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Live From The Decks Of The Summit B2B 10/19 & 10/25/14 /14


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What is the frozen white night party? I don't remember hearing about that on our last X cruise.


Had a Frozen party at the end of the Summit Oct. 5-19 Fall Colors sailing. Lounge on 11 decorated in white (and pink--cruise had numerous events to raise money for breast cancer research). Music from 50s/60s/70s/80s from 10ish to midnight or so. Ours was formal night, but wearing white was also encouraged. Fairly good turnout. Glow necklaces, ice sculptures, and acrobatic dancers added to party atmosphere.

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It may have been unique to Summit out of New York to Bermuda this summer. This cruise tends to be more of a party group than others may be, being out of NYC area and thus this type of entertainment works for the crowds.


I believe it was final night or night before, in sky lounge, they decorated, and had staff dancers etc there. Just a fun party in the lounge for late nighters.


I wonder if they're similar to White Nights on Azamara.

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Going to try to gt caught up tonight! Sorry I've kept you all waiting! My BAD!



10.19.14 to San Juan

10.25.14 Summit Bayonne

Pre-cruise day 2

Got to my friends house in Largo about 3:30 PM on Friday. She has a lovely backyard with trees and a pool. We sat out there for a couple of hours just talking and enjoying the nice day and being together again. I have certainly missed my best friend. Sometimes in life we get these special people who are more like family than our own families. Someone who knows all our warts, all our secrets and loves us anyway. I am very lucky to have had her in my life for (many) years. Love you, Judy! And BTW, please move back home. Georgia is mighty lonely without you!

After a terrific meal of pork chops, mashed potatoes, broccoli and her very special homemade Chocolate Cream Pie we sat and talked until quite late.

Pre-cruise day 3

We were up early but didn’t make it out of the house until 12:30. I had a few items I needed to pick up but we decided to have lunch first. We both LOVE Sweet Tomatoes

(Soup Plantation in some areas). The Happiness WonTon Salad was a hit as was the Clam Chowder with warm Cornbread. Followed, of course, by a Hot Fudge and Caramel

Sundae. Sure wish there was one near me.

After a brief stop at Target and an even briefer stop at PetSmart where I drooled over the kitties (I lost my Spenser a few months ago) we set off in search of Costco. With only a few phone calls for help we managed to find it. Gas was 2.97 which was only a little more than the 2.84 I paid before leaving home so I topped off my tank. Who knows, it could be 3.50 when I get back to Tampa May 1st.

Pam, I’m sorry to say the only mirror they had left in Costco was the display and they wouldn’t sell me that one. I did give it a good try. My neighbor might stop at the Costco south of Atlanta next weekend when they go to the mountains. Keep your fingers crossed she can get you one there. It is a VERY nice mirror!

After Costco we were on a search for a BofA so I could finish up some business. They aren’t all that hard to find here but finding one where you can get across traffic is the trick. Once that was done I found an Office Depot to do some faxing and my errands were done so we headed back home.

We sat and drank (cokes) and watched the news. That’s when we heard about the

Carnival Magic and the Ebola scare. What a disaster that is. No ports will let the ship

dock. And how the heck do you clean and sanitize a whole ship? This will be much

harder than than killing the Noro. I heard they are taking all the seat and wall coverings

out of the airplane that unknowingly carried one of the nurses from Texas. That’s quite a

feat on a ship!

We eventually went back out and had breakfast for dinner. Eggs, bacon, hash browns

with onions and pancakes. It was as good as it sounds! And they weren’t busy so we sat

there talking and drinking coffee until 10:30. When we got home her husband was

amazed we had talked so long. Hey, we had 6 ½ months to catch up on!

