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10 dollar a day


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While it's true no cruise line advertises their gratuity policy they don't all automatically add it to your room charges then insist you have a counseling session with dad to explain to him why you're dissatisfied.


I'm glad you're amazed. What amazes me is the way there seems to be 2 political parties in these discussions:


Conservative Goats: Grump, complain, argue with everything the cruise line does. Sneak your liquor aboard.


Liberal Sheep: The cruise line is always right. If they were supposed to change something God would tell them to.

I think your analogy of Conservatives and Liberals is way off base. Hardly can one claim it's the conservatives that do the griping and are too cheap to buy booze or the libs who think the cruise line can do no wrong. NMNita
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The cover charges for the specialty restaurants are for what? The room, the service or the food upgrade? If you pay $12.50 for the cover charge then what do you tip...? Based on the cost of the meal $25.00 total for two or some amount that you may have been charged in Las Vegas, etc... Why would those waiters not be covered by the $10.00 per day service charge and then you tip extra based on the service experience?:)


Tip some but not others? Tip your waiter in the dining room but not the person cleaning your table at the buffet? It can be confusing... If I understand these previous comments we should pay the $10 service charge and then tip everyone that provides service from the buffet to the dining room to the room steward to the maitre'd to the Captain to the ice cream dipper....on and on..... If we feel that they provided a service above the normal call of duty...;)

I think you are reading a little too much into this: The $10 is spread among several service people, as for additional tipping that is optional and I believe only called for when someone has really gone above and beyond. We don't just tip extra to everyone, but certainly if the wine steward was exceptional, the room steward outstanding of something of that nature we do add an extra $10 or $20 for the week. NMnita
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Everyone knows that tipping is a standard procedure when dining. What's really sad, it's the base wage of the employee's on the ship. We as passengers are not responsible for their meager salaries but we can and should control our ability to tip the way we want and anything manditorially obligating me to tip should be eliminated. No matter if it's written down on policy paper or not.


What's the answer, cut down on corporate profits by paying the NCL Staff more in their salaries and up the cost of the cruise for each passenger to offset the increase but no tipping? Not good for service.



Pay the NCL staff a basic fair wage for their field of work and as a bonus get a deserving tip from paying passengers based on their performance.




NCL takes all the money from paying passengers and pays their employees peanuts anyway.


The customer is always right!. Get your best bargin for the cruise and let the customer tip for services well done by themselves to the people who deserve it. NCL stay out of my tipping business!!


As for 4 people in a cabin. Look you saved $$ by packing the family into one cabin. If the kids are of age as to cause as much work to take care of them as an adult, pay the tip. It's cheaper than paying for 2 cabins???

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Everyone, well certainly not everyone, but everyone who opposses the tipping policy, talks about just upping the cost of the cruise and paying the staff better: great and simple idea, but by keeping things the way they are not only does the cruise line save money the crew can earn tips without claiming all of them on their taxes thus actually making more. No one has mentioned that aspect. if you asked the staff whether they would want to depend on tips or get a better salary I bet almost everything, the answer would be tips!!!! NMnita

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Everyone knows that tipping is a standard procedure when dining. What's really sad, it's the base wage of the employee's on the ship. We as passengers are not responsible for their meager salaries but we can and should control our ability to tip the way we want and anything manditorially obligating me to tip should be eliminated. No matter if it's written down on policy paper or not.


What's the answer, cut down on corporate profits by paying the NCL Staff more in their salaries and up the cost of the cruise for each passenger to offset the increase but no tipping? Not good for service.



Pay the NCL staff a basic fair wage for their field of work and as a bonus get a deserving tip from paying passengers based on their performance.




NCL takes all the money from paying passengers and pays their employees peanuts anyway.


The customer is always right!. Get your best bargin for the cruise and let the customer tip for services well done by themselves to the people who deserve it. NCL stay out of my tipping business!!


As for 4 people in a cabin. Look you saved $$ by packing the family into one cabin. If the kids are of age as to cause as much work to take care of them as an adult, pay the tip. It's cheaper than paying for 2 cabins???


