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Impressed, Dissapointed and a little scared about recent Inspiration Trip


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So, title aside, the Inspiration itself was great. Just off the boat last weekend, sailing on the 16th. We had the new American Table, and while still needing work, was a much welcomed improvement in the MDR. The buffet food also seemed to be much better than our trip on Imagination in January. So kudos to Carnival for upgrades in the food and food staff department. It seemed like there was more food ready at all times and that it was fresher. Maybe they started preparing the buffet food in smaller batches more times a day, but it seemed everything didn't taste as it had been either overcooked or sitting too long.


The main dining room food still needs some work, but I understand how hard it is to prepare that many entrees to order. Everything is parcooked then refired to order. Sometimes that means the porkchop is good inside but overcooked outside. The bacon in the beans is charcoal after it gets refired, but its to be expected. Still much better than before. We have done the chefs table on this ship in the past too, so I have seen the kitchen in service and the items plated for service ahead of time. I don't expect 5 star, so I was not disappointed. The sandwiches seemed upgraded or fresher ingredients, as well as the rest of the lido buffet. Choices were some of the usual, and a few new things. I do wish we had all the cool stuff I see everyone posting about on the newer larger ships, but I could feel it was better than a couple months ago.


Now on to the scary and disappointing part. There was a guy in the serenity Jacuzzi that was so drunk, it was dangerous. He was there the entire trip. All day and all night. In the Jacuzzi, drunk. So drunk he was singing show tunes, oblivious to everyone around him, and not one passenger would stay in there with him. When we first went in and encountered him, he was nodding off into the water and waking up when he got wet, singing. So then it got worse, the Carnival Bar waiter came to him to ask about another, he was drinking tequila sunrise cocktails and mentioned he had already had 7. The bar waiter then told him that if he gets a bucket instead of another one, he would save two dollars. The guy could barely talk or even sign his card, yet he offered him a bucket. So this was at 230 pm. We got out and went to the other Jacuzzi. Then every person that got in there, would wake him up and he would start singing showtunes again, and they would leave and come over to the other one.


We went to dinner, and after went back for a soak at 1030p and there he was, alone in the same place, couple of empty ice buckets around him and plastic glasses. Only now, he was so messed up he was passing out into the water. He tried to get out and fell back in and only came to when he hit the water. So someone was serving him all day, all night, and he had to be boiled by then. Dehydrated from the soak for sure. We all said something to the staff there about him, at least to check on his welfare, and the guy was able to talk enough I guess that they didn't care. Not one passenger that saw him was ok with this. This was the second night of the trip. So then a couple joins us and says OMG that guy is still here ! Apparently he was there all day the first day and night too. The same thing. All of us were more concerned with his well being than if he was going to cause a problem or start something. He was not violent or out of control at all. Just a 40yo drunk man singing teenage ballads and falling face first in the water for 12 hours a day after 20 tequila sunrises.


So here is the thing to toss out to you guys, first WWYD ?


But also, where does it become an issue. While we all pay to get on the ship and our vacation is our vacation, but if one guy is keeping the rest of the guests from using a Jacuzzi not from hogging or purposely trying to keep others from it, but is so repulsive that no one else would go near it. Then its the safety issue. Everyone is lucky he didn't fall and crack his head. It just seemed that the staff has seen this so much, and that they are so sick of adults acting like *******es with booze that they get what they deserve. Are they more afraid of a confrontation and a scene from a drunk, than just letting the situation work itself out ?


If this guy were on land, he would have been cut off and then worried about for sure.

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Usually the bar waiters don't have much authority. I probably would have gone to guest services, or even mentioned it to the CD.


Unfortunately, security doesn't usually do much.

