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Divina is beautiful but probably needs a good sanitizing asap


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We had shore excursion to Embera Village in Panama from MSC ,next day one lady was making big fuss about "dirty" food in village and how all men in their party got sick . My DH told me after that he is not surprised because he saw them in washroom ...no hand wash was on list . CD asking 100 times not to eat outside the ship in some ports but what we see? 30% go straight to local restaurant in port )


And I will totally agree with you as we have traveled a lot in Europe, and there are places you never drink the water, including ice, always eat your food well done, and carry a bottle of Maalox with you just in case!:D

Every area of the world has its own unique set of germs that the locals are used to, and you are not!

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The pools are drained each night as I understand as they are salt water pools!

I would be interested in hearing from past cruisers if they saw the pools emptied!

As far as how many were sick, if it reached the numbers the poster mentioned it would have been reported to the CDC, as this is mandatory for all US home ported ships which the Divina is!



Yes, all pools are drained each night (very old school), so none are open 24 hours like on some lines. They are salt water.


Regarding the people being sick, it all depends if they went to the Medical Center or not. If most didn't, then there is nothing to report. If the flu was running rampant, many may have just thought it was a nasty cold and tried to ride it out. Hard to say. Mine started out slow, and as the OP mentioned you feel a little better for a day then it really takes hold. It might have been time to disembark by the time the heavy duty symptoms really set in.

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The pools are drained each night as I understand as they are salt water pools!

I would be interested in hearing from past cruisers if they saw the pools emptied!

As far as how many were sick, if it reached the numbers the poster mentioned it would have been reported to the CDC, as this is mandatory for all US home ported ships which the Divina is!


As far as I know there haven't been any reports to MSC about number that got the crud. No one went to the on-board clinic for it that I've heard. It seemed to hit the majority with voice loss first either the last day of the cruise or the day we returned and just progressed from there. Our cruise was only a 4 night trip. On the FB group page for MOR there are several multiple page long threads of people all reporting the same symptoms.

Edited by chers2031
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I learned my lesson after getting quite sick on 3 cruises in a row.

Someone had posted on CC to have your ac filter in your cabin changed.

I had them do that on my last 2 cruises and you wouldn't believe how filthy they were, black mold, etc. I was told they should be changed every few months, but was told it looked like mine hadn't been changed in a year. So, since I started making them do that, I haven't been sick on my last 2 cruises.




Great advice! In all my cruises I've never thought of this. Do they push back when you ask them to change the filter? It might explain why on DIVINA the cabin had no problem getting cold, but there was always this hint of dampness you could feel in the towels and sheets. I had that a couple times on various ships. Overall, DIVINA was kept quite cool. Never did I feel warm like I do on so many new ships these days. I think most cut back the a/c to save on fuel but this wasn't the case on DIVINA.

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The pools are drained each night as I understand as they are salt water pools!

I would be interested in hearing from past cruisers if they saw the pools emptied!

As far as how many were sick, if it reached the numbers another poster mentioned it would have been reported to the CDC, as this is mandatory for all US home ported ships which the Divina is!



We spend 18 days on Divina in DEc never saw pools empty .

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I think we're talking about 2 different things here!

The CDC requires a report from Cruise line if there is a Gastrointestinal Illness outbreak (noro, etc.)higher then 2% of the total passengers!


What seems to be explained by cruisers here is people coming down with this years flu outbreak, which the CDC has labeled 'wide spread'(high) in New England, and local (mid range) in central and southern US!

So we know who to blame, all those 'Damn Yankees'!:eek:

(just kidding):D


Hope everyone feels better, but a word to the wise, if you cruise in flu season(highest activity Nov-March), get a flu shot! Never cruise if you're over 65 without a flu shot, it could be life threatening!

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We spend 18 days on Divina in DEc never saw pools empty .



I guess the policy has changed since you were onboard. Now all the pools close at either 8pm (Garden Pool) or 10pm (the rest). They are netted over and drained. I saw this every evening during my evening stroll around 11pm or midnight. By that time the pools were either completely drained on well along in the process. Frankly I'm glad they do this in order to keep them as clean as possible.

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Hope everyone feels better, but a word to the wise, if you cruise in flu season(highest activity Nov-March), get a flu shot! Never cruise if you're over 65 without a flu shot, it could be life threatening!