Holland America........Paid their staff highest in the industry, they had a policy of "tipping not required", they had and still do have one of the highest cruise pricing. The "old timers" are slowly dieing off that paid these prices and tipped besides (some anyway)


They are trying to get the younger family business so they implemented the $10.00 pp per day. Loyalty is not there anymore so the price gauging is not working as much. What is interesting is that prices are still up, don`t know how long that will last in their new market.


I don`t know why you don`t understand that with Freestyle THE ENVELOPE TIPPING WILL NOT NOR CAN IT WORK. It has been explained to you by Cecilia and others:confused:


Perhaps cruising is not for you? Certainly not NCL? There are upscale lines where the tip is included I think you would be happier there.


Bon Voyage,

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I agree with NMnita and seahorse on all points.


so there ;)


It's suppose to be a vacation so if you're gonna get your knickers in a bunch over it, pick a cruise line whose tipping policies are more suited to your tastes (but ya better hurry, other lines are changing to this as well)




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Holland America........Paid their staff highest in the industry, they had a policy of "tipping not required", they had and still do have one of the highest cruise pricing. The "old timers" are slowly dieing off that paid these prices and tipped besides (some anyway)


They are trying to get the younger family business so they implemented the $10.00 pp per day. Loyalty is not there anymore so the price gauging is not working as much. What is interesting is that prices are still up, don`t know how long that will last in their new market.


I don`t know why you don`t understand that with Freestyle THE ENVELOPE TIPPING WILL NOT NOR CAN IT WORK. It has been explained to you by Cecilia and others:confused:


Perhaps cruising is not for you? Certainly not NCL? There are upscale lines where the tip is included I think you would be happier there.


Bon Voyage,


Tipping is at the descretion of the customer. Period! A customer will most likely tip for good service. Please do not judge anyone's comments on how a business should be run. Remember your busines exists because of the travelling public. :confused:

You mentioned families trying to get on cruises. Well think of the family that struggled to get the funds together for their first cruise and the cruise line said, that's any extra $400.00 for manditory tips. That's hard to take if funds are tight and they could only afford $200.00,


And yes I mentioned the FreeStyle Food service Tip box, so I was paying attention.


On Carnival, you had an option to leave your Tip on the Sail and Sign Card or to use envelopes. That's giving people the option. And yes I can get a business to change their practice if enough folks bring it to their attention. That's how a business listens to it's clients. Cruising is all about providing great service to the customer. Not to make them feel bad about their experience.

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And yes I mentioned the FreeStyle Food service Tip box, so I was paying attention.



I don't understand how a Freestyle food service tip box would help except giving a deadbeat a chance not to tip. The tips in the box would have to be divided among the staff, with the bad waiter getting the same as the good waiter so that wouldn't change.


From what's reported on this board, most seem to enjoy the way it's done now. It's the fairest way I see without the crew getting stiffed. I believe most people are like me. If I don't like the way a business is run, I don't do business with them. NCL ships run full most of the time so there's a fairly good piece of the cruise line customers that seem to like how they do business.

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I prefer to tip heavily with great service; tip well with good service and lesser for average and not so good service.

I think tips encourage good service, but the automatic thing is much easier and I do not mind if service is pretty good overall. Now is my cabin steward or stewardess is not very good, I would not want her/him to get an average tip; I would leave a less than average tip, but if she/he were good, I would tip above-average etc. So far when we have cruised we have left very generous tips to our room steward and stewardess and have had excellent cabin service with Disney and Celebrity. Time will tell with our 8/6 cruise on NCL. With free-style cruising the resturant help needs to all get the same tips I would think.

