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Getaway 2/15-2/22 Review!


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Great review so far.




Keep it coming....lol...I know how much time it takes to put it together, so we'll be patient.




I do have a question. ?.....do the 3 free dining rooms have different menus on the same night? On the dalies that were posted, it lists the Tropicana restaurant separately from the other 2.






Thanks for posting.





Not every night, but yes, on some nights the Tropicana and Savor/Taste menus are different.



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Ummm..Bad Day?

Good Lord! people are excited..does this seriously bother you?


I see lotsa thank yous and no guns too anyone's head! FLOGGING? It is JOKING!!!


I guess it depends on which end you happen to be on....



One person calls it "joking" and the other calls it "bullying". How can we possibly say that either person is wrong?


Sorry that my expressing MY OPINION has bothered you to the point where you felt it was necessary to call me out on it.



Or are you joking? :rolleyes:

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Ummm..Bad Day?

Good Lord! people are excited..does this seriously bother you?


I see lotsa thank yous and no guns too anyone's head! FLOGGING? It is JOKING!!!

Yes there are a few here (nameless) that have no sense of humor. And they will also jump all over you if you are not 100% cheerleader and everything must be perfect. As you can see, they even are the board police to not only tell people what to write but when to write it. Very harsh indeed. They have thousands of posts critiquing others but are never brave enough to write a review of their own. Never can understand that.

Edited by david_sobe
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Yes there are a few here (nameless) that have no sense of humor. And they will also jump all over you if you are not 100% cheerleader and everything must be perfect. As you can see, they even are the board police to not only tell people what to write but when to write it. Very harsh indeed. They have thousands of posts critiquing others but are never brave enough to write a review of their own. Never can understand that.


Napoleon complex? Who knows lol

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Great review so far.


Keep it coming....lol...I know how much time it takes to put it together, so we'll be patient.


I do have a question. ?.....do the 3 free dining rooms have different menus on the same night? On the dalies that were posted, it lists the Tropicana restaurant separately from the other 2.



Thanks for posting.



Taste and Savor had the same menu just in a different order, Tropicana Room's menu was different but still had similar components!

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We were on the same cruise, and had an amazing time. Thanks to the Upsell Fairy we ended up in The Haven and enjoyed all the benefits there.


I have written a complete review and submitted it to Cruise Critic as a review of the Getaway (the short version: we loved it)!


Ehornick - I can't find your review. I'm very interested in reading it!!!



OP - I'm loving this review so far, and can't wait to read more.

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We were on the same cruise, and had an amazing time. Thanks to the Upsell Fairy we ended up in The Haven and enjoyed all the benefits there.


I have written a complete review and submitted it to Cruise Critic as a review of the Getaway (the short version: we loved it)!


Signing on to read the review! We are thinking of this ship for next January. Never sailed NCL always RCL so this will help in the decision.


Looking forward to the review by ehornick since we are looking at the Haven. :D


Review on!

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Today was our St. Maarten day. We didn’t have much of a plan – we just walked off the ship ourselves and headed over to Maho beach since we missed it last time! We got a taxi no problem and found ourselves there around 10:30. There was a big board with the upcoming flights and we were excited that there was a big KLM plane coming in, so we decided to stick around until 12:20 when it was supposed to land. The beach isn’t anything special – its steep and extremely crowded, granted we didn’t go there to relax on the beach… I didn’t even get in the water! Anyways we must have seen like 10 or so planes and finally it was 12:20…then 12:30…and 12:40 and the KLM flight was late. We grabbed a taxi and just as we did that it landed. It was cool to see on the opposite side of the runway though!

1800281_10152884420820663_465574482_n.jpg After the beach, we decided to head over to the downtown area to do some shopping. We visited Marigot last year so we wanted to check out the dutch side! I thought it was a lot more commercial and had a different vibe than the French side. Personally, I prefer the French side to the Dutch but it’s nice overall. Our port day was very long today, 8-6pm. Once we got out of the taxi, we went to grab something to eat. We ended up at this place called Vanilla and Chocolate. They had crepes, sandwiches, ice cream, and free wifi (a bonus!!). After that, we walked around a little more and eventually headed back to the ship. It’s a pretty quick walk, and luckily it had rained a little so it wasn’t TOO hot compared to earlier in the day.


One thing I didn’t really like/understand was paying 50 cents to use the washroom that was absolutely disgusting. It’s not even the cost, I mean its 50 cents but just why? Especially since we had to go and ask for toilet paper to the lady stationed at the entrance and also had to get paper towel & she was accepting tips. I know they are making money from it, its just something I don’t quite understand.