Thanks. Definitely feeling better. I've only had the flu twice in my life (this being one of them). I decided to get the flu shot around November and go figure, I still got the flu and bad. As my doctor explained there are so many strains of the flu these days and I believe the flu shot only protects against one strain, the one they feel will be most prevalent.

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Thanks. Definitely feeling better. I've only had the flu twice in my life (this being one of them). I decided to get the flu shot around November and go figure, I still got the flu and bad. As my doctor explained there are so many strains of the flu these days and I believe the flu shot only protects against one strain, the one they feel will be most prevalent.


Generally it protects against a couple of the most prevalent strains. We are in NZ and our flu season has just started. Our flu vaccine is aimed at the strains they think will be most prevalent here - which this year are:

A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like virus

A/Texas/50/2012 (H3N2)-like virus

B/Massachusetts/2/2012-like virus


Damn Yankees! ;) :p


Anyway, I got my vaccination two weeks ago and I'm still sick with some kind of nasty virus which has now taken out four of the six kids as well. I'm really hoping that this means over used up my wildcard for the year and will now saunter healthily through winter - and will NOT be sick in July when we head to Europe for our first cruise!

Edited by Katgoesonholiday
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Our flu vaccine is aimed at the strains they think will be most prevalent here - which this year are:


A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like virus


A/Texas/50/2012 (H3N2)-like virus


B/Massachusetts/2/2012-like virus




Damn Yankees! ;) :p






Only one of those would be a real Yankee ;)

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Great advice! In all my cruises I've never thought of this. Do they push back when you ask them to change the filter? It might explain why on DIVINA the cabin had no problem getting cold, but there was always this hint of dampness you could feel in the towels and sheets. I had that a couple times on various ships. Overall, DIVINA was kept quite cool. Never did I feel warm like I do on so many new ships these days. I think most cut back the a/c to save on fuel but this wasn't the case on DIVINA.

I've had no problems getting them to change the filter, I just call maintenance from the cabin and it usually done the same day

Edited by barbyj
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Thanks. Definitely feeling better. I've only had the flu twice in my life (this being one of them). I decided to get the flu shot around November and go figure, I still got the flu and bad. As my doctor explained there are so many strains of the flu these days and I believe the flu shot only protects against one strain, the one they feel will be most prevalent.


Sorry to hear of you having the flu. NOT FUN!! 3 of the 4 of us came home with colds, coughing and sore throats. So with that many little kiddies there were lots of germs floating around. I don't blame the cruise lines when we get ill from a cruise. It can happen anywhere lots of people congregate - stores, churches, schools, etc. My problems are increased by all of the seasonal allergies from the pollen. So, this too will pass.

Feel better soon!!

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Sorry to hear of you having the flu. NOT FUN!! 3 of the 4 of us came home with colds, coughing and sore throats. So with that many little kiddies there were lots of germs floating around. I don't blame the cruise lines when we get ill from a cruise. It can happen anywhere lots of people congregate - stores, churches, schools, etc. My problems are increased by all of the seasonal allergies from the pollen. So, this too will pass.

Feel better soon!!



I agree. In general I feel the ships are extremely clean, much cleaner then most establishments we are in contact with ashore. The only problem is so many people somewhat confined for days at a time, that when someone does have an illness it can get spread quickly.

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The pools are drained each night as I understand as they are salt water pools!

I would be interested in hearing from past cruisers if they saw the pools emptied!

As far as how many were sick, if it reached the numbers another poster mentioned it would have been reported to the CDC, as this is mandatory for all US home ported ships which the Divina is!


Yes - I have seen all the pools and spas drained every night and refilled early in the morning. This has happened on every cruise I have been on - every night.


This caused a problem when we left New York in the early hours of the morning after waiting for a late plane as the water was filthy when refilled the next morning - I guess we were still too close to shore. Needless to say no-one was swimming anyway as the temp was freezing. Sleet and snow on deck.

Edited by Janet&Carl
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I've had no problems getting them to change the filter, I just call maintenance from the cabin and it usually done the same day



This seems like great advice. Thanks for posting it!



Sent from my iPad

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I think we're talking about 2 different things here!

The CDC requires a report from Cruise line if there is a Gastrointestinal Illness outbreak (noro, etc.)higher then 2% of the total passengers!


What seems to be explained by cruisers here is people coming down with this years flu outbreak, which the CDC has labeled 'wide spread'(high) in New England, and local (mid range) in central and southern US!

