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Why Ban e-Cigarettes?


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They conveniently neglect to mention the flavorings when they state things like bold mild and menthol however. And they're about 80 times the cost of buying the same juice in bulk and filling your own cartridges. But you have to factor in that it is a cigarette manufacturer trying to recoup lost revenue;)




Please note i am a non smoker who thinks RCCL have gone to far.


Check ther vype uk site. They do show the contents of these disposable fags, they also state that there is no odour .


So could these non smelling versions be allowed on RCCL as who could they offend?

still cannot see how they can police it's use on the balcony/in your cabin


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True - on both sides - whenever irrational fear intersects with the unknown - the outcome is predictable. Whenever lack of information intersects with misinformation or disinformation, confusion ensues. When confusion and fear collide, s### happens.


Realities (from a former two-pack a day smoker whose been on PV's for three years):


The amount of nicotine in a PV is user-determined. Concentrations range from 36mg/dl all the way to 0mg/dl. When DW and I switched, we started with the 36mg juice. We're down to 11mg juice now, and will continue to reduce the potency at our own pace. Even when we get to 0mg, we'll probably still use our PVs, because the activity itself is habitual.


What you see in the exhalant is not water vapor - a PV doesn't produce sufficient heat to vaporize water. What you see is a glycerin fog, because water molecules are attracted to glycerin, and a PV is sufficiently hot to atomize that mixture. This is also the reason why anything else that's attracted to glycerin will also be present in the fog, and where more study and information is needed.


Most domestic juices use vegetable glycerin (VG), most Chinese juices use PG, VG produces a more dense fog, and it lingers longer because VG is thicker than PG.


What you smell - if you smell anything - is a flavoring additive (usually food grade essential oils, alcohols, or flavorings). Unfortunately, those additives have a low flash point, and the aroma and fog from that exhalant will linger - not unlike walking into a kitchen where someone's been using vanilla extract to make cookies.


No, PVs are not completely safe - just a heck of a lot less damaging than cigarettes.


No juice is just glycerin, water and nicotine (unless you make your own). If it were there would be no odor, since all three are odorless when in a vaporized state. Anything you smell is either an impurity or a flavoring additive. All of which need to be much better understood and studied.


Finally, the reason my DW and I are using PVs is because they were recommended to us by our family physician as a safer alternative, not as a way to quit.


Finally a post from an e-cigarette proponent about them that is informative and not emotional! Thank you.

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The design would be like waving a red cape in front of a bull. All the anti smoking crowd would be a cigarette.



I think that is why RCCL has made the ruling on e-cigarettes they have. They know many will carry on about the vapor and the smell just as though they were cigarettes. I think they just don't want to deal with it.

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Once you understand how your e-cig works it's easy to use it without producing any vapor at all.


Very true. I will say that barely anyone notices I'm using an ecig unless I deliberately do something specific, and I use VG based liquids.


I would like all of you complaining about ecig use to please drink your coffee outdoors in a designated coffee drinking area and not on your balcony. It is the same exact premise: you are ingesting caffeine and then exhaling after you are done with your sip. I can smell your coffee breath and the aroma of your coffee, which means I'm getting second hand caffeine.


That's exactly how your anti-ecig usage argument sounds -- ridiculous.

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I think that is why RCCL has made the ruling on e-cigarettes they have. They know many will carry on about the vapor and the smell just as though they were cigarettes. I think they just don't want to deal with it.


In three years of use, I've yet to have a single person carry on about the vapor unless you count CC posters.;)

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Very true. I will say that barely anyone notices I'm using an ecig unless I deliberately do something specific, and I use VG based liquids.


I would like all of you complaining about ecig use to please drink your coffee outdoors in a designated coffee drinking area and not on your balcony. It is the same exact premise: you are ingesting caffeine and then exhaling after you are done with your sip. I can smell your coffee breath and the aroma of your coffee, which means I'm getting second hand caffeine.


