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Captain's Club Changes POLL- Are You Happy or Not


Captain's Club POLL- Are you happy  

528 members have voted

  1. 1. Captain's Club POLL- Are you happy

    • Very happy
    • Somewhat happy
    • Somewhat unhappy
    • Very unhappy
    • Don't care

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The funny thing is that I got the cruising bug late in life, I saw a line (X)with nice reviews and fairly new ships and booked. I liked it, SO I NEVER EVEN LOOKED AT ANOTHER CRUISE LINE.


Now my eyes are open to the fact that there are many to choose from and I choose HAL because when I started looking around I found a much more interesting itinerary. They have a 23 day TA


Prior, I just looked at what Transatlantic crossings X had and picked one, never even considering another line.


I suppose this is not a typical story, BUT it is a Failure on Celebrity's part since they valued a few points more than their customer. I have started many successful businesses in my life I have a deep belief that the #1 rule is the customer is always right. I have very happy clients .


In this case, the poll shows about 25% dissatisfaction. IN THE CORPORATE BUSINESS WORLD this is called a DISASTER. Reminds me of when Coke changed the original formula to New Coke.


The Captain's Club Raison d'être is to retain customers ($$$) in exchange for some perks. When the company refuses a very reasonable request to satisfy a client's issue, then they have failed on many levels of customer service. When it drives clients to their competitors heads should roll.

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That is hardly the definition of LOYALTY.


LOYALTY isn't a part time thing. To be loyal you must also accept the negatives as well as the positives, to sacrifice when called upon to. Otherwise, your alleged "loyalty" is only a word, and is completely worthless.


Hey, it is a Cruise Line not a Religion or a Cult.


If the only cruise ship I ever set foot on was Celebrity, in the English language that is clearly LOYAL.

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That is hardly the definition of LOYALTY. It only shows that as long as they gave you what you wanted, you continued to cruise with them. Your comment about not coming back unless they give you extra points proves without a doubt that you are NOT loyal to Celebrity, only loyal to whatever you can get out of them. :rolleyes:


LOYALTY isn't a part time thing. To be loyal you must also accept the negatives as well as the positives, to sacrifice when called upon to. Otherwise, your alleged "loyalty" is only a word, and is completely worthless.


I was loyal. Am I worthless? Maybe so...I didn't get the extra 25 points rewarded to some with much less $$$$ spent.

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That is hardly the definition of LOYALTY. It only shows that as long as they gave you what you wanted, you continued to cruise with them. Your comment about not coming back unless they give you extra points proves without a doubt that you are NOT loyal to Celebrity, only loyal to whatever you can get out of them. :rolleyes:


LOYALTY isn't a part time thing. To be loyal you must also accept the negatives as well as the positives, to sacrifice when called upon to. Otherwise, your alleged "loyalty" is only a word, and is completely worthless.

Very well said.

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Here I go posting again; this will make it 6 times on one thread and that is getting weird. But I want to comment on this poll which is the point of this thread, and not how Celebrity should be run or how terrible the whole Celebrity cruising experience is.


Yes, this is an unscientific poll (as if a poll can be ‘scientific’ – a poll can be statistically relevant at best) and is easily biased and certainly non-representative. But it is saying about 75% (right now) think the new program is OK or they are neutral about it. That is pretty darn good for a new program, especially one that intentionally makes it harder to reach various tiers, along with adding new tiers people may like, or were looking for different goodies and think it misses the mark. Yup, a group of those who now must cruise more to reach various tiers isn’t happy - some ‘kind of’ and others ‘very’.


My opinion: it’s human nature to not like change. So for a large majority of this biased, unscientific, and extremely small sample of Celebrity cruisers (with probably more than a few who have never cruised with Celebrity chiming in) to think it’s OK or don’t care, that isn’t bad at all. In my line of work that included statistical analysis for 50 years (well, since I’m much younger than that, let’s say…..2yrs, yeah, that’s right 2hrs!), if 75% of my customers were happy or not upset with a major change, I’d consider it a success.


If we think we have a better idea, then we need to get a job with Celebrity, showing our ‘credentials’ for this type of work, or go to our Broker and buy 50.1% of RCL stock and implement what we want. But of course, if we didn’t complain and ask for the CEO’s personal email so we can tell him how to run the company, we’d lose at least 75% (another biased statistic!) of the posts here, including mine!


