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Mitsugirly's extensive back to belly sun & sky review


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Thanks so much and I completely agree about the color. I have never done the color change or the font change or size change before, but it was brought up once and people stated that they would much rather read a review like that because it's easier to spot the review itself without having to read everyone's comments and replies but scrolling until they found the color. When I did my first post, I tried various colors and there just really wasn't anything that made it easier to read.


If anyone has a more "friendlier" color that they feel is better, I will change it up on my NEXT review, since this one is already started, I don't want to confuse anyone if they have already began scrolling.




Thanks so much. :)

Color fine but would love a bigger font...

These old eyes are having to strain at the old Ipad!

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On the way back to the room, we found the Furries hanging out at the Internet cafe on the floor down from us. As much as Sakari wanted to go down there, I was ready to head back to the room for some relaxation and to prepare for tomorrows port.






We arrived at our room to find the towel animal of the night would be Mr Rabbit. He had a message for us...turn our clocks BACK 1 hour. Woo Hoo. We were getting an extra hour of sleep AND we wouldn't be arriving in port until 10am, which gave us another day to sleep in. We are NOT morning people at all. I work 2nd-3rd shift and I'm use to staying up half the night while sleeping in during the morning with a usual wake up time for us around 11am-noon. When we cruise, it's a real shock to our system when we have to switch. So, any extra hours to adjust is always welcome.










Sakari pulls out her notebook and starts to draw like she always does.





Tonight must have been a bird kind of night.






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As I packed our beach bags for tomorrow and discovered that I had only brought 1 beach bag this time around. I don't know what I was thinking. We always bring 2 huge bags: 1 bags to carry our towels and personal items and another to carry the snorkeling equipment.


I also remembered how the ENT doctor had told my husband not to swim unless he had ear plugs. We did not have any ear plugs. I figured I would run down to the gift shops and see what they had. I know they have a variety of "weird" things there and figured this would be one of them.


Well, I was wrong. There were no ear plugs to be found and an associate confirmed that they did not carry them. Bummer. I was really doubtful that we would be able to find any in port and knew that since we would be in Roatan and at Little French Key, we probably would not get a chance to go to a store to find any. So the hubby decided he would probably not swim and just come in the water neck high when needed.


I headed back to the room and ran into the room steward who proceeded to tell me that she was sorry about the "underwear" issue on the first day. While I had her there, I decided to tell her that I needed our dirty cups replaced as well instead of leaving them in the room and putting a clean cover on them and the cups had been dirty since the day before. I also took this opportunity to tell her that I needed a total of 4 towels left in the bathroom. There are 3 of us and I have extremely long hair and needed an extra towel for that when I showered to wrap it up.


One thing that struck me funny during our conversation was she said "Today is also laundry day, so I'll be changing your sheets and comforter on the bed." Um what? What does this mean???? I'm left confused. Is she saying they only do laundry on Mondays and my sheets and comforter only gets changed on these days? Am I sleeping in a bed that the previous cruisers slept in? That would make me a little unsteady the rest of the night.


I showered that night in the skin sucking shower only to find out that if I left the sides of the shower curtain open, it left me alone for the most part. Also, not turning the water on full blast also helped keep the curtain on good terms.


We hung out the rest of the night in the room and discovered a t.v. show called "The Profit" that was a little like Shark Tank and my husband loves that show.


Sakari continued her drawings of the birds tonight and I called for a wake-up call of 8am and we went to bed...dreaming of dirty linens as germs danced over our heads.



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mitsugirly, Really enjoying your Sun review. She was our first NCL cruise last Dec. I don't see anything wrong with your choice of colors.:D Pink:eek:


Of course you wouldn't....pinkfloydfan. :D :p


I like the pink. Maybe just a bigger size?


BTW Great review and pics. I'll be on the NCL Sun for 11 days next year so I'm lovin' this! ;):)


Thanks. Are you doing an 11 day southern cruise?

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Great review, thanks for posting it.


Thank you so much.


Heading out on our first cruise - The Sun - in January. THANK YOU so much for posting these pics! I am a planner and it is such a help for me to envision where we are going and what to expect. And, maybe more importantly, I showed them to our children and THEY are more comfortable as well!