So we know who to blame, all those 'Damn Yankees'!:eek:

(just kidding):D


Hope everyone feels better, but a word to the wise, if you cruise in flu season(highest activity Nov-March), get a flu shot! Never cruise if you're over 65 without a flu shot, it could be life threatening!


Got ya RB. Yeah this is flu or flu like virus. Bigger bitch of this is... Most of us that got this crap had flu shots... as well as I loaded up on Ester-C for 2 weeks prior, took a b12 shot before left, took my allergy pills daily, washed my hands tons, used the sanitizer every time I passed it.... nothing was enough. :(

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Got ya RB. Yeah this is flu or flu like virus. Bigger bitch of this is... Most of us that got this crap had flu shots... as well as I loaded up on Ester-C for 2 weeks prior, took a b12 shot before left, took my allergy pills daily, washed my hands tons, used the sanitizer every time I passed it.... nothing was enough. :(




Likewise here, and I also had the flu shot and was very careful washing my hands often and using the sanitizer at every meal. Whatever this flu strain was, it was nasty and not one of the strains covered by the flu shot.

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Likewise here, and I also had the flu shot and was very careful washing my hands often and using the sanitizer at every meal. Whatever this flu strain was, it was nasty and not one of the strains covered by the flu shot.




The dangers of world wife travel today is the flu in another part of the world has a very good chance to be slightly different then the one we have in North America, and our flu shots can't cover everything! The Divina like many of Florida based ships does draw people from other parts of the world!

Damn Europeans!:D (Just kidding!)


All you can do is like you said, take the shot, and hope for the best!


We add zinc to our pre-cruise regime, which is marketed in a bunch of different names, won't stop it, but supposed to help cut symptoms, and duration in half!

Looks like it all comes down to being as healthy as you can be, and good luck!


Something I forgot to add previously, we sort of sanitize our cabin when we first enter, with these wipes you buy in any retail store, by cleaning anywhere someone else would touch, like the phone, tv remote control, door handles, handles in the bathroom, handles on the desk/closet, etc., not sure if it helps, but we've been lucky so far!:)


I also like the advice about changing the cabin filters! I guess MSC better go out, and buy a bunch!

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I was in the Yacht Club in cabin 12004 from the 15th-22nd of March and I came down with something starting on the 19th when we were in San Juan. That Wednesday evening I started running a fever and felt like crap through my departure on Saturday. I had a hell of a cough that kept me up all night that Thursday and Friday. I coughed so much my chest and stomach hurt like hell. When I did self assist debarkation Saturday morning it felt like my lungs were on fire and I thought I was going to die...I've never felt so bad. When I got home to North Carolina that night I was running a fever of 100.6 and it stayed clear through the following Tuesday. To this day I still have a cough but it is not nearly as bad as it was on the ship. I don't know if this was the flu or not. I was spitting up bloody phelm so I thught it was a sinus infection but now it seems like bronchitis. My mother came down with it a few days after we got back and still has the cough today as well. I don't know of anyone else who was sick on my cruise...but at least you all know now it was on the ship as of the 19th of March...am wondering if I am the first...sorry if I am the responsible party! I hope everyone who got sick, including myself feels better soon!

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I was in the Yacht Club in cabin 12004 from the 15th-22nd of March and I came down with something starting on the 19th when we were in San Juan. That Wednesday evening I started running a fever and felt like crap through my departure on Saturday. I had a hell of a cough that kept me up all night that Thursday and Friday. I coughed so much my chest and stomach hurt like hell. When I did self assist debarkation Saturday morning it felt like my lungs were on fire and I thought I was going to die...I've never felt so bad. When I got home to North Carolina that night I was running a fever of 100.6 and it stayed clear through the following Tuesday. To this day I still have a cough but it is not nearly as bad as it was on the ship. I don't know if this was the flu or not. I was spitting up bloody phelm so I thught it was a sinus infection but now it seems like bronchitis. My mother came down with it a few days after we got back and still has the cough today as well. I don't know of anyone else who was sick on my cruise...but at least you all know now it was on the ship as of the 19th of March...am wondering if I am the first...sorry if I am the responsible party! I hope everyone who got sick, including myself feels better soon!