Note: I learned something typing this post….spell and grammar checker told me to change “it’s” to “its”, and I did. Then later, it told me to change the same “it’s” back to “its” – Confusing! I looked it up: it’s “it’s” when it’s a contraction as in “it is”; it’s “its” when it’s a possessive as in “I read the post, but disagreed with its point.” Neat stuff, huh?!



Excellent post! every time I check this poll I do the math…. and only 25% are not happy with the changes. We cruise with Celebrity for their itineraries, excellent food and service and overall experience. We appreciate the perks the loyalty program gives us but we don't chose a cruise based on those perks. :):)

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Guess it just depends on what one considers to be loyalty.


It took only 4 to 10 cruises to become Elite under Celebrity's old program.


So it seems unrealistic that someone who has taken fewer than 10 cruises would expect a cruise line to owe them loyalty, much less that they would feel any loyalty to the cruise line.


There are a number of products that I keep buying over and over from the same company because I like the prices and service they offer. It has nothing to do with loyalty.


When I give my business to a relative or friend, then that is out of loyalty.


Companies like to use the term "loyalty program" because it sounds so much better than marketing gimmick. ;)


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Guess it just depends on what one considers to be loyalty.


It took only 4 to 10 cruises to become Elite under Celebrity's old program.


So it seems unrealistic that someone who has taken fewer than 10 cruises would expect a cruise line to owe them loyalty, much less that they would feel any loyalty to the cruise line.


There are a number of products that I keep buying over and over from the same company because I like the prices and service they offer. It has nothing to do with loyalty.


When I give my business to a relative or friend, then that is out of loyalty.


Companies like to use the term "loyalty program" because it sounds so much better than marketing gimmick. ;)



Best post yet:D

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I have cruised EXCLUSIVELY with Celebrity... I'd say that is the definition of LOYAL.


Requested a few points so I would be 1 Cruise away from Elite level, as I was prior to un-announced un-welcome changes to CC program.


I have booked my next Transatlantic on HAL, will I be back?


Perhaps when they add the points I requested, it is entirely up to Celebrity.



How many Celebrity have you been on with Celebrity? It can't be that many and certainly under 10.


Exactly how many points do you have now?


As far as HAL we cruise with them too, but their past passenger program isn't anywhere as good as Celebrity, and no level receives free internet. You will need close to 200 nights (unless in a Suite where you get double points) to be a 4 star mariner and get free unlimited laundry and priority boarding and tender. They don't give any levels free alcohol. They do give extra points for spending.

Edited by Jade13
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The funny thing is that I got the cruising bug late in life, I saw a line (X)with nice reviews and fairly new ships and booked. I liked it, SO I NEVER EVEN LOOKED AT ANOTHER CRUISE LINE.


Now my eyes are open to the fact that there are many to choose from and I choose HAL because when I started looking around I found a much more interesting itinerary. They have a 23 day TA


Prior, I just looked at what Transatlantic crossings X had and picked one, never even considering another line.


How is this considered "loyal"? You admit you never took the time to look at other options, and as soon as you did you started cruising on another line. Sorry, but I fail to see how any of these actions would be considered "loyal".


I suppose this is not a typical story, BUT it is a Failure on Celebrity's part since they valued a few points more than their customer. I have started many successful businesses in my life I have a deep belief that the #1 rule is the customer is always right. I have very happy clients .


In this case, the poll shows about 25% dissatisfaction. IN THE CORPORATE BUSINESS WORLD this is called a DISASTER. Reminds me of when Coke changed the original formula to New Coke.


The Captain's Club Raison d'être is to retain customers ($$$) in exchange for some perks. When the company refuses a very reasonable request to satisfy a client's issue, then they have failed on many levels of customer service. When it drives clients to their competitors heads should roll.


If you did "start many businesses" as you claim, you would know full well that the customer is NOT always right. That phrase was a marketing theme invented to convince gullible customers that you place their interests first. No company does that and stays in business very long. The only way a business stays viable is to make sure the bottom line is profitable. If that means eliminating programs, restricting benefits, or turning away ungrateful customers, then it is the smart thing to do for the business. Don't try to fool the rest of us with your alleged affection for your customers - or theirs for you.


HIf the only cruise ship I ever set foot on was Celebrity, in the English language that is clearly LOYAL.


Nope, not even close. In the English language, what you are doing is clearly considered "personal choice". It certainly isn't being loyal. Being loyal is staying with a company through thick and thin, through the best and the worst times, and accepting the best and the worst of the product.


