everyone, especially those with children should do their research, I think they would be surprised on what goes on). You are correct, I think people get a sense of security on a cruise ship, where in a strange city they would be more on alert to what could happen.


Very good point.

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Always interesting to see people get up in arms calling for policy changes, immediate corporate action, maybe even a keel hauling when they only get a bit of the picture from an anonymous poster on an internet board.


I guess that's just the nature of online forums.


Hope the O.P. finds some satisfaction to the alleged incident.

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Always interesting to see people get up in arms calling for policy changes, immediate corporate action, maybe even a keel hauling when they only get a bit of the picture from an anonymous poster on an internet board.


I guess that's just the nature of online forums.


Hope the O.P. finds some satisfaction to the alleged incident.


I am not demanding policy change, however I do want policy clarification! Just as you have no reason to trust the OP, I have no reason not to.


I am sailing on the same ship in just 3 weeks with 3 children, one of whom is 14. I want to be assured that security can not just do as they wish with my children without my consent!



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Always interesting to see people get up in arms calling for policy changes, immediate corporate action, maybe even a keel hauling when they only get a bit of the picture from an anonymous poster on an internet board.


I guess that's just the nature of online forums.


Hope the O.P. finds some satisfaction to the alleged incident.


Regardless of anything - a 14-year old was involved and that is not good for anyone. Cruise lines are geared towards families. NCL is anyway. This does not bode well for them, and they need to address it.

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security doesn't care about her age. she is marriage material in some countries. and don't think for a minute i think she is responsible for her actions...because she is only 14..that is why.


if the mom wants to publicize it..that is her choice...i might do that if i were in her place..or might not.


the reality that we should learn here is that security does not care for the well being of 14 yo's on a ship..because they wouldn't do this if they did. and to be careful who you befriend on a ship..for if she hadn't been seen earlier with her none of this would have happened.


i can't help but think the security/crew etc...had more than a passing interest in the friend.


WOW! You have stepped over the line with this statement, in my personal opinion. That is a shameful accusation.


the fact is that they are indeed ex military..usually from southeast asia and the indian subcontinent...this is no secret and there is nothing wrong with saying where they come from or what their background is.


I would really love to know where you are getting this information from, and precisely which cruise line you believe is employing these types of people in their security department.

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Who put a 14yr old into a room without an adult? It wasn't the company that did that.


I don't understand why you think it's ok for a male, in a position of authority, to remove a female minor from her cabin at 4:30am - regardless of who was or wasn't in the room with her!


My husband won't even drive one of my daughter's friends home without someone else being in the vehicle with him. Common sense says a male adult never, ever should have been able to remove a 14-year old child without a parent there. I suppose if the ship were on fire, it would be ok though. :)

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Regardless of anything - a 14-year old was involved and that is not good for anyone. Cruise lines are geared towards families. NCL is anyway. This does not bode well for them, and they need to address it.

I really don't think this has affected NCL negatively, because after all, we don't know the whole story. Parents have to remember that they should treat their children just as they would on any vacation. Children should not be allowed to stay in rooms/cabins without a parent (this situation should prove that point to anyone who feels it is okay), children, no matter what age, should not be allowed to wonder around without the parent knowing where they are and what they are doing.


Cruse ships are not safer than anywhere else. It is not just the passengers one has to worry about (two examples): WSVN-7 reports today that the police arrested a 30 year old man who allegedly sexually assaulted two underage teenage girls outside a South Florida shelter. The news station states that Brian Denby was arrested after arriving back at the Port of Miami from a cruise this morning. A federal grand jury indicted a Florida man arrested for participating in and encouraging the gang rape of a 15 year old girl on a Carnival cruise ship last month. The grand jury indicted Casey Dickerson on sexual abuse charges Wednesday for engaging in the rape of a girl in a cabin on the Carnival Sensation cruise ship. The victim told the FBI that she and a friend went to Dickerson's cabin with him and four other boys. She said that Dickerson and the boys held her down and took turns raping her. It is also the crew members: The U.S. Attorney's Office in Miami announced today that it is charging a Carnival Cruise crewmember with sexually abusing a 14 year old passenger aboard the Liberty cruise ship.


Thank God these things are pretty rare (depending on who you talk with), but they still happen. But they don't have to happen if we just use comon sense when traveling, especially with children.