So now we know who to blame! LOL Seriously glad you're feeling better. I'm feeling much better too and getting the hearing back in my right ear (I also had a bacterial ear infection which my doctor thinks is probably from the pool). I'm released to go back to work on the 18th which I'm actually happy about.


Hope everyone else that got sick is on the road to recovery as well.

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Saw your review on the March 22 - 29 MSC Divina cruise you took. We are cruising on that ship on April 19th. I have a few questions maybe you can answer: 1) Was there plenty of parking available in the deck at the time you arrived 12:40, do you walk from deck to terminal? 2) Did you find the drinks coupons worth while, did they include a good selection of drinks? 3) Was the first food available for you once you boarded dinner (no lunch)? Did you hear of anyone bringing pop, water or wine onboard? Thanks

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I was on a different charter (in February) but can provide some answers.


1) Was there plenty of parking available in the deck at the time you arrived 12:40, do you walk from deck to terminal?


We did not drive to the cruise but got a tour of the Divina early December 2013 in Miami and drove to that; our boarding time was around embarkation time. We parked in the covered garage and there was lots of parking available. You walk across the street to check in.


2) Did you find the drinks coupons worth while, did they include a good selection of drinks?


On our charter there were no unlimited drinking packages but we bought one that gave you coupons for 15 drinks per day. We thought it was worthwhile; other than premium liquor everything else was available (interestingly enough for vodka Red Bull you had to use 2 coupons). We also used it for coffee and the odd gelato.


3) Was the first food available for you once you boarded dinner (no lunch)?


Lunch is served in the buffet.


Did you hear of anyone bringing pop, water or wine onboard? Thanks


You aren't supposed to bring anything onboard but heard of people that smuggled liquor on. Cases of soda or water might not be so easy to hide.

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Saw your review on the March 22 - 29 MSC Divina cruise you took. We are cruising on that ship on April 19th. I have a few questions maybe you can answer: 1) Was there plenty of parking available in the deck at the time you arrived 12:40, do you walk from deck to terminal? 2) Did you find the drinks coupons worth while, did they include a good selection of drinks? 3) Was the first food available for you once you boarded dinner (no lunch)? Did you hear of anyone bringing pop, water or wine onboard? Thanks



1. The garage was almost full when we arrived. We had to park on the roof but at least there were still some spaces.


2. My partner purchased the soda coupon book but we didn't purchase any other drink packages. It was a good deal but it's a little bit of a pain having to carry the coupons around. Also it was for a limited amount of full cans. I prefer the sticker on the card that allows for unlimited fountain sodas at any of the bars.


3. Yes plenty of food available up in the buffet for embarkation lunch. No problem there.


Hope this helps!

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I was in the Yacht Club in cabin 12004 from the 15th-22nd of March and I came down with something starting on the 19th when we were in San Juan. That Wednesday evening I started running a fever and felt like crap through my departure on Saturday. I had a hell of a cough that kept me up all night that Thursday and Friday. I coughed so much my chest and stomach hurt like hell. When I did self assist debarkation Saturday morning it felt like my lungs were on fire and I thought I was going to die...I've never felt so bad. When I got home to North Carolina that night I was running a fever of 100.6 and it stayed clear through the following Tuesday. To this day I still have a cough but it is not nearly as bad as it was on the ship. I don't know if this was the flu or not. I was spitting up bloody phelm so I thught it was a sinus infection but now it seems like bronchitis. My mother came down with it a few days after we got back and still has the cough today as well. I don't know of anyone else who was sick on my cruise...but at least you all know now it was on the ship as of the 19th of March...am wondering if I am the first...sorry if I am the responsible party! I hope everyone who got sick, including myself feels better soon!


YIKES. I hope its still not floating around on the ship but I swear that is the same symptoms as all of us. We literally number in the hundreds who got this however most everyone came down with it on disembark day or the day after. One girl was in the hospital for 7 days and after tons of testing and being pumped full of antibiotics, they still couldn't get a solid diagnosis. They finally sent off her blood work to another facility and it was determined that she had Human Metapneumovirus. Apparently testing for this particular virus is not widely available. It is a close relation to the bird flu and mild symptoms can appear as a bad cold with head and chest congestion, fever, sore throat ranging all the way to severe symptoms which mimic severe pneumonia. :-/ I still have cough and chest congestion. :( Wish it would go away!!!



Edited by chers2031
to add virus link :)
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