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Panty Hose with open toed shoes

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OK, I know I am probably not going to like the answers, but I'm going to put my self out there on this.


I have very pale legs, very very pale. I intentionally try not to get any sun because I had several severe sunburns in my younger years and do not want to add to the sun damage. I usally end up with a bit of a farmers tan on my legs and feet because if I do get incedental sun, I usually have on my gym shoes and socks. So I feel most confortble wearing some sort of hose with my dresses.


With my pink & silver sequined formal that hits just at the knees, I wore silver stappy heeled sandals and very sheer silvery hose with sandle foot, the kind that are sheer at the toe and have the seam that can be tucked under the bottom of your toes so it doesn't show. The hose had a tad bit of sparkle, but it was very very subtle. I thought it looked very nice.


Then with my black formals I would wear very sheer black hose with the same type of toe, with a strappy black sandals.


I like the High Heel Sandals as oppsed to pumps or pointy toed shoes because I have a bit of an old figure skating injury in my left foot that hurts me real bad when my toes are crunched up.


I really never wear nude hose, because I think they look really fake on me.


I've tried the fake tanners but they look awful, and again because I have such naturally pale and thin skin, they don't cove up the blue and black veins that show through on the back of my legs.


So, I'm I a huge fashion don't, or can I be an exception? Or am I Ok because the hose are sheer, not nude, and I make sure the toes are sheer and the seams don't show.

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Well, we are the exception, but I, too, wear sandal-foot hose with open-toed shoes, for similar reasons you do. I make sure they fit very well, hide the seam, and find it's more comfortable than bare feet in shoes, as well. I also feel more "dressed" with them and appreciate the bit of warmth in cool airconditioning.

Carol Louise

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I have to say, I always wince when I see people in hose and sandals - but I can understand your predicament. Have you seen the spray on panty hose? It comes in an aerosol can and you spray it on your legs - it supposedly makes you look like you are wearing hose without actually wearing it. I've never tried it myself, but in the photos I've seen it definitely seems like it adds natural color to the legs without looking too fake. That way, you give your legs a bit of color, but you don't have to worry about your seams showing.

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I think that if your legs look better in hose than you should wear them.


However, I think you need to be careful about what kind of sandals you wear. There are some that just don't look well with hose - they would include ones with an open back - and then there are those that look more like strappy dress shoes and, IMO, they look just fine with sandalfoot hose.


I think it depends entirely on the sandal - some look fine w/ hose and some don't.



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I can't remember which catalog - Leggs/Hanes - but I saw these pantyhose and knee hi's that are made for wearing with open toed shoes/sandals. They are open toes, eliminating the need to tuck the seam under.


I'll go check through the mountain of catalogs we get and see if I can find it....

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Thanks for all the responses so far. The no-hose trend is great if you are a fashion model with perfect leggs and a perfect fake tan, but for those of us that are a little more challenged in this area it has really messed us up.


I guess I'm just old fashioned in that I don't feel like I'm really dressed up unless I have on the hose with my formals and simi-formal dresses.



from anoth: Have you seen the spray on panty hose?


Yes, I have even given them a try this summer. I tried it with my casual flat sandals and a longer skirt. It didn't totally hide my farmers tan problem, but definitely made it less noticible. I bought the lightest color, but it still looked a little orange on me. I really feel my legs look better with a little more coverage when I wear a skirt at or above the knee.




From Jane: be careful about what kind of sandals you wear.


I think I'm OK on this one. The silver shoes and black shoes, I think, are a stappy dress shoes. They both have about a 2- 2 1/2 inch, heel, kind of like a Louis, but a little flatter. They are both made out of fabric similar to grograin. So I think they are what you are thinking of when you say a strappy dress shoe.


Juliadlf: I've seen the toeless hose, but they just come it nude right? I like the look of the the sheer silver and the sheer black depending on the dress. Would the toeless ones look weird in any colors but nude? Do you think toeless nude would look better than the sheer silver or sheer black?


I'm having a cruise fashion show for my family when they come to visit in a few weeks. Maybe I'll do a test with with the shorter dresses: spray on vs sheer sandal foot hose vs toeless nude hose and we can decide which looks better. I don't know if they will be the best for that. My Mom is very traditional and my husband thinks I have ugly feet. icon10.gif But we'll see.



Thanks for all your suggestions. You ladies are always a big help.

My you next cruise be even better than your last.

