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Did you know that there is a lost and found at reception?


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We were on the Jan 5-12 Pearl cruise.


My DH had a windbreaker, brand new, pricey Christmas gift from his daughter, who can little afford to spend $$ but knew he needed a light weight jacket for his trip and she was so pleased to give this to him.


He left it on a chair at the Great Outdoors, and didn't realize that it was missing until about 40 minutes or so had passed.


He raced to the table, and of course, the jacket was gone. The table empty. This was day 2 of the cruise. The wait staff had not seen it, and told him to go to reception. They assured him that if they found it, they would have brought the jacket there immediately.


Of course, it was not.


Every day he went to reception, and every day they brought out the same old tired down jacket saying "this is all we have here."


The windbreaker was an XLG, I foget the brand, but I think it may have been Tek, with a red lining, dark exterior. No one turned it in. It was a perfect lightweight jacket for nights on the ship or in air conditioning.


It was his only jacket for the trip, that he intended to use in the highly air conditioned venues. He ended up wearing his sports jacket or two shirts to keep warm in those places. He also ended up with a cold by day 4.


The person who "found" it and kept it.... they acted in a dishonorable fashion.


We believe the "finder" to be a passenger, because no staff of NCL would dishonor themselves by taking something that doesn't belong to them. No staff would risk being fired for such an unworthy act.


When something is lost on the ship, it is not "finders keepers"....there are places where you can report and turn in the items.


There is a lost and found area on the ship. If you find something, try to get the lost item back to the owner.


The person should have brought it to staff or to the reception and turned it in.


Instead, they recognized a great opportunity to own a free jacket.


We are sad to know that such actions still occur.


It really hovered over our trip, because my DH's daughter bought it for him. He feels he let her down. He has forgetful moments from time to time, and this occurrence really made him feel he is slipping more and more. I told him it was just a fluke, it can happen to anyone when they are enjoying the moment. All of us can lose sight of a item. Heck, I have even left my purse hanging on a chair once (albeit, I realized it immediately and raced back to the chair in a moment...but it can happen to us all.)


And all I can do is remind him that sometimes, things just happen.


But he also feels let down by his fellow passengers. It is a bitter taste he has right now.


And all I can say is "shame on whoever took that jacket, but we hope that you are in a financial place where that jacket is something you really needed and could not afford, and we hope that you wear it in good health. We hope that you can also feel his daughter's love vibrating around it."

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That is very sad to hear it was not turned in. Maybe someone will read this and recall seeing something but don't hold your breath.


We found a sim card in our safe on the Epic over New Year's. We turned it into Guest Services in case a previous passenger had reported it missing. I hope they get it back as well.


One would not think adults would need to put names on our jackets but apparently we still should.


I hope happy memories will overshadow this for you.

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That is so sad to hear. You're very kind saying you hope the person that may/may not have taken it 'needs' it. Well, you're kinder than I because, really, if you can afford a cruise, you can afford to buy your own jacket!! Shame on whoever (if they did) took it. I mean I 'suppose' it could have blown away, but that's a stretch too. Maybe like the other poster said, someone will see this and maybe you'll get it back. But, I hope your husband doesn't continue to feel bad ... as you said, thing happen and I'm also sure your daughter will understand. Sorry again .... hope you had a good cruise anyway!

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That is very sad to hear it was not turned in. Maybe someone will read this and recall seeing something but don't hold your breath.


We found a sim card in our safe on the Epic over New Year's. We turned it into Guest Services in case a previous passenger had reported it missing. I hope they get it back as well.


One would not think adults would need to put names on our jackets but apparently we still should.


I hope happy memories will overshadow this for you.


It is odd that you mention adding names to clothing....now my DH wants all our clothes to have name tags. A bit much, to my thinking, but his upset has gone that deep.


The happy memories very much outweigh that event.