It’s 2:30 and I have to be up at 4:30 so I better wind this up. I prepaid the off site valet

parking ($85 for 15 days) at the Intercontinental hotel (Global Parking). My friends used

it in May and thought it was very well run I’m giving it a shot. Only thing I didn’t like

was the shuttle runs every 30 minutes and not on demand. I’ll let you know how that


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I do hope you're having a wonderful time Gail because it seems with the frequency you are NOT posting - it must mean you're having way too much fun without me :)

Please don't forget to pick up a tube of the (2%?) pain cream for us if you should get an opportunity? The compounding pharmacy here has no idea what it is and I can't find the old tube. :(

Hope you're getting some well deserved sleep -I think I'll try to do that now - in the massage chair. :(

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Answers to questions you’ve asked:

World Series has been on the in cabin TV. Haven’t heard of it being played in any bar or special room.

Embarkation Day lunch was served in Bistro for Aqua only. LOTS of crabbing about that.

Buffet still using single serve cold items and hot items in small pans and baskets.

Haven’t been near pool bar in AM so not sure about omelets. (Waffles I’ve seen have been pre-made, heavy, doughy and awful syrup. Maybe I’ll try again but that’s what I got this morning)

Frozen white night party still going on.

Christmas on Summit! I’m jealous tak8!

Thanks, Andy!

Sorry to have missed you, Anne.

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Pre-cruise Day 4

Left my friends house in Largo around 5:15 AM headed for the Tampa Airport. Got to

the parking with no problem but the shuttle was ready to leave and I was very rushed to

try to get my things out of the car on onto the bus. I used to take things like that in stride

but now I don’t do as well. I get flustered and things go wrong. Man it SUCKS to get


Arrived at the airport to find that the valet had not put one of my carry-ons on the bus

with the luggage. Driver said he would bring it on his next run. Then couldn’t find my

drivers license, debit cards or credit cards. (I think they were lifted out of my pocket

in an elevator at the airport – another story L) Got the bag back but then had to take a

$25 cab ride back to parking to see if my paper drivers license was in my car. Thankfully

it was there (I had gotten my license renewed recently and the paper is what they give

you to use while you wait on the permanent one. It was still valid). You know I am

getting a serious headache just thinking about this mess again so suffice it to say it all

worked out. But there was much hand wringing, swearing and crying going on until it

did work out. Best advice I can give you is to make good friends with your bank

manager. Mine sure saved my butt on this trip.

With all the extra cab rides and wasted time I just knew I wouldn’t make my plane. I could take the next one but I would have flown to Providence by way of Fort Lauderdale. Not something I wanted to do. But as luck would have it I

did make my original flight.. With about 5 minutes to spare. And after all that it was a pleasant trip.

Got to Providence and besides a very long line at Alamo (and all the other car rental

places) everything went smoothly. Had a little trouble getting to Cil and Rogers place but

in the end I made it. We hurried up and put all the luggage in the rental car and went to

dinner. I had a much needed, practically medicinal glass of wine and a steak sandwich

with mushrooms and onions that was so big I had to eat most of it with a knife and

fork. I had not had anything to eat since the dinner with Judy the night before so it all

tasted amazing!

Back at their apartment I got ready for bed and was gone as soon as my head hit the


Tomorrow we board Summit!! Oh happy day!

Bye For Now!

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It may have been unique to Summit out of New York to Bermuda this summer. This cruise tends to be more of a party group than others may be, being out of NYC area and thus this type of entertainment works for the crowds.


I believe it was final night or night before, in sky lounge, they decorated, and had staff dancers etc there. Just a fun party in the lounge for late nighters.


Lost my post...anyhow


we've had White Night on several ships, including Equinox in Greece and on Century in the Carib.....Century was odd b/c we were in White and they had a chocolate buffet w/ the fountain...easy to drip!


it's fun...we always pack one white item...just in case it is scheduled!

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Hi Tuggers,


Thank you for all the good and interesting information.


I would be very greatful if you could find out whether Ashley, the Captain's Club hostess, will still be on the Summit for the December 6 cruise. She was our hostess last year for the December 7 cruise and was absolutely terrific. She really made our cruise.


Mike and Sharyl look forward to seeing her again!


Thanks again,


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The FIRST Day of the Cruise! Yea!