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Suzanne, I think you need an honest girlfriend! I love moms and husbands, but sometimes fashion should be a girlfriend thing. Plus, think how fun it would be to surprise the DH with how fabulous you look on formal nights! I always try on my clothes in front of the DH, but he never sees it all put together until the night of whatever it is we're going to.


I, myself, would go with no hose, but I'm comfortable with it. My legs, while being one of my better features, still are far from perfect, especially at age 52. But, there are times when the dress needs hosiery, even for people like me who don't particularly care if someone else doesn't happen to like my legs.


I would also take the dresses to a high end store and shop in their hosiery department. I've had some great luck with some of my hosiery pruchases there, some of the women working htere have a great eye and will suggest something you may not have thought of. If the nude hose you tried in the past looked fake, it was because you had the wrong color. I have my own opinion on color, we all do, but not seeing the dress, shoes and you in them it is real hard to give a brutally honest opinion.


You have to feel great in the dress, no matter what we all say here.

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I have struggled with the no hose vs hose problem. In June my 29 year old daughter got married (that should give you an idea of my age) and in the past I have been wearing nude or black hose with stappy sandals/dress shoes BUT the fashion today is not to. Therfore to be "hip" and "in" I did not wear hose to the wedding and won't on the cruise. My legs are very white - VERY so I used Jergens Natural Glow. This stuff is great. It is a moisturizer so I used it for about a week before the wedding and it gave my legs and arms a tint without looking fake - and it wasn't hot like hose would be. That along with a good pedicure and you're good to go and will look very fashionable and not so pale. JMHO.

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I know I am going to get jumped all over for this, but, please please please do NOT wear pantyhose with sandals. It is not a good look. If you want to wear pantyhose, please wear close toed shoes. Open toes shoes/sandals are meant to be worn with bare legs. IMHO they do not look good with pantyhose.

To get some colour on your legs....have you tried the "tan massage"? I'm sure if they offer this in Toronto, they will offer it in the US (if not, here is a business opportunity for some of you to start up in your cities). You go for a massage, but instead of using massage oil they rub you with self tanner. Perfectly even, no lines and someone else is applying it.

Just a suggestion. But please seriously reconsider wearing hose with open toes.


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Juliadlf: I've seen the toeless hose, but they just come it nude right? I like the look of the the sheer silver and the sheer black depending on the dress. Would the toeless ones look weird in any colors but nude? Do you think toeless nude would look better than the sheer silver or sheer black?


Here is the link for Hanes open toe hose as well as other styles.



I haven't tried these as I am opting for the Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer. I'm trying it now to see how much of a difference it makes. Pantyhose or not, it's up to you what you feel comfortable in. Have fun with the fashion show....

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I know I am going to get jumped all over for this, but, please please please do NOT wear pantyhose with sandals. It is not a good look. If you want to wear pantyhose, please wear close toed shoes. Open toes shoes/sandals are meant to be worn with bare legs. IMHO they do not look good with pantyhose.


Just a suggestion. But please seriously reconsider wearing hose with open toes.



I agree; no hose with sandals - that's a big "Glamour don't" these days. Wear close-toe dress shoes w/ hose or open toe hose w/ sandals.

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Wear your hose! I always wear pantyhose with my formals and I don't care what the new trend is, people do not look finished without them. My husband and I were at the Doctors a few weeks ago and she did not have hose on. My husband later commented that she looked unprofessional. I agreed.

I wear the Hanes pantyhose that are made for sandals and they look great. Your toes are bare but your legs look great. They are very sheer and come in light colors.

I almost never wear close-toed shoes because it is almost impossible to find any that do not pinch, they are all so pointy!

To all of you naysayers: if you have great legs, go for it, but for the rest of us, please stop picking on us for our choice.

By the way, I just saw the spray hosiery at Dillard's a couple weeks ago and I tested a small spot. My husband said he could not tell the difference. I am going to go back and try a bigger spot. I think it would be great to use with shorts. Anyone else tried this?


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My legs are far (far, far, far) from perfect shape-wise and I don't wear hose. All summer I use sunless tanner for a little color (they really are better now then the were 5 or 10 years ago). Keep trying them - there is a shade out there for every one.


If you really don't feel comfortable without stockings, go for the toe-less ones that were made to go with open toed sandals.

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All - that previous post was from me. I am not James! Sorry for making y'all think there was a perv on the board and sorry to my husband for insinuating that he has an opinion on pantyhose.