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That is so sad to hear. You're very kind saying you hope the person that may/may not have taken it 'needs' it. Well, you're kinder than I because, really, if you can afford a cruise, you can afford to buy your own jacket!! Shame on whoever (if they did) took it. I mean I 'suppose' it could have blown away, but that's a stretch too. Maybe like the other poster said, someone will see this and maybe you'll get it back. But, I hope your husband doesn't continue to feel bad ... as you said, thing happen and I'm also sure your daughter will understand. Sorry again .... hope you had a good cruise anyway!


I don't see how it blew away. The jacket was tucked under the arm and wrapped around the arm. But I guess it is possible. Because he tucked it out of harm's way, that is probably why he missed seeing it when he got up from the table.


Yes, our trip was a very good one, even with this. And daughter understands, she feels bad for him because he has taken it so badly. But she understands her father, and knows he doesn't take losses of any kind easily...it is just how his childhood affected him. Once he lost a pen in school, young age....he still hasn't gotten over it....it was a communion gift. He just hates to feel he failed to keep things safe. Just his nature.

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I am so sorry to hear this --- even more sorry to hear that it has affected your husband in such a devastating way.


I too have a suspicion this was done by a passenger, and not a crew member. I cannot imagine a crew member on any of my previous cruises doing this. On most cruise ships, Lost and Found operates like it does almost everywhere else: if no one claims the item within a certain time, the finder may have it.


(Although one cruise line I recall had a policy of: bidding on unclaimed lost items and money divided up among crew/going toward a crew party, etc..)


On one cruise, I found a real diamond necklace on the floor of the closet. The necklace, at the time was easily worth somewhere over 10K. (Seriously!!!) It was the first day of my cruise, so I reasoned:

If I turn this in directly, the cabin steward will be in trouble for failing in his duties....someone will say that he didn't clean well enough or whatever, which wasn't true...the cabin was spotless and it would have been easy to miss...so, to avoid that, I found the steward, and gave it to him to turn in. He turned it in immediately...he couldn't rid of that thing fast enough!!!! And he wanted me to go with him as a witness that he turned it in...


In any case, I really hope that the jacket finds its way back to your husband.

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Yes, we know they have a lost and found. We left a bag with some items at dinner one night. Went down the next morning, and it was there. The staff person was rather drifty about it at first.


But, we got our stuff - not worth much, but we got it.


As to people that just take things - sadly some have a mindset of something found is to THEIR benefit and really do not care of the person that lost it.

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My cell phone went missing from my cabin on the Dawn, two years ago. I reported it lost, security filled out reports, but alas I never saw it again.


We did have insurance for the phone, so we were able to get it replaced. But the lost pictures on it, were irreplaceable.

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We believe the "finder" to be a passenger, because no staff of NCL would dishonor themselves by taking something that doesn't belong to them. No staff would risk being fired for such an unworthy act.


I have to disagree with you there. On our cruise last February I forgot my hoodie in our cabin when disembarking (we left the cabin as late as possible so there were close to none other passengers in the corridors anymore at that time) but it was never found through official channels - no other passenger would have had the possibility to take it from inside the cabin before the cabin steward came in to clean it, so it must have been taken and/or misplaced by an employee. As it's close to impossible to prove that a crew member has taken the item, the risk of getting caught in reality is slim to none.

Edited by Demonyte
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I don't see how it blew away. The jacket was tucked under the arm and wrapped around the arm. But I guess it is possible. Because he tucked it out of harm's way, that is probably why he missed seeing it when he got up from the table.


Yes, our trip was a very good one, even with this. And daughter understands, she feels bad for him because he has taken it so badly. But she understands her father, and knows he doesn't take losses of any kind easily...it is just how his childhood affected him. Once he lost a pen in school, young age....he still hasn't gotten over it....it was a communion gift. He just hates to feel he failed to keep things safe. Just his nature.


I understand how he feels. Sounds like he is very tenderhearted and sentimental. To know your daughter used her money to purchase such a thoughtful gift makes it even harder on him I am sure. I dont recall if you had contacted Guest Services via email upon your return or not. Wouldnt hurt to try. Best of luck to you.

