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.......idle jottings


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I'd push the "like" button for Zimmy. Hey, Jim, join us in Barcelona in May. We'll be on SD1, so it won't be as "posh" as our last sailing.


Wish we could but we have a cross country road trip in May. Some family stuff and some beachy stuff. Are next on SeaDream II early Dec.:D

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Going through our part of the world?


Not exactly. The southern route (I-10, I-20) to Birmingham, AL to see Mom then down to Destin, FL where a buddy has given us his beach condo for a few days then over to Gulf Shores, AL where SeaDream buddies have given us their beach house for several days. Then the slog back west on I-10 through MS, LA, TX, NM, and on into PHX. The payback when these guys show up for their free lodging out West will be severe.:eek::D

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Brother Hum, :D


Hurtful indeed!!!...a " dear chum" you say!?

I could think of many, many words to describe you...but never "tiresome"

If your jottings are wearing on you and your plagued with writers Block? I'd say do more traveling, binging on champagne and eating what other delicacies you desire!...then come back for more to entertain us with! Capice!?

After all! I supose all the great writers took breaks once in awhile!

And if that doesn't work!?...we always have Facebook!



Hey sis,

The impulse to merrily jot away ad nauseam without a care in the world for the poor victims who are fed this diet of low grade drivel has simply "run out of steam".

How very odd isn't it?

Let's not get dragged down into the whys and wherefores and the hurtful comments of a "kill joy".

It is simply the case and no Stoic effort is ever going to change it (the folly of pulling oneself up by one's boot straps comes to mind).

At least Hum is cured of the severe disorder (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) so accurately identified by that eminent Southern Californian psychiatrist.


It's a shame as there are many wonderful events coming up to have merrily jotted away about:

- the BBC documentary featuring SD: there has been one preview and reports are wonderful (Hum will post the review)


- our travel agent has arranged an evening to be attended by the "big wigs" from SD shoreside management; wine is being served (only reason for going)


- and there is a nice long trip on SD coming up soon with time to spend with crew as ship is practically deserted (no, Hum doesn’t think it’s because of him; well almost sure).


But at least some will be relieved to be spared so much drivel (besides, haven't you suffered enough?).

SD shoreside management will be "popping opening the champagne" on the news.

Ol Cabbie is arranging a parade around his secure facility in Muchagain.

And former dear chum now has an open field cleared of this deviant post (in his opinion: well in Hum's too, come to think about it).

We await with high excitement about what he will contribute, if we can pull him out of "Hooters" for long enough (yes, a patron and proud of it: well he posted from there, so Hum's not really telling any whopping tales: OK, he is! Busted!).

After these few gentle digs have been dispensed it's time to say the "gush" of posts is likely now to be a very occasional "trickle" at best.

The few "digs" are as vengeful as Hum is capable of.

They "had it coming" is Hum's only defence.

If Hum goes down he's taking them down with him.

Hum is ready with his rotten fruit should former dear chum post: he rarely posts and they usually are very dull.

Why he did'nt post separately instead of criticising this outlet is odd.

And all pleadings to dine with him or imbibe with him will be politely rejected.

"Crush the spirits of someone else, Mr. Hooter" will be the curt response given to the "slimy snake in the grass" delivered sang froid (well as sang froid as Hum can muster for Hum is after all an amiable chap and “stand offishness” doesn’t last too long.).

Are these the first signs of recovery?

Some energy returning.

Base vengefulness, tis true but we all have to start somewhere, right?

There maybe some hope after all.



Hum has also relinquished Facebook.

Whilst you are able to still send messages for some un-accountable reason: Hum is not there any longer to reply unfortunately (if you have sent personal messages, then send them onto Blondie instead unless they are bequests of huge sums of money to post again: in which case contact Hum's solicitors Grabbit & Run).

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It is with great sadness :( that we mourn the passing of ......idle jottings. Born on the 4th day of March, 2014, it had a vitality greater than any other SD thread. With over 182,000 viewings, it is surprising that fewer than 4100 ever moved anyone to respond. We presume many viewers simply read and said, "Righto, chap," or "You betcha" on the western side of the pond.


A particular highlight of ......idle jottings was the day-by-day account of sailing through the Indian Ocean under the protection of armed commandos. But even when .....idle jottings was nothing more than, well, idle jottings, it reminded us that we all belong to that special group known as SeaDreamers. It united us, and at least in this author's case, helped us find our own identity.


We will miss .....idle jottings, but let its memory cause us to raise the level of our discourse. A toast to .....idle jottings. and to the Queen.

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It is with great sadness :( that we mourn the passing of ......idle jottings. Born on the 4th day of March, 2014, it had a vitality greater than any other SD thread. With over 182,000 viewings, it is surprising that fewer than 4100 ever moved anyone to respond. We presume many viewers simply read and said, "Righto, chap," or "You betcha" on the western side of the pond.


