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Repeaters Cruise day by Day review


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September 10th Embarkation


Finally, the long awaited repeaters cruise was here…. Envisioned in 2011 and then followed by two years of planning and anticipation. Felt sad that Michael Shapiro, cruise director par excellence and Capt Rajko, with whom I have sailed 5 times, were not to be on board.


I had arranged two vans with Carls Cab for some of the repeaters so we were among the first few people to enter the ship. We were allowed in at 2.30 so the early ride down there worked well. Carls Cab was on time and the vans were clean and comfortable.

We were greeted at the entrance, with warm hugs from the Hotel Director Jacques Le Tallec. Next the very efficient (and gorgeous) Guest Relations Manager Amandine greeted us as we entered the Grand Salon followed by Luiz, L’Etoile manager, who knew my name though I hadn’t met him before. Do the staff have a precruise know your passengers in advance meeting with hearts or darts depending? Met Steve Wood for the first time and told him that since we hadn’t sailed with him before he had a chance to ‘wow me’.

Each time on the PG we have always bought the embarkation picture to begin our album. Yes we always looked a little worse for wear often after the long flight but this time we were well rested after spending 4 days at the IC Tahiti. Sad to find that we were to pose in front of a generic green background, a very inauspicious beginning. Later the picture was photoshopped in front of a tacky and garish picture of the PG by night.


The rest of the embarkation was smooth as usual and we had the usual escort to our cabin which we waived aside since we knew exactly where we were going.

Next was an hour long love fest with all the staff we know and love: Elmo, Ivan, Efren, Ray, Randy et al. Randy remembered my favourite drink of fresh lime juice and half a teaspoon of salt and immediately whipped up one for me to quench my thirst. All the staff were very warm and welcoming as usual. It felt great to be aboard again.


Met a few repeaters at the piano bar as planned and before you know it the evening was over after an excellent dinner at L’Etoile. All the fresh air and excitement totally tired us out and we missed the welcome aboard show.

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Motu Mahana Day 2

What better way to start a cruise than to visit the beautiful island of Tahaa on the first day. After a spectacular navigation of the increasingly beautiful lagoon of Tahaa with the twin islands of Tahaa and Raitea standing sentinel we reached MM a little later than expected . We took the first tender into the island. The island has changed quite a bit in the last few years. Some years ago it was badly hit by a major storm and had lost a lot of its sand as well as its dock. The dock hasn’t been replaced so it was a wet landing but lounge chairs and picnic tables were replaced. What I particularly noticed this year was that the sand has totally come back so plenty of space for me to wallow in the water comfortably without the threat of sea urchins.


For newbies this is a lovely day: full of sun, fun, activities like pareo tying, basket making, coconut cleaning etc. The gauginnes and gaugins are in their element welcoming everyone with a song. Kayaking was a popular activity and it was fun watching the kayak relay competition later in the afternoon. There was also plenty of wallowing going on with the floating bar just a few feet away. Midori Coladas are one of my favourite drinks but I really gorge myself on coconuts and coconut water when I am on MM. For us it’s a day of pure relaxation. Wallow, eat and then wallow again. The weather was just perfect. Food was plentiful and tasty. Another perfect day in paradise.


That night was the Captain’s cocktail party which I felt was well attended. It began with an excellent presentation on Paul Gauguin and his contribution a mixture of slides and statuesque Polynesian gauguins and gauguinnes. I see that the PG is trying different appetizers and I think that they could branch out a bit further here ….the mixed spreads on bread or pastry rounds get a bit tiring …maybe they could internationalize them a bit more. Santa Rosa played and the staff was introduced as is usual to most cruise lines. Our Captain for the cruise was Captain Ante-Toni Mirkovic but, we had a second Captain, Captain Davor Ljutic who was transitioning to take over from Capt. Toni in the next cruise. Molokai Chuck, in case you are reading this, just wanted to mention that on the subject of the lack of facilities at the Bora Bora Motu, Capt.Toni loved your phrase which I now bandy about liberally, that there are an ‘ocean of possibilities’ out there. He said he may borrow it too! Service was impeccable that evening and food was good. I do have the menus so can scan and send them . I am technologically challenged and beloved DD has now moved out so am afraid I don’t know how to post pics. At some point in the next few months I will post the pics on my website.

There was a show that night but we were so tired after the day in the sun that we didn’t attend. Even the Casino my usual evening refuge didn’t tempt.

