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Live From QE's January TA Crossing


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So, Sunday evening was the Captain's cocktail party for Britannia folks. We opted to queue to meet the Captain. Having sailed (and dined) with Captain Wells before, I can assure you that he is good value for money and highly entertaining. He did not disappoint, and duly reminded us that the ship was setting out on its 2014 (!!!!) world cruise. Various stats and info followed including plans to avoid the worst of the storm. In fact, we were currently heading in the direction of South America!!


Our arrival at dinner found an unknown person at our table. (It was night three). It was a solo traveller wishing to sit with other solo passengers. The maitre d had apparently told him to sit at our table and whilst our waiters had declared ours a family table and tried to redirect him back to the md, it wasn't til we turned up that he departed our table. All very odd but he was assigned to a nearby table and time will tell if he is there tonight.


After dinner we arrived at the Queens Room just in time for a cha cha cha. Lucky hubby. We took to the dance floor (some of us were more willing than others) and after, even he declared that we did a fairly decent job for beginners. ... having to steer round more static/erratic folk. Hubby was even more lucky as there wss soon a waltz to complete our set. We two relocated to the Abba hour in the yacht club (disco) soon to be joined by dad. When the excellent but loud house band restarted we relocated to the Commodore Club before retiring.


End of day 3


(the order of my posts has gone awry.... sorry...)

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Monday evening


Its official. I am old. Had a nap this afternoon and ended up getting up, ready and straight to dinner.


The waiters are not asking for the dessert order when they take our requests for the earlier courses. It doesn't really bother me as l always mentally pick my pudding first. We don't often bother with pudding at home so I like to take advantage here.


I am trying not to over indulge... fruit, milk and half a bagel or something similar for breakfast, a single plate of something for lunch (no pud), a scone for afternoon tea then everything they put on my plate for dinner. I have not selected anything from the special 'healthy' options but others in my possie have and report that its nice.


The sisters did dine off piste - but ate the Italian option rather than Russian.


We met up in the Queens room after dinner and we arrived just in time to see one sister dancing with a gentleman host.* The hosts do appear to be proactive in asking those ladies that they know want to dance. As ever, the dancing ability does vary. They attend the dance classes too. Speaking of which, our dance teachers are very nice but not the best at dealing with a large group of people. They are assuming that they can stand at the front and we can follow/copy the people in front.... oh no. As hubby put it, thats like teaching dancing by chinese whispers!


There was a raffle in the casino tonight offering various on board bingo and dining prizes. As the sisters had been gambling today they had received a ticket. You had to be there to win. Again, their luck wasnt in.


After a brief stay in the Queens Room, squeezing in* a waltz, Hubby and I watched a few rounds of roulette and then retired via the Lido.* There were no hot chocolate sachets but there was a bowl of hot chocolate powder* if you could spot it..... hopefully they have more sachets in stock somewhere. And no, Mr Waiter, ovaltine will not do!


There ended day 4 (Monday)

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Day 5


Tuesday - apparently


Clocks changed again in the early hours. A bit of a rocky night with a couple of major swells which caused a couple of great big bangs. It still amazes me how much there is in a cabin to creak.


Still getting up to attend the two 30 free exercise classes from 7am and still not using the lift.


Visited the laundrette after the gym. Soap powder still available and machine instructions are hung on the wall. There are 3 washers and 3 driers though one of our dryers is out of service. There is one ironing board/iron and 3 or 4 laundry baskets. At 8:15 there were no queues for the machines.


Dad had gone upmarket and used the laundry service for his dress shirt. He was impressed with the service (and he has high standards). $6 for a silk/formal shirt, $5.25 for a normal shirt. Trousers and jackets are $6 each. Ladies dresses are $8. These prices are for pick up before 10am on day one with return on day two at 7pm.* Same day service ... pick up before 9am, return 7pm costs 50% more.


Went to a casino gaming class this morning so will be looking to practice my new found skills at some point! All attendees were given a $3 match play card to use on an evens bet on the roulette wheel (red/black/odd/even etc) or something else which I forget. It was good fun as you got a chance to try the games without risking your own money.


There was a dixieland band in the pub this lunchtime. It appeared to be full to the brim so it pays to arrive* in plenty of time. Personally don't think that people should try to save multiple places ...... a partner place or maybe two is ok but saving five places is a bit too much like laying towels on a sunbed. But thats just me - and I'm travelling in a group of five.