A particular highlight of ......idle jottings was the day-by-day account of sailing through the Indian Ocean under the protection of armed commandos. But even when .....idle jottings was nothing more than, well, idle jottings, it reminded us that we all belong to that special group known as SeaDreamers. It united us, and at least in this author's case, helped us find our own identity.


We will miss .....idle jottings, but let its memory cause us to raise the level of our discourse. A toast to .....idle jottings. and to the Queen.


I don't think it is gone yet. I have faith. And I will gladly toast the Queen..... Or you and Zimmy........ Or everyone at the TOY Bar.:eek::D

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Whoever reads here and thinks it's drivel, gets just what he deserves. Why is he reading, then?


"They had it coming" reminds me of Chicago. If you blokes wish to have a song fest, whene'er you are fortunate enough to be together, I recommend that.


Whatever happens in the future, thank you all for many smiles, and enjoy, wherever you wander.

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Hum, please don't abandon us entirely! Although you are entitled to a rest now and then.


If we need to send you a message, we'll go through Blondie!


When is the release date for the BBC epic? Will it be posted on the BBC website, or must you send we privileged few a DVD??:D


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Every now and then, a breath of fresh air permeates the otherwise stale and languid pennings of these



Such were the musings of Ho Hum, whose legion of followers will now, it appears, be relegated to

to the usual mundane reviews of Sea Dream's foibles ... faulty air conditioning, bratty kids,

diapers in the hot tub, etc etc.


Particularly distressing is knowing the relative ease in which Hum dispenses his witticisms and the

variety of responses they evoke. No, Mr. Ho, it will not be the same around here.


Kisses to you and Blondie and perhaps on your return you will be sufficiently refreshed to

reconsider your most premature demise .





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Every now and then, a breath of fresh air permeates the otherwise stale and languid pennings of these



Such were the musings of Ho Hum, whose legion of followers will now, it appears, be relegated to

to the usual mundane reviews of Sea Dream's foibles ... faulty air conditioning, bratty kids,

diapers in the hot tub, etc etc.


Particularly distressing is knowing the relative ease in which Hum dispenses his witticisms and the

variety of responses they evoke. No, Mr. Ho, it will not be the same around here.


Kisses to you and Blondie and perhaps on your return you will be sufficiently refreshed to

reconsider your most premature demise .






Anyone who refers to Ho-Hum's drivel as "tiresome" deserves to be sentenced to an island where only your topics of Kids on Board, Dress Code, Diapers in the Hot Tub, and What time Can we Board are discussed. Ho-Hum will be back stronger than ever. Even Shakespeare took a few years off.:eek::D:D

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After a tumultuous writing career spent in the limelight of fabulousness and fame, he turns to make his exit, the spotlight holds a few seconds on his noble profile, the touseled golden locks appear as a halo, justified by his glory , but then slowly the stage dims to black....


The applause is truly heard around the globe, his international club of devotees and fans rises at once to its collective feet in a thunderous Crescendo of Encore! and Bravo Maestro!


And once in the comparative quiet of the wings, he hears a voice, "Come on Doris, get back out on stage and give em what they want........it is your duty to mankind"


And what will you do with yourself when you wake in the middle of the night?


Seriously Ho, what will be the point of waking up tomorrow morning if there is no HoHummery to read ever again?

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After a tumultuous writing career spent in the limelight of fabulousness and fame, he turns to make his exit, the spotlight holds a few seconds on his noble profile, the touseled golden locks appear as a halo, justified by his glory , but then slowly the stage dims to black....


The applause is truly heard around the globe, his international club of devotees and fans rises at once to its collective feet in a thunderous Crescendo of Encore! and Bravo Maestro!


And once in the comparative quiet of the wings, he hears a voice, "Come on Doris, get back out on stage and give em what they want........it is your duty to mankind"


And what will you do with yourself when you wake in the middle of the night?


Seriously Ho, what will be the point of waking up tomorrow morning if there is no HoHummery to read ever again?


And who knew he was so sensitive? But then, most artsy types are I guess.:cool:

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It is with great sadness :( that we mourn the passing of ......idle jottings. Born on the 4th day of March, 2014, it had a vitality greater than any other SD thread. With over 182,000 viewings, it is surprising that fewer than 4100 ever moved anyone to respond. We presume many viewers simply read and said, "Righto, chap," or "You betcha" on the western side of the pond.


A particular highlight of ......idle jottings was the day-by-day account of sailing through the Indian Ocean under the protection of armed commandos. But even when .....idle jottings was nothing more than, well, idle jottings, it reminded us that we all belong to that special group known as SeaDreamers. It united us, and at least in this author's case, helped us find our own identity.


We will miss .....idle jottings, but let its memory cause us to raise the level of our discourse. A toast to .....idle jottings. and to the Queen.


We feel your passion and celebrate it TrapperZ.

It does wonders for Hum.

More please.