That's exactly how your anti-ecig usage argument sounds -- ridiculous.


LOL! VERY GOOD! I love it! :D

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When I was a smoker I would plan my day so I would know when I could have a smoke , it was the same on long flight ( most flights out of Aus are long flights 7 + hours) I would go on the Internet to find out where in the airport one could light up.


I was a dedicated smoker I knew all the excuses that one uses to justify the need to smoke you know the ones " you have to die of something " " my grandmother smoked until she was 95 it didn't hurt her" etc.etc.


But reality hit home when my DW had to have a chest X-ray and it was discovered that she had a lung problem caused by smoking but she never smoked , it was caused by the passive smoking of my cigarettes , so I adjourned outside and would only smoke outdoors that didn't hurt anyone didit ?

I kept up with the excuses.


That was till I ended up in Hospital with multiple blood clots to the lung . I stopped being a smoker that day after I saw the Grim Reaper walking the floor of the hospital .


I hope this story gives some of you the added incentive to give up this vile addiction you owe it to your families .

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When I was a smoker I would plan my day so I would know when I could have a smoke , it was the same on long flight ( most flights out of Aus are long flights 7 + hours) I would go on the Internet to find out where in the airport one could light up.


I was a dedicated smoker I knew all the excuses that one uses to justify the need to smoke you know the ones " you have to die of something " " my grandmother smoked until she was 95 it didn't hurt her" etc.etc.


But reality hit home when my DW had to have a chest X-ray and it was discovered that she had a lung problem caused by smoking but she never smoked , it was caused by the passive smoking of my cigarettes , so I adjourned outside and would only smoke outdoors that didn't hurt anyone didit ?

I kept up with the excuses.


That was till I ended up in Hospital with multiple blood clots to the lung . I stopped being a smoker that day after I saw the Grim Reaper walking the floor of the hospital .


I hope this story gives some of you the added incentive to give up this vile addiction you owe it to your families .


Thank you for sharing.

Until you have a medical issue it is SO hard to quit.

I quit.

Sea Ya

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- Unless you're looking closely, smoking an e-cig looks about the same as smoking a regular cigarette. There's probably some consideration for not wanting to deal with the hassle of complaints about smoking leading to staff having to check to see if it's really smoking or e-smoking.


I'm guessing this is the main reason for banning the e-cigs. I'm a non-smoker who thinks this is a bit overkill. I could see this being confusing indoors and people complaining about 'someone smoking indoors' if they saw this in non-smoking indoor venues. But, I think e-cigs would be a great solution for feeling the urge to smoke in your room or on your balcony as they don't give off smoky carcinogens or leave a smell on furniture/fabric.


I have had some rude balcony neighbors in the past (the smoking is the worst, but to be fair loud gatherings, slamming doors and dragging chairs are also issues) so do appreciate not having to worry about smoke on my balcony. However I am sure I would never notice an e-cig next to me so that would be a great compromise. Allow e-cigs in public smoking venues but also in private rooms/balconies. No fire hazzard and can help people tame their craving without getting fully dressed. Plus...I would be happy if switching to e-cigs helped people quit. No judgement from me...I am not perfect and have my own vices (wine) but if someone is able to cut down or quit smoking all the better for them physically and financially. I have been a casual smoker back in the day out at the bars (was going to come home reeking of smoke anyway and the second hand smoke was less annoying if you were also smoking) and I though $3 a pack was crazy but the prices now are insane.


Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk 2

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I'm guessing this is the main reason for banning the e-cigs. I'm a non-smoker who thinks this is a bit overkill. I could see this being confusing indoors and people complaining about 'someone smoking indoors' if they saw this in non-smoking indoor venues. But, I think e-cigs would be a great solution for feeling the urge to smoke in your room or on your balcony as they don't give off smoky carcinogens or leave a smell on furniture/fabric.



