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This Thread Is To Be Used For All Discussions About HAL's On Board Smoking Policies

Host Walt

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Do the wide variety of vapors have a scent? Legalslave mentioned 'liquid mint'..... can I smell that if I am sitting beside someone smoking that vapor? Are any or all scent free?


I agree it is inappropriate for faux cough or hand waving in a designated smoking area.

What about the 'real cough' from the neighboring verandah. How can you determine whether that person is truly being bothered from the smoke? Answer, you really cannot. We didn't choose to give up use of our verandah for a whole week on Eurodam. We were forced to as we were so bothered from neighboring verandah smoke. How would you know if our cough was 'faux' as suggested here?



If we are sitting on different balconies it would be difficult to tell the difference. For those who do it, it is generally the whole act as seen, not just the sound of the cough.

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Do the wide variety of vapors have a scent? Legalslave mentioned 'liquid mint'..... can I smell that if I am sitting beside someone smoking that vapor? Are any or all scent free?




The scent ranges from a bit to more noticeable and has no relation to the amount of nicotine . There is no lingering odor as in burning tobacco. I would certainly not sit next to a stranger and use an e-cig as I have no wish to cause a needless confrontation.

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One year today smoke free for me and the wife.:)


Although I now understand how second hand smoke could bother some people, I will never be an "anti-smoker" as far as Holland America shipboard smoking is concerned. I know how much I used to enjoy a butt while sitting on the balcony. Now I enjoy the +/- $6000 per year saved. (CT has very high taxes)


We were able to quit by vaping. Believe me when I say I could vape in the same room (and I have) as a non-smoker and it wouldn't be detected unless seen.

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One year today smoke free for me and the wife.:)


Although I now understand how second hand smoke could bother some people, I will never be an "anti-smoker" as far as Holland America shipboard smoking is concerned.

Congratulations on the year off. Hard work, but worth it, I am certain.


There are "former smokers" and there are "anti-smokers", and there is a big difference between the two. Glad to see you want to stay in the "former" camp.

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One year today smoke free for me and the wife.:)


Although I now understand how second hand smoke could bother some people, I will never be an "anti-smoker" as far as Holland America shipboard smoking is concerned. I know how much I used to enjoy a butt while sitting on the balcony. Now I enjoy the +/- $6000 per year saved. (CT has very high taxes)


We were able to quit by vaping. Believe me when I say I could vape in the same room (and I have) as a non-smoker and it wouldn't be detected unless seen.


Congratulations, Well Done.


It's great you and DW quit together. It is the single best thing you could do for yourselves and each other.


Goes to show........ people are quitting everyday.

It can and is done by millions!!!!


Thanks for sharing about your accomplishment !!!! :) We all know it isn't easy.

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There are "former smokers" and there are "anti-smokers", and there is a big difference between the two. Glad to see you want to stay in the "former" camp.


I thought a large percentage of former smokers are anti-smokers. Once they are free of it, many do not want to be subjected to it any longer. :)

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I thought a large percentage of former smokers are anti-smokers. Once they are free of it, many do not want to be subjected to it any longer. :)




NO not everyone is that militant. I still remember how much I enjoyed it and don't blame those who still do it. Now I use the E cigs , and pray I never go back, but I will never become one of "those" ex smokers


They always say there is nothing worse than a reformer .

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DH and I are former smokers. Quitting was the hardest thing I've ever done, so I have compassion for smokers. My beef is the cigar smokers (even though my Dad was one.) That smell is putrid and no one should be subjected to it. I would be happy if HAL banned even only that on balconies (although I will be doing the happy dance if all smoking is banned on verandahs.)

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I thought a large percentage of former smokers are anti-smokers. Once they are free of it, many do not want to be subjected to it any longer. :)

I have no way of knowing what the percentage is. I do know that those who are "former" smokers" are more cooperative about working toward reasonable accommodations for all than "anti-smokers" are.

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I have no way of knowing what the percentage is. I do know that those who are "former" smokers" are more cooperative about working toward reasonable accommodations for all than "anti-smokers" are.


