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A(nother) SUNSHINE review from a review rookie 4-19-14 to 4-27-14


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Hello Cruise Critic review fans. My name is Billy and my wife is addicted to cruising. Now that we have that out of the way I am going to attempt to do a review justice. My favorite part of Cruise Critic besides all the dress code, chair hogging, and smuggling debates are the reviews. I find it a blast to enjoy someone else’s vacation while counting down the days until my own but after my last few cruises I started to think maybe I need to give back a little. I do plan to pre write the review so I am hoping this doesn’t stretch out too long and I will answer questions and respond to posts once I have everything done. So let me give you a little background before we get started.


Again my name is Billy and my DW is Gina. We are from Fort Worth TX and we started cruising in 2006. The Sunshine would be our 20th Carnival cruise and our 22nd cruise overall. We have done two on Royal but usually the price difference lets us go on 3 cruises a year versus two so Carnival is our preference. On our first cruise back in 2006 we uttered the famous saying “oh well, we will never see these people again”. Well since our third cruise in 2007 we have traveled with someone we met on a previous cruise almost every time. The group has grown quite large and even though not every one can go every time we still can not escape these people. Actually we love our group of friends and we make new ones every year. This cruise we were traveling with 3 other couples. There is Paul and Alex from SC, Bryan and Karen from MI and their daughter and son in law Michelle and Lil B (Brian) from MI. Michelle started her career as a teacher last year and can not go with us very often any more so we picked this cruise to line up with her spring break. We were also pleased that it would be on the Sunshine since we wanted to compare the difference from the Destiny. The biggest draw for me was the port of Tortola. I like to experience new ports as often as I can but that is becoming harder to do after so many cruises. Well I guess that is enough background blah blah blah so up next everyone’s favorite part the travel day.

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We had booked an early flight for the day before the cruise and twice they moved the time up even more. We were up at 4:30 in the morning and out the door about 5:15. With it being so early on a Friday we made it to the airport and through security without any hiccups. This is always the time for me when it really sets in. VACATION!!








The flight left around 7:15 and was suppose to land in Orlando about 10:40. I scheduled a shuttle with Cocoa Beach Shuttle for 6 people since our MI friends were landing about 10:20. We thought it would be nice to enjoy the ride out to our hotel together. Our plane actually made it in about 10:30 which made the timing even better. We all met up after getting our luggage and what do you know the shuttle guy was waiting for us with six seats left. Great job Cocoa Beach!! I know this was lucky timing but it worked out well for us. There was a guy standing behind us waiting to check in for this shuttle too and he had to wait for the next one. We paid the driver for one way of the reservation and off we went. I could have paid for the entire thing but I wasn’t comfortable paying for the way back in case they didn’t show up after the cruise. Everything went fine after the cruise too but that’s just how I would prefer doing it. The ride out took about 50 minutes and was great to laugh and catch up with our friends.



Karen on the left and her daughter Michelle

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There were two other groups in the van and all of them were going straight to cruise ships. This family of 4 who we dropped off at the Disney ship had a little girl with them who looked at the ship and said “does it move?” The dad chuckled and responded with “it better.” Once we were the only 6 left it was off to the hotel. We booked the Radisson for one reason and one reason only. My DW loves the pool.







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I have to say the beds are not the greatest. They have sleep number beds which don’t always work but we figure for one night and the pool we will deal with it. The rest of the room isn’t bad but they are a little dated. I do have to include pictures of the rest room just for those who posted on the Cruise Critic thread about what part of reviews people don’t like.










It turns out this time the weather is not cooperating with swimming time. The temps were also in the 70’s so the water was a little cold. The majority of people in the pool were kids who can stand it better than we can so we had to settle for sitting by the pool and enjoying the company of friends.



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We decided to head out for some lunch and settled on Wendy’s which is only a few blocks distance down the main road. I know Wendy’s is not the best choice of dining when you are on vacation but one thing you need to know about our eating habits is we don’t cruise for the food. We are pretty plain and my DW is very picky. There are a few restaurants close by as well as one in the hotel so you do have a lot of choices within walking distance.





The Wendy's is just down this road on the left





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After lunch we headed back to the hotel to relax by the pool and wait for our friends from SC. While waiting we were talking to another couple who said they were going to watch the launch of a rocket being sent to the International Space Station but they were told it was called off because of weather. Paul and Alex (Our friends from SC) who were driving in and getting close asked if anyone wanted to ride over by the cruise terminals and watch. I guess after checking the website the launch was a go. Bryan, Gina and I decided we would like to see that and joined our friends. There were a lot of people set up for this event so I started to get a little excited. I had never seen a launch of any kind in person so I thought this might be really cool. You could only see about 15 to 20 seconds of the rocket before it was gone in the clouds so the event was over just like that. Alex took video with her camera or so she thought. She pressed the recording to start when she thought she was stopping it. We were left with a nice recording of the street as we crossed it and the inside of her mini van. I didn’t have my good camera with me so these were the only pictures I could get.