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I don't understand why you think it's ok for a male, in a position of authority, to remove a female minor from her cabin at 4:30am - regardless of who was or wasn't in the room with her!


They probably took the young lady without a parent, because (1) there was another young girl missing at 4:30am and (2) more importantly there was not a parent in the room with her at 4:30am and since the child apparently didn't ask them to get her parents, they had no choice.

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I am not demanding policy change, however I do want policy clarification! Just as you have no reason to trust the OP, I have no reason not to.


I am sailing on the same ship in just 3 weeks with 3 children, one of whom is 14. I want to be assured that security can not just do as they wish with my children without my consent!




I understand your plight, but how do you intend to obtain policy and assurance from NCL?

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I am not demanding policy change, however I do want policy clarification! Just as you have no reason to trust the OP, I have no reason not to.


I am sailing on the same ship in just 3 weeks with 3 children, one of whom is 14. I want to be assured that security can not just do as they wish with my children without my consent!



I think if you are vigilant and take the proper percausions, just as you would during any vacation, you will not have any problems.

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WOW! You have stepped over the line with this statement, in my personal opinion. That is a shameful accusation.




I would really love to know where you are getting this information from, and precisely which cruise line you believe is employing these types of people in their security department.


what do you mean these types of people? They are ex military. and not USA ex military either. It doesn't take much to know that..just talk to a few security guards on your next cruise..ask them where they are from and their experience?


you don't like the word guerrilla..ok..my bad...but since when is it shameful to describe an ex military man from India or Southeast Asia as an ex military man from India or southeast asis?


Should I have said he was a Scandavanian professor on sabbatical and working on a cruise ship? Now, that would be an untruth. I know you like an argument....

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They probably took the young lady without a parent, because (1) there was another young girl missing at 4:30am and (2) more importantly there was not a parent in the room with her at 4:30am and since the child apparently didn't ask them to get her parents, they had no choice.


Why is it the awoken and most probably disoriented child's responsibility to get mom and not the security officer's. They KNEW where the parents were! The child was reacting to the demands of adult security.


As far as the child having her own cabin, we will have to agree to disagree. At my home we do not sleep in the same room with our children, nor do we on vacation. Our children are not locked in their bedrooms at night and could leave at any time without our knowledge. They could utilize many forms of transportation to get where they wish to be. To my knowledge, this has never happened.


It is my job as a parent to be vigilant as to the constant whereabouts of my children, and to check often to ensure they are where they need to be. My children will never be allowed to roam the ship and my curfew is much earlier than the ship imposed curfew. My children will never be allowed in anyone else's cabin, have guests in their cabin or be anywhere besides the teen or kids club.


The OP's daughter was a half hour late and they were vigilant in locating her and sending her off to bed. The girl did nothing more wrong imho. She was told by security to get of of her bed, but security knew where mom was. I am sure both rooms were linked in the system anyway so for me there is no excuse.

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The more interesting question is what would be the difference if they were US/Canadian/UK ex military ;)


well..just a wild guess on my part...but they probably would have realized the fact that a 14 yo taken from her cabin by adult males at 4am would probably not be the smart thing to do without her parent present...


because..in North America she has many rights at her age...


and sorry to say....that same girl if she were in a3rd world nation...does not have nearly any rights...


don't get caught up in political correctness and please do not try to defend the security guards.....there are times when the smart move to is to honestly assess the situation...period..


the girl should not have been taken...but these guards totally ignored that....possibly because they didn't care about her or her parents or what may/could have construed by their actions...ok..got it?


and all of this is because they may possibly..most probably...could actually come from a culture that sees nothing wrong with what they did..


but wild guess on my part...a north american security guard might have understood the consequenses...

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I understand your plight, but how do you intend to obtain policy and assurance from NCL?


NCL reads these boards all the time, and I would like for them to simply clarify the procedure and policy regrading the removal of minor children from a room and the pertaining parental consent.

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I don't understand why you think it's ok for a male, in a position of authority, to remove a female minor from her cabin at 4:30am - regardless of who was or wasn't in the room with her!


My husband won't even drive one of my daughter's friends home without someone else being in the vehicle with him. Common sense says a male adult never, ever should have been able to remove a 14-year old child without a parent there. I suppose if the ship were on fire, it would be ok though. :)


stop using logic..that is not PC anymore.

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