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pre paid tips ? Why do some not pay


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Trust me Tim, that is the way it works. We all not only subsidize the industry, we pay the enire tab. It's call commerce.



It is abso;utely amazing that so many people do not understand how a business works. Customers pay for everything. Businesses do not pay taxes and fees, they collect them. If the elected officials weren't in the same boat as the doofi (doofuses ? ) who don't understand that, we might not be in such a pickle.

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Some people don't like the idea of tips that are forced upon them? Anyways, congrats this will be a 20 page thread.


This quote was the first post to respond to this thread, I think you had great foresight. Only 4 more pages to go!

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It is abso;utely amazing that so many people do not understand how a business works. Customers pay for everything. Businesses do not pay taxes and fees, they collect them. If the elected officials weren't in the same boat as the doofi (doofuses ? ) who don't understand that, we might not be in such a pickle.

Don't get me started on politicians and what they spend (not their money btw).:eek:

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Some people think they should pay a wage like that what is paid in the US or Canada. What is wrong with this?If that happened cruising would become the purview of the very rich and famous. You have data to support this claim? The mass cruising like it currently exists won't exist. Why? If by tipping your out the $$ anyway, it stands to reason that it should cost no more.

This also applies to all inclusive resorts in Mexico and other Caribbean countries. I have family that thinks a tip in restaurant ( four people for supper) should be $2. Yeah that's a little cheap, have you accused them of being cheap to their face?

Simply the tourist industry as it exists now won't. Data?


Yeah right....

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It is abso;utely amazing that so many people do not understand how a business works. Customers pay for everything. Businesses do not pay taxes and fees, they collect them. If the elected officials weren't in the same boat as the doofi (doofuses ? ) who don't understand that, we might not be in such a pickle.


Sadly some are too lazy to fight for change. I have friends who would never take a cruise because they know it sails on the sweat of cheap labor. All I asked is to have the rate included to guarantee a certain amount to each worker. Of course this causes disagreement, why. It might close the gate for name calling.... Smh.


Cheap is not a deadly sin but I am darn sure lazy is. Would you call someone cheap and a road to their face or even add your real name or pic to your post? You don't have to because the forum gives you the option. Tipping is an option given. I think everyone should add pic and name :D OK not only am I cheap, I am nosey to see who is behind the post.




Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app

Edited by Blk_Amish
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Sadly some are too lazy to fight for change. I have friends who would never take a cruise because they know it sails on the sweat of cheap labor. All I asked is to have the rate included to guarantee a certain amount to each worker. Of course this causes disagreement, why. It might close the gate for name calling.... Smh.


Cheap is not a deadly sin but I am darn sure lazy is. Would you call someone cheap and a road to their face or even add your real name or pic to your post? You don't have to because the forum gives you the option. Tipping is an option given. I think everyone should add pic and name :D OK not only am I cheap, I am nosey to see who is behind the post.




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Your friends must also not eat in restaurants, table or fast food, buy fruit, drink milk, attend any amusement park, shop at any discount retailer, buy clothes, purchase electronics.. all affordable due to cheap labor.

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Your friends must also not eat in restaurants, table or fast food, buy fruit, drink milk, attend any amusement park, shop at any discount retailer, buy clothes, purchase electronics.. all affordable due to cheap labor.


Or buy clothes made in China. She also has issues with gluttony and the waste. At times we choose to take a stand on something. I personally won't spend my vacation dollars in certain places or even accept a free stay. I will voice my wish to see these fees included, even at the risk of paying more than I would doing the suggested tip.


Since the labor is cheap why not guarantee they will get pay. Yes, now they are keeping afloat on cheap labor not sailing. My labor is cheap but my pay is guarantee as long as I work. Do I really earn my pay, I think so, but my boss might disagree :D




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Your friends must also not eat in restaurants, table or fast food, buy fruit, drink milk, attend any amusement park, shop at any discount retailer, buy clothes, purchase electronics.. all affordable due to cheap labor.


So true. Kathy Lee Gifford had children overseas in sweatshops sewing her clothing line. Allegedly she learned it all from Carnival.

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I am now rethinking if I should continue my auto pay. I don't like being made a fool of While the company continues to enable that atmosphere.

If everyone stopped tipping. Carnival would have to take action



Don't like this idea.

"Show the company you mean business" by stiffing the crew, just to make a point????:eek:

That is the most awful thing I have read on this thread

(so far.... :rolleyes:. It may get worse)


CCL markets to a certain demographic. If the crew are stiffed enough, they could always go to another line to try to see if the grass is greener. I imagine if the crew stays with CCL, it is because the percentage of good tippers outweighs the ones who remove tips and do NOT then tip in cash.