Its the cocktail party for frequent flyers this evening. Dad was eagerly anticipating the arrival of his invite. The sisters, as newbies, do not have an invite... will he go without them?!


I've had a quiet day relatively speaking. Low on the activity front but high on the chatting to new people side of things. Scottish couple at breakfast, NW English couple at lunch, London mother/daughter plus German lady at afternoon tea. There are plenty of nice and interesting people on board this ship.


Afternoon tea was a spontaneous decision. I flew solo choosing a table for two next to a table for two. I was joined at my table by a solo traveller and the four of us stayed talking til 5pm.... they cleared the tables and rearranged the room around us!


So tonight..... it was always meant to be a formal night but they have announced that we can choose on an individual basis whether or not to be formal or informal.... what are they on?

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So tonight..... it was always meant to be a formal night but they have announced that we can choose on an individual basis whether or not to be formal or informal.... what are they on?


How bizarre, and you're in the middle of the North Atlantic so it's not as if people are tired and worn out from all day touring.


That's no good at all. I hope they don't do that after New York.

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How bizarre, and you're in the middle of the North Atlantic so it's not as if people are tired and worn out from all day touring.


That's no good at all. I hope they don't do that after New York.


Right, no land tours on a crossing...but angry seas can leave some passengers tired and worn out, to the extent that formal attire might just be too much to ask. Or so I have been told.

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Right, no land tours on a crossing...but angry seas can leave some passengers tired and worn out, to the extent that formal attire might just be too much to ask. Or so I have been told.


They still have to put on clothes to dine in public areas. If they're too sick to put on a bow tie than they probably should be resting in their cabins anyway, not eating a three course meal. And if you're well enough to enjoy a three course meal with alcohol than you probably could have managed to put on a bow tie.

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Day 5 (cont)

Well, the ship didn't fall apart with the mix of dress codes. I think that the biggest scandal of the night was that our cruise hostess had a spy in Maggiemou's camp and had had a near replica dress run up. Luckily no blood was spilt nor heads rolled.


Hubby and I attended the World Club cocktail party.... as did dad. The sisters wangled themselves an invite to the art gallery champagne viewing so no one missed out. The world club party unveiled as ever, an amazing group of long term travellers. Whilst at the captains cocktail party, we talked to the chief purser, this time we opted for a seat. We had a quiet evening.... After a brief sojourn on the side of the Queens Room, hubby and I gambled away our $3 match play vouchers - though we did make our $20 total stake last quite a long time.


Day 6

As I have said, there are plenty of nice and interesting people on board this ship. But some selfish and rude ones have sneaked on too. Someone who proudly announced themselves a Gold world club member tried to lay down the law to eldest sister. He accused her of trying to reserve 'half the pub' - when she was simply saving a spot for second sister and dad. Hardly the biggest 'towel on sunbed' related crime. His wife apparently looked mortified at his behaviour. Surely a gold level traveller would know to arrive somewhere in plenty of time......


Someone else had a go at hubby at the buffet. He hadn't pushed in, he'd cleaned his hands... his crime? Taking two pasties and a sausage roll. Apparently it was too much and she told him so. She obviously hasn't seen how much he can eat...* It wasn't the last of either food item either so it wasn't as if she was missing out.


Note: I have not heard of any bad behaviour in the guest laundrettes.


Shopping:* There was an 'up to half price' event on bags today incl. Radley. It was meant to be limited time from 9 (or was it 10) but since this clashed with the staff drill, they extended it.


There was a fashion show in the Queens Room to showcase jewels, clothing and accessories.


Sale of World Voyage merchandise starts Friday. Tshirts, mugs, bags.....


Martini Mixology


Today was martini mixology day up in the Commodore Club. It was a very interesting session, a mix of history, information and four very different martinis each - and no short measures. Well worth the money to attend.



Second sister does not like the vibration of the ship in the Britannia so last night had eaten in the Lido again. Tonight with the sea much calmer too, she has returned to the Britannia but l think she would still be happier elsewhere. (We are on deck three).


Four mid afternoon martinis and no afternoon nap saw us retire early. ....* pity, it was big band night which is my favourite Queens Room evening event.