Yes we are a glorious ensemble when together (whether on sea or here) and Hum celebrates knowing each and every one of you and values your friendships.


"Raise the level of discourse"!


Bit unfair on "Butch" is'nt it?


Toast the Queen.

Well why not.

She just reached 90. Phillip is 94.

What amazing people.

Would love to be a fly on the wall when President Trump visits Buckingham Palace. No doubt he will suggest demolishing it and replace it with Buckingham Towers!


Hum is still around (and will drop in) but he will simply be less prolific or as "full of it" as before.

"Oh he's full of it, alright"

Yes thanks Commander, that's quite enough of you.


Great idea about asking 1st timers for their views.

Can't wait to hear what they think.


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We feel your passion and celebrate it TrapperZ.

It does wonders for Hum.

More please.


Yes we are a glorious ensemble when together (whether on sea or here) and Hum celebrates knowing each and every one of you and values your friendships.


"Raise the level of discourse"!


Bit unfair on "Butch" is'nt it?


Toast the Queen.

Well why not.

She just reached 90. Phillip is 94.

What amazing people.

Would love to be a fly on the wall when President Trump visits Buckingham Palace. No doubt he will suggest demolishing it and replace it with Buckingham Towers!


Hum is still around (and will drop in) but he will simply be less prolific or as "full of it" as before.

"Oh he's full of it, alright"

Yes thanks Commander, that's quite enough of you.


Great idea about asking 1st timers for their views.

Can't wait to hear what they think.



Howdy H-H. My discourse level is plenty high....... Where did I put that shooter??? And Mr. T and I be Mates. I have a letter from him from years ago and he also wants me to be thinking about the English "renovations" that might be needed. After all, Buckingham Palace is a bit dowdy and does, you have to admit, create traffic problems. 40 stories minimum. What a view!!

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Howdy H-H. My discourse level is plenty high....... Where did I put that shooter??? And Mr. T and I be Mates. I have a letter from him from years ago and he also wants me to be thinking about the English "renovations" that might be needed. After all, Buckingham Palace is a bit dowdy and does, you have to admit, create traffic problems. 40 stories minimum. What a view!!


When are you going to announce that President Trump will be appointing you as US Ambassador to Britain (great choice by the way).

Queenie would love you and Phil would adore Lois.

You have a lot in common.

Our politicians will be really worried though.

Give it to 'em Jim!

We need you.



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When are you going to announce that President Trump will be appointing you as US Ambassador to Britain (great choice by the way).

Queenie would love you and Phil would adore Lois.

You have a lot in common.

Our politicians will be really worried though.

Give it to 'em Jim!

We need you.




Announcement is forthcoming. I much appreciate your nomination of me. I will do my very best and know that I might count on you to help me fill in any tiny gaps in my "Britishness". Yeeee Hawww! Can't wait to have a pint or two with Queenie. Lois loves London and I am sure our quarters in the upcoming Trump Buckingham Towers will be more than adequate. And you already know my feelings about politicians. :eek::D I need my contract to cover company paid SeaDream trips too. Love the Shooting Times cover shot. Back in the "Good Old Days" my entire English family all had some form of firearm. Shooting was considered sporting, not some aberration. Will have to see what I can do.

Edited by Jim Avery
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Announcement is forthcoming. I much appreciate your nomination of me. I will do my very best and know that I might count on you to help me fill in any tiny gaps in my "Britishness". Yeeee Hawww! Can't wait to have a pint or two with Queenie. Lois loves London and I am sure our quarters in the upcoming Trump Buckingham Towers will be more than adequate. And you already know my feelings about politicians. :eek::D I need my contract to cover company paid SeaDream trips too. Love the Shooting Times cover shot. Back in the "Good Old Days" my entire English family all had some form of firearm. Shooting was considered sporting, not some aberration. Will have to see what I can do.


Shooting is still a sport over here! Really Jim!


It is only considered an "aberration" when someone uses semi-automatics for "personal protection"! Oh please!


Over here, Brits mostly shoot clays, shoot some rabbits in England and shoot pheasants in Scotland.

Unfortunately someone mis-heard and thought they said "shoot peasants in Scotland" and that's how we discovered our British track running team.

So, all's well that ends well!

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Whoever reads here and thinks it's drivel, gets just what he deserves. Why is he reading, then?


"They had it coming" reminds me of Chicago. If you blokes wish to have a song fest, whene'er you are fortunate enough to be together, I recommend that.


Whatever happens in the future, thank you all for many smiles, and enjoy, wherever you wander.


Sweet words May B and kind too.


There is always a warm and kind "touch" to your posts which Hum loves, nay we all love.

Keep posting young May B!


Yes "They had it coming" is good but it doesn't have the rage: it is too clinical.

The Commander is the aficionado concerning musicals over here and his suggestion/s would be more worthy of consideration but Hum would venture to offer the song, "Just you wait" sung by Eliza Doolittle in "My Fair Lady".



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