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Live from the Reflection, Dec. 6


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Today was another busy day, with us on the go most of the day. I'll post more in the morning when I am sitting on the balcony relaxing:D


Dinner last night was at Tuscan. Delish! EW, I went with your steak tar tare app suggestion ... excellent. We both had the Filet for our entree. Melt in your mouth good. The Dark Chocolate Fondu was wonderful. DW wanted to know if she could use her spoon to scoop:D Service was excellent. Now we have to decide on Murano or Tuscan Friday. I'm voting Murano, she is leaning toward Tuscan. Where do you think we'll be going?


Today was St. Maarten, and the main DR. More of a report tomorrow morning.


We got up a little later than planned this morning and ended up at the buffet. Happy to report no issues. The staff continues to be great!


I had a dress shirt come back from the laundry quite wrinkled. Mariano our attendant insisted on taking care of it, and it was returned quickly repressed. I call that good service.


Time for a shower and then cocktails before dinner. We have met some nice CCers, and have done some dinners and happy hours together. One of our members is opening her RS tomorrow for an open house.:cool::D


More tomorrow.



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Today was another busy day, with us on the go most of the day. I'll post more in the morning when I am sitting on the balcony relaxing:D


Dinner last night was at Tuscan. Delish! EW, I went with your steak tar tare app suggestion ... excellent. We both had the Filet for our entree. Melt in your mouth good. The Dark Chocolate Fondu was wonderful. DW wanted to know if she could use her spoon to scoop:D Service was excellent. Now we have to decide on Murano or Tuscan Friday. I'm voting Murano, she is leaning toward Tuscan. Where do you think we'll be going?


Today was St. Maarten, and the main DR. More of a report tomorrow morning.


We got up a little later than planned this morning and ended up at the buffet.

Happy to report no issues. The staff continues to be great!


I had a dress shirt come back from the laundry quite wrinkled. Mariano our attendant insisted on taking care of it, and it was returned quickly repressed. I call that good service.


Time for a shower and then cocktails before dinner. We have met some nice CCers, and have done some dinners and happy hours together. One of our members is opening her RS tomorrow for an open house.:cool::D


More tomorrow.




See you tomorrow! We now have a happy bday sign on our cabin door for my moms bday!



This trip has been harder on mom and my sister ...we've missed several of the cc parties and cries critic gathering...bummer.



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Goooood Morning!


Yesterday was our stop in St. Maarten. We have visited many times, usually going to the beach. We decided to just spend a little time in town, and return back to ship. I guess DW’s idea of a little time in town is different than mine.


Anyhow, we were back on board by 2:00, looking for a fru fru drink before grabbing a light lunch. A few hours at the sunset bar later, DW got some pizza (not bad), and I got a burger from the Mast Grill (good).We ended up staying at the sunset bar through sailaway. What a great spot. There were two different entertainers; first Sean Roach (ok), then a duo called 5 o’clock somewhere (pretty good – most people enjoyed them).


After resting for a bit, we got ready for dinner. We went to the Martini Bar for cocktails. By chance we sat next to a couple of fellow CCers and had a good time. The creating three martinis at once show is quite amazing (of course, we did not have the camera)! First drink package snag: I forgot that DW’s martini would not be covered under the classic package (my bad).



We chose select dining this trip (our first time) for the flexibility. DW would prefer to eat in the 7:30 to 8:00 range as opposed to our normal 8:30 fixed seating. Off to the MDR at 9:15. No problems. We were seated promptly and enjoyed a very nice dinner; she had Penne and I had Drum fish. Both were good and tasty. I also had the Duck Confete (spelling) which was quite good.



Our three trips to the MDR have been very good. We have not made any reservations, yet our wait has been 5 minutes or less. The service has been very good, although if you let them, a bit rushed. I simply ask the wait staff to slow it down a bit so we can enjoy our wine with each course. The staff has graciously accommodated our requests. Last night, because of the late hour, we let the service flow at the normal pace.



This has been a wonderful cruise. Great ship, outstanding crew, very good food, nice entertainment. Limited public announcements, few chair hogs or obnoxious passengers. It was fun watching the pool deck this morning. One elderly guy was tying paraphernalia to a couple of prime chairs. I waived and he didn’t know which way to look. Another couple, not reserving chairs, were busy rearranging loungers to their liking (in fairness, the chairs are close together). Another waive and a look-away from the couple. I know, I’m a mean person, but I can’t help myself.



The Ensemble lounge has been a good meeting spot before dinner. Nice music (I would prefer on notch lower on the volume – but certainly not annoyingly loud). Waiter remembers our drink order each visit.



Mast Grill is definitely a step up from the old burger and hot dog stations. Burgers and fries are pretty good, and we have not had a wait longer than 5 minutes.



Lines on board have been good. I can’t remember more than a 5 minute wait anywhere.



I almost forgot to report on elevator etiquette, based on the recent thread. Far and away, the passengers have been courteous, friendly and accommodating. Sorry, I can’t report on bad behavior here.

