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Mitsugirlys graduation getaway cruise


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Sink area outside the bathroom





It does come with a hair dryer:






Microwave and refridgerator:





There was an a/c unit built into the wall (like normal hotels) and also a wall mounted thermostat. It was really hot in the room when we entered and I immediately turned the ac on. It really didn't feel like it was getting any cooler and I tried using the wall thermostat and the one on the unit and discovered that they both controlled the same thing. LOL Yea, my brain was in overload by that time.


We decided to gather our now smaller group (and against my better judgement...the grandson who absolutely refused to stay back at the room locked up by himself) j/k, and decided to adventure out and across the street to the shopping area.


Meanwhile, I got an update from Kendra letting us know that they had landed in Tampa and while they were sitting on the plane, they discovered their connecting flight was sitting beside them....pulling out. She said they were stuck waiting for people to SLOWLY get off the plane and they were sitting in the back of the plane, therefore missing their flight and having another delay. I hear from her again when they were boarding the next plane around 7: 40pm.


We walked across the busy street, shuffling as fast as we could with the little ones, while having the death grip on my grandson and giving that "I dare you to try to get away from me look" in my eyes while crossing and safely made it to the other side. It was hot out and I did manage to find a grocery cart in the parking lot and immediately put the youngins in it for safety. I had a big talk with the grandson and I got a "I'll be good mawmaw" promise from him. So now the remaining trip to the store composed of a lot of "Am I being good mawmaw?" repeatedly over and over and over to the point I had to tell him "if you say that one more time, you are bad!" and I threatened him with something (that I can't remember what it was now) like "I won't feed you, you won't go swimming, or your mother will never show up for you" type of saying just to scare him in to stopping. wink wink Hey, what can I say? It worked. ;)






Kolin found a baby lizard to let his sissy (Sakari) check out because she is such an animal lover, while holding Brayden back as far as he could from it...after all, we wanted the baby lizard to live.





We ended up at K-Mart to do some shopping. Some how I couldn't find the new flip flops that I had just purchased for Sakari this trip and decided to get her some more while we were there. We bought our soda to carry onto the ship with us and then decided we were starving since we hadn't ate all day. Kolin originally wanted to go to Burger King, since it was right next door to the hotel, but they had a Little Ceasars Pizza inside of K-Mart and we decided that we were just too hungry to make the trip back to the hotel/Burger King area without food.


I have to say this was the worse idea ever. I wish I would have listened to my son. We stood in line forever to order, even though there were only 4 people in front of us. (First sign). Then when my son ordered, they told him it would be a 15 minute wait on the breadsticks he ordered with his pizza. So much for hot and fresh fast. Then when I placed my order, I was told a 10 minute wait on the pizza and 20 minute wait on cheesy bread. Geesh. (Second sign). We should have just left, but figured we had a lot of time to kill anyhow.


When it was time to get our pizza, breadsticks, and cheesy bread, our order was so mixed up and there was a lady that ordered after me that kept trying to take our order. I quickly stood up and ran over to the counter to confirm that was my order. Then they discovered that they hadn't even made my cheesy bread. Sigh. Another 20 minutes. It was just a mess. By the time we were done with this place, I was fed up. Of course going out the door, there was the Walmart greeter at K-Mart wanting to check your receipts for your purchases, which by now was buried in a mound of soda already packed in our carry on rolling luggage we brought with us. By the time I found it, I was completely frustrated when all they did was mark on it and didn't even check to see if what I purchased was really what was in our cart.


We made it back over to the hotel with no other problems (other than a few "stop Brayden's" coming out of my mouth) and headed for the room to let the little ones put on their bathing suits for a swim.


I got an update from Kendra and they said they would be in some time around 8:30pm or 9pm and they were going to eat before catching the ride to the hotel.

