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Losing before Cruising April 2015


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Hi, all. I am in a maintenance pattern for now. 5'3". 117#. I cruise 2nd week of april and come Jan 1, I'll be hitting it hard. My usual plan is watching my calories and fat intake, cutting out the between meals snacking and adding in weight training after I get over the soreness caused by increasing my general activity level from a slug to a rabbit. No, seriously, I wear my fitbit every day, during the work week, my average steps are 7000, but on a weekend, it dwindles to 1000. In january, I will increase steps to 12,000 - 14,000 just on a teadmill or eliptical, and add in weights 3-4 times/week for 20 - 30 mins. DH is retired and does all the cooking; he will cook only vegs and meat. No white foods (rice, potatoes, breads) from Jan to end of March. I will drop to 108-109#. Just so my clothes hang nice on my frame. It is a simple plan and I've done it numerous times before, but boring as can be when I have no one to work on it with. Also, recording every bit that enters my mouth keeps me accountable for my progress or lack of. For that I use Fitday.com


Wish I was on maintenance seems once I start I do good can't seem to get started though


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  • 2 weeks later...

Joining in also... we cruise in March. My goal is 40 pounds gone by then... so far as of Sunday I'm down 13 pounds in 3 weeks so 27 left to go. It isn't my goal weight but thought it was a realistic goal by March. I'm using Medifast and I have to say it is a pretty brainless diet that fits my lifestyle. I work 10 hour days/5 days a week plus a 45-50 minute commute each way. While I don't often get a lunch break I do try to walk 15-25 minutes each day while at work.


If anyone else is doing or has done Medifast I'd appreciate any easy lean and green meals. I so far rotate thru turkey taco salads, omelets, chicken breast, or boca burgers.


As far as the 5 "meals" I really just like the connivence of them so I'm not one to doctor them up (except the tomato soup... I couldn't stomach the "soup" so I found a recipe that makes it into a grilled cheese sandwich)


How is everyone tracking their loss? I bought two glasses and added 40 marbles to one and put one marble in the 2nd glass for every pound lost. Seeing that lonely marble for the first week was discouraging but now I can't wait until Sunday weigh in to rebalance the glasses!

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Hi guys,

I joined this thread way back in October; now as December looms I am starting to feel time is running out to make effective changes.

Here are my stats so far:

height: 5'1, SW; 106.4 (23/09), CW 101.2 (27/11) , GW 105.

B:32, W:26.5, H: 34. I am skinny-fat so jiggle like a jelly when I laugh.

Activities: Aquafit 3 x wk. Zumba 2 x wk, just started the rowing machine 2 x 10min, 1 x 20min, never bothered with the PT, yet to start weights.


I am a low weight in prep for a Christmas binge, but am quite liking it, so may change GW to 100lb - fitness is my main goal.


I use My Fitness Pal (MFP) for tracking calories and exercise, if any of the other MFP users want to friend me, I use 'middlehaitch' on there too. Just send me a message saying who you are so I won't reject you.


If it is OK with nfldpenguin and the rest of you I will start tracking our accomplishments and dreams so we can cheer each other on, or commiserate when necessary.


I will post a brief list of what we have accomplished each Monday, ie;

Middlehaitch= WL x 1wk .2lb. Aqua; 60min x 2, Zumba; 60min x 1.


A couple of conventions;

SW=start weight, CW=current weight, GW=goal weight, WL=weight lost.

I will convert to feet and inches, and lbs where needed.

WW= Weight Watchers

FD= Fitday

LAF= LA Fitness

LI= Lose It

MFP= My Fitness Pal

P10= project 10



Here is a list of the people who are on board so far, listed in alphabetical order, with a synopsis of their posts (the blue underlined number takes you to the full post).



betty em 04/15 NCL Dawn, 11/15 NCL Sky

25 16/11, maintainance 5'3, 117lb. going from slug to rabbit, calorie reduction, Fitbit 7k steps per day, up to 12-14k add weights in new year GW 108-109lb Fitday.com for recording.


CateW 12/14, 04/15, 10/15 cruises

7 12/10 LA Fitness, lost 5lb, lots of variety, treadmill, & PT.

15 18/11 trainer x2, run x 25 mile, painted 10hr.

18 25/10 lost 9.5 lb ince joining gym. love to lose 10 more.


cruise.25 02/15 celebrity Reflection

13 16/10 MFP, Project10, lost 1.4 lb in 1 wk


cruzngrl 02/15 Celebrity Summit B2B

22 30/10 joined gym 01/10, lost 8lb, SW 166, CW 157.8 GW 140-145 by 01/01/15. Cardio, Weights, and eating habits.