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You mentioned families trying to get on cruises. Well think of the family that struggled to get the funds together for their first cruise and the cruise line said, that's any extra $400.00 for manditory tips. That's hard to take if funds are tight and they could only afford $200.00,
I'm sorry but I have to question this. If a family struggles to scrape together the funds to go on a cruise and they can't afford to tip what's standard across the entire cruise industry, they should just not tip as much and thats OK? I have to disagree with you on this. When I go out to a nice dinner here in Denver at Morton's or Benihana or the Palm, I know that the tab will be over $100 and I need to estimate a 15 to 20% tip based on service. If I can't afford the tip, I don't eat in the restaurant. Cruising is not, in my opinion, a bargain basement vacation. If someone can't afford that type of vacation, they shouldn't book it. There are plenty other vacation options that won't break the bank.
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Well said. Thank you.:)


If you're "scraping" to afford a vacation, then there are much less expensive options. I have seen folks on cruise boards look for approval in cutting back on tips when their funds were low. I say cancel and re-book when cash flow has improved. I've had to cancel cruises for various reasons and it wasn't the end of the world.

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Tipping is at the descretion of the customer. Period! A customer will most likely tip for good service. Please do not judge anyone's comments on how a business should be run. Remember your busines exists because of the travelling public. :confused:

You mentioned families trying to get on cruises. Well think of the family that struggled to get the funds together for their first cruise and the cruise line said, that's any extra $400.00 for manditory tips. That's hard to take if funds are tight and they could only afford $200.00,


And yes I mentioned the FreeStyle Food service Tip box, so I was paying attention.


On Carnival, you had an option to leave your Tip on the Sail and Sign Card or to use envelopes. That's giving people the option. And yes I can get a business to change their practice if enough folks bring it to their attention. That's how a business listens to it's clients. Cruising is all about providing great service to the customer. Not to make them feel bad about their experience.


No I did not miss the point. I will give my OPINION just as you give yours. My business EXISTS because I am a good business woman and I have policies that I and my clients adhere to.


I still don`t think cruising is the vacation for you. You will not be happy about the tipping or alcohol policies. If you have such negative opinions going in you will have negative experiences,IMHO.


I REALLY do you hope you enjoy your next vacation:) It is a big world out there to experience.

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Carnival does not have "freestyle" dining, so using tipping envelopes would work, they have a set dining room.


I don't think a "tipping box" would work at all. OK, I take that back, it would work for the people who would use that as an opportunity to "forget" to tip, or to put $20 in the box for the week and think they were generous tippers!:(

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I hate tipping/service charge threads. Some people want to excoriate the cruiselines for not paying enough(why do you think cruising is so inexpensive-relatively). Some people resent leaving $10.00 a day for all the service personal because they want to give the money directly(yeah sure and I just bought the Brooklyn Bridge). Some people are just cheap and want to stiff the hard working employees and don't want to be told you can't get away with that on this line. You are entitled to your opinion put it on the comment card. I always leave extra- if you can't afford this amount you must not eat out, tip the pizza delivery people or leave a tip for the person who cleans your hotel room. By the way do you think hotels pay their employees a living wage?

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I hate tipping/service charge threads. Some people want to excoriate the cruiselines for not paying enough(why do you think cruising is so inexpensive-relatively). Some people resent leaving $10.00 a day for all the service personal because they want to give the money directly(yeah sure and I just bought the Brooklyn Bridge). Some people are just cheap and want to stiff the hard working employees and don't want to be told you can't get away with that on this line. You are entitled to your opinion put it on the comment card. I always leave extra- if you can't afford this amount you must not eat out, tip the pizza delivery people or leave a tip for the person who cleans your hotel room. By the way do you think hotels pay their employees a living wage?



Have you noticed that the OP has long ago taken leave of this one?

So, the blame is ours if we keep it going, isn't it???

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Having worked for TIPS (in my youth), I personally, believe that service workers should be paid a decent living wage, even if it costs me more.


A TIP is a reward given at the discretion of the guest...


The amount should not be decided by anyone but the guest.


It’s deplorable, but if you consider a TIP a voluntary expression of your desire to reward your server, there is always an option of giving nothing….

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A TIP is a reward given at the discretion of the guest...


The amount should not be decided by anyone but the guest.


It’s deplorable, but if you consider a TIP a voluntary expression of your desire to reward your server, there is always an option of giving nothing….