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We kinda hung out in the room for awhile (hoping that Sakari would forget about going swimming...no luck) and I was drained, completely drained and so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. I really didn't get much sleep the night before (I think maybe 3 hours tops) and all I wanted to do was go to bed. But, with a little one who did get sleep the night before, it was impossible to deny her the opportunity to get in water. She loves swimming. So she got dressed and we headed down to the pool area. Kolin was supposed to be bringing Brayden down there and swimming with him, but he was nowhere to be found. I assumed that they all must have fell asleep.


The pool area has a lot of potential. It's a very nice area, but it just wasn't up to par with what you would expect. The water was a little dirty, the hot tub was really dirty and ice cold, the chairs were worn out and missing straps on them and also rusting, and there were cigarette butts everywhere...and not just the pool area. They had a designated smoking area outside the hotel, with ashtrays, and it looked like everyone just threw their cigarettes down on the walkway, in the mulch and dirt. There wasn't anyone cleaning up and there was trash here and there.


Or course Sakari had a good time.





There was a nice ledge to sit or stand on in the pool and there was a nice little waterfall in that area that had lights at night.








There were plenty of seats to accommodate people from lounge chairs everywhere around the pool to tables with chairs and umbrellas. This area has great potential.



There was also a hut with pool towels to grab at your convenience. There wasn't anyone checking them in or out.





Both the pool and the hot tub had handicapped lifts, which I thought was a nice added touch and you usually don't see this at hotels. Well, I guess it would be a nice added touch if you wanted to get in ice cold dirty water in the hot tub.





Broken dirty chairs that need replaced.




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Is it bad when you feel like you have been out of the loop and living in a cloud of smoke when you can't remember what time you actually pick up your daughter from school? That's me today. I was the last one in line to pick her up. LOL Sorry for the delay in my review.


medicalma'am- "YEA! I'm in! Sorry things did not go as planned. Hope your next cruise is better."

Hey Robin, glad to have you here. I KNOW my next cruise will be better...especially with the Ma'am's along.





Twelvevman-"Can't wait to read the review. So sorry it didn't live up to what you were used to and expecting. Do not call yourself a failure, I know any review by you will still be more interesting and informative than 1/2 the other reviews out there. And as a side note, congrats on the graduation That is quite an accomplishmen"



Thanks so much. I’m glad you enjoy them. It will be an adventurous review for sure. ;) Thanks for the congrats, it was a long and very hard road for me.


Mabones-Can't wait for the rest of your review!

Coming right up.


Graphicguy-OOOOHHHH...love Mitsugirly reviews. This one sounds like it's not starting off very well, though. Can't wait to read more.

Aww, shucks. Thanks and more coming right up.




i can see how that puts a damper on the vacation!


it's certainly one of those lesson learned kind of things so what when your daughter gets older she can say the same thing to her kids =)


hopefully the trip gets better!


Kendra is sort of my “fly by the seat of your pants” kid. She’s never on time for anything…she obviously gets this from her dad (my first husband). He’s the same way. She never learns her lesson and says “I’ll get there when I get there. It’s not like we had anything actually planned there.” So there ya go. Lol Nope, the trip doesn’t get any better.


Zhane’s mum-can't stand the suspense....more please

Coming right up.


AngAndBoys-My thoughts exactly! OMG I would have been SOOOO mad!!!



Oh I was furious, trust me. But I always try to make a bad situation better. So the only way to do this was to 1) Obviously volunteer to go “first” when they offered the seats, therefore leaving Kendra behind to sit at the airport for the next…10 hours. 2) Rub it in that we made it to Florida by 2:45pm and 3) Rub it in more that is was nice and sunny AND warm in Florida and show her the beautiful palms trees. What I got in return from her was a snapchat of them sitting at the bar in the airport drinking their problems away. LOL


Steeler Nation At Sea-First, congratulations! Second, thank you for doing a review! Third, I hope your next vacation is everything you need it to be to make up for this one!

Thanks so much. You’re welcome and I know it will be.

Same! Took a deep breath after! I'd like to think the worst has passed.



Sorry, but you are wrong. There’s still more to come unfortunately.


Susie51-My head is spinning as I am reading your review. I felt like I was racing around. Can't wait for the next installment.