Edited by Emdee
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There were so many spectacular moments on this cruise for me, my fifth on the PG, that I had almost forgotten the lovely slide show about Paul Gauguin with the lovely Gauguins and Gauguinnes illustrating the slides. A very nice touch which I hadn't seen before. Thanks for reminding me.


Overall, this was my favourite PG cruise. The reasons were the staff, the ship, the staff, the itinerary, the staff, the food, the staff, the weather, the staff, the excursions, and the staff. Oh, and also the staff!

Edited by DavidTheWonderer
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There were so many spectacular moments on this cruise for me, my fifth on the PG, that I had almost forgotten the lovely slide show about Paul Gauguin with the lovely Gauguins and Gauguinnes illustrating the slides. A very nice touch which I hadn't seen before. Thanks for reminding me.


Overall, this was my favourite PG cruise. The reasons were the staff, the ship, the staff, the itinerary, the staff, the food, the staff, the weather, the staff, the excursions, and the staff. Oh, and also the staff!


David, I think it was my favourite of the 8 I have been on as well. But the first is still special : the beauty of FP really stunned me and we booked to return 6 months later at that time.

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Huahine day 3


Our ship anchored early morning in Maroe Bar. The journey into the Lagoon was truly beautiful. I recall that there was an early morning rain shower but then the sun chased all rain clouds away for a while. I had arranged two Repeaters excursions with Marc of Huahine Nautique. One was a 4x4 around the island all on paved roads and the other was a snorkel and circumnavigation excursion. Met Pia on the dock and I think she was a bit upset that our repeaters excursions took business away from her. The excursions left as scheduled thanks to my DD and Rex (security). He got the Captain's permission to get an earlier tender put on for our group. ( Thank you Rex and Capt Toni for this)


For me it was the first time around the island as we have always done the Motu Picnics before. Due to the shortness of the time in Huahine we were unable to visit the Belvedere but the 4x4 excursion took us around the main areas of the island , the market , a view point from which we could see our ship, the sacred eels who were fed with sacred tuna from a sacred supermarket etc.etc . Huahine has the oldest recorded date of human occupation among the Society Islands. Discoveries at the recently uncovered sites date from A.D. 850 to 1200 and include ancient workshops for the construction of canoes and assembly of fish hooks. Maeva is rich in archeological sites and we visited a Marae and a replica of a 19th-century fare pote (meeting house). Today the meeting house is used as a museum and cultural center, displaying ancient tools, woven cloth, and historical pictures. After we visited the Museum, our guide Marc took us to the beach for snacks – coconut bread, rum punch, roasted breadfruit and juices. I understood that the snorkelers had a good time on Marc ‘s excursion as well.

Marc very kindly gave me two breadfruits to take back to the ship which we enjoyed fried at dinner thanks to Chef Daniel.


That afternoon we had the town hall meeting with Richard Bailey Chairman of the Pacific Beachcomber group which includes PG Cruises. Present also was Capt Toni , Jacques Le Tallec and Oscar Abela a VP of PG cruises who has been with the organization since inception.

• A lot of the comments were complimentary some from first timers and others from repeaters.

• One insightful question was on the Gauguinnes and Gauguins. These were now reduced in number and it was wondered whether the ship was losing its commitment to polynesian culture. Dick Bailey advised that that was not their intention. The numbers were reduced from 8 to 7 but of these there were 2 men and 5 women. On our cruise there were actually 4 women and 2 men as I heard that a new Gauguinne was yet to board. Dick also mentioned that perhaps have a couple of less women lessened the impact of the gauguinnes. I agree 8 gorgeous (Hina, Lena, Raina et al) were always a knock out.

• Another question was on new itineraries. Oscar advised that there is a new one for next year that includes New Caledonia and Vanuatu etc. They have also looked at something to the Gambier islands but had deferred this for the present.

• I brought up three issues: the frustrating internet , the lack of AC for some cabins and the condition of some of the washrooms ( including my own) which were badly in need of a refurb. Things like this could be responsible for the ship losing its 5 star cachet in some people’s minds. The response was that they had changed internet charges from minutes to actual usage so made it more affordable. The AC would be looked into and they would personally check on the washrooms. The AC was somewhat fixed. I understood that it was lowered when someone complained that it was too cold and then not turned up again. Those in the area which had poor AC spoke of an improvement. I am happy to note that my own washroom was checked and I was given a more acceptable toilet seat!

Today was the repeaters cocktail party which ran along the usual lines. Richard Bailey thanked all the repeaters for their loyalty. There was one repeater on board who has sailed 18 times on the ship. The event ended with a photograph of all repeaters which was printed and sent to us in our cabins courtesy of the Chairman of PG cruises.