I guess that's why NCL doesn't call it a tip. They call it a service charge. So really, you don't have to tip at all on NCL. Pay the service charge like everyone else and don't leave tips for anyone.
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I think Herewego should not take her kids on a cruise as she is starving them to death. Teenagers need more than a room service breakfast, which is just cold stuff or sweet rolls (unless they are in a real suite) and the occasional piece of pizza. I can't believe they never had ice cream either, but maybe that's not something your kids like. I know they went to the specialty restaurants a couple of times, but that's unfair that the kids can't eat as if they were home. I am determining that from what she said about eating only pizza and room service etc. It's almost cruelty to children!


On the other hand, if they do eat like most kids, albeit not necessarily in the dining room, then, it's like everyone else, pay the service charge and enjoy the cruise. It's part of the expense and if you want your kids to go, you need to pay for them too. As I stated in an earlier post, it's not just waiters who get paid from the service charge.



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I think Herewego should not take her kids on a cruise as she is starving them to death. Teenagers need more than a room service breakfast, which is just cold stuff or sweet rolls (unless they are in a real suite) and the occasional piece of pizza. I can't believe they never had ice cream either, but maybe that's not something your kids like. I know they went to the specialty restaurants a couple of times, but that's unfair that the kids can't eat as if they were home. I am determining that from what she said about eating only pizza and room service etc. It's almost cruelty to children!


On the other hand, if they do eat like most kids, albeit not necessarily in the dining room, then, it's like everyone else, pay the service charge and enjoy the cruise. It's part of the expense and if you want your kids to go, you need to pay for them too. As I stated in an earlier post, it's not just waiters who get paid from the service charge.





You did make my day Katie, I will say that:) First off we were in a Suite and I assure you they ate full meals -- usually on the balcony. I assure you we watched this and the fact that my DH is a pediatrician, should help you relax in the fact that we ALWAYS make sure the kids (all 4 of them) stay healthy -- including eating correctly.


That being out of the way, I think many entirely missed my point! I am not saying we can't afford to pay the tips (we can) I am not saying we won't pay the service fee (we will and more) and I am not saying my kids don't use any of the services!


What I am saying is -- when you add (or cram in as one poster suggested) in 2 additional people in a cabin, the work load does not double but the fee does. All of us pick up after ourselves (children included) so it isn't like we have teens throwing clothes and misc. all over! BUT I understand that we have 4 and so we pay for 4 - I have no problem with the room stewards and always leave them more as they do a wonderful job.


My problem lies in the eating situation and that portion of the service fee and/or tips. IF ANYONE does NOT use the facilities, they should NOT be charged -- period. They aren't eating in the dinning rooms, they are ordering in and we pay EVERY time they do. The only other dinners are in the specialty restaurants and we pay not only to eat there but also a nice tip. Therefore, we ARE paying for twice if we must also pay a portion of their service fee to the dinning staff. They eat maybe a slice or 2 of pizza on the run as we all prefer it from RS and yes, they eat ice cream but again, we just order it in. We don't have pop in the house and so that has never been a problem but we do buy the teen smoothie card.


We pay extra for the space and the services of a suite with one of those being the larger room service menu. We have sailed on many other lines (sometimes with 4 kids) and have always chosen that option. IF any of the kids didn't use the dinning room, we tipped for the number who did. We NEVER ran off without paying, paid less just to spend less or have any plans to do so in the future. I would just prefer to pay my tips as they apply to my situation as would anyone else. I have NO idea how this would turn into a statement about starving my kids for heavensakes!



I do however appreciate the Katie would be concerned enough to comment and apparently I needed to be more clear when I wrote. I simply wanted to state that sometimes, services are not used and yet we are still expected to pay from them. I think it is absurd for people to write (or think) that the ONLY reason people want to tip on their own is so they cannot tip! I would NEVER think that, let alone do it!


I guess what I meant to get across is that I am pro choice when it comes to tipping -- my choice to tip who and how much I choose!



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What's really sad, it's the base wage of the employee's on the ship.


I don't really understand the point of this statement. Are the ship's employees enslaved by the cruise lines?


These are entry level positions usually filled by young adults. Most of these people will move on from the experience of working and traveling on a cruise liner much like they would if they were working at Walmart, McDonald's or Exxon . These are not career choice we are talking about here. There is more to employment than just money.