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After returning to the hotel we decided to head next door to the Race Trak gas station for some beers. We enjoyed these by the pool until the Michigan folks headed out to dinner at Sonny’s BBQ with some family from the area. The rest of us decided to go to Coconut’s by the Beach restaurant. The place was really cool and right on the beach. They had a live band and great atmosphere. The rain was about to hit but there was a roof over our heads so we were safe.











Apparently the roof has a few holes so while we ate we were dodging the drips. I think it just added to the fun and after all was said and done we didn’t melt. There was some kind of street festival going on a few blocks away that we almost decided to eat at. Had we been there I’m sure we would have melted (or at least floated away). On the way back we stopped at Ron Jon Surf Shop. This place was huge and the sign said they stayed open 24 hours. It might be fun shopping for a skateboard or a surfboard at 3 AM. I only bought some cheap sun glasses for a back up pair but you could really spend some money in this place.





We stopped at a Publix (or pubix as my wife calls it) for water after we were done and then it was back to the hotel. It was about 9:30 so we decided to head to bed. Man we are getting old. Up next we board the Sunshine.

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We were up and ready to go by about 8 AM so the group headed over to Mickey D’s for some breakfast. I don’t normally eat food from McDonald’s but I do enjoy the breakfast stuff. Of course while we were there Gina found the playground.






If any of you ever meet me or my DW we are just kids trapped in adult bodies. Some people who know us would say my wife isn’t tall enough to be considered an adult but that is beside the point. It is all about having fun for us but we don’t mean any harm. Next it was back to the hotel to wait on the shuttle. We had all signed up for a shuttle together through the hotel at $6 per person. Once we were out in front of the hotel we were waiting with what seemed like every other guest staying there. The front desk told us we were on the 10:30 shuttle which was the first one and to be there at 10:15. They had a lady directing everyone as to which shuttle they would be on. This eliminated the mad dash to the door and was very well organized. The problem we ran into was that they filled 3 shuttles in a row without calling our group. I guess everybody was in the 10:30 time slot. It turned out to be no big deal because after checking with the host lady she said we had not checked in but there was room on the last shuttle waiting in line.



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By 11 we were being dropped off at the terminal and starting the process of security and check in. One couple in our group is not platinum so they had to go to the regular security line. The funny thing is that so many platinum guests were arriving they beat us through security and check in to get their cards. Oh well. I think we were on the ship around 12:15 or so and ready to party. We dropped our bags off in the room (inside cabin 8175). Here are a few pictures in case anyone wants to see it.









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Now my favorite thing to eat is Mexican food. That is the one food I am really into. I headed straight for the Blue Iguana Cantina for my burrito. The burritos are really just ok by my standards but living in Texas it’s hard to find better Mexican. What I really like is the habanero sauce they have on the salsa bar. It can be a bit spicy but the flavor is really good and to me that is what makes the sauce.






After eating lunch with the group we decided to explore the ship to see the changes for ourselves. I will shut up for a bit and post the pictures we took.









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We stopped for a first cruise drink along the way and ended up in the serenity area. We enjoyed the views until it was time for the dreaded Muster drill. I know this is a must for safety reasons but it always comes as the fun is getting good. We were on the front row of Muster C during the drill. I have noticed over the years that some of the staff can be a little light hearted about the drill while still performing their jobs and some of the staff seems to be sitting on a corn cob. I was standing next to Michelle and Lil B and they were pointing something out to me when a lady working the drill (and one of the only workers with her life jacket on) came by and sternly said “no talking”. I can respect the rule of no talking but not while there are no announcements going on and EVERY OTHER PERSON BEHIND ME IS YELLING AND LAUGHING OUT LOUD. Maybe I just look guilty. The entire drill was pretty quick and before you knew it we were out of there. Our Cruise Critic group was supposed to meet on deck 10 aft so we headed out for sail away.




We could see NASA from here.




And here is where the rocket was launched from.






And here is Disney




That looks really fun




People might pay more attention if you did it this way

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We stayed for a bit but couldn’t find anyone we recognized so we headed to the serenity area where we could access a bar while enjoying the view. The next day was Easter Sunday so we thought it was really cool the Easter Bunny came out to say good bye.