Dinner that night was excellent as well especially the breadfruit which all at our table enjoyed. Unfortunately we had eaten so much of it that we could barely eat our main course. The sorbets were especially good each day. Cannot remember the various flavours ( coconut, strawberry, lime were some of the flavours) but they were one better than the other!

Once more we were too tired to go to the shows or Casinos.

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Day 4 Fakarava


One of my favourite places...the Blue Lagoon. We went with Ato Lissant's tour.

We had a huge group of 50 here but honestly I didn't have the heart to cut down the numbers and wanted to share this place with everyone.


The weather was fabulous. Blue, blue sky and not too hot. We had 5 boats making the trip. Three did snorkelling before and the other two went directly to the Blue Lagoon. Unfortunately one of the boats was small and uncomfortable so people didn't have a smooth ride. Mine was larger but the ride was painful especially the return.

Our boat went directly and we were first taken to this beautiful expanse of shimmering sands with various shades of blue as far as the eye can see. The stunning beauty of this place holds one speechless. For me it's a combination of the beauty plus the isolation.


After walking across these sands we hopped into the boat and were taken to Blue Lagoon which is a Lagoon within a lagoon. This is the ultimate tropical paradise with Crystal clear waters and palm fringed lagoon. Most of us just hung out, swam or snorkelled or just wallowed in the water. The water was a great place to sit in while drinking a beer or coconut and socialize. Because our CC group was very cohesive doing tour after tour together it made for great camaraderie.


Ato and his cohorts barbecued a lunch of chicken, fish kebabs and a huge jack fish , speared by his son that morning. This is the standard menu of most Polynesian motu picnics. The fresh sea air made us hungry and we tucked in.


All too soon it was time to return , a hard ride against the tide that jostled us. The waters rushing through the pass does some strange things to the inside of the lagoon so boating in certain areas is both challenging and painful.


If for some reason you cannot take Ato's tour would suggest you take the ship's tour as this is a very special place.


Ato had promised me a breadfruit and then added a few coconuts. Unfortunately the security person on the dock had a protracted discussion with my DH, Ivan , and finally the Hotel director before allowing my breadfruit on board. He rejected the coconuts.


We were back on board in time for Mark Eddowes Lecture on The Human Settlement of Oceania. Mark Eddowes is a fascinating speaker who brings the life and times of this region to his audience in a very special manner. He speaks with passion and a clear enjoyment of his subject and is a treat to listen to. Listening to his talks is a PG highlight for many and honestly to me in makes the difference between traveling on the PG or another ship to the region. We had this one before as part of a 6 lecture series on our trip to Fiji some years ago but year to year he updates and embellishes so we hate to miss even one of his lectures.


Of all the days dinner was disappointing that night. Our order was taken more than 35 minutes after we were seated and our main course didn’t arrive until much later. Perhaps an issue in the kitchen? Both DH and DD didn’t wait for their main course. Cannot remember what was served that day either.


Showtime was Steve Wood’s tribute to the greatest songs ever written. As on other days we were too tired to attend. My family did attend and they enjoyed it and stayed until the end.

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Rangiroa day 5

We had come to expect the gorgeous weather each morning. Of course Rangiroa and Fakarava being atolls do not have the rain clouds drawn towards them. They can be quite windy, though.


Rangiroa is the largest Atoll in the Tuamotus ... I believe the third largest in the world. It is so large that it has it's own horizon and also has 415 motus. Historically PG has only spent two half days in Rangiroa so we were unable to visit either the blue lagoon, the pink sands or the reef islands. I was glad our request to stay all day was acceded to giving us a chance to see it..Since the reef islands excursion meant a shorter boat ride and because both it was reviewed well we decided to take it. We were 39 of us finally who set out in three boats. The excursion was run by Tereva and Jean Pierre but his man Marcello who was a hoot was the big Chief. This time the smallest boat was the most comfortable. I was happy to be in it.


When we reached the reef islands the striations of blue lined the horizon as did the towering, razor sharp reefs. The place was certainly beautiful in a harsher more forthright way than the peace and calm of the blue lagoon. Soon we dispersed for various activities Snorkelling, swimming, wallowing and some just enjoying the gorgeous weather and scenery who chatted together in the shade. I walked along the shoreline in order to see some fish. Saw some clams that were brilliant blue and a few other fish in the reefs. Managed to scratch myself quite horribly on a dead reef. Finally returned to the main area for some lovely wallowing.