CurlzNPearls 10/15 Carnival Conquest, 02/15 Thailand

6 09/10 get & stay healthy

11 14/10 walking 5km/day & My Fitness Pal, ex Weight Watchers

16 21/10 MFP & Lose It similar, going to walk daily with dog.

weekend queery.


djhatz 5 05/15 Adventure of the Seas

5 07/10 count me in


DJSchib 02/15 cruise

9 12/10 needs support.

14 17/10 MFP v Lose It App querry. What is Project 10?

17 21/10 weekends tough, needs to buckle down, 5-6 hr walk per week.


Hopeful cruiser please 0615 Asia RCI

2 29/09, trying to get healthier


Host Corkey 04/15 cruise

19 27/10 wants to look better in clothes


KatieBug28 10/15

3 30/10, 1/2marathon in May


lola2013 02/15 Celebrity

23 30/10 MFP, Leslie Sansone walking DVD, Fitbit, goal: walk 10-13k steps per day, lose 5lb by cruise


middlehaitch 03/15 Celebrity Century

12 14/10 MFP, at goal. Aqua, Weights & PT maybe.


nfldpenguin 04/15 NCL,

1 29/09, start weight loss buddies


rhiansmom 03/15 cruise

27 Goal lose 40lb by cruise. Down 13lb in 3 wk. Medifast diet, 15-25 min walk per day tracks with marbles.


see.legs 09/15 Carnival, 04/16 Grandure O T S

8 12/10 using weight loss to pay for cruise $10 per 1lb

10 13/10 programs used?

21 30/10 made it to the gym x1

24 12/11 joined Weight Watchers

26 16/11 wishes to be on maiintainance.


sprint180 nothing booked

20 28/10 going to DC and wants to lose, 180, 5'1.


winky81 04/15 RCL

4 04/10 upped gym & PT lost 1cm no weight.


Whew, that was a lot of figuring out and typing, not my strong point.

I am doing this hoping it will make this thread a bit more active and help us have fun while losing weight and getting fitter, hope that's OK.


Cheers, h.

contact me

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Wow thanks for putting all that info together!


I weighed before Thanksgiving morning and was down 16.8 total BUT I did splurge and go off medifast for that one meal having a small portion of stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole and a bun. With medifast it is all about staying in the fat burning mode by not consuming carbs so I know I knocked myself out of that and was too scared to weigh this morning. I'll weigh again on Sunday morning.


Didn't do much in terms of exercise yesterday but shop!

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rhiansmom, isn't shopping exercise? A couple of frantic laps around a mall must count for something; I always get home exhausted.


I forgot to put the Medifast plan in the helpful links, sorry. I will add it next time. It certainly seems to be working for you, your weight has has really dropped in the month you have been using it. 16.8lb-WOW! it looks as though you will hit your goal way before you cruise.


I don't know anything about Medifast. How do you transition out of it to eating 'normal' meals?

Do you lose fast the first few weeks, and then slow down, like one does on a calorie reduced diet?

Are you going to take Medifast on the cruise with you, or are you just using it as a means to an end (40lb to cruise)?


I track my calories and exercise using My Fitness Pal. I find it very useful, but marbles are more fun.

betty em, I love your slug to rabbit analogy, and with the amount of steps you plan to log in the new year you will most certainly be a rabbit if not a hare!

I am curios about your weight routine, I have done the machines in the gym, but that was 3-4 yr ago, right now I am doing body weight/hand weights (squats, lunges, planks, pushups, bridge, and rows). Could you tell me what you have found successful, please?


see.legs, glad to see you have found something you feel you can do (Weight watchers and the gym)! Starting is always the hardest - you keep at it, and we will cheer you along. Hoooray! your first cheer for starting, lets see how many you can collect by March!


lola2013 & DJShib, which Celebrity cruise are you guys on? We have done a Caribbean the last couple of springs, but this year we are going way outside the box and doing Singapore to Dubai -I am even more excited than usual!


Everyone, glad we started this, it is helping keep me focused during the cold, wet Pacific Northwest winter.


Could I ask those that are interested in me keeping a running tally to post a weekly update (Friday or the weekend) formatted something like this:

Middlehaitch=CW 1001.2, WL x 1wk .2lb. Aqua; 60min x 2, Zumba; 60min x 1.

I will post a brief list of what we have accomplished each Monday.


Please only include info you are comfortable sharing, I am not telling you my age, hahaha.