I think the Royal Caribbean policy is prudent given current knowledge about e-cigarettes. I don't think it is just the appearence, there is not enough known currently about the contents of the "vapor". As far as using them in the cabin or on a balcony I don't think it will be a real issue if it does not leave a smell on the furniture/fabric or on the balconies if there is no oder than can be detected. If that is true ( I don't know if that is true, I don't have enough data, you can't rely on users statements because they will likely be immune to oders) then any restrictions there won't be enforced since none will know the e-cigarettes are being used.

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It has been posted, but a reminder of Princess' policy:


Electronic Cigarettes

The use of electronic cigarettes is permitted in all areas onboard with the exception of dining areas and the Princess Theater. However, should a fellow passenger in the vicinity feel inconvenienced and complain, even after being told the difference between electronic cigarettes and real cigarettes, we will ask the passenger to refrain from smoking the electronic cigarette.


After some thought I believe Princess really got it right.

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It has been posted, but a reminder of Princess' policy:


Electronic Cigarettes

The use of electronic cigarettes is permitted in all areas onboard with the exception of dining areas and the Princess Theater. However, should a fellow passenger in the vicinity feel inconvenienced and complain, even after being told the difference between electronic cigarettes and real cigarettes, we will ask the passenger to refrain from smoking the electronic cigarette.


After some thought I believe Princess really got it right.


I don't think so. When I complain there may be hard feelings.....

That policy is inviting problems.

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Very true. I will say that barely anyone notices I'm using an ecig unless I deliberately do something specific, and I use VG based liquids.


I would like all of you complaining about ecig use to please drink your coffee outdoors in a designated coffee drinking area and not on your balcony. It is the same exact premise: you are ingesting caffeine and then exhaling after you are done with your sip. I can smell your coffee breath and the aroma of your coffee, which means I'm getting second hand caffeine.


That's exactly how your anti-ecig usage argument sounds -- ridiculous.

I can't remember the last time coffee contained cancer causing agents that were of the same concentrations and created a smoke/vapor. Anything to justify an addiction though, right.


I find it ironic that CC will allow several threads indirectly complaining about these policy changes but will not allow posters to disagree with smoking itself.

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OKLAHOMA CITY — Many cigarette smokers are turning e-cigarettes in an attempt to quit their smoking habit. The electronic devices use vapor instead of tobacco. However, one metro woman says her e-cigarette could have killed her after it exploded and sparked a small fire in her home.


It happened about 15 minutes after Theressa Chastka plugged in her e-cigarette to charge.

“The battery shot out and hit the wall,” she said.

The damage is still visible. It charred her wall and carpet and disintegrated part of the device.

“This is where is was plugged into right here. It hit that wall and caught fire down there,” Chastka said. “There were three fires going on, and they were big, not like just a match fire.”

It is a potential serious risk e-smokers could be taking each time they vape up. We talked to experts at a local vapor store about what may have caused this. He says the two main reasons are either leaving the cigarette in the heat like a hot car or using the wrong charger.

“It can put unnecessary stress on it, and, unfortunately, you could see improper discharge or a potential explosion,” Eric Atterbery of OKC Vapes said.

Chastka didn’t buy her e-cigarette from OKC Vapes but says another distributor where she bought her device told her any charger would work. Atterbery says that is not the case.

“Typically when you’re charging an electronic cigarette, it’ll come with a specified charger,” he said.

Chastka wont be using an e-cigarette anymore to kick the habit. She says she’s better off going cold turkey.

“It’s going to hurt somebody or kill somebody,” Chastka said. “If I would have plugged it in and left, the house would have burned down.”

Chastka happened to be sitting next to the outlet where the cigarette was charging and was quickly able to grab a glass of water and put out the fire.

Atterbery also advises not to use a computer to charge cigarettes. It is safest to use a wall outlet.

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Very well described and from my understanding accurate. And also I suspect true that most people aren't aware that it is more than water vapor that is given off with some products.