Until HAL changes their smoking on the balcony policy, there are things smokers and non-smokers can do to cooperate with each other. This is true no matter what kind of issues we might have on ship. There are those who are highly sensitive and have reactions (some serious) to smoke, fragrance, and allergens of all types. There are those who are trying to stop smoking but have great difficulty not smoking. Most of us most of the time can find ways to co-exist under the current rules. I understand some have strong feelings about this subject but making personal and rude comments only tends to bring people further apart than finding ways to co-exist under the current policy.

Edited by qsuzi
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I'm sorry but I disagree the smoking areas are easily avoided. The wind blows smoke into non smoking areas like the pool and promenade decks. Smoke bleeds from the casino into adjacent non smoking areas such as the coffee bar, library, exploration cafe and other rooms depending on the age and design of the ship. The problem is most disgusting on Holland America's older ships where HVAC systems don't work very well. As the percentage of smokers increase the problem grows. Smokers are kidding themselves that smoke remains in the designated areas.


Yes so tru- you cannot avoid it. I don't do the fake coughing and hand waving but I do put my hand over my mouth and nose when walking past a smoker or through smoke. I hold my breath and try not to breathe any of it in. if I am in a room where people have been smoking I still have the allergic reaction of the itchy ears and throat and headache.


Smokers who think just because they are outside it's okay to smoke are wrong. It drifts.

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Congratulations, Well Done.


It's great you and DW quit together. It is the single best thing you could do for yourselves and each other.


Goes to show........ people are quitting everyday.

It can and is done by millions!!!!


Thanks for sharing about your accomplishment !!!! :) We all know it isn't easy.


Congratulations on the year off. Hard work, but worth it, I am certain.


There are "former smokers" and there are "anti-smokers", and there is a big difference between the two. Glad to see you want to stay in the "former" camp.


Thanks for the kind words, Sail, and Ruth. Yes it is hard, but so worth it.


As to "former vs. Anti", I agree. All former smokers are not "anti" but then again all "anti" are not former smokers.


What's that old saying about "walk a mile in my shoes?".


I for one would not, at least at this time, be bothered by smoking by neighbors, but who knows, down the line my views might change. I will however, never make a stink (pun intended):D about it:)

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Thanks for the kind words, Sail, and Ruth. Yes it is hard, but so worth it.


As to "former vs. Anti", I agree. All former smokers are not "anti" but then again all "anti" are not former smokers.


What's that old saying about "walk a mile in my shoes?".


I for one would not, at least at this time, be bothered by smoking by neighbors, but who knows, down the line my views might change. I will however, never make a stink (pun intended):D about it:)


Congratulations on becoming a former smoker, and taking off those stinky shoes! :D

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Thanks for the kind words, Sail, and Ruth. Yes it is hard, but so worth it.


As to "former vs. Anti", I agree. All former smokers are not "anti" but then again all "anti" are not former smokers.


What's that old saying about "walk a mile in my shoes?".


I for one would not, at least at this time, be bothered by smoking by neighbors, but who knows, down the line my views might change. I will however, never make a stink (pun intended):D about it:)



Allow me to add my congratulations.:) I was a chain smoker, and it was the hardest, and the best thing, I have ever accomplished. I do so feel for those who are addicted - it ain't easy to quit. But all that money I used to spend on smokes now goes to cruising.:D

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Thanks for the kind words, Sail, and Ruth. Yes it is hard, but so worth it.


As to "former vs. Anti", I agree. All former smokers are not "anti" but then again all "anti" are not former smokers.


What's that old saying about "walk a mile in my shoes?".


I for one would not, at least at this time, be bothered by smoking by neighbors, but who knows, down the line my views might change. I will however, never make a stink (pun intended):D about it:)

Civility on a smoking thread! Wonderful, and thanks for your observation. We've never smoked, not our thing, but we are tolerant of those who choose to smoke and admire greatly those who formerly smoked but have since stopped. Based on what we've seen with friends who did smoke it's not easy at all dropping the habit.