Time to head off to an open house. More later.




Edited by kenevenpar
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I'm enjoying reading your fair and balanced report!


I have a question.

Seas were rocking and rolling. From what we understand, they were much calmer than the last week, but we were lulled to sleep. We did notice patches were in short supply.


Can you purchase the patches (Scopolamine) on board? Are these the patches you're speaking of?

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I'm enjoying reading your fair and balanced report!


I have a question.



Can you purchase the patches (Scopolamine) on board? Are these the patches you're speaking of?


Yes. On this cruise they were sold out early on due to the previous two cruise being even rougher.


Thank you for your report.

May I ask who is the restaurant manager onboard?

We are on Reflection in February.

Thank you


The food and beverage director is Vlado Momiroski. If you mean a different position, let me know and I can ask.

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I cannot believe that this is our last full day of the cruise. Where does the time go?



Yesterday was day 1 of two consecutive sea days. I went solo to the MDR for breakfast (DW decided to sleep in) and was seated with a nice couple from NY. Breakfast was again well done and service was efficient and friendly.



I mentioned that CCer H2OH (Amy) invited our roll call to an open house in her Royal Suite. What a wonderful cabin! Tastefully decorated, separate living room, a dining area with a wet bar and wine cooler, and separate bedroom. Bathroom was amazing, two sinks, tub and large shower. There was also a separate powder room. The deck was huge and had a hot tub; although Amy did not invite us to jump in LOL. Thank you to Amy and her family, it was a wonderful time with mimosas and wine, as well as a fruit tray and some cookies.



DW went to an art class and I headed to the pool. No problem finding a seat in the shade, and after a brief shower cleared out most of the pool deck, seats were aplenty. After her class we stayed on the pool deck until about 6PM. Usual fun and games led by the activity director included guest vs. officers volleyball and cruise Olympics. Passengers seemed to enjoy both events. There was some live music which I enjoyed, although it was a bit loud for my taste as talking to the person next to you was difficult. The music was not so loud as to hurt, and I am sure many liked the lively atmosphere. Lunch was a burger from the Mast Grill, again well done and tasty.



After showers and dressing for dinner, we headed of for the required photo sessions. Required by DW!



Cocktails started in the Passport lounge while we waited for the photographers to start at 7:30, and concluded at the Martini Bar. The Martini Bar is a great venue, although last night being formal night the volume level was a bit high. There seems to be a pattern here, so I suspect it must be my old ears.



A cruise first for me. This is my 26th or so cruise, and last night was the first formal night that I did not wear a tux or dinner jacket. I certainly met the dress code but we were headed to Qsine with another couple who were not dressing formal. And I survived. Of course I ran into the Captain, who was in his dress uniform. He let me slide.



This was our first Qsine experience as our new CC friends asked if we would like to join them. We had planned on skipping this restaurant as we heard it was more fun and better suited to a group of people. There have been plenty of reviews here on CC, so I’ll simply say that we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, the food was different but delicious. The lamb chops were phenomenal. We liked the spring rolls, the lollipop sushi and many of the other “treats”. I was so full, I had to get up and walk around. Well done Celebrity. Oh, service was again spot on!




No after dinner activities for us as it was 11:30.



Second of two sea days today. More later.



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How do you get them without a prescription?


I know that they are over the counter in some countries (like the one I get them from, Korea).

Maybe you don't need an Rx on the ship?

Years ago we were at Disney prior to our cruise on Century. We left our patches at the hotel and realized it when we got to West Palm Beach. I called Celebrity to see if they had them on board and they said they did not. But this was in 2007. Looks like things have changed.

PS We ended up calling the doc here at home and got them called in at a pharmacy. This was before friends in Korea.

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I watched a bit ago on the Miami web cam as the Captian slowly brought the Reflection to the dock. Welcome home, sadly :)




How do you get them without a prescription?


Having never had a need for them, I can;t help answer.



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Not quite live anymore:(.


Friday was a great, yet busy day for us. Our list of things we had not done was still quite long, so we tried to remedy that situation.


I was up early taking pictures of as many areas as I could. Some of the art work is really cool, although not necessarily my style.


We went to the Elite breakfast in Tuscan. Very nice setting, very nice server. Our waitress was the same as the previous night in Qsine. We were not thrilled with the menu, but it was nice and relaxing. On a cruise I have smoked salmon, one way or another, every morning. So for me the smoked salmon plate worked.


We thought about the MDR for lunch (we had not done that yet), but opted instead for The Porch. Well done, very nice server. DW had the Ruben and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Al Baccio - we made quite a few visits here during the week. Yesterday the bartender from passport lounge was working here. Asked if we would like a Belvedere and Cosmo? We only visited the Passport Lounge once previously for one quick drink. This type of service is impressive. Anyhow, we enjoyed Al Baccio. DW loved to tease me because of my butchering some of the venues names. So her question was "do you want to go see AL?" The servers are also not happy if you do not take some pastries (we mostly refrained). Friday, we ran into the CD Josh here. Had a nice chat again. Nice young man, seems to be hard working and on the go without being over the top.