Up at 4:15 but I was sure glad to have had 6 hours of sleep at one time. Slept like a

log even though I was on the couch. I was BEAT! I think I’m getting too old for these hours.

Dropped Cil and Roger and the luggage off at the bus pickup at PVD and I went in search of the car rental return area. Easier said than done. The return is not on the airport property. And when I got there I discovered that all of the rental car companies computers were out. There must have been 50 cars just sitting anywhere people found space to park them. Walked back to the airport proper where I finally got a cart to take me to the far side of the terminal and then walked to the parking lot where the bus picks up. The bus was not there and arrived at exactly the time we were to leave. After stowing all the luggage and taking a roll call it was discovered we had three people missing. I never thought they would wait if you weren’t there on time but we did. After a half hour or so the company called the driver and told him we could leave. We only had two stops after that and arrived at the port at 12:45.

We had noticed that no one tipped the bus driver when he loaded the luggage so we were

ready to tip him when we got off. However, almost as soon as the bus door opened there

was a porter telling everyone that the men at the port worked for ‘gratuities only’. I think

he repeated that about 5 times. I tipped the bus driver for us but I don’t know how many others did.

Luggage taken care of we walked, as told, ‘between the two white lines’ until we reached

the door to the screening room. I don’t know if it makes you feel any safer when I

tell you that they had the machine settings so low that they made nary a peep as my titanium knee and neck and back full of steel walked through. If I don’t set it off, no one did!

Walked right to the front of a check in line and we were onboard in less than 10 minutes.

As we walked in we were funneled into an aisle where all the packages and extras were

being sold. Directly in our path, sitting beside a door was a female rent a cop. As we got

close to her she said (in a VERYdemeaning manner) ‘not THIS door, the one over there

(pointing) with the sign’. I tied to tell her we were confused because we were sent towards her and not the door across the room. In response we got the whole ‘not THIS door’ speech again. Guess she wasn’t having as good a day as we were! But then we were getting on a cruise! J

By the time we were onboard and sucking down our first Mimosa’s they announced that

the cabins were ready so we dropped our carry-ons before lunch. We were hoping to do Bistro on Five for lunch but were told it was only for Aqua class on the first day. We went into the Ocean Café and it was not busy so we were able to eat and get to our Muster stations in plenty of time to find a seat.

At 4:40 we were sailing and the three of us went to our cabins for a short nap. Now the two ‘oldsters’ were up and at their 6PM dinner of Prime Rib while I slept straight through to 8 the next morning. And I was SO looking forward to that Prime Rib! J

BTW, the ship looks great, the crew is very accommodating and I am so very, very glad to be on the sea again!

Bye For Now!

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Monday Day 2 of Summit B2B Winter 2014

Cil and Roger are having a very hard time with a cabin just behind the forward elevators. They are worn out from walking to the dining room, Elite breakfast, Buffet, etc. Mila is working with us to get them moved. Mila is a jewel! One of the BEST Guest Relations people I’ve ever worked with. She is so patient with Cil long after I’ve heard enough of it. J Hopefully we can get them moved tomorrow so they can stop obsessing over it and start enjoying the cruise. They are about to wear themselves out constantly worrying about it.

Not warm enough for the pool s I am having a very low key day enjoying walking the ship, reading and window shopping. On occasion I stop at the El Baico (is that right?)

for a cappuccino or a pastry. Also like gawking at the gelato. Looks yummy.

We did dining room lunch. I had the luncheon steak with fries and green beans and ice cream for dessert. We sat for a while but eventually headed out. I went back to the cabin

To finish my book and take a nap.

The Elite Cocktails were good. Saw (and talked to) some people I’ve known from other sailings and other ships. One of the nicest surprises was finding that the Crowley’s from Reno were here. I haven’t seen them since the Grandeur Cruise when we lost an engine and limped into Baltimore 12 hours late in, I think, 2009. Come to think of it that was the last time I saw Joe and MaryAnn too! Are you out there guys?

