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SW USA is burning--wish I was on a cruise


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The entire southwest region of the US is expecting record temps thru the weekend. California, Phoenix and Las Vegas get all the publicity but NM is very hot as well. We get no respect :). Plus there are a lot of wildfires in NM, Arizona and Colorado.


As I sit here trying to stay cool, I am thinking that being in Alaska (like Glacier Bay) would be great. Saw the weather in Ireland watching golf this morning--players were wearing jackets. I am so jealous.


What other places are cool this time of year? Norway? Iceland (are there cruises there)?


Sweating and no oldies


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The entire southwest region of the US is expecting record temps thru the weekend. California, Phoenix and Las Vegas get all the publicity but NM is very hot as well. We get no respect :). Plus there are a lot of wildfires in NM, Arizona and Colorado.


As I sit here trying to stay cool, I am thinking that being in Alaska (like Glacier Bay) would be great. Saw the weather in Ireland watching golf this morning--players were wearing jackets. I am so jealous.


What other places are cool this time of year? Norway? Iceland (are there cruises there)?


Sweating and no oldies



Yep, I am sitting in very hot and very smokey Durango. When I walked the dogs early this morning I could not see the mountains and I could smell the smoke. While none of the fires are terribly close , we are worried about this long hot week coming up. Dry lightning and idiots with fireworks. I think Iceland and Greenland (which were not that cold last time I did the VOV).... and have Alaska booked but not until next year. Antarctica really appeals right now too.


I feel for those in New Mexico and to the east of us in Colorado who are having to endure these terrible fires. Rain, we need rain!!!



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The entire southwest region of the US is expecting record temps thru the weekend. California, Phoenix and Las Vegas get all the publicity but NM is very hot as well. We get no respect :). Plus there are a lot of wildfires in NM, Arizona and Colorado.


As I sit here trying to stay cool, I am thinking that being in Alaska (like Glacier Bay) would be great. Saw the weather in Ireland watching golf this morning--players were wearing jackets. I am so jealous.


What other places are cool this time of year? Norway? Iceland (are there cruises there)?


Sweating and no oldies



Haven't checked what's happening now but last week in Alaska it was hot too!



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I hear you. Our weather is being affected by the same system and is supposed to be very hot and dry. I don't care for the hot weather but I'm trying not to complain too much based on what we've lived thru with the flooding in the last week.

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Here in the Northeast it has rained (poured) almost every day for the last 3 weeks . It is pouring right now thunder ,lighting and tornado warnings. We want to go to the beach Sat but it looks like it is going to rain again and every day next week. We are luck that we do not get wildfires in Pa. although they do in New Jersey.Good luck with the heat wave.

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We are thinking of you and sorry for all you are suffering.

Those fires and high temperatures are so frightening.

Stay safe and please know we send our best wishes you get a strong, heavy rain VERY soon.


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Hey neighbor!!


At least it did not hit 105 again today!!! As I sit here right now my Live Weatherbug shows that Taylor Middle School (nearest weather station to my home) shows the current temp as 96. Says the high was 98. Thank Goodness the humidity is only at 15 percent or we'd be dying here.


I thinks we gots us a cool time:D


Seriously though, prayers and thoughts to all the firefighters, their families and the people who are so badly affected by this heat and its aftereffects.


And a special prayer for the safety of at least 2 of our own CC members in the Jemez Springs area. Stay safe Richard and Maureen!!


Sail, we do not need a strong, heavy rain, we need a steady long time rain, basically what dolittle has described getting for the pst 3 weeks. We have had less than 1/2 the amount of annual rainfall for at least 3 years..........



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I wish I was on a cruise, too. Our town has suffered immeasurable damage from the flooding in S Alberta, including all the people who are now homeless because of the raging waters, and the river mud, and the sewer backups. Some of those people will not EVER be able to return home.


Not to mention High River, Alberta, a town of 13,000, that had to be completely evacuated a week ago, and the residents are still not being permitted to return home, when I last checked.


From some info I got, our area received nearly a year's worth of rain in less than 48 hours. The landscape is changed permanently, with what has happened at higher elevations and in the back country.


Yup, I'd like to be on a cruise, too, and I would not care if it was warm-weather or cool-weather.

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Humidity in Boston today was something like 70%. :eek:




I wish I was on a cruise, too. Our town has suffered immeasurable damage from the flooding in S Alberta, including all the people who are now homeless because of the raging waters, and the river mud, and the sewer backups. Some of those people will not EVER be able to return home.


Not to mention High River, Alberta, a town of 13,000, that had to be completely evacuated a week ago, and the residents are still not being permitted to return home, when I last checked.