I almost feel that same anxiety kick in right now as I’m re-living the moments.



Spidybabe-OMG what a terrible start

Can't wit to read more


Safe sailing

More coming right up and thanks.


Jenjer-OMG I can not wait to here more. We leave on Friday with my Nlaws (extremely high maintenance)


We are also flying out of Columbus on Southwest but we have a 1:30 flight since we live in Dayton and have a medical ice vest so security always takes forever. Not to mention my inlaws luggagepoluza


Oh gosh. I hope you have a good experience and you probably won’t be around for much more of my “story”. I have found now that flying out really early in the morning is a lot more crowded than later in the day. It will make me think twice about the times I pick. It might even have been that it was a non-stop flight. “Luggagepoluza”…that made me laugh. I know the feeling. We had 12 pieces of checked in luggage with us and then our carryon bags. Whew.



PDIDDYwife-making bets with myself as to which of 10 scenarios plays out next!!!

Who won? Hehe


WOW! I was excited because the next episode of FARGO is on tonight..

I am waiting just as anxiously for the next installment of your review!!!



LOL, I don’t know what FARGO is, but….I’ll be continuing with my review today/tonight (or at least until I get all the pictures I have picked out for the beginning of the review done, or sleep, which ever comes first).



LrgPizza-I read a review you did of a Carnival cruise. I believe it was this same daughter who didn't get out of bed when you were supposed to be disembarking. So yeah, she might still be alive, but I sure as hell wouldn't vacation with her again, since this irresponsibility seems to be a habit.


Sorry your cruise started out like this! I know how much you love these trips. I hope we get to hear about lots of bright points.


Yep, that would be her. She loves to sleep and is late to everything. I swear she should be a flower child from the 60’s. She would fit right in perfect. Not a care in the world and no sense of time or hurry. There were definitely bright parts. I tell it like it is, both good and bad.


Athenasbyshanna-Is this the same daughter who's kid was a butthead on the last cruise review? LOVE your reviews and can't wait to read this (interesting-sounding) one!



Hmm, I’m not sure. They did not go with us on the last cruise. They only cruise with us once a year. But if it was my March Dream cruise, then yes, it probably was. Thanks and glad you love my reviews.


SissasMomE-Yikes - I hope Kendra doesn't read CC LOL



LOL, she doesn’t, but she called me right in the middle of starting this review and it went something like this… “Mom, what are you doing?” Me-“Starting my Cruise Critic review and it’s getting good with bashing you on here for making us miss the plane.” Her…giggle.


VickiD59-If this isn't a lesson for anyone thinking there's no reason to fly in a day earlier for a cruise...OMG I'm stressed just reading this!!



Haha. Isn’t that the truth? Actually the lesson is never travel with extended family if they have a tendency to be late to everyday life. ;)


Camz-WOW! Really hoping things get better and soon! Keep it coming Kim!!



Hey girlfriend. Glad you are here. Kev would get such a laugh at this review. It’s going to get interesting.




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Once Sakari got her "swimming fix" I convinced her we needed to head back to the room to take a shower and get ready for bed because we needed our rest for tomorrow when we get on the ship. I think she was worn out by now and didn't even fuss about having to leave the pool. (I think she was cold too).


They do have a mini-store at the hotel and you check out at the customer service desk. Soda's were $2.25 and for some reason ALL they had were diet (which I drink diet, but the rest of the family doesn't). I was told that they were waiting on their delivery to come in.


The last time I spoke to Kendra, she had boarded the plane and was getting ready to leave for FLL. I told her how to get the transportation to pick her up and bring her to the hotel, let her know we had already ate and went swimming and that we were going to bed. Her final words..."Blast off love u bye".


I had a knock on the door after getting out of the shower from a very sleepy eyed 19 year old asking me to please take Brayden in our room because they were trying to sleep and he was crying because mommy wasn't there. I informed him that I was going to bed myself and Kendra should be getting in soon. I think I fell asleep before my head actually hit the pillow.