You are very welcome. I'm glad it could help out your kids.

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I do too and look for your posts in pink! Great information and keep it coming. We will be on the Sun in February and we are reading every word.

Thanks so much for sharing your cruise time and we hope that you and your family had a great Thanksgiving.


Thanks so much for joining me and I hope you have a wonderful cruise on the Sun in February.


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with tons of food and tons of SHOPPING TIL YOU BE DROPPING! Me and the girls went out at 6pm and didn't return home until 5:45am. :eek:


Your photos are making me a bit sad. Your daughter is beautiful and how I loved that age. More so today as my first born of three children turned 30 years old today! :eek: BTW - How did your interview go?




Aww, don't be sad. You have plenty of great memories of them growing up. I too look back at my adult children and loved this age as well. My first born is now 28. :eek:


My interview went well. They hired me on the spot and wanted me to start the next day (Thanksgiving)...um no. I'm busy. But I have reservations and I'm still not sure about taking the job yet. :(

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Color fine but would love a bigger font...

These old eyes are having to strain at the old Ipad!



You are the second person to mention a bigger font. I did go with a bigger than normal font, but I will go bigger on the next post and see if it's better. :p

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I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I don't really care what color it is (I've gotten used to the pink now and look forward to seeing it).


The different color helps me when I'm in a rush to easily spot the review itself. I think it was a GREAT idea!




I agree!

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Love reading your review of the Sun, your pictures are great.


I see the Sun had a shower curtain instead of a door. I have an inside room for my upcoming trip on the Sky, was hoping for a door but after seeing your pics of the Sun I'm guessing I'll have a curtain as well??


Kinda bums me out. Somehow the idea of 'sharing' a curtain with strangers who went before me doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling :(


Anyway, thanks for all your time and effort to give such a great review. Looking forward to what's next




Edited by runner2013
Changing context of post
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Following this post also.


Your daughter is more than adorable and so photogenic!


We are sailing the Sky in January so i'm hanging on waiting for the pictures and reports for that ship.


We sailed the Getaway in September after you did and your pictures helped us out a lot seeing where things were.

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I feel just like I am there with you on the SUN. It brings back wonderful memories. I also am seeing stuff from your pictures that I do not remember seeing and I have been on the SUN 4 or 5 times. :eek:. Guess I am going to go looking for some of the stuff! Just want to once again say thank you. This review is fantastic. The pictures are fantastic. As my time draws near I am reading everything I can on the SUN.


Love following you on your ventures. You make it a very enjoyable time to read. As if we are all there with you. I only wish my pictures would be so good!

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Love reading your review of the Sun, your pictures are great.


I see the Sun had a shower curtain instead of a door. I have an inside room for my upcoming trip on the Sky, was hoping for a door but after seeing your pics of the Sun I'm guessing I'll have a curtain as well??


Kinda bums me out. Somehow the idea of 'sharing' a curtain with strangers who went before me doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling :(


Anyway, thanks for all your time and effort to give such a great review. Looking forward to what's next





Thanks so much for your comments.


Yes, the Sky is basically the same ship with a few different things (that I really liked better). The shower is the same. :(


Following this post also.


Your daughter is more than adorable and so photogenic!


We are sailing the Sky in January so i'm hanging on waiting for the pictures and reports for that ship.


We sailed the Getaway in September after you did and your pictures helped us out a lot seeing where things were.


Awww, thank you for your kind words. :)

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I feel just like I am there with you on the SUN. It brings back wonderful memories. I also am seeing stuff from your pictures that I do not remember seeing and I have been on the SUN 4 or 5 times. :eek:. Guess I am going to go looking for some of the stuff! Just want to once again say thank you. This review is fantastic. The pictures are fantastic. As my time draws near I am reading everything I can on the SUN.


Love following you on your ventures. You make it a very enjoyable time to read. As if we are all there with you. I only wish my pictures would be so good!


Such kind words. Thank you so much for joining me and enjoying the review. This is why I do them.


I'm excited to see what's up next! Thanks for doing this!


Are those real Furries? We ran into a Furry convention back in July and it was.... interesting.