From some info I got, our area received nearly a year's worth of rain in less than 48 hours. The landscape is changed permanently, with what has happened at higher elevations and in the back country.


Yup, I'd like to be on a cruise, too, and I would not care if it was warm-weather or cool-weather.



It's impossible to express the sadness to read the devastation some people are suffering from horrid weather.

How perfectly awful!

Stay safe, CowPrincess. Sending you all best wishes.


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Yep, I am sitting in very hot and very smokey Durango. When I walked the dogs early this morning I could not see the mountains and I could smell the smoke. While none of the fires are terribly close , we are worried about this long hot week coming up. Dry lightning and idiots with fireworks. I think Iceland and Greenland (which were not that cold last time I did the VOV).... and have Alaska booked but not until next year. Antarctica really appeals right now too.


I feel for those in New Mexico and to the east of us in Colorado who are having to endure these terrible fires. Rain, we need rain!!!




Hi Susan


i have noted your user name in the past and thought "how lucky to live in Durango"!! we love it there. In 2 weeks we will be at Vallecito lake, our yearly cabin rental on the lake. I was wondering how close the fires (West Fork and now South Fork?)were to Durango. And the idiots with fireworks should all be shot:(. What is the big attraction with that???


Antarctica--never thought of that. If I saw an iceberg now, I would jump on it!!



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I wish I was on a cruise, too. Our town has suffered immeasurable damage from the flooding in S Alberta, including all the people who are now homeless because of the raging waters, and the river mud, and the sewer backups. Some of those people will not EVER be able to return home.


Not to mention High River, Alberta, a town of 13,000, that had to be completely evacuated a week ago, and the residents are still not being permitted to return home, when I last checked.


From some info I got, our area received nearly a year's worth of rain in less than 48 hours. The landscape is changed permanently, with what has happened at higher elevations and in the back country.


Yup, I'd like to be on a cruise, too, and I would not care if it was warm-weather or cool-weather.


I have also been watching your weather. Terrible.

Since Wednesday all we hear are the Peep-Peeps on the TV warning us of severe storms and floods. We have had over 6 inches of rain in our area -- others have gotten way more and many small towns have had to be evacuated.

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Haven't checked what's happening now but last week in Alaska it was hot too!




Oh no, say it ain't so!!! Must be all this global warming. And i was thinking Alaska would always be comfortable...

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I hear you. Our weather is being affected by the same system and is supposed to be very hot and dry. I don't care for the hot weather but I'm trying not to complain too much based on what we've lived thru with the flooding in the last week.


Here in the Northeast it has rained (poured) almost every day for the last 3 weeks . It is pouring right now thunder ,lighting and tornado warnings. We want to go to the beach Sat but it looks like it is going to rain again and every day next week. We are luck that we do not get wildfires in Pa. although they do in New Jersey.Good luck with the heat wave.


Send us any and all rain, flood waters, anything. We could use it!! I think if it rained for a week we would still be dried out. And because our soil is so crappy, we would have all kinds of flooding.


rain rain, come and stay, please don't wait another day.



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We're hitting 115 - 118 out here. Thank goodness for air conditioning!


Tuesday we're taking a bus trip to San Diego for some sightseeing, and right now SD is showing temps of around 77 degrees. But I wish we were boarding a HAL ship when we get there :)


I read in the paper these weather patterns are being caused by the jet stream not going in its usual direction.

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Hey neighbor!!


At least it did not hit 105 again today!!! As I sit here right now my Live Weatherbug shows that Taylor Middle School (nearest weather station to my home) shows the current temp as 96. Says the high was 98. Thank Goodness the humidity is only at 15 percent or we'd be dying here.


I thinks we gots us a cool time:D


Seriously though, prayers and thoughts to all the firefighters, their families and the people who are so badly affected by this heat and its aftereffects.


And a special prayer for the safety of at least 2 of our own CC members in the Jemez Springs area. Stay safe Richard and Maureen!!


Sail, we do not need a strong, heavy rain, we need a steady long time rain, basically what dolittle has described getting for the pst 3 weeks. We have had less than 1/2 the amount of annual rainfall for at least 3 years..........





Hi Joanie


yep, yesterday on our back deck it was 111--in the shade :eek: Today it only got to 100. Clouds at our house--not just from the fires either. How about on your side of town? And tomorrow I am playing in a golf tournament at twin warriors. Even at 8 am it will be 70. need to bring a LOT of water!!