I think there's an element of "holier than thou" on the part of the staunch anti-smokers who never smoked and feel it's OK to vilify those who smoke now or who use "vapes" as a legitimate way to stop smoking tobacco.


The operative word here is TOLERATE. "Can we all just get along?" (Rodney King, 1991)

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Thanks for the kind words, Sail, and Ruth. Yes it is hard, but so worth it.


As to "former vs. Anti", I agree. All former smokers are not "anti" but then again all "anti" are not former smokers.


What's that old saying about "walk a mile in my shoes?".


I for one would not, at least at this time, be bothered by smoking by neighbors, but who knows, down the line my views might change. I will however, never make a stink (pun intended):D about it:)


Very well said



the older I get , the saying "There but for the grace of God go I" comes into play more and more .


Some incident will happen whether to a celebrity in the news, or a person I know locally . And the Court of Public Opinion already has him tried, convicted and hung. Fire him, arrest him, he is evil, take away his TV show end his career BLAH BLAH BLAH


And as I hear more and more of the story (or as much as humanly possible). I think That could have been me that one night if I had gone to such and such place and not the other place, or if I took a left instead of a right, or I left 10 minutes earlier, or stayed 5 minutes later.


And I might not condone the action or whatever. But I get how it could have happened , and sometimes innocently enough.


People that say "I would never in a million years " or "You would never see me there " or" my child/husband/etc would never ....." are setting themselves up for some big fall.

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I certainly hope that those who vape don't get the same treatment that has been meted out to smokers.


There is no reason for anyone to get upset about vaping.



So far I have not been on a cruise since I started vaping. On land I don't do it right in front of people in public areas. I don't need the arm wavers and the Camille coughing impressions .


My MIL should get an Oscar for her theatrics when someone smokes , or pretty much does anything she doesn't like around her *LOL* And she didn't make a peep when I was vaping in the same room with her

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So far I have not been on a cruise since I started vaping. On land I don't do it right in front of people in public areas. I don't need the arm wavers and the Camille coughing impressions .


My MIL should get an Oscar for her theatrics when someone smokes , or pretty much does anything she doesn't like around her *LOL* And she didn't make a peep when I was vaping in the same room with her


Just FYI I was able to vape ( discreetly ) just about anywhere I wanted onboard the Statendam. No one questioned it although a few did ask about it. No one waved at the vapor and no one made snide remarks. Many staff saw me and no one said I could not. I used it in the public areas with no problems at all.

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Just FYI I was able to vape ( discreetly ) just about anywhere I wanted onboard the Statendam. No one questioned it although a few did ask about it. No one waved at the vapor and no one made snide remarks. Many staff saw me and no one said I could not. I used it in the public areas with no problems at all.




Good to know Thanks :) The brand I use NJOY actually looks just like a cigarette , has a little red light that glows when you inhale , so it could easily get mistaken for the real deal. So I am a little more careful.


But so far so good it has been helping


Hope you are doing well with yours

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Good to know Thanks :) The brand I use NJOY actually looks just like a cigarette , has a little red light that glows when you inhale , so it could easily get mistaken for the real deal. So I am a little more careful.


But so far so good it has been helping


Hope you are doing well with yours


Mine looks NOTHING like a cigarette. There is a small button about halfway down the device that activates the atomizer that glows white when pressed. Over the last five years no one has ever said a word. Much ado is made of it HERE, but not in real life.

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Good to know Thanks :) The brand I use NJOY actually looks just like a cigarette , has a little red light that glows when you inhale , so it could easily get mistaken for the real deal. So I am a little more careful.


But so far so good it has been helping


Hope you are doing well with yours

Sorry, but I don't really get it. A "vape" is intended to be an alternative to actual cigarettes without the carcinogens. But why does it have to look like a cigarette?


All that does is create the opportunity for anti-smoking activists to jump into action with the waving and coughing act.


It would seem that the "vape" effect would be the same even if the "vape" was colored green or yellow without a red spot presumably to simulate the ember at the end of a real cigarette.

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