Roger toddled off to bed and Cil and I went upstairs for Roast Pork with Applesauce. I tried a couple of cookies and the best was the Gluten Free Chocolate Coconut. It was yummy!

Brief stop and the casino and it was off to bed, Tomorrow should be warm enough for laying out. YEA! After the beach it’s my favorite thing!

Bye For Now

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Random things (good and bad) I’ve noticed so far.

Breakfast in the dining room seems to be a problem. Roger ordered 2 poached eggs two mornings in a row. He got them. Cil who ordered an over medium egg with bacon got her meal about 30 minutes later. In truth she thought it was 45 minutes but to be safe, and fair, 30 minutes is still way too long. The couple at the next table were experiencing the exact same thing. He was finished eating, she was still waiting. Her order? One scrambled egg!

I went to the dining room last night for the first time on this sailing. And wouldn’t you know it’s a menu with really nothing I like. I did have the Turkey Parm with Spaghetti. Ate about a third. It was good. The best part of the meal was that we had Jon for a waiter. We’ve had him before and he’s great! If we could have him every night in Select it would make for a VERY good dining experience. Keep your fingers crossed for us for next cruise.

Yesterday the buffet at around 1:30 was so hot you could hardly stand it. I managed a

Spring Roll and one piece of my fish and I was gone. Don’t know what was wrong but people were really noticing it. And not in a good way! Everyone was wiping sweat from their brow!

Seems the Captain’s Table is now in the hands of the Michaels Club Concierge. Still Penthouse and Highest Cruiser will get a chance to be there but other than that it’s all up to him. Have heard some serious rumblings about it. Some people REALLY enjoy the experience and are not happy that they won’t ever get to do it again. Several couples who have lots of cruises on other lines as well as X say they may switch more of their business elsewhere. They do not feel appreciated. Things change and sometimes I guess they (X) are willing to lose a few people for what they think is better overall. Interesting to see what will happen.

Captain’s Club Celebration was nice. Very few nibbles. Drinks the same as Elite Cocktail Party. Fairly well attended for a 1:30 party.

I must give X credit. They have found a person with the exact personality needed for the Captains Club Hostess. Ashley is bright, charming, funny, organized and never too busy to talk or help. I think ‘sunny’ is the word I would use to describe her. And ya’ll know how sometimes I have a problem with ‘sunny’. J But with Ashley it works and she fits perfectly. I am absolutely thrilled to be with her on her first solo assignment. The only thing is, when we get someone this good we don’t get to keep them because they move up.

Senior Officer’s Cocktail Party took the place of the Elite Cocktail Party on day five. It was only 45 minutes (5:15 to 6 PM), very few officer’s walked around and interacted with the guests and the drink list was smaller than the one for the Elite Cocktails. Kind of a bust.



Elite breakfast is great except for the waste! You order things that are 'plated'. For example the pastry plate has 8 or 9 things on it. Who eats that much??? And if you order anything besides the plate the way it comes your waiter must go to the main dining room to get your order. In my opinion you have to be a very crass individual to make even more work for these servers. I would very much like to see this problem addressed.

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Thank you for the updates. I hope you enjoy your cruise.


If I could just ask one question?


I was wondering if you know how many Elites are on board and let me know where is the Elite Breakfast held.

Edited by cannongate
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Summit Day 3 October 21, 2014

Had breakfast in the Elite Breakfast / Normandy Restaurant. I had the Salmon Plate but it was not well balanced. Way too much Salmon for the two tiny bagels, not enough cream cheese, onion or lemon. Not sure I will have this again. First Cappuccino was good. Second one was more of a Latté. Hardly any coffee, mostly milk. Third one was good again. Would love a couple of pastries but 8 are way too many.

Left to go to the pool at 9 AM. This is the first day I have been able to lay out. All the chairs on the raised area between the pools were taken. Not by bodies but by towels, books, suntan oil, etc. There were maybe 8 people in the area. Several told me the chairs had been ‘taken’ by 6:30 AM. Now that’s a little ridiculous. I found one chair with nothing on it and moved it to a place that was free of chairs. I was using the chair at 10:30 when a woman came over and asked me why I was using one of their chairs. I told her the chair was empty when I came out. With that she started talking to her friends in German. Other than some dirty looks I had no more contact with them and continued to use the chair.