That being said, when we patronize an establishment with service workers, we try to tip well, knowing that they are most likely working towards something more than they are doing now. No offence meant to those who have made it a career, by choice or not.


IMHO, $10 pdpp is not enough on a cruise ship. I tip extra for the bartender who recognizes me and knows what I want to drink, for the room steward who keeps in mind some personal preferences that I have for my cabin.

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You did make my day Katie, I will say that:) First off we were in a Suite and I assure you they ate full meals -- usually on the balcony. I assure you we watched this and the fact that my DH is a pediatrician, should help you relax in the fact that we ALWAYS make sure the kids (all 4 of them) stay healthy -- including eating correctly.


That being out of the way, I think many entirely missed my point! I am not saying we can't afford to pay the tips (we can) I am not saying we won't pay the service fee (we will and more) and I am not saying my kids don't use any of the services!


What I am saying is -- when you add (or cram in as one poster suggested) in 2 additional people in a cabin, the work load does not double but the fee does. All of us pick up after ourselves (children included) so it isn't like we have teens throwing clothes and misc. all over! BUT I understand that we have 4 and so we pay for 4 - I have no problem with the room stewards and always leave them more as they do a wonderful job.


My problem lies in the eating situation and that portion of the service fee and/or tips. IF ANYONE does NOT use the facilities, they should NOT be charged -- period. They aren't eating in the dinning rooms, they are ordering in and we pay EVERY time they do. The only other dinners are in the specialty restaurants and we pay not only to eat there but also a nice tip. Therefore, we ARE paying for twice if we must also pay a portion of their service fee to the dinning staff. They eat maybe a slice or 2 of pizza on the run as we all prefer it from RS and yes, they eat ice cream but again, we just order it in. We don't have pop in the house and so that has never been a problem but we do buy the teen smoothie card.


We pay extra for the space and the services of a suite with one of those being the larger room service menu. We have sailed on many other lines (sometimes with 4 kids) and have always chosen that option. IF any of the kids didn't use the dinning room, we tipped for the number who did. We NEVER ran off without paying, paid less just to spend less or have any plans to do so in the future. I would just prefer to pay my tips as they apply to my situation as would anyone else. I have NO idea how this would turn into a statement about starving my kids for heavensakes!



I do however appreciate the Katie would be concerned enough to comment and apparently I needed to be more clear when I wrote. I simply wanted to state that sometimes, services are not used and yet we are still expected to pay from them. I think it is absurd for people to write (or think) that the ONLY reason people want to tip on their own is so they cannot tip! I would NEVER think that, let alone do it!


I guess what I meant to get across is that I am pro choice when it comes to tipping -- my choice to tip who and how much I choose!





I don't think we missed the point. You did. You can afford it and what you are complaining about is having to pay the service charge for the kids. Its a misly $20.00 per day for the kids. I don't think you are complaining about how much they charge for you. They will never eat anywhere but the balcony. Spoiled rotten they are. You pick up after them, you change the sheets and the towels. BTW in the suites you should leave more in my opinion as this is the base. You are spoled and want to get your way. These are them riules that everyone has to do on the ship. Being a doctor doesn't make any of you more special. Get over it already life is too short to complain about $20 per day. If it bothers you that much go somewhere else already.

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You did make my day Katie, I will say that:) First off we were in a Suite and I assure you they ate full meals -- usually on the balcony. I assure you we watched this and the fact that my DH is a pediatrician, should help you relax in the fact that we ALWAYS make sure the kids (all 4 of them) stay healthy -- including eating correctly.


That being out of the way, I think many entirely missed my point! I am not saying we can't afford to pay the tips (we can) I am not saying we won't pay the service fee (we will and more) and I am not saying my kids don't use any of the services!


What I am saying is -- when you add (or cram in as one poster suggested) in 2 additional people in a cabin, the work load does not double but the fee does. All of us pick up after ourselves (children included) so it isn't like we have teens throwing clothes and misc. all over! BUT I understand that we have 4 and so we pay for 4 - I have no problem with the room stewards and always leave them more as they do a wonderful job.