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I came across two very drunk college kids during our spring break cruise the year. The first was on deck ten right by the stairs coming up from lido deck pool. It was maybe 4:00 pm and he was hammered, couldn't stand up. I asked a person in the lounger right next to him to get up and laid him down in the lounger. I took a towel and put it around him and moved the chair out of the sun. I told his buddies to get him a bunch of water and let him sleep if off. Second instance another drunk kid trying to kick in his cabin door because he lost his sign and sail card. I walked down and to him he was an idiot and going to get kicked off the ship when we got to port if he kept it up. I then told him to go to guest services for a new sign and sail card.


I would have probably gotten you guy out of the hot tub, in the shade, and given him water. I am a big guy and know how to talk to people so I guess I am good with the drunks. It may bite me one day though, you have to be careful.



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I would have probably gotten you guy out of the hot tub, in the shade, and given him water. I am a big guy and know how to talk to people so I guess I am good with the drunks. It may bite me one day though, you have to be careful.


And this is partly why I posted this too. When does it become fellow passengers responsibility or duty to step in ? Ever ? Should a passenger have that interaction with another or just with security or staff, then it is the ships responsibility ? Are we, as fellow passengers expecting each other to have our backs or be able to help if staff is unwilling or unable ? Most of the people mentioned they would say something to him but were afraid the guy would get violent. We tried to talk with him, but he was too inebriated to understand, and it also seemed there was a language barrier. And if he got violent, he was soooooo drunk that nothing would have kept him on his feet. No need to fear that.


I have seen people falling down drunk all over the ship, on every cruise. I have been there too, but in the hot tub for 12 hours you would think the staff would think something is up. It was clear there was more issues going on with this guy. What I think bothered me was that after multiple people had mentioned to the staff they were concerned for his wellbeing, the same staff served him another bucket and had to wake him to sign the slip....

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And this is partly why I posted this too. When does it become fellow passengers responsibility or duty to step in ? Ever ? Should a passenger have that interaction with another or just with security or staff, then it is the ships responsibility ? Are we, as fellow passengers expecting each other to have our backs or be able to help if staff is unwilling or unable ? Most of the people mentioned they would say something to him but were afraid the guy would get violent. We tried to talk with him, but he was too inebriated to understand, and it also seemed there was a language barrier. And if he got violent, he was soooooo drunk that nothing would have kept him on his feet. No need to fear that.




I have seen people falling down drunk all over the ship, on every cruise. I have been there too, but in the hot tub for 12 hours you would think the staff would think something is up. It was clear there was more issues going on with this guy. What I think bothered me was that after multiple people had mentioned to the staff they were concerned for his wellbeing, the same staff served him another bucket and had to wake him to sign the slip....



I think it is the same as in any other part of society. If I wasn't going to directly act myself, I would take the time to get crew members to remove the man from the hot tub and taken to his cabin, no matter how much time it took to get the right persons attention. Did you alert members of security?



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We have a public safety saying here in NYC, "If you see something, say something." What you're describing sounds like everyone had a case of the "Not My Problems." You saw something wrong, why didn't YOU say something to someone other than the staff that clearly wasn't doing anything about him?


As an aside, are buckets of drinks (as opposed to beers) something new? I've never seen or heard of this before.

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That much alcohol and that many hours equal swimming in his own personal toilet............


I'm guessing if someone suggested to guest services that this was clearly a safety and environmental issue........ something would have been done.


It is kinda sad........on so many levels

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That much alcohol and that many hours equal swimming in his own personal toilet............


I'm guessing if someone suggested to guest services that this was clearly a safety and environmental issue........ something would have been done.


It is kinda sad........on so many levels


You took the words right out of my mouth...one GIGANTIC toilet.

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I also feel this is so sad.


My fear is that he may have been more than just drunk. This man could have died in there!

Alcohol acts to expand your blood vessels and increase your body temperature- much like soaking in hot water does. Alcohol in your bloodstream and soaking at the same time creates a combined effect that can be damaging. The body temperature may accelerate to dangerous levels quickly. The alcohol may cause nausea, dizziness or lightheadedness. The ultimate danger of combined alcohol consumption and hot water soaking is drowning due to loss of consciousness, heart attack or injury due to passing out and falling.