If you are not interested in the running tally- no worries, just chatter. After all we are here to make weight loss and fitness a bit more fun.

Keep up the good work everyone,

Cheers, h.

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Hello everyone how has your week been?


I had a really cold and tired couple of days early in the week so missed Wednesday's Aqua Fit, by Thursday I was feeling much better,so was getting ready to go to my Zumba class when they called sating that a water pipe had burst so the class was cancelled. I did a bit of pilates with hand weights instead, just 10 min though.

Welcome aboard cruises42 post your stats or just chat away to your hearts content.


OK, here is the first weeks posting:

01/12/2014 (week 1 of 16)

Alias----------- SW----GW------CW------WL------Exercise this week

betty em








Hopeful cruiser please

Host Corkey



middlehaitch---106.4--102-----100.8----5.6 (9wk). 2 x aqua. 1x Zumba, 1 x swim lesson, hand weights.


rhiansmom----------------------------16.8 (total). Shopping





Post 28 gives peoples goals.


Here are links to useful sites people are using:

WW= Weight Watchers

FD= Fitday

LAF= LA Fitness

LI= Lose It

MFP= My Fitness Pal

P10= project 10

MF= Medifast


Cheers, h.

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Tomorrow morning is my weigh in day. I did "cheat" and weigh this morning and had lost zip zero zilch nada so I'm a bit afraid of what the scale will say tomorrow.


My workweek is a crazy one so I'm not sure where i'll get any exercise in except for a bit tonight.

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Good morning Debbie,

Susan here...I'll be with you on Equinox in February...we are down to 74 days to get in shape!

I stuffed myself over the holiday weekend...just like the turkey...but walked miles & miles everyday so no weight gain. That's a good thing in my book.

I go to the gym everyday now that I am home and work with a trainer. Just need to lose a few pounds pre-Equinox!

See you soon.


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Hi Susan


Yeah to you on no weight gain over the holiday weekend. I am afraid to get on the scale but have walked lots as well although with having to walk the mall which I prefer over treadmill, the mall has been packed and can't go as fast


Hard to believe only 74 days. It's going fast. I really need to get losing as I have way more to lose then a few pounds. I would be happy to try to lose 10-15 before cruise and take rest off by summer.





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Hi Debbie,

I am right across the street from a huge mall, but agree that it is too crowded now to do any serious walking due to crowds (and my inability to walk past the giant "SALE" signs. So it's off the gym I go. Have you tried the Leslie Sansone DVDs? There is a series of them...you simply "walk off the pounds". She uses good music and is very happy while she walks. It's not the ideal situation, but a good alternative to the treadmill or mall walking. I have bought a couple at Target. The first has two different workouts...the 2nd DVD has five or six.

See you soon :cool:


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You know I have one of those DVD's somewhere never opened sad to say bought years ago. I will have to see if I can find it. Good idea!


Hubby and I walk every night but Saturdays are a hard one to walk now. Last year before cruise I lost 40#. Kept all but 5# off BUT need that incentive to lose again. I was so motivated last year. I am doing okay with eating where I don't over indulge but need to cut out more carbs and get back on track.





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Good luck! I lost 25 before my Mediterranean cruise (also on Equinox) last year...a few came back in the 13 months since then that I absolutely cannot get rid of. Maybe I should cut out the McRib and White Castle...............


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May I join in? I'm hoping to lose about 30 pounds before we cruise in May. I do use myfitnesspal and usually workout at home. I do have a gym membership which I really need to start using again.


Yes, please ... it's been kinda fun having someplace to be accountable!


I did get a bit discouraged after thanksgiving as I gained then gained some more and I was not cheating at all (except a small bit thanksgiving day). I was about to give up when I finally lost a pound back on Thursday then when I weighed today I'm down 19 pounds total since starting Medifast on November 3rd.

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I also joined the gym the first of October. Started this summer at 5'7 177# and at the first of October was 166, so far I have lost 8 lbs in one month with the gym. Today my weigh in was 157.8. My goal is 140-145 by Feb 1. but as much as the weight loss, I want to tone up. I am working out 5 days a week on the elliptical-30 min treadmill-20 min and then 20 min of weight training. Now that the weight is starting to come off I will probably add more weight time to tone arms, legs, and mid section. I have also revamped my eating habits. After working out in the morning, I come home and have a protein drink mixed with yogurt (fred meyers carbmaster only 4 carbs and 60 calories and its yummy) a banana and some ice. total about 140 calories. lunch would be an egg beaters ham and cheese omelette (about 125 calories) or a few oz of turkey breast, some vegetables and cheese (about the same calories) snack of a large apple or carmel rice cake (about 50 calories) an a high protein low fat dinner which recently has included beef, brocolli, mushrooms in sauce over rice and salad or raspberry ginger chicken or lean hamburger patties smothered in onions with a low cal gravy made with low fat beef broth. That has been the hardest part but all recipe.com has a pretty good selection of healthy recipes. DH has lost 12 lbs and only has about 8 more to go. Lucky for me he is not to picky and has ate everything I am making without (much) complaining...hahaha. Good luck to everyone and remember do something today that your body will thank you for tomorrow!