I agree about the firefighters--and all the people who have lost homes, pets, and property. It is so sad...


stay cool


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The entire southwest region of the US is expecting record temps thru the weekend. California, Phoenix and Las Vegas get all the publicity but NM is very hot as well. We get no respect :). Plus there are a lot of wildfires in NM, Arizona and Colorado.


As I sit here trying to stay cool, I am thinking that being in Alaska (like Glacier Bay) would be great. Saw the weather in Ireland watching golf this morning--players were wearing jackets. I am so jealous.


What other places are cool this time of year? Norway? Iceland (are there cruises there)?


Sweating and no oldies


It's currently 107 at my home. There are many places that are cool right now. It's winter anywhere below the equator.

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I wish I was on a cruise, too. Our town has suffered immeasurable damage from the flooding in S Alberta, including all the people who are now homeless because of the raging waters, and the river mud, and the sewer backups. Some of those people will not EVER be able to return home.


Not to mention High River, Alberta, a town of 13,000, that had to be completely evacuated a week ago, and the residents are still not being permitted to return home, when I last checked.


From some info I got, our area received nearly a year's worth of rain in less than 48 hours. The landscape is changed permanently, with what has happened at higher elevations and in the back country.


Yup, I'd like to be on a cruise, too, and I would not care if it was warm-weather or cool-weather.




Yes, I saw this disaster in the news and in read about it in Lorene's posts. it is so weird the extremes we see--drought in the SW US and floods in Alberta. if only there was a way to balance it out. I honestly don't know how I would cope if we lost everything in a flood, or fire, or similar disaster.


My thoughts and prayers are with all the folks in Alberta.



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It's that time of year. Temperatures in the Southwest normally will soar.


This is waaay more than normal!! Not even funny to joke about how "well, it's a dry heat"!! If temps in Phoenix hit 125 they will ground flights, like they did 20 years ago--now that's hot.



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Here in the Northeast it has rained (poured) almost every day for the last 3 weeks . It is pouring right now thunder ,lighting and tornado warnings. We want to go to the beach Sat but it looks like it is going to rain again and every day next week. We are luck that we do not get wildfires in Pa. although they do in New Jersey.Good luck with the heat wave.


Send some of your rain here, PLEASE!

This part of South Texas is some in extreme and exceptional drought condition. Our beach will be dry and 90-95 Sat and Sun. That's on the island, inland it is over 100 at 6PM.

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Yes, I saw this disaster in the news and in read about it in Lorene's posts. it is so weird the extremes we see--drought in the SW US and floods in Alberta. if only there was a way to balance it out. I honestly don't know how I would cope if we lost everything in a flood, or fire, or similar disaster.


My thoughts and prayers are with all the folks in Alberta.




I am most certainly not trying to minimize the horror that Calgary has suffered when I say the following --


We were the canary in the coal mine, pretty much -- Calgary got a bit of notice from what happened here and had a BIT of time to prepare. We got hit with zero warning. The emergency workers were out at 3 am evacuating homes. People were being helicoptered off car roofs on the highway at 3 am. The highways washed out. In every direction.


We lived with the threat of the dam above us blowing. No place to go to save ourselves, no way to get anywhere because the roads were washed out, so we just had to wait and hope.


There are people in a village near here who were without power, heat, phone, road access, anything at all for nearly a week. That community is thought to have suffered total loss on 25% of the homes. They've been getting water, food and meds via helicopter.


People, lots of people, are already losing jobs because businesses have been flooded out, to the point they will not rebuild this year. I personally may be out of business, but am deferring that decision for now.

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So sorry for those who are having fires and floods. Last week it was in 90's in some parts of Alaska.


The kids in Boston got out of school today for summer vacation. We had a lot of snow days and state law mandates they go to school a number of days. Poor kids No A?C in the schools.


its been hot raining and humid I would love to be in Alaska now.




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It's currently 107 at my home. There are many places that are cool right now. It's winter anywhere below the equator.


are you in California? is it pretty dry there too? 107--no picnic for sure. Let's hope it breaks soon. Below the equator, winter sounds great!



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We're hitting 115 - 118 out here. Thank goodness for air conditioning!


Tuesday we're taking a bus trip to San Diego for some sightseeing, and right now SD is showing temps of around 77 degrees. But I wish we were boarding a HAL ship when we get there :)


I read in the paper these weather patterns are being caused by the jet stream not going in its usual direction.


Wow!! i love the golf in Scottsdale but I can't take the summer heat. This is hot, even for you guys. Thank goodness for AC indeed!! 77 in Sd sounds a lot better. And I read the same thing about the jet stream--its parked right on top of us, for a few more days.


Enjoy SD--go take a dip in the ocean for me!!



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