Snacks were coconut and Chips and I welcomed them. As I am petrified of being sick on excursions I eat very little breakfast on the day . Further I am allergic to all kinds of Tuna including what some call white tuna or wahoo. So I carry a small sandwich with me. Lunch was chicken and fish and some rice and poisson cru along with the best coconut bread I have ever had. Light and fluffy it was freshly cooked on a grill in a protective leaf covering so as not to dry out. I fed my sandwich to the fish and enjoyed the lunch that was provided. Marcello and his cohorts strummed their mandolins and serenaded us. I liked this better than Ato 's iPod and dock of the previous day but maybe Ato was sparing us his poor singing! Dessert was a tender and moist chocolate cake sprinkled with fresh coconut which was definitely worthy of the PG.


Post lunch we fed the sharks and these were of a good size hissing and splashing about for the chicken bones. Smaller and daintier fish floated by for the rice and bread. You could almost feed the bread right out of your hand as friscorays did. After a bit more snorkelling and wallowing we headed back to see the dolphins but not before Marcello took payment before he allowed us to enter the boats on the return.


The owner's two kids hopped into our boat and shrieked when they saw the athletic yet elegant dolphins gliding through the water at the pass. Following this we went to Motu Nui, the aquarium for snorkelling. The kids came well fortified with bread to feed the Fish which they kindly shared with me. I in turn shared my fancy mint covered liquid chocolate candies with them which they hated and quickly spat out. They were however happy to accept the orange and lemon drops which I had put in my purse at the airport lounge....a more familiar taste. The kids were delightful and honestly my eyes were torn between watching their delight and the hundreds of fish of every colour teeming in the water. I understand those on another boat snorkelled and saw some extremely large sharks but for me sitting in the boat and enjoying the sight was good enough. Btw it's not an aquarium as we know them here. It's just called an aquarium because it's protected from fishing and has a huge amount of fish in a relatively small area.


This was a great conclusion to a lovely day and marked an A+ by all. I breathed a sigh of relief as the four main excursions I organized went relatively well and there were only a couple more to go. The only negatives were that Marcello and Co hurried us back at 3 pm when I had asked for a three thirty return thus allowing the snorkellers a reduced time. Also the promised breadfruit didn't arrive on the dock as expected. Otherwise a great excursion truly enjoyed by all.


That night was the Block party and we attended for a few minutes on our deck. I heard that the block party on the fourth was a rip roaring success. For those who don't know about this Regent/PG tradition - it's an invitation to leave your cabin with your wine glass and have a drink with your deck mates. A breaking the ice kind of event. Honestly, since a number were repeaters and CC members the ice was well broken long before. This was very much a party cruise in the nicest way possible and the newbies were certainly in it for the ride. I would be asked my opinion on ports, comparison of quality,food, staff etc by people whom I had never seen before. There was a special ambiance to this trip and I think a feeling of warmth and welcome to all.


We had dinner at La Veranda under the kind auspicious of Host Ivan Bolain. Ivan has learned a lot over the years from his mentors , Franco and Miki , and charmingly led the women to the table on either arm. Service was spectacular from the young Ryann Evangelista who with a huge smile attended to our dining needs superbly. Kudos to young Ryann. I hope he is acknowledged by the Cruiseline and goes far on the PG. Just eleven years ago a young Ivan dazzled us in the same way. Ivan even remembered our favourite seat on our first PG cruise!


That night I decided that enough of this early bedtime business and went to see the show: 5 archipelagos by the Gaugins and gauguinnes. Lovely concept but the production was disjointed (IMO). Steve Wood advised it was new and only been performed a couple of times before. Maybe the Gauginnes were tired like I was. On the way back to the cabin Efren wanted to know why I hadn't hit the Casino or visited him in his Piano Bar after dinner...I confessed it was old age.

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A word about staff gifts.


Some of us on this cruise took down gifts like baseball hats, T Shirts, golf shirts, frisbees, jelly belly candies, chocolates, jaguar merchandise. The idea was for it to say something about our cities and yawns. These were given to Ivan who used them as prizes for the staff funfair. Ivan later on showed us pics of the staff wearing the goodies. I know the thought was appreciated by the staff. A thank you to those who participated.