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Personally, I don't like to wear hose at all and especially not with open toed shoes. I do think it looks a little tacky. However, I have naturally tan skin and do not have any of the other problems you have mentioned. In your situation I do not think it is an issue. You seem to be doing it tastefully and it also seems to really be the only option for you. Don't worry - I doubt anyone notices anyway and if you feel like you look good then that is what matters. You shouldn't compromise your own personal comfort and style for what others tell you is a fashion don't, anyway. As long as you are consciously being tasteful, I think its more than fine!

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I can't remember which catalog - Leggs/Hanes - but I saw these pantyhose and knee hi's that are made for wearing with open toed shoes/sandals. They are open toes, eliminating the need to tuck the seam under.


I'll go check through the mountain of catalogs we get and see if I can find it....




The Hanes catalog features toeless hose. I wonder if they're available in stores.



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Since you're asking, I am another one of those people who winces when I see pantyhose with open-toed shoes. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I know that you mentioned having tried sunless tanner. I, too have very pale legs when I don't tan them. When I'm embarrassed to where a skirt because of my white legs, I use sunless tanner. I've actually tried a couple of different kinds. The first time was a nightmare because it left my legs streaky orange (years ago). I swore I'd never try it again. But I've gotten recommendations from friends for new kinds to try. Unfortunately, they don't sell the kind I like so I just bought neutrogena build-a-tan. I don't mind the tanner but I prefer tanner that has some bronzer in it because I like to see where I put it. (I'm paranoid from my past experience).


There are many who don't see a problem with panyhose and open-toed shoes, while I wouldn't personally recommend the combination. But heck, I break some of my own fashion rules too if it makes me happy.

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I put my formal pictures up on my website from the Mercury Cruise.




The Pink and Silver dress is probably the one I'm most concerned about the No-Hose trend. I think the hose I have in the pictures look pretty good, but this whole no hose trend really has me in a spin. I'm thinking because the responses are about 50/50 each way I should go with what I feel comfortable with, but if every one says this looks terrible I'll try the no hose thing.


I did actually do the no hose thing today for church. I wore a mid calf light weight skirt with flat black strappy sandal. I used the Sally Hanson Spray on hose, but even though I spent about 20 minutes on application, It still looked a little streaky. Maybe I need to try that Jergens Natural Glow stuff.


The black dress is my second one I'm concerned about. It is a convertable dress. The black flounce on the bottom is removable and results in a cute little black lace cocktail dress. I don't have any pictures of it with out the extension, but I think it looks best with black hose. If I don't loose about 5 lbs or a few inches, I won't be wearing it. I bought it before I had kids, I don't know how I fit into it at all on the Mercury Cruise. Oh Wait, I seem to remember starving my self for about 3 months.


The green dress, is not my favorite, I may try to replace it with another long dress for the next cruise. But truely my legs don't even show in it, so I'm not even sure it matters.


So let me know what what you think.

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I wear the Hanes toeless hose all the time and they look great, I get lots of complements and they are comfortable. They come in handy when I am not tanned or (:eek: ) I forgot to shave my legs!


I get then in my local Macy's so you may be able to find then there as well.



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I'm trying the Jugens natural glow, but I'm not pleased with the smell. How long do I have to wear it for it to work? Can I put in on when I first get up, get my kids off to school, work out, and then take my shower aroud 10:00 to to wash it off.


I sort of envisioned that I would apply it after my shower wear it all day, but just can't tollerate the smell as an all day every day thing.


Those hose with the pink dress are looking better and better to me.




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I'm guessing I am in the minority here, but I wouldn't wear a formal dress without hose. And for years and years, hosiery manufacturers have been making sandal toe hose (even Donna Karan, sold at Saks). Sandal toe hose are designed for open toed shoes and sandals. Some people may feel that is not a good look - well, my white, 49 year old legs aren't such an elegant look either with a formal dress. I have yet to see a spray on tan that looks like a natural tan. I personally don't think that is such a good look, but it's great for those who like it. I like the look and comfort of strappy sandals and I feel that I must wear sheer hose, so I do. I'm not crazy about the idea of toeless hose, but I will buy a pair and try them to avoid offending the senses of those who go on a cruise to stare at my toes:rolleyes: .


Cruise Arizona, your formal night photos are great (and your husband is quite the cutie as well;) ). Wear what makes YOU feel beautiful!

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