There is the Easter Bunny




It must be hot in that suit. He is outta here




Odd way to get a better view but whatever works



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Yayyy!!! Thanks for posting this review! I love your storytelling style and especially your bathroom pictures :p


Seriously though, I have the Radisson booked in November for the same reason - the pool - and had to send my husband this link with your pics. Now he understands why I'm obsessed with that pool!

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Looking forward to more!


Hopefully this won't take more than a week!! Thanks for reading.


Great start! Looking forward to your review as we are sailing the Sunshine in August but only for 5 nights.


Thanks for reading and I'm sure you will have a blast!! You will be on a cruise and that's better than being at work.


Thanks for starting the review, looking forward to the rest and photos!!!


Thanks for following along and I will do my best with the photos!

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Yayyy!!! Thanks for posting this review! I love your storytelling style and especially your bathroom pictures :p


Seriously though, I have the Radisson booked in November for the same reason - the pool - and had to send my husband this link with your pics. Now he understands why I'm obsessed with that pool!



The bathroom pictures are the best part!! He will love the pool. We have been a handful of times now but this was the first time we couldn't swim. Have fun in November and thanks for reading!!

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We decided to do the Martini tasting before dinner. While waiting we grabbed a snack from the taste bar which is in the same area. They were serving a meatball looking deal and although it was good it was just a taste like the name says. Gina and I split the four martinis since we had only eaten a meatball. I’m not a big martini guy but these were really good. The best part is the presentation as they pour it. Alex from our group brought some decorations for our glasses.











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Before long the time had flown by and we were getting hungry. The entire group had chosen any time dining so we headed to grab some grub around 6. We have found the wait staff for any time dining to be hit and miss but if you find someone you like ask for their section all week. With a group of 8 that can be hard to do but I have to say we found one of the best groups of servers we have ever had. The interaction with the entire group and the show of joy while they worked their butts off was wonderful to see. We only had two nights we could not get the same group and it was because we came later in the evening. My DW and I always pre pay our tips as we feel they deserve at least that much and then we decide based on the service if we want to give more. Let’s just say this group earned more from our entire group. Today was my birthday so of course there was the usual singing and wearing of funny hats.






Pornsawan is on the left and Nantana is on the right. THE WERE THE BEST EVER!!






After dinner I headed to my long standing tradition of the “Free Liquor Tasting”. It varies ship to ship between two little bitty cups to 4 little bitty cups but regardless it really is just a tasting. I always say “free is in my budget” so you will see me in that crazy line. This was the first time I have felt like the sales people were really pushing you to buy something. They all yell out the specials and say these prices are tonight only but on this occasion they would serve one little shot to someone and literally wait to see what you thought of it. If you said “that’s good” or anything close to it they made a sales pitch for that brand. If the sales tactic works then go for it but this held up the line more than any I have waited in.



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Our group was planning on doing trivia in the Red Frog Pub at 8 and I was a few minutes late. Darn. I enjoy a good round of trivia but I don’t like missing my liquor for it. The staff member hosting the trivia was Alex. I have to say at the beginning of the week we did not like Alex one bit. It is nothing personal but we just didn’t think he fit the bill for what you want out of one of the entertainment hosts. Alex is from Russia and I have to give props to anyone who learns other languages. The problem people were having with Alex (not just our group) was that his accent made his pronunciation of some words impossible to understand. When someone would ask him to repeat he would start with the attitude. If you asked twice because you still couldn’t understand you would get a nasty comment like “I have already read the question twice and you don’t get another chance”. I found some of it very funny actually until he started in on us. We are not the most serious people you will find and you would think on a cruise people would be more laid back. This does not apply to trivia. We were playing for free drinks so I guess I can understand but Alex took his job very serious. Let’s just say we were not his favorite group.


After trivia we wondered around a bit to explore some more of the ship and then decided to call it a night. We had a long day and like I said earlier I am getting too old to stay up anymore. Back in the room our first creation was waiting for us. I’ll add a few pictures of our cabin door since we always have something festive. (You have to be able to find your room on those late nights.)






Our dollar store upgrade to an Ocean View






Next up we have a day at sea and hopefully some much needed sun after the brutal winter. For those who wonder if it was cold in Texas too the answer is YES. I think our Michigan friends needed the sun the most but we were ready too.

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Thanks for the review. I have subscribed. I can't see the pictures at work, so I'm looking forward to getting home and checking them out. We will be on the Sunshine in October with our cruise buddies from SC.

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