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A word about the ship's tour to the blue lagoon in Fakarava. Although much shorter and the same price. It was an amazing half day. Fakarava excursions has a very clean, safe boat and a ladder for folks with mobility issues. We luckily did not have any issues heading back and the ride was fine. I also missed Efren much of this cruise although I had a few nice discussions with him. The Piano bar just isn't where I hang out at night. Always at La Pallette. Micheal there this year was very good.



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Sounds like the half-day on Fakarava might have been nice. Did Ato's boats have ladders, or not? That's why I cancelled this tour, although in hindsight, the next full day in Rangiroa was plenty for us.


Some of Ato's boats had ladders . This time he borrowed a few boats. His own didn't have ladders. Wendy the Rangiroa tour was essentially similar so you were ok there. We were exhausted with two days out in the sun.

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Some of Ato's boats had ladders . This time he borrowed a few boats. His own didn't have ladders. Wendy the Rangiroa tour was essentially similar so you were ok there. We were exhausted with two days out in the sun.


Yes, I'm glad we didn't do both, because I was exhausted for sure after Rangi. And glad I didn't have to navigate a boat without a ladder quite yet.

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We were in the Fakarava group that stopped to snorkel on our way to the lagoon. the ride out was quite enjoyable, pleasant weather, all those blues, and a stop to snorkel. The snorkel stop was very clear, despite the waves, and a wide variety of fish to ogle. Then onto the lagoon---wow!--that afternoon is a beautiful memory I hope to enjoy for many years. Way back was bumpy and wet-most of us trying to stay in the shade. Definitely our favorite excursion and I will want to see more of Fakarava.


But I am confused about the ship tour vs. Ato. Is the Blue Lagoon a different lagoon that the one Ato took us to?


In Huahine, we were on Marc's snorkel trip. Second stop was in a beautiful bay, (not sure if it was Maroe or Bourayne Bay) and it was a little overcast, affecting the snorkeling. At one point I came up to adjust my mask and looked around and was overcome by the beauty of the bay and the water and had myself a moment. Will have to go back and take his all day tour as was recommended.


My biggest disappointment on the trip was not getting to do the drift snorkel in Rangiroa. Currents were too strong (again-my third try) . Also disappointed not to get into Maupiti but we certainly were well aware that was iffy.


We really appreciated just showing up to the excursions and the energy Miriam expended to make both the excursions and the unique itinerary happen. Thanks again from Therese and Rich!

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I was on the ship's tour to Fakarava blue lagoon. We were there when most of you showed up. I don't remember if the snorkelers showed up before we left but I think we were. I hung out with quite a few of your group to the right of where you guys swam and are. Wonderful place and day. Rivaled anywhere else in French Polynesia.



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The ship also takes people to the same blue lagoon. The spot where we had lunch. They were a few steps away and at one time my sister in law mistakenly took a snack from the wrong table before a fellow CC family led her away discretely. They have a half day tour. They don't get to go to the shimmering sands the place where you went after lunch.

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Maupiti was a new addition to the itinerary. It was Tiki 's idea to add this and it is indeed a gorgeous island. Considered Bora Bora 's little cousin it's considered the perfect island getaway. Unfortunately it is also plagued by swells. There is one shallow pass to get in and out and when the swells come up from the south they can be 2 to three metres making it too dangerous for boats to enter. Some years ago the ferry got swept onto the reef. Even sailing boats sometimes find themselves stuck in paradise and cannot exit the lagoon.


Mark Eddowes talk on Tetiaroa was scheduled for the Maupiti morning. We enjoyed hearing about his work there until DD came by to tell us we were in sight of Maupiti and it looked gorgeous. It was jaw dropping gorgeous. I rushed to our cabin to get my camera and took a few pics. Finally begged friscorays to take my pic with it in the background with his fancy camera as my point and shoot didn't do it justice....hope to receive a copy sometime. I felt sorry for poor Oscar (Abello) of pg cruises who was quietly doing his work in the grand saloon so urged him to come upstairs to see the view. He took my advice and fortunately he did as it was here she comes and there she goes as the captain advised that we were proceeding to Bora Bora after an aborted tender ride to Maupiti. With sad hearts we had a last glimpse. Of what looked like a stunning island. However as Danice put it ....what's wrong about an extra afternoon in Bora Bora.


My brother and sister in law refused to leave Mark's talk. They are big fans now and enjoyed it immensely especially since they had come with us on a pre cruise cat excursion to Tetiaroa.