I woke up bright and early (I think around 7am) so that we could shower, do our hair, and have breakfast. I was hoping for a much better day today and could put everything behind us. I hoped that Kendra didn't have any more screw ups and if she did, she was on her own. I was leaving on the ship with or without her.


I text Kolin's girlfriend and she was up already (she's an early riser and never late to anything since she goes to work at 4am every day). We headed down to get breakfast and I gathered the gossip about what time Kendra actually made it to the hotel (around 9:30pm) and what took place while I was sleeping (they went over to the gas station to get their cruise soda and headed to Burger King for dinner).


The breakfast area was pretty good (of course breakfast is my favorite meal and I love when it's an all you can eat buffet smorgasbord).





They had eggs (which looked like the egg beaters, which I don't mind at all), sausage (which was a really light gray and didn't look appealing at all, so I didn't try them), toast, bagels, cereal, fruits, and make your own waffles...which were awesome!!! They also had whipped topping to go with the waffles, which I love.





Their breakfast was from 7am-10:30am, but we had scheduled our pick up time with MJS Transportation for 10:30 and I wanted to be ready, with or without Kendra. Believe it or not, Kendra and family did show up to breakfast by 8:30am, which was shortly after we got there.


After eating, we headed back up to our rooms to grab our luggage to head out of the room and downstairs to wait on the transportation. For some reason, Kendra walked back over to the gas station to get more soda with her bf, son, and Kolin's gf and only Kolin was left behind. Guess who wasn't packed all the way to leave the room? This time Kendra AND Kolin's gf. Kolin got stuck doing the packing and taking all the luggage downstairs. He's such a nice boy. I would have packed my own things and left theirs up there at this point. ;)


There were tons of people sitting in the lobby catching their rides to cruises. Most were off on cruises from Port Everglades. We were the minority going to Miami. The lobby is huge (which is good) and accommodated everyone. I think it's a lot bigger than the last Springhill we stayed at.


We checked out "officially" at the service desk at 10am. I had found a snail the day before (just the shell) for Sakari when we were out by the pool and she had discovered that I left it behind in the room (purposely) and well...when Sakari puts her mind to something she wants, she makes sure it happens. I kept telling her that it's locked up in the room and we can't go back up there. I don't have the keys anymore. We'll have to leave it and we'll find you another one at the beach during the cruise. She got up, walked over to the service desk, talked to the lady there and before long they were handing her a new room key. She said "Now we can go get my snail shell mommy." I gotta hand it to her, she's a "take action" type of girl to get her way. ;) :p

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Thrilled to see a Getaway photo review in the works!


If you have them, would it be possible for you to post a copy of the Dailies?


I have all of them, but it takes way too much time to scan all of them into the computer because they are so many pages. I also don't have the best "scanning" skills either. They will scan, then I won't be able to find them, can't open them, or something always goes wrong to were it ends up stressing me out. LOL If there's anything you would like to know, I can look them up for you. :)

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I have all of them, but it takes way too much time to scan all of them into the computer because they are so many pages. I also don't have the best "scanning" skills either. They will scan, then I won't be able to find them, can't open them, or something always goes wrong to were it ends up stressing me out. LOL If there's anything you would like to know, I can look them up for you. :)

What I'm looking for is the days and times of the comedy shows. I'm asking because NCL claims that there are 12 shows per week, but there are fewer than 12 available to book online.


We have comedy booked for 9pm on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Would you be able to check if the 9pm slots on these days all had different comedians?


I realize this is pretty specific, but thank you! :D

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MJS Transportation. I read up on them before booking (we have used SAS for prior needs) and the reviews seem to be good both on TA and on here.


Since we had 8 in our party, we were able to get a discount of $11 pp instead of the normal $15, which was an added plus.


When I emailed for the reservation, they got right back to me the same day to confirm our booking along with their phone number and directions on what to do prior to our booking.