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I have to disagree with you there. On our cruise last February I forgot my hoodie in our cabin when disembarking (we left the cabin as late as possible so there were close to none other passengers in the corridors anymore at that time) but it was never found through official channels - no other passenger would have had the possibility to take it from inside the cabin before the cabin steward came in to clean it, so it must have been taken and/or misplaced by an employee. As it's close to impossible to prove that a crew member has taken the item, the risk of getting caught in reality is slim to none.


Not necessarily so....the stewards work in blocks of cabins...often they leave the doors open after the guest has departed because they are running back and forth with cleaning supplies, etc....any pax with late embarkation could have entered the cabin at such a point.

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I don't see how it blew away. The jacket was tucked under the arm and wrapped around the arm. But I guess it is possible. Because he tucked it out of harm's way, that is probably why he missed seeing it when he got up from the table.


Yes, our trip was a very good one, even with this. And daughter understands, she feels bad for him because he has taken it so badly. But she understands her father, and knows he doesn't take losses of any kind easily...it is just how his childhood affected him. Once he lost a pen in school, young age....he still hasn't gotten over it....it was a communion gift. He just hates to feel he failed to keep things safe. Just his nature.


You sound like a lovely family .... I can only hope, send you guys good thoughts and prayers that maybe, just maybe you'll get the jacket back ... but most of all that your husband feels better about it soon. Glad you still had a good trip ... best of wishes to all of you! :)

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I have to disagree with you there. On our cruise last February I forgot my hoodie in our cabin when disembarking (we left the cabin as late as possible so there were close to none other passengers in the corridors anymore at that time) but it was never found through official channels - no other passenger would have had the possibility to take it from inside the cabin before the cabin steward came in to clean it, so it must have been taken and/or misplaced by an employee. As it's close to impossible to prove that a crew member has taken the item, the risk of getting caught in reality is slim to none.


Perhaps your hoodie was taken by a staff member in an empty cabin, perhaps not. Usually staff are fastidious about lost and found items, but no one can be 100% sure about anything like this. But, outside, where cameras are on all the time, and supervisors in every nook and cranny? Is it likely that a staff member would risk being caught?


We have sailed with NCL for over 13 years, and have never encountered a server or steward who was anything but open and forthcoming. We will continue to believe it was a passenger who thought "finders keepers" was the blessing of their day.


We did all we could at the reception area, and left a description in their Log Book on the last morning. I guess an email to customer relations would be the final effort. But for us, we are not optimistic that it will show up in any NCL locker.


The wait staff were very clear that they did not see it, and they would have turned it in. Their policy is in stone as far as they spoke. "If we find an item, we immediately turn it in to reception."


Yes, my DH is tender hearted, and thanks for all the kind replies and ideas. In the greater scheme of all, we had a great time, and met many wonderful passengers who made our trip. So, life is beautiful.:)

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Trip insurance?


My cell phone was stolen on the BA. I was able to get my purchase price back from my trip insurance.


That is a terrific idea....thanks! If we get it covered, his daughter can find him another jacket and all will end well. I just have to see if there is any deductible for such insurance, and if a small item like his jacket would be covered. Very good suggestion, thanks so much!

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That is a terrific idea....thanks! If we get it covered, his daughter can find him another jacket and all will end well. I just have to see if there is any deductible for such insurance, and if a small item like his jacket would be covered. Very good suggestion, thanks so much!


My insurance had no deductible. I did have to call NCL and get a letter from them verifying that I had reported the phone lost/stolen. They mailed that to me within a week or two.

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That really sucks.


I absolutely know there is a lost and found as I've used it twice. First time on Epic, my wife left her phone in the room on debarkation day, thankfully realized before we left the ship. I ran to the room, found our steward who knew right away why I was up there, he said he had already given it to the supervisor to take to lost and found.


On our most recent cruise, she left her hat on the counter at the coffee shop in the atrium. Don't know if it was staff or passenger, but they turned it in.

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We were on the Jan 5-12 Pearl cruise.


My DH had a windbreaker, brand new, pricey Christmas gift from his daughter, who can little afford to spend $$ but knew he needed a light weight jacket for his trip and she was so pleased to give this to him.