Yet, the people that use these things, and I'm glad they do, seem to feel the need to push where they are used. I've seen them used in elevators, jetways, on airplanes and other confined spaces. To me exhaling even water vapor that has been deep in your lunges is a kin to sneezing with out covering your mouth. You are forcing people to inhale what was in your lungs.

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Yet, the people that use these things, and I'm glad they do, seem to feel the need to push where they are used. I've seen them used in elevators, jetways, on airplanes and other confined spaces. To me exhaling even water vapor that has been deep in your lunges is a kin to sneezing with out covering your mouth. You are forcing people to inhale what was in your lungs.


Oddly I have yet to see anyone using them. And I do get around.


You do seem to make a good point. Even if it is only water vapor it would seem to be akin to sneezing without covering the mouth. That is something else that needs to be studied. I think Royal Caribbean is being prudent on restricting their use at the current time.

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OKLAHOMA CITY — Many cigarette smokers are turning e-cigarettes in an attempt to quit their smoking habit. The electronic devices use vapor instead of tobacco. However, one metro woman says her e-cigarette could have killed her after it exploded and sparked a small fire in her home.


It happened about 15 minutes after Theressa Chastka plugged in her e-cigarette to charge.

“The battery shot out and hit the wall,” she said.

The damage is still visible. It charred her wall and carpet and disintegrated part of the device.

“This is where is was plugged into right here. It hit that wall and caught fire down there,” Chastka said. “There were three fires going on, and they were big, not like just a match fire.”

It is a potential serious risk e-smokers could be taking each time they vape up. We talked to experts at a local vapor store about what may have caused this. He says the two main reasons are either leaving the cigarette in the heat like a hot car or using the wrong charger.

“It can put unnecessary stress on it, and, unfortunately, you could see improper discharge or a potential explosion,” Eric Atterbery of OKC Vapes said.

Chastka didn’t buy her e-cigarette from OKC Vapes but says another distributor where she bought her device told her any charger would work. Atterbery says that is not the case.

“Typically when you’re charging an electronic cigarette, it’ll come with a specified charger,” he said.

Chastka wont be using an e-cigarette anymore to kick the habit. She says she’s better off going cold turkey.

“It’s going to hurt somebody or kill somebody,” Chastka said. “If I would have plugged it in and left, the house would have burned down.”

Chastka happened to be sitting next to the outlet where the cigarette was charging and was quickly able to grab a glass of water and put out the fire.

Atterbery also advises not to use a computer to charge cigarettes. It is safest to use a wall outlet.


So E cigs are bad because they make stupid people use them wrong?

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Yet, the people that use these things, and I'm glad they do, seem to feel the need to push where they are used. I've seen them used in elevators, jetways, on airplanes and other confined spaces. To me exhaling even water vapor that has been deep in your lunges is a kin to sneezing with out covering your mouth. You are forcing people to inhale what was in your lungs.


Tell me why you feel that you are more exposed to danger from someone's second-hand breath when they exhale water vapour than when anyone simply breathes out. Every time you or anyone else simply breathes, someone may breathe in what you have just breathed out.

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Tell me why you feel that you are more exposed to danger from someone's second-hand breath when they exhale water vapour than when anyone simply breathes out. Every time you or anyone else simply breathes, someone may breathe in what you have just breathed out.



Thanks you beat me to the punch. I was just thinking the same thing :)

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Yet, the people that use these things, and I'm glad they do, seem to feel the need to push where they are used. I've seen them used in elevators, jetways, on airplanes and other confined spaces. To me exhaling even water vapor that has been deep in your lunges is a kin to sneezing with out covering your mouth. You are forcing people to inhale what was in your lungs.


?????? Should we all quit breathing then??????

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I can't remember the last time coffee contained cancer causing agents that were of the same concentrations and created a smoke/vapor. Anything to justify an addiction though, right.


I can't remember the last time e-cig vapor was cited as containing cancer causing agents apart from a lapse in proper manufacturing.


And... there is a huge difference between smoke and vapor: one is the result of combustion and one isn't.

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