I always buy gas at a station a few blocks from me. I do so because it is convenient, and the prices are reasonable. Does that make me "loyal". Not hardly. It only makes me a discriminating buyer, not a loyal one. If they raised their prices higher than the nearby competition, I would start buying gas at the competition to save money. So, am I considered "loyal" up until they raise their prices? Hardly! Such a decision is no different than the stance you are taking with Celebrity. You are not loyal to Celebrity. You are loyal only to what you are getting from them.

Edited by fortinweb
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..."the customer is always right"...


That phrase dates back to the early 1900s when Marshall Field's department store in Chicago began using that phrase as a promotional gimmick. The owners never considered that assumption to actually be fact, but introduced the phrase to make customers think they were the #1 consideration of the store management. It worked, and now many other companies also use the phrase to fool people into the mistaken belief that the company puts their interests first.


Frankly, seeing what many customers will pull these days to get a refund, extra benefits, or free items (just read some of the recent threads on CruiseCritic for examples), it is clear that the phrase should be rewritten to read: "The customer always demands more than they paid for." :rolleyes:

Edited by swsfrail
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Why would we be unhappy with how it was implemented?


Hi. I grew up in Fremont and have friends in hayward.


Implementation issues. My issue was with how they announced it. Basically changed it without any (official) warning. No way for customers to do any planning.


I was on cruise week before its announcement and heard from one of the workers about it being announced on the cruise after ours. I had discussion with the cc hostess (without telling her who told me...and she really wanted to know) and she played dumb. I even mentioned "zenith" and she acted like she never heard the word.


On the other hand other travel companies...delta airlines comes to mind. Announce elite program changes way in advance so customers can make informed decisions about how the changes will effect them.


I am happy with the new system. We are taking advantage of the 25 point bonus for booking which will put us into "plus" after taking those cruises.

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Hi. I grew up in Fremont and have friends in hayward.


Implementation issues. My issue was with how they announced it. Basically changed it without any (official) warning. No way for customers to do any planning.


I was on cruise week before its announcement and heard from one of the workers about it being announced on the cruise after ours. I had discussion with the cc hostess (without telling her who told me...and she really wanted to know) and she played dumb. I even mentioned "zenith" and she acted like she never heard the word.


On the other hand other travel companies...delta airlines comes to mind. Announce elite program changes way in advance so customers can make informed decisions about how the changes will effect them.


I am happy with the new system. We are taking advantage of the 25 point bonus for booking which will put us into "plus" after taking those cruises.


Well, I could have cancelled my booking and rebooked for the 25 bonus points? Yes. However, I don't like to play the game...I'd rather be acknowledged as a loyal customer...that so far has NOT happened. Am i disappointed? Hell yes! Will this stay in the back of mind? Yes.


Wat for it.........a handful will come here and bury this post.

Edited by 20pluscruises
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Fortinweb I must respectfully disagree with you.


Clearly you are drinking the Celebrity KOOL-AIDE.


It is a business, owned by stockholders who expect a return on their investment. Celebrity's purpose in to generate revenue and when you refuse to accommodate a reasonable request and lose thousands of dollars to a competitor. That is a poor business decision.


Celebrity is not carrying around passengers for the fun of it, they have it figured out to extract as much revenue as possible. In fact, Royal Caribbean Corp's job is not to carry passengers or run ships it is to generate revenue 1st and foremost, every thing else flows from that concept of generating a profit and return for investors.


I might lose a bit on one client, but in the process win him for life. That is a proper long term view. If I had a client that was completely unreasonable I would refer them to a competitor. Requesting a few points is NOT UNREASONABLE.


Captain's Club points are valueless to the company if there is NOT A CUSTOMER on a ship corresponding to the account & spending money.


Had they added a few points they would have made many a customer happy and in doing so engendered even more affection resulting in MORE REVENUE.


I assure you I am not the only one put off by the abrupt change in the club.


I would have booked not ONE but TWO cruises, one to get the points needed to hit 300 total, then my annual Transatlantic.


When Celebrity's Transatlantic leaves Ft, Lauderdale without me, that empty cabin is a LOSS. There are no time machines, that revenue is permanently gone, forever, along with the thousands I spend onboard.


By the way, the new system allows one to hit Elite in just a single cruise, so I'm not sure how loyalty plays into that.

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Fortinweb I must respectfully disagree with you.


Clearly you are drinking the Celebrity KOOL-AIDE.


It is a business, owned by stockholders who expect a return on their investment. Celebrity's purpose in to generate revenue and when you refuse to accommodate a reasonable request and lose thousands of dollars to a competitor. That is a poor business decision.