Hi there, a quick update on where I am 1 month later. I took a 3 week hiatus as we spent a few weeks in sunny Arizona (now its nothing but gray skies and lots of rain at home!) We pretty much went off the wagon with fast food lunches and dinners. Came home and was back up to 159> I was so disappointed with myself but knew it would happen and would have to hit the gym hard again. With that being said...last Thursday 159-today 152!!! I am not sure what happened but it's like I jump started my metabolism and kicked it in the butt! Still going to the club-eating as above mentioned but the weight is just dropping off? Happy but a little worried. Would be more so but it is happening to my husband as well. He is down about 6 lbs this week. Getting so close to goal! YAY!! and can see such a big difference in myself and the way my clothes fit. It can and will happen for everyone..Eat right and exercise! Good luck to everyone!

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Hi everyone,


I'd love to join in. My partner and I are cruising to Western Caribbean in April. I just need to buckle down and get serious about losing my extra weight. I've been a member of gym for 5 years, it's just not being motivated that's the problem! We have our own home gym, it's actually not using it that's the problem. I even just joined weight watchers and again I just can't seem to motivate myself.


Thank you fellow cruisers. Maybe this will be the motivation I need.


Starting weight is 174

Goal weight is 150


I LOVED the idea about the marbles and the glasses. What a great visual! Thanks for the new and wonderful idea!

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As of this morning I'm down 21.6 pounds since starting in November. There are almost as many marbles on my "lost" side as my "to lose" side. I did stop at the mall yesterday and the shorts were on clearance so I tried a few on... two sizes smaller fit so I bought one smaller size yet in hopes that they will be big come March cruise!

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As of this morning I'm down 21.6 pounds since starting in November. There are almost as many marbles on my "lost" side as my "to lose" side. I did stop at the mall yesterday and the shorts were on clearance so I tried a few on... two sizes smaller fit so I bought one smaller size yet in hopes that they will be big come March cruise!


What did you do to lose so much in such a short amount of time?

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What did you do to lose so much in such a short amount of time?


I've been doing Medifast and have only cheated Thanksgiving day. The loss is starting to slow down but it's still almost 3 pounds a week. Tomorrow I'm going to try to give up 1/2 of my soda intake and try to drink more water and also increase my activity level in hopes of another jumpstart.


Medifast is expensive and somewhat blah but I've found the food that I like and I do ok with repetition. Once I ate cereal for lunch every day for almost 2 years.

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I like the idea of the jar and marbles. I am visual so maybe that would help. So far I have only lost 3 lbs but that is not because I did anything just a natural up and down. I did join weight watchers the other night but my husband and I went shopping today and we ate out and I ate a lot so a lot of good that did. But here we go again I will try to do better.

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I do the marbles in jars to track my loss and weight to go too! I am on Weight Watchers and weigh in Friday mornings. I am always excited when I can come home and move some marbles to the loss jar! Happy to say there are less marbles in the weight to lose jar now! I have 16 marbles left in that jar. I cruise mid January but don't expect to be at goal by then. At least I am going to be around 40 pounds lighter than I was over the summer! Feeling good and ready to have fun but make good food choices this cruise and get at least 6 activity points a day....I will have one "food splurge" a day, it is vacation after all! I figure I will get home on a Saturday and have almost a whole week until my next weigh in to hopefully not see a gain on the scale or only a small one :)

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I've been doing Medifast and have only cheated Thanksgiving day. The loss is starting to slow down but it's still almost 3 pounds a week. Tomorrow I'm going to try to give up 1/2 of my soda intake and try to drink more water and also increase my activity level in hopes of another jumpstart.


Medifast is expensive and somewhat blah but I've found the food that I like and I do ok with repetition. Once I ate cereal for lunch every day for almost 2 years.


Thanks for the info. Where do you get Medifast? Also, congratulations on your weight loss!

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