Having been a tipped employee, this is how it works. It averages out when you factor in the generous people and thank God for them.


with all the noise around, you cannot hear what others are doing at the desk. At least not without being SUPER nosy



Not true at all. The way it's set up, unless the person is purposely being quiet, you can hear everythign...especially people who are complaining. Not to mention you can tell by the fron desk agent's face how a conversation is going, even if you were stone deaf.








I actually think in the future I will continue to keep auto tips but stop giving anything extra




Btw my auto tips last time for a 12 day med cruise for my family of 6 were almost $800




That is ridiculous any way you look at it and please don't start with. Well if you can afford a 12 day cruise. It is my choice what I do with my money. But if only the ones that services us like the steward and waiter got our cash tips I would have only spent about $300 and that would have been more than sufficient




Of course with auto tips I am forced to tip the coal stoker the brass polisher the entertainment staff and guest services among others




I leave auto tip on but wish I had the guts to remove some of that $800 I paid last cruise




Why you 'didn't have the guts' is because you know in your heart that it would have been crappy. Especially if you received good service.



$800 is a lot of money. But I imagine your grocery bill, clothing bills and every bill is higher because you have a large family. Does anyone else get stiffed? No. It is what it is. You have 4 kids.


Bless your heart when they start college. It's not easy with a small family. I can't imagine with 4.

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Sadly some are too lazy to fight for change. I have friends who would never take a cruise because they know it sails on the sweat of cheap labor. All I asked is to have the rate included to guarantee a certain amount to each worker. Of course this causes disagreement, why. It might close the gate for name calling.... Smh.


Cheap is not a deadly sin but I am darn sure lazy is. Would you call someone cheap and a road to their face or even add your real name or pic to your post? You don't have to because the forum gives you the option. Tipping is an option given. I think everyone should add pic and name :D OK not only am I cheap, I am nosey to see who is behind the post.




Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app


You wish it included in the fare. Fine. Wish into one hand and spit into the other. Guess which hand will need washing.


Here is the thing: I'll pick a number. 13 bucks a day. That is for the crew. In order for the company to get 13 bucks/day to the crew, they will need to add more than 13 bucks/day to the fare. 17-18 bucks/day is a workable number. That is one reason for the current system and certainly a major reasone why passengers are better off with the current system.


Frugal and cheap are not synonymous.

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You wish it included in the fare. Fine. Wish into one hand and spit into the other. Guess which hand will need washing.


Here is the thing: I'll pick a number. 13 bucks a day. That is for the crew. In order for the company to get 13 bucks/day to the crew, they will need to add more than 13 bucks/day to the fare. 17-18 bucks/day is a workable number. That is one reason for the current system and certainly a major reasone why passengers are better off with the current system.

Frugal and cheap are not synonymous.


Bingo, it's all about self interest. Customers are better off but I thought this was about doing right by the crew :D


By including it we basically add $5 per day more. So for my family $140 but I know the crew will guarantee a certain wage. Please count me in. You can be cheap but fair, you could tip and be SELFISH.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app

Edited by Blk_Amish
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Now that's convenient. Best reationization I have heard.


For the best, I think I deserve a very nice tip:D

I added that knowing you or another poster would respond only to that, gottcha, hear you loud and clear!


Enjoy your sailings as I will do mine!



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For the best, I think I deserve a very nice tip:D

I added that knowing you or another poster would respond only to that, gottcha, hear you loud and clear!


Enjoy your sailings as I will do mine!




Did not want to disappoint you.

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Don't like this idea.

"Show the company you mean business" by stiffing the crew, just to make a point????:eek:

That is the most awful thing I have read on this thread

(so far.... :rolleyes:. It may get worse)


CCL markets to a certain demographic. If the crew are stiffed enough, they could always go to another line to try to see if the grass is greener. I imagine if the crew stays with CCL, it is because the percentage of good tippers outweighs the ones who remove tips and do NOT then tip in cash.


Having been a tipped employee, this is how it works. It averages out when you factor in the generous people and thank God for them.





Not true at all. The way it's set up, unless the person is purposely being quiet, you can hear everythign...especially people who are complaining. Not to mention you can tell by the fron desk agent's face how a conversation is going, even if you were stone deaf.












Why you 'didn't have the guts' is because you know in your heart that it would have been crappy. Especially if you received good service.