Celebrity is not carrying around passengers for the fun of it, they have it figured out to extract as much revenue as possible. In fact, Royal Caribbean Corp's job is not to carry passengers or run ships it is to generate revenue 1st and foremost, every thing else flows from that concept of generating a profit and return for investors.


I might lose a bit on one client, but in the process win him for life. That is a proper long term view. If I had a client that was completely unreasonable I would refer them to a competitor. Requesting a few points is NOT UNREASONABLE.


Captain's Club points are valueless to the company if there is NOT A CUSTOMER on a ship corresponding to the account & spending money.


Had they added a few points they would have made many a customer happy and in doing so engendered even more affection resulting in MORE REVENUE.


I assure you I am not the only one put off by the abrupt change in the club.


I would have booked not ONE but TWO cruises, one to get the points needed to hit 300 total, then my annual Transatlantic.


When Celebrity's Transatlantic leaves Ft, Lauderdale without me, that empty cabin is a LOSS. There are no time machines, that revenue is permanently gone, forever, along with the thousands I spend onboard.


By the way, the new system allows one to hit Elite in just a single cruise, so I'm not sure how loyalty plays into that.


That cabin won't be a loss, there will just be someone else in it.

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While I do not agree with your spoiled brat comment...


I do agree that we were loyal to Celebrity for the Celebrity experience and it had nothing to do with points.


However, what I am having trouble with is... Celebrity rolls out a great new loyalty plan at the same time they cut WAY back on the Aqua Spa cafe meals, add upcharges for some of the aqua spa food, upcharge items on the in cabin menu, increase drink prices, decrease entertainment in the lounges, decrease the number of bartenders in the lounges, increase the casino bets, etc. with the hope that a free gelato, coffee, extra internet minutes and a bag of laundry will fool everyone into thinking they are getting some great bonus/reward.


The cut backs have been so drastic that nobody is saying much as they seem to be more concerned about the points and the internet fiasco. Well done Celebrity you have managed to pull it off....and right under our noses. Your marketing team deserves a big Christmas bonus


Exctly why I posted this earlier!

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I have cruised EXCLUSIVELY with Celebrity... I'd say that is the definition of LOYAL.


Requested a few points so I would be 1 Cruise away from Elite level, as I was prior to un-announced un-welcome changes to CC program.


I thought they added points to those who were one cruise away. Am I mistaken?

Edited by Oville
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Hey, it is a Cruise Line not a Religion or a Cult.


If the only cruise ship I ever set foot on was Celebrity, in the English language that is clearly LOYAL.



Ah, surely there are other English words that would also fit but are not very complementary.


Celebrity's "Loyalty" program exists only because Princess and other lines have them. It's a question of staying competitive and in no way is a measure of Celebrity's love for its customers. When the other lines drop their programs, you can bet X will drop theirs. This should be no surprise. I am always surprised at the way some people jump to the defense of Celebrity, as though they where receiving a paycheck. Who knows, maybe some of them are. I like X but I'm not married to it, as would be obvious if you could see my cruise history on other lines

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Ah, surely there are other English words that would also fit but are not very complementary.


Celebrity's "Loyalty" program exists only because Princess and other lines have them. It's a question of staying competitive and in no way is a measure of Celebrity's love for its customers. When the other lines drop their programs, you can bet X will drop theirs. This should be no surprise. I am always surprised at the way some people jump to the defense of Celebrity, as though they where receiving a paycheck. Who knows, maybe some of them are. I like X but I'm not married to it, as would be obvious if you could see my cruise history on other lines


I often questioned the same thing....seems the same handful of posters jumping in to defend the loyalty program and cutbacks. Even Host Annie noticed/mentioned the cutbacks, but they will argue till the cows come home that there haven't been any....do think we can;t see for ourselves the numerous cutbacks?????????

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I'm amazed that people who have already decided that they are no longer cruising with Celebrity to show their displeasure over the new system are taking so long to say good bye.


Is the Celebrity experience perfect? No. But loyal cruisers find the experience better than sailing with the competition.


Does Celebrity have the best itineraries? Not by a long shot.


I can understand cruisers picking a cruise line because they prefer a certain itinerary or a certain ship or the overall experience of their cruise line of choice.

I can't imagine that a person will switch just because they have to wait a little longer to get some free stuff that competing lines don't offer either.


Being loyal is staying with a company through thick and thin, through the best and the worst times, and accepting the best and the worst of the product.
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