Tonight, we ate dinner in Taste. I believe I had a salad, and the spaghetti Bolognese. I thought it was good; nothing special though. I find that NCL’s main dining room food always tends to be just okay for me. I had this red velvet chocolate mousse for dessert which was pretty good! It wasn’t too sweet which was good for me.

There were also supposed to be fireworks tonight but it was raining pretty hard so they got rescheduled to later on in the cruise. The 80s party was moved inside to the atrium. When I checked it out, it wasn’t too busy, my guess being that people didn’t really want to party in the atrium and also that we had another port day tomorrow. It was off to bed for me because we had a busy day planned for St Thomas!!

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So I forgot to post day 3 earlier. This was kind of a boring day - I sat up on the pool deck most of the day so not much to report.






Another sea day…hooray!! I don’t really care for having 3 sea days in week long cruise, but on this ship there was no shortage of things to do! Today, I slept in again and made my way up to the pool deck to the same spot. We had this spot all week! I started to burn a little so I made my way back to the room for lunch and ordered room service. I got a chicken ceasar salad. They said 45 mins to an hour but I’d say mine came in about 25. It was pretty yummy and there was a lot of food!

I had a nap after this and woke up in time to get ready for CAGNEYS!! YUM. Again, a delicious meal! I noticed that they had added a new burger since the last time I went, so I decided to try it. I started with the baked potato soup and ceasar salad (a trend for this trip). They were just as good as I remembered! Next, I had the burger, which came with an arugula salad, and onion rings, plus whatever I wanted on it. I chose gorgonzola cheese sauce, carmalized red onions and bacon. It also had THE BEST PICKLES EVER on the side! They were sliced kosher pickles..mmm… I also ordered a side of Cagney fries, which were also just as delicious as I remembered! Lastly, for dessert, I had my favourite thing ever, the Raspberry crème brulee!


I don’t seem to have anything memorable from my notes today – I don’t think I did much to be perfectly honest. We tried out some gelato and it was delicious!! I think I did more of figuring out exactly where I was – I don’t think I had it figured out by the end to be perfectly honest. It was sooo big. I liked that I didn’t have to walk through the casino to get places though. We were at Cagney’s for a really long time – I think we finished around 10:30. I went to bed around midnight because I was excited for our port day ahead!!!!

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So I forgot to post day 3 earlier. This was kind of a boring day - I sat up on the pool deck most of the day so not much to report.






Another sea day…hooray!! I don’t really care for having 3 sea days in week long cruise, but on this ship there was no shortage of things to do! Today, I slept in again and made my way up to the pool deck to the same spot. We had this spot all week! I started to burn a little so I made my way back to the room for lunch and ordered room service. I got a chicken ceasar salad. They said 45 mins to an hour but I’d say mine came in about 25. It was pretty yummy and there was a lot of food!

I had a nap after this and woke up in time to get ready for CAGNEYS!! YUM. Again, a delicious meal! I noticed that they had added a new burger since the last time I went, so I decided to try it. I started with the baked potato soup and ceasar salad (a trend for this trip). They were just as good as I remembered! Next, I had the burger, which came with an arugula salad, and onion rings, plus whatever I wanted on it. I chose gorgonzola cheese sauce, carmalized red onions and bacon. It also had THE BEST PICKLES EVER on the side! They were sliced kosher pickles..mmm… I also ordered a side of Cagney fries, which were also just as delicious as I remembered! Lastly, for dessert, I had my favourite thing ever, the Raspberry crème brulee!


I don’t seem to have anything memorable from my notes today – I don’t think I did much to be perfectly honest. We tried out some gelato and it was delicious!! I think I did more of figuring out exactly where I was – I don’t think I had it figured out by the end to be perfectly honest. It was sooo big. I liked that I didn’t have to walk through the casino to get places though. We were at Cagney’s for a really long time – I think we finished around 10:30. I went to bed around midnight because I was excited for our port day ahead!!!!


Love the raspberry creme brulee in cagneys!

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One benefit to completely writing your review/travel diary before posting it is that you avoid the verbal flogging that comes if you don't post installments "fast enough".




We should be saying "Thank You" to people instead of "faster, faster" "more, more" before people just stop posting reviews at all.

I think people are just kidding....

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Our plans for St. Thomas were heavily discussed. This would be our fourth time on the island and we had already done Maegans Bay, Sapphire Beach, an island tour, and shopping, so we decided we would head over to St. John today. Initially, we looked at a catamaran excursion through the ship, but it was sold out.