OP.. Do you think it would help to relay this story to the corporate offices? This is not "just another drunk passenger" story. This could have been a disaster at sea. Maybe they may need more training for the staff on how to recognize danger signs. I agree, this was very scary. Thanks for sharing. It should make people stop and think..WWYD?

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Sitting in his own toilet all day is my first thought...followed quickly by ...get help. I would most definitely have taken steps, have done so in other situations on land. You can only do so much , unfortunately. I wonder if he was traveling alone ? Where were his companions, if not?



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I'm guessing if someone suggested to guest services that this was clearly a safety and environmental issue........ something would have been done.


Hardly an "environmental" issue. OP stated that because he was acting obnoxiously in the hot tub that this became a "safety" issue? That everyone was lucky he didn't fall and hurt himself? He's lucky, not sure why it affected everyone else.


Unconscionable that the staff didn't do anything to help this guy. And very sad too...


You are imposing your cultural heritage of assisting someone in personal difficulty to crewmembers from different cultures, where it is not so common.


Gtalum has it right. Most lower level staff are trained to kick problems up the chain to a supervisor, or call guest services. You need to speak with someone at that time, if you feel strongly enough about it, that is in a supervisory position.


Now, should the bar staff have continued to serve him? No, but there are no hard and fast laws against it like the "dram shop" laws in many states. What baffles me, as a former cruise ship officer, is when people don't say a word about it, or even mention that they felt something should have been done when they mentioned it to the bar staff, to the staff onboard, at the time, who can make corrections to procedures, policies, or individual crew performance, but who instead wait until they are off the ship and come on a cruising forum to comment on poor crew performance or company policies.

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There is also a health issue for the remaining passengers if he never left the hot tub. How about the safety officer as in health safety? Do they have one?
I see your point totally --- the human "pipes" can only hold so much. Where was the "overflow" going????? :eek:
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I'm not a hot tubber but I always thought there were restrictions on drinking alcohol in the hot tubs on a ship. I'm not sure why I thought that. I guess not if they kept serving him.:eek:

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[ What baffles me, as a former cruise ship officer, is when people don't say a word about it, or even mention that they felt something should have been done when they mentioned it to the bar staff, to the staff onboard, at the time, who can make corrections to procedures, policies, or individual crew performance, but who instead wait until they are off the ship and come on a cruising forum to comment on poor crew performance or company policies.


This is a public forum, intended for discussion. The OP witnessed a situation that was unfortunate and wanted input on how others would have handled this situation. He was under no obligation to take action. However, if the cruise industry doesn't want these kinds of situation discussed on social media, perhaps THE CRUISE INDUSTRY should improve their employee training, NOT expect the guests to take care of problems on the ship for them. If everyone on this forum wonders where this man was urinating.....a ship employee should have wondered the same! Guests are GUESTS...not training tools for staff.


Social Media is a very powerful tool. Companies can either learn to deal with it or remain "baffled" and see where that gets them.

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[ What baffles me, as a former cruise ship officer, is when people don't say a word about it, or even mention that they felt something should have been done when they mentioned it to the bar staff, to the staff onboard, at the time, who can make corrections to procedures, policies, or individual crew performance, but who instead wait until they are off the ship and come on a cruising forum to comment on poor crew performance or company policies.


This is a public forum, intended for discussion. The OP witnessed a situation that was unfortunate and wanted input on how others would have handled this situation. He was under no obligation to take action. However, if the cruise industry doesn't want these kinds of situation discussed on social media, perhaps THE CRUISE INDUSTRY should improve their employee training, NOT expect the guests to take care of problems on the ship for them. If everyone on this forum wonders where this man was urinating.....a ship employee should have wondered the same! Guests are GUESTS...not training tools for staff.


Social Media is a very powerful tool. Companies can either learn to deal with it or remain "baffled" and see where that gets them.