After The Porch, we went up to the pool. The temperature had dropped quite a bit and the wind was a bit high. So we visited the Solarium for a few hours of reading and, for DW, napping.


Now we were running short of time. DW needed to pick up a CD (not Josh) in the photo shop. One of the few errors this cruise, the CD was not ready as promised, and staff said it was being processed right now:rolleyes::confused:. No big deal, it was ready a couple of hours later.


We also needed to deal with the dreaded packing, which of course took longer than expected, and we missed the show. We did manage to go to Molecular, where nothing was included in DW's drink package, so we ended up at the Passport Lounge for cocktails.


Dinner was at Murano. Again outstanding! We shared the Chateaubriand and it was prepared to perfection. The service was outstanding once again. I love the cheese course, which because of ordering a souffle, was served before the dessert course.


This morning was the dreaded day to leave. We requested a 9:00 departure, and our number 19 was called timely. Our tradition is to eat in the MDR on the last morning. Another nice breakfast, with attentive service. We barely had time to go to Tuscan before we were called for departure.


The departure process was efficient and almost quick. Unfortunately, one of our bags was misplaced, and made a late appearance. The immigration and customs process was efficient, although the lines did grow a bit long.



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Quick summary:


Problems were minimal, and resolved quickly and politely.


Some passengers really cannot help being obnoxious and overbearing. Thankfully, we were able to tune them out most of the time.


Staff and Officers were a pleasure to be around. The Captain and his team have done a wonderful job of training and monitoring the staff, and it shows in their work product.


The ship is wonderful. Seven days was not enough to utilize all the ship has to offer, and we need to go back again, soon!


We were a bit surprised that the ship seems to roll more than others we have been on, considering the seas were not that rough. There were a lot of swells; it just seemed there was more movement than expected.


Drink Package - still have not decided if it is beneficial for us. We did use it frequently for fresh squeezed OJ and for specialty coffee, both of which we may not have bought outside a package. We did use quite a bit of bottled water and some soda.


Overall, I feel comfortable recommending this ship to anyone!



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Thank you Kenevenpar for your review. I enjoyed your writing style very much. We will be doing a B2B on Reflection in 2016 so hopefully we will not experience the sadness of leaving her so quickly. I'm glad your time on her was pleasurable and you will indeed be aboard her again soon.

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Thank you Kenevenpar for your review. I enjoyed your writing style very much. We will be doing a B2B on Reflection in 2016 so hopefully we will not experience the sadness of leaving her so quickly. I'm glad your time on her was pleasurable and you will indeed be aboard her again soon.


Thank you.


I did not realize how much time it can take to do a live from. Gives me a new appreciation for those that do it up BIG.



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After reading Host Andy's accounts of the internet, I must comment that on Reflection it worked quite well for both of us. That is not to say it is fast, because it is not. However, it was reliable and did not disconnect at all. We used it in our cabin, on the balcony a little, and quite a few times at the Sunset Bar. DW ad an issue with her email due to trying to log in on my laptop, but this was a security issue by her provider. The IT folks tried to help, but it wasn't worth the time on line. Graciously, they credited back her minutes spent trying to fix the issue. She was able to connect on her phone in airplane mode with WIFI on, so it turned out not to be an issue.



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Do you remember where final disembarkation from ship took place?

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It was Deck 5, back toward Qsine, which is just forward of Tuscan. I think it was for traffic control, because you then had to walk back, outside, to mid-ship. When we got off at 9:00, there was no waiting (except for the elderly couple arguing about where the missing person from their group might be, who decided that holding up the rest of us at the ramp would be a good idea. Security did not think it funny:eek:). Smooth process from the ship's perspective.



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We departed at ten, made the long walk towards Qsine only to hear the alarm that the gangway was being moved and had to walk forward towards the theatre to disembark.


We were outside in ten minutes and as we started to join a long taxi line we were led to a shuttle that would take us to the airport for $10 pp.

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It was Deck 5, back toward Qsine, which is just forward of Tuscan. I think it was for traffic control, because you then had to walk back, outside, to mid-ship. When we got off at 9:00, there was no waiting (except for the elderly couple arguing about where the missing person from their group might be, who decided that holding up the rest of us at the ramp would be a good idea. Security did not think it funny:eek:). Smooth process from the ship's perspective.





Thank for info. We r on her in January and have an early flight, so will need to be in line and off ship in the very first wave. I will obviously inquire onboard, but like to know as much before getting there.



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Thank for info. We r on her in January and have an early flight, so will need to be in line and off ship in the very first wave. I will obviously inquire onboard, but like to know as much before getting there.


We did not see the early departure group, but it did seem as though the whole process was smooth.



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Do you remember where final disembarkation from ship took place?





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They had 2 exits going. They we leaving by the shops and by the Gelato. They did a great job on the disembarkation. The first walk offs we leaving about 6:45.

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