I have to say, this company was outstanding. He (Jeff) text me 2 days prior to our trip to let us know he was ready for our arrival and confirming our pick up time and date, then also said if we needed him for any other transports (if we came in early or wanted to go somewhere or if we needed transportation from the airport to the hotel), then he would be more than happy to do it. He also advised me that he would call me when he was on the way to the hotel the day of pick up.


On Saturday, he called (which I missed the call because we were eating) and also text again to let me know that he would see us at 10:30am. He text again to let me know he was on his way and would be there in 10 minutes. At 10:30, he text again to let me know he was leaving the airport (with some passengers) and was minutes away.


Even though he was a little late, it didn't bother me. He kept in constant contact with me and let me know what was going on every step of the way (which in my opinion went above and beyond). This also allowed a lot of the people in the lobby to clear out on their rides, making it easier to navigate the 8 of us and our luggagepalooza :D to get out.


He pulled up in a nice newer extended Mercedes van (is there something with Mercedes transportation vans down there??? Not that I'm complaining) and quickly loaded us in. For some reason we headed back to the airport to pick up another couple that came in a little late, but it only took a few minutes of our time. Jeff was extremely nice and very talkative and told us about things along the way. He also made me very jealous when he said he gets phone calls with offers all the time for last minute cruises for $149 for the week and as low as $89 once. Ah, the luxuries of being a Florida resident. Maybe some day this will be me.


He dropped us off at the port at 11:25am where a porter quickly claimed our luggage as his. However, where MJS unloaded our luggage there in the parking lot is where our luggage sat after the porter was done with them and had collected our tip money. I was a little leery of this and I kept looking back at our luggage wondering if he was ever going to move them onto the carts or would they remain there in the parking lot as we pulled away from the dock. At this point, I didn't have a very good feeling about this. Actually nothing felt good at this point after what we had experienced the day before. :(

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We live 8 miles from the airport, and our car service always picks us up 2 hours before the flight time. Probably a good idea for anyone flying out!


I missed a whole sentence in my post :rolleyes:


We live 8 miles from the airport, and our car service always picks us up 2 hours before the flight time. Probably a good idea for anyone flying out! The family always argues with me for getting there so early - I'm going to let them read this thread!!

Edited by SissasMomE
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He dropped us off at the port at 11:25am where a porter quickly claimed our luggage as his. However, where MJS unloaded our luggage there in the parking lot is where our luggage sat after the porter was done with them and had collected our tip money. I was a little leery of this and I kept looking back at our luggage wondering if he was ever going to move them onto the carts or would they remain there in the parking lot as we pulled away from the dock. At this point, I didn't have a very good feeling about this. Actually nothing felt good at this point after what we had experienced the day before. :(


OMG - don't even!!!!!!!!!!

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VickiD59-If this isn't a lesson for anyone thinking there's no reason to fly in a day earlier for a cruise...OMG I'm stressed just reading this!!



Haha. Isn’t that the truth? Actually the lesson is never travel with extended family if they have a tendency to be late to everyday life. ;)





We have gone on a couple vacation with family and there is always some type of drama that my wife now says if family going I am staying home. :D Your flight trip sounds like ours last year for an award banquet my company had in New York. I was one of the award winners, the banquet was from 5:30 to 7:30 then time in the casino. Well USA had a mechinal problem and by the time they swithced us around and a couple mor mechinal problems the flying into another city and renting a car we made it to the Casino for the award banquet at 11:45 PM:mad:


So know how you were feeling.


Looking forward to the rest. Yours are always interesting no matter how it turned out. :D


By the way what happened to the luggage and did they do anything for you on it?


The Ump


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OMG - don't even!!!!!!!!!!

My thoughts exactly... That, and "I hope she purchased travel insurance!"

Location: Plano, TX

Howdy from your neighbor slightly north of you in Allen. :)

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What I'm looking for is the days and times of the comedy shows. I'm asking because NCL claims that there are 12 shows per week, but there are fewer than 12 available to book online.


We have comedy booked for 9pm on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Would you be able to check if the 9pm slots on these days all had different comedians?