I agree about the power of social media. And I am not questioning the OP's right to air their dissatisfaction on this board, nor did I imply that this should not be discussed here. What I am saying is that in whatever area of life you are dealing with, be it parenting, or work place, the place and time to deal with a problem, and correct the problem, is at the time it is happening. The only effective way to improve employee training is to point out problems to the immediate supervisor of the problem employee, as soon as possible, so that the circumstances of the problem, are fresh in the minds of everyone, and the correction is seen as a direct result of the problem, not a general discussion from a supervisor. The OP made the statement that it was felt that the situation was a "safety" concern, yet no mention was made of whether or not anything about this was even mentioned to staff before getting off the ship, or in a post cruise survey, which tends to lessen their concern in my eyes. Discussion on a cruising forum is healthy, but it will not correct a problem on the ship, certainly not the way that guest feedback at the time, on the spot, would do. Without feedback, there is no knowledge that there is a problem.


By the way, I am allowed to voice my personal opinion just as the OP and all other posters are.


Sorry, need to take a breath, go ahead and discuss away.

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perhaps the OP was under no obligation to step in, say anything, do anything, etc, etc. And I have no doubt that by posting this, the OP wasn't expecting to be judged, but that's the funny thing about a forum like this-IF you post something like this, and admit to doing nothing, people WILL wonder why, and potentially judge you.


And if I'm being honest, I'm including myself in that.


How could YOU or anyone around this man not say something?


To the responder who said that the OP was under no obligation, they were a guest...suppose you are at a dinner party and someone starts joking, you'd sit there and do nothing, because you are a guest?


If you're at a store and someone trips and falls you would do nothing because you are a customer-guest of the store?


I can't see it taking much effect to alert someone with some authority that this man is potentially in a life threatening situation. IF I had witnessed the staff doing nothing, you bet your butt I would have alerted someone with the authority to do something.


Can you imagine if this man had gotten seriously injured or even drowned? How would the 'guests' that said nothing have felt?

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I am very glad the Op brought this to a public forum..thank you. We have moved so away for caring for your fellow man to staying out of each others business.


In this case...I think of Whitney Houston drowning in her hotel bathroom..clearly under the influence with not enough people saying no or watching the bath. Yes at one point with drunks/addicts who do not get well the end will come, and families/experts can not help and take care forever.....but it should not be on anyone's watch..where people are present....


We need on these cruise ships where 15 is the cut off on prepaid packages..my Lord I still question that amount and please don't slam me if i am one off..


We need a culture that has a caring and strong posture on each ship..a few officers/ upper level that can report to right upper management and every server can go to someone else and not have to take the fall for doing their job..no doubt to keep serving to as many as often as possible....and a more kind than illegal situations station/plan...but somewhere they who get to this level..close to drowning themselves can be put to sober up with water and maybe having to be in their own vomit some reality..and be turned over to authorities for possible treatment after the ship....


We almost need one drunks cabin..next to the brigg about the same niceties..so reality can be had made aware with kindness as well...tough love and options..to get treatment somehow..the problem is sooo big..we can't do it all..but we can be a part of it when it gets to this point for our fellow man and his neighbors and not FEED THE PROBLEM. These are the drunks that kill only themselves if lucky on the road..like my B-in -law...nobody else got hit...but friends saw driving carefully behind.


Even though this happens alot..many folks have never seen it this bad, grown up in isolationist western mentality..it is a shock...it is nice we are discussing what to do...seeing it happen more...so later we won't have to hear and see this and some losses will not have to be in vain.

Edited by sjn911
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perhaps the OP was under no obligation to step in, say anything, do anything, etc, etc. And I have no doubt that by posting this, the OP wasn't expecting to be judged, but that's the funny thing about a forum like this-IF you post something like this, and admit to doing nothing, people WILL wonder why, and potentially judge you.



You do know the OP reported it to the staff right?

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