End of day 6


Day 7

It is just about possible to grab your mat for gym class one, run down the stairs to the laundrette, put a wash on, run up and do the thirty minute class, run back (more gingerly) to move the washing into the drier, get back and do the next gym class before staggering to collect the dried clothes. You are then more than ready for breakfast with no time wasted.


With a steadier ship these past two days, the outside jacuzzi is now a more viable option so I squeezed a 20 minute soak in before morning trivia.


At the quiz I found myself with a lovely cruise critic couple but alas our knowledge was lacking 3 correct answers so we didn't win. Laura from Lancashire (entertainment team) is lovely, as mad as a hatter and confusing the hell out of the non brits. Our mini team loitered for a chat and then I headed off to do the library quiz before the dodgy dance class. I haven't done the quiz for a couple of days and there is a risk that the librarians will soon report me as missing.


Dance class is the waltz for intermediates. We decided to chance our luck as we are now near-masters of the basic waltz steps. Good dancers do not necessarily make good teachers.... sadly this is the case here; plus our lady teacher's skirts are so long that when she bends her knees you cannot always see her feet.* I think that they would rather coach good dancers but sadly they are stuck with us lot.....


Lunched in the pub again.... having bunked off the dance class a bit early. Fish was reported to be better though portion size appears to have shrunk this year (no bad thing since it is lunch).


I am now chilling in the Commodore Club.


There was a meeting this morning for 'original Elizabeth / Mary' travellers. We made sure that Dad knew it was on.... so maybe news of that tomorrow.


The Journey


Stormy Atlantic seas had seen us veer on a course southward so that the worst of the storm could be avoided. By now our main Atlantic journey should be complete and we should be sailing down alongside Canada / New England way. However, as C. Wells summarised, we are in the middle of nowhere having gone so far south.


They had expected us to sail into New York around 7 ish on Saturday. This is more likely to be 9 ish now and, with docking and customs/immigration, the Captain has warned us that we might not be off and out til noon at the latest. The tour / transfer people are apparently working hard to rearrange things and will be in touch with people as appropriate. The ship is not due to depart NY til 9pm.


Last Formal Night Tonight


We have not yet had lobster. I hope that tonight is the night but fear for the worst. If that is my worst fear, I am in a good place....


I also hope that I get a chance to wear my 'watching the telly shoes'. Not sure if my dress is long enough to merit wearing them. They are high heeled strappy satin shoes which are not the best thing for me to wear given my back issues - hence they are 'watching the telly shoes'. I couldn't wear them at the first* formal night as it was getting a wee bit choppy. As an £8.00 purchase from TK MAXX I remain determined to get my monies worth!

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On the Formal/Informal choice night, I've noticed that some of the other balls that would be considered 'fancy dress' like the Buccaneer and the Neptune Ball actually fall on 'informal' nights. Perhaps someone up the chain making these decisions felt that those choosing to dress in Elizabethan 'fancy dress' might be viewed more as informal than proper formal?


Then again they expect folks to do Strictly Come Dancing that includes Cha-Cha and Jive on a formal night. . . which I cant figure out, since that's a long dress night, and Latin dances are usually competed in short dresses :D

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Ah, I see that Laura is still on board. There was quite a bit about her, positive and negative, on a thread a few months ago - she certainly does not go quietly into the night. She is really wacky, and not to everyone's liking, but still quite a character. Our American children struggled to understand her at times, but hubby and I really enjoyed her!

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They still have to put on clothes to dine in public areas. If they're too sick to put on a bow tie than they probably should be resting in their cabins anyway, not eating a three course meal. And if you're well enough to enjoy a three course meal with alcohol than you probably could have managed to put on a bow tie.


Whitemarsh, I am surprised by your post, given all your dedicated efforts to encourage haute couture costumes for passengers, especially women. Yet surely, for women, formal attire does not mean putting on a bow tie. And if putting on a bow tie was all that was required of men, the ship would look like an it was holding an audition for Chippendales.


BTW, No one is required to eat a three (or more) course meal, nor is alcohol mandatory at any time.


Anyway, didn't you dedicate an entire thread to affirm your opinion that newly revised dress code was all for the best, and that it worked out well? The newly revised dress code indicated that the dress code can be altered according to circumstances on board. Happily, from reports, it seems everything worked out well on board :) -S.