$800 is a lot of money. But I imagine your grocery bill, clothing bills and every bill is higher because you have a large family. Does anyone else get stiffed? No. It is what it is. You have 4 kids.


Bless your heart when they start college. It's not easy with a small family. I can't or inside cabin.


Regardless. 600 would have been more than sufficient

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  • 2 weeks later...
Some people don't like the idea of tips that are forced upon them? Anyways, congrats this will be a 20 page thread.


We are getting so close, come on sweet little tipping thread, you can make it!



I actually understand a lot of the rationalization on here, but I do not agree with it.


I really do not understand the "I was on a 86 day cruise, and the tips came to $2000 for my family! That is a lot of money, I think $300 is more appropriate"


***? Which day on a cruise does the tipping stop? Are people really that bad at multiplication?


I have a free cookie for the first honest post...I will lead by example.....I usually over tip because it makes me feel good that I am helping someone who works so hard. That is for excellent service. Average service gets an average tip. I have never had bad service.


Those who remove tips are just cheap bastards, wanting to punish the big mean corporation by peeing on the little guy. You can rationalize it all you want, post long thesis' about crew wages and Gary Cahill's gold plated bidet, but the only person suffering because of the tip removers is the crew.


Stop with the "well, you did not see the tip remover pay in cash, how do you know we didnt?"


Great logic, you are right, I also never saw you use your toilet to take a dump either. How do I know you didn't poop over the side of your balcony, or pack your poop in your bag to take home? How can I make such an assumption?


Common sense, logic...things missing from many on here.



with all that being said, I love a good tipping thread!

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We are getting so close, come on sweet little tipping thread, you can make it!



I actually understand a lot of the rationalization on here, but I do not agree with it.


I really do not understand the "I was on a 86 day cruise, and the tips came to $2000 for my family! That is a lot of money, I think $300 is more appropriate"


***? Which day on a cruise does the tipping stop? Are people really that bad at multiplication?


I have a free cookie for the first honest post...I will lead by example.....I usually over tip because it makes me feel good that I am helping someone who works so hard. That is for excellent service. Average service gets an average tip. I have never had bad service.


Those who remove tips are just cheap bastards, wanting to punish the big mean corporation by peeing on the little guy. You can rationalize it all you want, post long thesis' about crew wages and Gary Cahill's gold plated bidet, but the only person suffering because of the tip removers is the crew.


Stop with the "well, you did not see the tip remover pay in cash, how do you know we didnt?"


Great logic, you are right, I also never saw you use your toilet to take a dump either. How do I know you didn't poop over the side of your balcony, or pack your poop in your bag to take home? How can I make such an assumption?


Common sense, logic...things missing from many on here.



with all that being said, I love a good tipping thread!



Lol great post........


Will be interesting to hear some responses to it


We go on sun princess next Monday on our maiden cruise and at first couldn't work out the whole idea of auto gratuities however after reading lots of threads etc on cc we soon realised its the only fair and proper way to do it


However in my opinion (which probably won't count for much lol) maybe all the cruise lines should just put the cost of tips straight onto the price of the cruise in the first place which would stop anyone removing the auto tips when on board


And i do seriously wonder if some people remove the auto tip towards the end of their cruise because they have overspent during the cruise?


Everybody to their own i suppose but my auto gratuities will be definetely staying on :)

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And how do we know the crew gets all these gratuities? and that the cruise lines don't nickle and dime the money away from them? On our last cruise my DH talked with a tour guide-granted, he did not work for the cruise line-but he informed my husband that 60% of his tip goes back to his company. I am one of those who do not have the tip placed on my bill, I put it in an envelope and give it to the ones who have served me. I do not drink alcohol-why should I leave a tip for the wine steward? I do not go the the gym-should I tip them? The meaning of TIP has always been-TO INSURE PROMPTNESS-but society has changed it to being a duty. When I go to a restaurant and they ask for the tip before I get served, that is not a tip, but a bribe. The wages the crew makes is high end in the country they come from. Call me cheap if you want; I will wear it as a badge.

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And how do we know the crew gets all these gratuities? and that the cruise lines don't nickle and dime the money away from them? On our last cruise my DH talked with a tour guide-granted, he did not work for the cruise line-but he informed my husband that 60% of his tip goes back to his company. I am one of those who do not have the tip placed on my bill, I put it in an envelope and give it to the ones who have served me. I do not drink alcohol-why should I leave a tip for the wine steward? I do not go the the gym-should I tip them? The meaning of TIP has always been-TO INSURE PROMPTNESS-but society has changed it to being a duty. When I go to a restaurant and they ask for the tip before I get served, that is not a tip, but a bribe. The wages the crew makes is high end in the country they come from. Call me cheap if you want; I will wear it as a badge.