I realize this is pretty specific, but thank you! :D


Yep, no problem. I'm actually showing 13 shows? :confused: But there are only 2 comedians for all the shows.


Here's what they have listed:


Day 1 Miami, Florida: Nothing


Day 2 At Sea: 7pm Levity Comedy with Dean

9pm-Levity Comedy with Rodney

11pm-Levity Comedy with Dean


Day 3 At Sea: 7pm-Levity Comedy with Rodney

9 pm-Levity Comedy with Dean

11pm-Levity Comedy with Rodney


Day 4 St Maarten: 7:45pm Levity Comedy with Rodney & Dean


Day 5 St Thomas: 7pm Levity Comedy with Dean

9pm Levity Comedy with Rodney


Day 6 At Sea: 7pm Levity Comedy with Dean

9pm Levity Comedy with Rodney

11pm Levity Comedy with Dean


Day 7 Nassau: 7pm Levity Comedy with Rodney



So it looks like you have 13 chances to see either of them or both. :D


There is a note that says: "Reservations for these shows are recommended. Please note The Illusionarium, Levity Entertainment Group, Wine Lovers The Musical and Nickelodeon's Pajama Jam have limited space available and reservations can be made at the Box Office & on iTV. All other exciting events do not require reservations so come join us and have a fantastic time!



So looking at the days and times you have listed, you have booked all 3 of your shows with the same comedian.

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I missed a whole sentence in my post :rolleyes:


We live 8 miles from the airport, and our car service always picks us up 2 hours before the flight time. Probably a good idea for anyone flying out! The family always argues with me for getting there so early - I'm going to let them read this thread!!


Haha, yes, please do let them read it. It's definitely a lesson as to what can happen if you are late. I'm never late to ANYTHING. I actually leave my house a hour before work even though I work about 15 minutes away. There can always be a traffic jam, accident or who knows what along the way. Then I account for any parking issues I might encounter in the parking garage, time to go to the locker room and change my shoes, then get something to drink and still have some time to spare before clocking in. I HATE being rushed.


OMG - don't even!!!!!!!!!!



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We have gone on a couple vacation with family and there is always some type of drama that my wife now says if family going I am staying home. :D Your flight trip sounds like ours last year for an award banquet my company had in New York. I was one of the award winners, the banquet was from 5:30 to 7:30 then time in the casino. Well USA had a mechinal problem and by the time they swithced us around and a couple mor mechinal problems the flying into another city and renting a car we made it to the Casino for the award banquet at 11:45 PM:mad:


So know how you were feeling.


Looking forward to the rest. Yours are always interesting no matter how it turned out. :D


By the way what happened to the luggage and did they do anything for you on it?


The Ump



Yea, after this cruise my husband was saying how much he was looking forward to our November cruise with just us 3 and how each time it gets worse on every cruise when the daughter and her family come along. Now with the grandson cruising, it's even worse.


Then I had my sons girlfriend, who stayed in the room with my daughter swearing never to cruise again in a room with Kendra (because all they heard about 30 times a day was Brayden crying) and then Kendra swearing to never cruise again with Courtney (the sons gf) in the room because all she did was whine and complain...sigh. It was never ending.


Sorry to hear about your issue with the awards John. I guess you just never know what could happen.


The weird thing is, when we cruised back in the 80's and 90's, our TA would book our entire cruise and flights and we always flew in hours before having to be at the port. I would never dream of doing that now.


They didn't do anything about the luggage. I didn't think to say anything to anyone. Is there something that can be done with the airline? Or is it only with the travel insurance company?


My thoughts exactly... That, and "I hope she purchased travel insurance!"



Nope, I stopped purchasing it several cruises ago. I always try to give myself a lot of time for the "what if's" and figured if something ever happened, I would just be forced to use the cc for any purchases needed. :o


I'm almost tempted to start coming in 2 days ahead of time just to give us some relaxation time a day before the cruise.