YES!!!! Real Furries!!! I had no idea what Furries were and had to look them up after I returned. It's a pretty interesting group and truth be known, I wish they were on the ships full time. I would take them any day over Sponge Bob. :D They were a fantastic group and Sakari loved them.

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Roatan, one of my favorite ports. I know there is a lot of talk about the violence here, but it is one of the most beautiful places and I have never been unsatisfied with any place I have been to here. It's just so beautiful with excellent snorkeling.








Tuesday...What a great night. We get an extra hour of sleep and we don't get to port until 10am. Woo Hoo. This doesn't happen a lot when we cruise, so time to take advantage of it....then again, maybe not. I just couldn't sleep. Sigh* Maybe it was the excitement of coming back to Little French Key. I'm just not sure.


I was up at 3:30am, then again at 6:30am and decided I might as well just stay up.


NCL offers several options for excursions, but this is one port that is just too easy to do on your own (unless you want to go to Maya Key, which HAS to be booked with the cruise line...and it well worth it).












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I went upstairs and ate breakfast by myself because I knew just because I couldn't sleep, it was best to let the family sleep in. I had breakfast in Cagneys again and since this was a "late" day, of course there wasn't anyone in there eating. What a joy. This gave me an opportunity to take some pictures (yes, I never leave the room without my camera...even for breakfast). See, I knew I had pictures of this place somewhere.













I headed back to the room and after awhile, the family was up and ready for their breakfast. They went to Cagneys as well.





Sorry, for some reason I really didn't take pictures of the place itself. It wasn't anything spectacular I guess...or I just completely forgot.







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We were going really slow into port and made it there by 9:30am.





All of the taxi's were already lined up and ready for us.







It was such a beautiful day.







They made the announcement that we had been cleared by customs and could leave the ship at 9:40. We headed down to the gangway and there were no lines.



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We were the second people off the ship. Oh my. That was weird.


I snapped a few pictures of the beautiful Sun as we got off.





It looked like people were getting on the Sun in this port. They were loading their luggage onto the ship.








We made our way out to the long strip mall to the exit.





Then out the exit and you have to turn left to get all of the way out of the compound. (If you turn right, you are going toward the taxi vendors.)





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Once you are out of the compound, you are at this main road with a lot of traffic coming and going picking up passengers without the tours and going it on their own.





A representative was waiting for us immediately outside the gate and was easy to spot with the Little French Key shirt on and a sign in his hand. He walked us over to another employee and had us wait there for the rest of the people coming to LFK.





You could tell it was going to be a gorgeous day and it was already getting hot. Thank goodness there is some shade there to sit in under the tree.


We gathered enough people to fill 2 vans and we left the port at 10:10am. I have to say that it was a much different experience than the last time we did this. The last time, we came in by Carnival and was at Mahogany Bay (which is much closer to LFK than Coxenhole). We had the LONG walk out of the compound and up and over the hill to get to the taxi vendors. This was much simpler to do and a lot less walking. Also, last time we arrived and was immediately put into a private vehicle and taken over. There was no waiting and no filling vans before going. So, an entirely different experience. I guess you trade off one good thing for another. But no complaints here.


Then off we went. Our driver was very slow. I was not use to this. It seems like no matter what or where we have been, they are pushing it to the limit. This driver was not even going the speed limit. I'm very grateful for the safety...but I want to get to LFK as soon as possible and enjoy my time there.


There are 2 little towns that you will pass through while en-route to Frenchys 44. The second one you come to is called "Spanish Town". Everyone there speaks Spanish. It looked like a poor town and had a lot of little side road vendors set up in shacks.




I can tell you that we dropped off a few employees that came from LFK on our way back to the ship that must live here and help out on the island.




Then you will find your expensive mansions along the way as well. (Sorry, moving buses and my camera skills don't usually get along, this would be no exception).








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They have a huge shopping center along the way. I remember seeing this before, so this must have been past the Carnival compound area.









I was more than happy to see the road we turn down. I remember this road well from the last time and had been looking for the sign once I knew we were getting close.




Just a few houses on this road leading to Frenchys.






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We pulled in to Frency 44's and immediately noticed there were a lot of changes and upgrades. They had now built a horse barn as you enter, which wasn't there the last time we were here.

















The mangroves as you walk down the deck to the outside restaurant of Frenchys.



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