You are right on somepoint however there are many crew members that serve you behind the scenes.Do you not get fresh towel..laundry personel? Do you not eat..line cooks and dishwashers? I bet you want a clean ship...what about maintence workers? Tips go to these employees too not just the ones that serve you directly. Just food for thought.

PS Just because they come from a poor country doesn't mean the are our slaves. I prefer to treat everyone with dignity and respect and to my standard. Should we also give them straw mats and one meal of rice a day because that's all they'll have in their home country. Absurd.


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You are right on somepoint however there are many crew members that serve you behind the scenes.Do you not get fresh towel..laundry personel? Do you not eat..line cooks and dishwashers? I bet you want a clean ship...what about maintence workers? Tips go to these employees too not just the ones that serve you directly. Just food for thought.

PS Just because they come from a poor country doesn't mean the are our slaves. I prefer to treat everyone with dignity and respect and to my standard. Should we also give them straw mats and one meal of rice a day because that's all they'll have in their home country. Absurd.


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You are confusing service workers that earn tips with people that earn salaries. Salaried personel do not get tips.

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You are confusing service workers that earn tips with people that earn salaries. Salaried personel do not get tips.


Yes but are you sure they are salaried? I was told they are not... however I may be wrong. I have worked at various bussiness where they where and other where not. Anyone have a direct answer from Carnival? I was once told by a waiter he had to"tip out" to others. That means pooling tips and dividing among for example buffet servers and bus boys.


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You are confusing service workers that earn tips with people that earn salaries. Salaried personel do not get tips.


From Carnivals website.

Service Gratuities

For your convenience, we automatically charge the gratuities for dining and stateroom staff to your onboard Sail & Sign account. The total amount is $11.50 per guest, per day as follows(our recommended guideline effective voyages departing December 1, 2011 and onward):

$ 3.70 USD - Per Day Stateroom Services

$ 5.80 USD - Per Day Dining Services

$ 2.00 USD - Per Day Alternative Services: distributed to kitchen, entertainment, guest services and other hotel staff members.

For Cruises-To-Nowhere, gratuities of $11.50 USD, or its equivalent in foreign currency, per guest, per day must be prepaid.


Tried to google to find out about who is salaried and who is tipped but from Carnival own website (bold and red highlighted) that their "salary" is low and offset by tips. Next as others have argued maybe "tip" should be service fee or just added to the total fare.

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From Carnivals website.

Service Gratuities

For your convenience, we automatically charge the gratuities for dining and stateroom staff to your onboard Sail & Sign account. The total amount is $11.50 per guest, per day as follows(our recommended guideline effective voyages departing December 1, 2011 and onward):

$ 3.70 USD - Per Day Stateroom Services

$ 5.80 USD - Per Day Dining Services

$ 2.00 USD - Per Day Alternative Services: distributed to kitchen, entertainment, guest services and other hotel staff members.

For Cruises-To-Nowhere, gratuities of $11.50 USD, or its equivalent in foreign currency, per guest, per day must be prepaid.


Tried to google to find out about who is salaried and who is tipped but from Carnival own website (bold and red highlighted) that their "salary" is low and offset by tips. Next as others have argued maybe "tip" should be service fee or just added to the total fare.


That's the big secret. If you let them take that, all you're doing is helping Carnival pay salaries of those individuals. They do NOT get tips.


Keep googling. You will eventually come across the pay structure in board, and who receives tips, and who are the salaried workers. It's all out there.

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So I was reading A thread on here someone complaining about her neighbors and she said when she was in line at guest services 20 people in front of her were canceling there pre paid gratuities .. I m new to cruising Why would people do this ? When we went We had excellent service and provided an extra tip at the end 11.50 a day is hardly enough for all the staff it extends too ? I Have seen this mentioned before as well Do they wait to see if service is up to standard ??? Im just curious :confused:




I drive a tour bus for a living, yes do shore excursions in Boston. When dealling with people other then from the U.S. or Canada tips are low, due to people from around the world having gratuities commonly inculed in the price. Thats why Americans get such good serivce in most of Europe, you eat at a resturant you as we do here leave a 15% to 20% gratuity not knowing that 15% was already inclued in the bill. [/size]

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