He left it on a chair at the Great Outdoors, and didn't realize that it was missing until about 40 minutes or so had passed.




Of course, it was not.


Every day he went to reception, and every day they brought out the same old tired down jacket saying "this is all we have here."


The windbreaker was an XLG, I foget the brand, but I think it may have been Tek, with a red lining, dark exterior. No one turned it in. It was a perfect lightweight jacket for nights on the ship or in air conditioning.


It was his only jacket for the trip, that he intended to use in the highly air conditioned venues. He ended up wearing his sports jacket or two shirts to keep warm in those places. He also ended up with a cold by day 4.


The person who "found" it and kept it.... they acted in a dishonorable fashion.


We believe the "finder" to be a passenger, because no staff of NCL would dishonor themselves by taking something that doesn't belong to them. No staff would risk being fired for such an unworthy act.


When something is lost on the ship, it is not "finders keepers"....there are places where you can report and turn in the items.


There is a lost and found area on the ship. If you find something, try to get the lost item back to the owner.


The person should have brought it to staff or to the reception and turned it in.


Instead, they recognized a great opportunity to own a free jacket.


We are sad to know that such actions still occur.


It really hovered over our trip, because my DH's daughter bought it for him. He feels he let her down. He has forgetful moments from time to time, and this occurrence really made him feel he is slipping more and more. I told him it was just a fluke, it can happen to anyone when they are enjoying the moment. All of us can lose sight of a item. Heck, I have even left my purse hanging on a chair once (albeit, I realized it immediately and raced back to the chair in a moment...but it can happen to us all.)


And all I can do is remind him that sometimes, things just happen.


But he also feels let down by his fellow passengers. It is a bitter taste he has right now.


And all I can say is "shame on whoever took that jacket, but we hope that you are in a financial place where that jacket is something you really needed and could not afford, and we hope that you wear it in good health. We hope that you can also feel his daughter's love vibrating around it."


If you contact the ship security department I am sure they can take a look at the video of when and where you were sitting to see what happened to that jacket. All of the public areas have been recorded on security cameras.

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On our 1st cruise with NCL I lost a pair of designer sunglasses and thought for sure that they were gone forever but they were at lost and found. I was so thankful to the person who turned them in so there are still good people that do the right thing.


On our most recent trip in November on the Epic we were in the garden cafe and noticed there was a purse hanging on the back of a chair so we told one of the attendants. He brought his supervisor over to take the purse to lost and found. I really hope that the rightful owner got it back by going to the right place to pick it up.


I still believe that most people are honorable but there is the occasional bad apple and I am sorry that your husband had that "guy" cross his path.

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I'll tell you one thing ... if it's the 'staff' that is missing something, they are on top of it. This is sort of a funny story, but I'll tell you I felt like a criminal when it happened. I can't remember if it was HAL or RCCI but we checked in and went on our way and then I realized my sunglasses were gone. I must have put them down on the counter when signing in, etc. Anyway, my husband went and told someone while I stayed with our stuff, (it had only been a matter of a few minutes) they sent him to the lost and found and he came back with the glasses. Now they 'looked' like mine, but by the time we got to our cabin a while later, I said, 'I don't think these are mine ... but they do look like them'. So, never thought another thing about them. Getting off the cruise we are going thru security and are pulled out of line! Lady says to me, 'I don't think those are your glasses ma'am'. Told her the story. Seems one of the staff put HIS glasses down and off they went to the lost and found and then he reported that his weren't there. They were on the 'look out' for them and I did in fact have them!! So, off we go again to lost and found, this time with ME along and there were my glasses! Now I'm not big on 'brands' and I still can't tell you what the ones I had worn for a week were other than they were nice and fit really well. But so did my own! :) So, in any event, I apologized all over the place but felt AWFUL about it! It all turned out well ... whoever the staff person was got his glasses back and I got mine ... but I still felt like a jerk!! So, yes, there IS a lost and found and they do check it. Still sorry about your jacket and wish that the ending had been as happy for you as it was for the staff person who's glasses I had all week!! Embarrassing story, but had to share it!

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