Edited by Salacia
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Toffeegirl, thanks for your posts. Enjoyed your humour, and reading about your very full days/nights on board.


Just to mention that maybe it's just as well that your arrival in NY will be later than expected. We're expecting a bit of weather early Saturday morning (rain/snow). Sorry for those passengers who will have their travel plans disrupted by the late arrival, but chances are there will be weather delays anyway.


Happy ending to your voyage & thanks again. Regards, -S.

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Whitemarsh, I am surprised by your post, given all your dedicated efforts to encourage haute couture costumes for passengers, especially women. Yet surely, for women, formal attire does not mean putting on a bow tie. And if putting on a bow tie was all that was required of men, the ship would look like an it was holding an audition for Chippendales.


If I genuinely felt tired & worn out (from a sea day??????) then I would go to bed, I wouldn't be heading down to the restaurant for a meal and then out to the pub or evening's entertainment on the ship.


Anyone who can get through a sit down meal (including conversation) clearly isn't so exhausted that they couldn't manage to put on formal gear.


FYI - the Chippendales are so passé.


BTW, No one is required to eat a three (or more) course meal, nor is alcohol mandatory at any time.


Of course not. And, as everyone knows, a cruise is the likeliest place to witness restraint when it comes to the amount of food eaten. :rolleyes:


Anyway, didn't you dedicate an entire thread to affirm your opinion that newly revised dress code was all for the best, and that it worked out well? The newly revised dress code indicated that the dress code can be altered according to circumstances on board. Happily, from reports, it seems everything worked out well on board :) -S.


Does it? Then chalk one up for the new year Salacia, you got me on a technicality. :)


I never imagined "circumstances on board" to include "we think you might be too tired to wear formal gear tonight".


I bet we never see them add an additional formal night because "everyone seems so energetic today".


Rather than worrying about whether people are "too tired" to put on clothes, perhaps Cunard should be concentrating on making sure the daily programs are accurate and taking steps to alert passengers to any inaccuracies.

Edited by Whitemarsh
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Right, no land tours on a crossing...but angry seas can leave some passengers tired and worn out, to the extent that formal attire might just be too much to ask. Or so I have been told.

You are so right Salacia :)

I have been in rough seas in the North

Atlantic . I didn't want to move , let alone

Dress in formal attire

The Captain made the right decision for

The passengers. (Even more so on the Queen Elizabeth)

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You are so right Salacia :)

I have been in rough seas in the North

Atlantic . I didn't want to move , let alone

Dress in formal attire

The Captain made the right decision for

The passengers. (Even more so on the Queen Elizabeth)


The optional formal was set prior to the start of the trip and listed as such in the first day's program. It was not a decision made based on the seas (unless Cunard is truely prescient).

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The optional formal was set prior to the start of the trip and listed as such in the first day's program. It was not a decision made based on the seas (unless Cunard is truely prescient).


Juliecat, that's very interesting. I don't recall any occasion where the dress code was set as "Optional Formal" on my pre-voyage documentation (when you wrote that the dress code was set prior to the start of the trip, that indicates to me that it was in your pre-voyage documentation, or am I misunderstanding?).


Under the revised dress code, my understanding is that the dress code may be changed according to conditions whilst on-board, which makes sense to me. But "Optional Formal" set in advance regardless of conditions on board? - That's new to me...does it happen often?


Just to mention that the Cunard website lists the dress code for the evening of 14 January as "Formal - Elizabethan Ball". There is no mention of "Optional Formal" on any QE voyage on that schedule which includes voyages/dress codes up to 8-May 2014. Reference https://ask.cunard.com/help/cunard/life-on-board/dress_code_all


:confused: -Salacia

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The optional formal was set prior to the start of the trip and listed as such in the first day's program. It was not a decision made based on the seas (unless Cunard is truely prescient).

And how do you know this? Are you in seatle Washington ?

Or inboard the ship?:confused:

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The optional formal was set prior to the start of the trip and listed as such in the first day's program. It was not a decision made based on the seas (unless Cunard is truely prescient).

The option was set before the sailing. The Commodore / Captain has no say

Of his ship at sea , including force 10 gale

And 30 ft waves

But you juliocat , from Seattle Washington

USA. Is the expert of the Cunard line:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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