We went on our own, which is really easy to do! We took a taxi to Red Hook and then got on the ferry there because it came more frequently. When we got there, we decided on Trunk Bay (it was suggested to us by the cab drivers at the port) and we headed on our way. Our driver stopped along the way to take some pictures and finally we reached the beach! It’s part of the national park, so it cost $4 pp to get in. I loved how it had these beautiful tree lined paths, clean bathrooms and also a shower station, plus a snack bar for water (which was reasonably priced!). We spent a couple of hours there and then headed back to St. Thomas to do a little bit of shopping.


I don’t think I bought anything in St. Thomas. We headed back to the ship to grab food and watch the runners from the balcony! I believe I took a quick shower and nap before we headed off to O’Sheehans for dinner because they had all you can eat ribs. While I did not have the ribs, my family agreed that they were pretty good!

We also had Legally Blonde the Musical this night! I didn’t know what to expect from it…one because its one of my favourite movies but also because I figured it would be shortened from the Broadway version and sometimes that doesn’t work out! I was actually pleasantly surprised. It was funny, and just the right length! It was easy to follow and overall entertaining.


After this, I think we played a couple games in O’Sheehans and the arcade and headed to bed. We wanted to take full advantage of the ship for our next sea day!!






My pictures dont seem to be working in this link so I will try and post them in the next post.

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Signing on to read the review! We are thinking of this ship for next January. Never sailed NCL always RCL so this will help in the decision.


Looking forward to the review by ehornick since we are looking at the Haven. :D


Review on!


I don't see it there yet either. (Despite the fact that someone said that it cut off at some point) Hopefully they'll have it up in a day or two.

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Sorry for the delay in this review - I have been really busy with school and work.


Anyways, today it was our last sea day so I slept in a little then headed up to the pool deck for a couple of hours. After lunch, I went to the future cruise presentation and the international crew show! The presentation was really informative and I was glad to see Tortola on many ports :) After that, the international crew show was really good as well! It was great to see the crew having fun.


We decided to try out the ropes course today as well. It was really fun and kind of hard but not really if that makes sense. There are plenty of crew around to help you through the course and the weight limit is around 300lbs. I LOVE this feature of the ship :) We also tried to go mini-golfing today but there were no more clubs and it was super busy. We never did get to try it! :( Oh well. We also went to O'Sheehans for a snack and then did the trivia in the atrium. After that, it was pretty much time to get ready for dinner, so we did that and then headed down to Moderno.


Personally, it is my least favourite restaurant of all the ones we dined at. I am not a huge meat eater and I just find it "meh" compared to the rest. Thats generally the concencus with my family - maybe if you eat more meat you would like it better? My favourite part is the pineapple and also how I was able to get dessert from Cagneys!


I believe tonight was the Neon Glow Party! The weather was excellent and it was a really cool concept. It was different than the White Hot Party but still fun! Everyone was getting their faces painted and it was a lot busier than the other parties throughout the week. We checked that out for a bit and headed to bed - it was our last day in port tomorrow!

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Today was our last day of the cruise, and also our port day in Nassau! We didn't arrive until around 12 so I got room service for breakfast and watched us come into port from the balcony. We were in port with the Disney Dream, Carnival Sensation and Carnival Victory I believe. We purchased day passes from the Colonial Hilton! It's about a 10-15 minute walk from the port and a great place to spend the day!


The beach area is kind of small but there is a big pool area and lots of chairs. They were also playing the Canadian vs. USA game so we were happy to watch that and eat some food, which was delicious. We had $240 in food vouchers for 6 of us. Each of us ordered a meal, 2 drinks and we got a couple plates of fruits and nachos and we didn't spend all the money. We left the rest as a tip for our waitress! The resort is beautiful and had free wifi for your first day there so that was a plus for sure! Next time we are in Nassau we will definitely return. We left around 5pm so we could walk back into town and try and do some shopping. A lot of places were already closed so we headed back to the ship by 6 and headed to the balcony to watch sail away! It was so cool sailing away in the dark.


Tonight for dinner we went to Savor - I had chicken parm. It was good...nothing special!


The fireworks were also rescheduled for tonight. It was pretty cool to have them on a cruise ship! Im sure the ships around us appreciated the show as well haha. We finished off the night with some shopping and wandering around the ship and then headed back to our cabins to pack. We were walking off the ship with our luggage in the morning so we didnt have to rush to have everything out in the hallway.

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We purchased day passes from the Colonial Hilton! It's about a 10-15 minute walk from the port and a great place to spend the day!


Did you purchase the day passes at the front desk of the Hilton? How much do the passes cost?

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