Weather was very nice. The breeze kept it from being too hot and I was able to enjoy a day in the Caribbean sun. What a life! I should sell my house and move somewhere south of San Juan and just enjoy my life. Sun, surf and Margaritas. Now that’s my dream. And of course a little Jimmy on the radio!

I stayed out until well after lunch time. Finally had a sandwich in the buffet which was once again not very cool. I hope Summit will not start having a/c problems. I remember how it was on the Maasdam when the a/c system started to go. So hot everywhere. But for now my cabin is still cool.

I came back to my cabin at 2 PM to take a shower, a nap and get myself ready for the 5pm cocktail hour in Reflection. Munchies continue to be just okay but the drinks are good and I am quite happy with the new wines added to the list. Service has also been very good at this venue. Everyone is happy and willing to help with any request.

We’ve been sitting with the Crowley’s from Reno. So good to see them. I don’t think we’ve been on a cruise together since ’09. That was the one the Grandeur limped in minus one engine. 12 hours late. At that time we had a great TA (too bad she has now lost her mind and most of her business!) who got us all booked into a new Sheraton, arranged a bus to take us there and also transportation to G & M’s for crab cakes. She changed air reservations and had us all home the next day.

We went to the dining room at 7:30 (seated by 8) and got a real surprise when we found our waiter was Jon who we’ve had a couple of times before. He’s Great. Wish we could have him ALL the time.

Roger and I had Turkey Parm with Spaghetti which was very good. Cil had pasta, of course, but I don’t remember which kind. Roger had dessert but NOT his Apple Pie. Surprise! J He had the Chocolate Cake w/ice cream.

I went back to the casino for a little while and then off to bed!

Bye For Now!

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Summit Day 4 10.19.2014 Formal Night

Today I went to the Elite Breakfast but Cil and Roger never showed up. Turns out they were once again stuck in the dining room. Same thing: Roger got his poached eggs and finished them while Cil was waiting and waiting and waiting for one egg over medium with bacon. Wish they would find out what the heck is going on in that kitchen and get it fixed. One worker in the DR told me that between 8 and 9 the kitchen is woefully understaffed. Something needs to be done. And fast.

We are in St Maartin today and it is hot, hot, hot up by the pool. Part of it is because we are boxed in on both sides by larger ships so no breeze is stirring. I’m going to stick it out up here for a while because I am not going into town. There are 4 ships in port and I don’t need anything I can’t buy at another place or do without.

Finally got a hot dog and discovered one of our favorite bar servers working the little bar by the burger and hot dog stand. Joseph was always one of the best in Elite Cocktails. Wish they would move him there for next cruise. He took very good care of us!

Cil and I sat in the buffet and ate while Roger sat by the pool.

I made it a little longer but it was just too hot to stay out. I went up to the Café and had a piece of Blackberry Cheesecake at 2 and then went to my cabin for a nap. Such a life!

Cocktails today was replaced by the Senior Officers Cocktail Party from 5 to 6:45. Smaller group. Lots of people still in town. We don’t sail until 7, all aboard at 6:45.

Cil, Roger, The Crowley’s and I went upstairs for dinner in the buffet. Roger had what he loves: Stir fry! I had Flank Steak with a Baked Potato. Cil, Roger and I had EXCELLENT German Chocolate Cake. Best I’ve had in a long time. Then we added ice cream! It was an OMG moment!

Stuffed so off to bed. Tomorrow I MUST go to the casino. My right palm has been itching for two days!

Bye For Now!

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Gail, wondering of our cruise in May will be as uneventful as this one, since we will be going on the Summit also. Doesn't sound like X that I recall and, if you remember, we did Constellation 2012 and had a great time. Let me know your opinion.

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