My problem lies in the eating situation and that portion of the service fee and/or tips. IF ANYONE does NOT use the facilities, they should NOT be charged -- period. They aren't eating in the dinning rooms, they are ordering in and we pay EVERY time they do. The only other dinners are in the specialty restaurants and we pay not only to eat there but also a nice tip. Therefore, we ARE paying for twice if we must also pay a portion of their service fee to the dinning staff. They eat maybe a slice or 2 of pizza on the run as we all prefer it from RS and yes, they eat ice cream but again, we just order it in. We don't have pop in the house and so that has never been a problem but we do buy the teen smoothie card.


We pay extra for the space and the services of a suite with one of those being the larger room service menu. We have sailed on many other lines (sometimes with 4 kids) and have always chosen that option. IF any of the kids didn't use the dinning room, we tipped for the number who did. We NEVER ran off without paying, paid less just to spend less or have any plans to do so in the future. I would just prefer to pay my tips as they apply to my situation as would anyone else. I have NO idea how this would turn into a statement about starving my kids for heavensakes!



I do however appreciate the Katie would be concerned enough to comment and apparently I needed to be more clear when I wrote. I simply wanted to state that sometimes, services are not used and yet we are still expected to pay from them. I think it is absurd for people to write (or think) that the ONLY reason people want to tip on their own is so they cannot tip! I would NEVER think that, let alone do it!


I guess what I meant to get across is that I am pro choice when it comes to tipping -- my choice to tip who and how much I choose!



What does you husband being a doctor have to do with whether you should tip or not. I don't care how much you pick up after yourselves or how much you think you don't use the services: as said before, it isn't a tip it's a service charge just like you would pay in some of the Caribbean countries, Europe and the Pacific rim. If you travel to these places would you be upset with the automatic charge or would you go along with the country's policy? NMNita
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What does you husband being a doctor have to do with whether you should tip or not. I don't care how much you pick up after yourselves or how much you think you don't use the services: as said before, it isn't a tip it's a service charge just like you would pay in some of the Caribbean countries, Europe and the Pacific rim. If you travel to these places would you be upset with the automatic charge or would you go along with the country's policy? NMNita


This is driving me crazy1 First off NOWHERE did she say that her husband's occupation meant ANYTHING to do with tipping! She mentioned it to the women who was concerned her children weren't eating enough! First one poster calls her "spoiled rotten" and when someone points out that there was no need to name call, he tells them to "grow up" and now you bring it up again! If she had said, "my husband is a doctor so we don't need to tip" I'd agree with you but she didn't! She simply was pointing out that some people don't use all of the services and on other cruise lines, they wouldn't be expected to tip for THOSE services! PERIOD.


I live in Europe 3/4 of the year and we DO tip as well as have a service charge. I have not read where anyone was upset over that (on this thread) nor have I read where one thinks they are entitled to NOT tip. MANY posters feel they would PREFER to tip on there own -- so do I. BUT I doubt ANY of these posters would want to skip out on any tips nor would they have posted knowing that IF they disagree OR dare mention an occupation would cause people to jump on them!


The OP asked a simple questions which was answered and they have moved on -- maybe this thread should too????

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First of all its not true that you are not expected to tip on the other lines if you don't use the services. Clearly you have to use the room staff. Second when you are assigned a table in the dining room, that staff is there whether you use it or not. They don't get a replacement. Also although there is assigned seating for dinner, the breakfast and lunch are open seating and the same staff serves everyone else, including you if you eat at all. Getting the food in your room just means you tip the room service people extra. The "tip" is the person who waited for you whether you use them or not. Don't you think complaining about $10.00 per day person as a service charge is spoiled? I do. and they are in a suite the suggested tips for a suite on other lines is $15.00 pp or more. Clearly the issue about a doctor is a sensitive one. Doctors claim that they get sued more often. Its interesting in a survey, its also doctors who sue more often than any other profession in society, including lawyers. So actually if the room part is taken off the amount at issue per day for two teenagers is less than a total of $10.00 per day. Assume all you want.

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