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OK' date=' mitsugirly, I'm along for the ride. Looks like it will be a bumpy one, but I'll hang on 'cause I see you made it back in one piece! :eek:[/quote']


Yep, it's a bumpy one for sure. I did make it back in 1 piece and still with portions of my hair in tact (the rest I was pulling out...j/k). I'm counting down the days to our Sun cruise. Seriously. Only 5 months, 12 days, 18 hours, 53 minutes and 10 seconds. :D


I'm sorry to read that this wasn't the cruise experience that you were expecting, but I so thoroughly enjoy reading your reviews. I agree, you need a do-over. Keep it coming.


Thanks and hope you stick around for more fun. :o

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What I'm looking for is the days and times of the comedy shows. I'm asking because NCL claims that there are 12 shows per week, but there are fewer than 12 available to book online.


We have comedy booked for 9pm on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Would you be able to check if the 9pm slots on these days all had different comedians?


I realize this is pretty specific, but thank you! :D

hscruiser - Here are the Getaway Dailies.


(Sorry to interrupt... Back to the regularly scheduled cruise review.)

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I have all of them, but it takes way too much time to scan all of them into the computer because they are so many pages. I also don't have the best "scanning" skills either. They will scan, then I won't be able to find them, can't open them, or something always goes wrong to were it ends up stressing me out. LOL If there's anything you would like to know, I can look them up for you. :)


These are from March, but I suspect they don't change much.



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Ok, moving on.


We got in what I wouldn't even call a line at the terminal outside and walked right in. There was no wait at all outside. Once we were done with the security check, we got into the Latitudes line and waited "maybe" 15 minutes at the most. There's one thing NCL seems to get right and that is keeping the lines moving along during embarkation. We checked in at one desk and our daughter checked in at another down the line. We booked 2 rooms between the 8 of us :eek:, but that was only because that's the only amount it would allow us to book for the rooms. In reality, all the kids (except Sakari of course) were staying in Kendra's room. :D We had our own room.


This time around we both booked the mini-suite guarantee and it was the first time I had never picked my own room. We were highly satisfied with their selection for us, which was on the 9th floor, room 9188, (yes there's a reason for the bolded 8 at the end), and it happened to be right off the elevator and only 2 or 3 doors down the hallway. Quick and easy access just like I like it. Kendra and the kids were assigned at a different time and ended up on deck 11 (yes, this was a blessing that they were no where near us or even on the same floor) in room 11830 and it was quite a walk to get to their room once you were off the elevators.


So, at the beginning of the year, I decided that I wanted to get a NCL credit card. As much as I spend on cruising each year, I thought it would be an excellent choice to earn points toward cruising.


I have Kendra as an AU on this account and gave her her card to use for their on board expenses for their room and I used mine for my on board expenses. Check in was no problem and before long we were off and into the waiting area with a boarding number of 18. We went in and the family sat down (well except Brayden who was busy being himself running around like a mad man) and Kendra and I went to go get a soda. As soon as we made it to the vending machine, they called boarding for numbers 17 & 18. Well that was quick!!!


We were off and making our way up the ramp to the ship. I yelled at Kolin and Courtney as soon as we made it to the entrance to the ship and told them "I have to get a picture of you two while stepping foot onto the ship because you're not going to be the same when you return."


Here's the excitement pose I got:




Here we are stepping on the ship with the welcome committee.




Then we were off to explore a little. The ship was beautiful. It did remind me a lot of the Epic and the Epic has remained my favorite ship since we started sailing again in 2010. I was so excited for the week to come.


We headed to the buffet to eat (yes, I know you can eat at the MDR and so on, but I'm one of those that actually enjoys the buffet more than anything). We got our bellies full and they made the announcement at 1pm that the rooms were ready. We couldn't wait to get to our room and see just what a "mini-suite" was all about. Our last cruise was the first time we had ever splurged to cruise in a balcony room and we enjoyed it a lot (but also got a great deal on it) and this "newer" room style sounded like it was to die for...and once again a balcony. :D


So off we go splitting up to find our rooms.

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