DD and myself went to the BB motu for the afternoon. It has totally returned to what I remembered 8 years ago. Plenty of soft white sand and no huge water ditches absolutely perfect wallowing grounds. We had a nice time in the water chatting with Danice and Gail. DD and myself then found a live Conch and 'uncle' who lives behind the motu traded it with me for two coconuts to be provided the next afternoon. Honestly I could live and die happy with breadfruit and coconuts ....probably die as both play havoc with my blood sugar.


We were so enjoying ourselves that for the first time we stayed until the last tender. Even while exiting I wanted to dart back and enjoy it by myself. In years gone by the BB motu was not too popular. People preferred MM. I should have left it like that ,a haven for discerning visitors , instead of extolling its virtues. Now it gets it's share of pg cruisers and I have to share this piece of heaven with others. The view of BB while wallowing in the water is what I see when I am trying to avoid the unpleasant dentist's drill!


That night we had dinner in Le Grill. It was an outdoor dinner with romantic lights by the pool and BB towering over us. What a perfect dinner in a perfect location. Raffi did us proud. Great food and great service. Another early night. It was just too easy to slink off to bed since our cabin was nearby.


The show that night was Liars Club as suggested by Cruisedreamer. I heard from others that it was a great success.

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Miriam, Thanks so much for taking the time to do your day by day reviews. It brings back so many great memories of a fabulous trip. Gail:)


You are welcome.... I can see the three of us chatting at the BB motu in my mind's eye!

Although I was busy with family I do have dome nice memories chatting with various CC folk.

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Bora Bora Day 7


More than any other island in the South Pacific Bora Bora evokes a feeling of being in Paradise. For some of brought up on the South Pacific musical it has a special fascination. The twin peaks of mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu rising up from a central volcano welcomes visitors by air or sea.


After having done various excursions in Bora Bora we decided to take a ship's excursion on Maohi Nui. The excursion was circumnavigation of BB plus swimming and snorkelling with rays, sharks etc. Again another picture perfect morning though slightly windier than the previous day.


We were welcomed on board the boat and asked whether we had used plenty of sunscreen. When we chorused yes our guide responded " good, sharks like sunscreen". We set off first to swim with the sharks. A fair number of good sized reef sharks and 4 lemon sharks in deeper waters were very visible even from the boat. Next followed a delightful visit with the sting rays. Even yours truly gathered up courage to jump into the waist deep water and pet these very friendly creatures. I didn't have the courage to feed them or allow them to kiss me but they nudged me affectionately their skin like soft velvet. After this close encounter we proceeded to a coral garden with plenty of fish for snorkelling. Fresh fruit and cool juices and drinks followed and we set off for the circumnavigation of BB.


The BB lagoon is heart stoppinly beautiful . Miles and miles of shallow water in every shade of blue surrounded by gorgeous Motus with 5 star resorts. We saw them all as we drove by watched over by the twin peaks. So glad I finally did this excursion. A beautiful job by Maohi Nui and well worth the price. I think it's was one of my few times in BB when the peaks were not cloud capped.


That afternoon we returned to the BB motu. The water was not as calm as the previous day but 'Uncle' had kept two coconuts for DD and myself. They were absolutely delicious - the water sweet and refreshing the fruit gel like and delicious. There is NOTHING in the world like a coconut just harvested off a tree. We wallowed for a while then left by tender saying au revoir to the motu as I am sure we will meet again.


Dinner that night was the gala dinner with a degustation menu. All I can say is WOW. Food and service once again in La Veranda were wonderful. Black Angus Beef Tournedos Rossini was a delight. The menu came with a list if the entire crew. We decided that we would get as many crew as possible to sign it. All the galley staff signed the menu itself while the other crew signed against their names. We have quite a few signatures and lovely memento of this cruise and day for us to peruse through heavy bifocals as we sit by the fireplace when our trVelling days are over. Thanks so much to Ivan and Francis for getting this done for us.


The event of the night was to be Dancing Under the Stars.....unfortunately the only starry skies I saw were from my bed. I was out for the count. I heard from others that it was a success.

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While I didn't dance the event was spectacular. It was a people watcher's delight. This should forever be a staple of a PG cruise. And to the girl who thought she was a stripper using an imaginary pole....well it was fun(ny) to watch!



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While I didn't dance the event was spectacular. It was a people watcher's delight. This should forever be a staple of a PG cruise. And to the girl who thought she was a stripper using an imaginary pole....well it was fun(ny) to watch!



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I had envisaged this with with the addition of a dessert buffet at the Grill.....

Could be a nice permanent event.


I also think a gala dinner for cruises of 10 days or over is a nice touch..at any rate all 14 day cruises should have it.

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