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Cruising with Small Children


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My daughter will be 14 months old when we cruise in April. I can hardly wait! Sitting quietly during dinner time is hit or miss but I have no problem walking out with her if she goes into a tantrum.


I guarantee there will be an adult somewhere on that ship who will make Lily look reserved by comparison. Every problem I've seen on cruises were created by adults.

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I don't mean to step on anyone's toes... I have raised my CHILD... Only one cause God knew I couldn't handle two of her... BUT... I have read several posts here on CC... In the Carnival Forum... Where people don't seem to want anyone bringing their "kids" along on a vacation...


I can understand we ALL like our adult time... But... Carnival is for familys' right???


Carnival is absolutely for families, and for singles, and for adults, and for empty-nesters. (We are now the last.:D) We took our boys on their first cruise when they were 11 and 14 and their last cruise was 10 years later. (It was a hoot drinking shots with our guys. :eek:)


That said, I have no problems with kids who behave reasonably well. (C'mon, they're kids. They can't, and shouldn't, be angels 24/7.) But it does irk me when kids wearing goggles climb into a hot full of adults and splash everyone, or run by us and almost knock us down, or scream and chase each other in the hallways.


Then there are the parents who take their diapered babies into the pools:

On Magic last year, a couple took their eight-month old daughter into the aft hot tub and pool. Yes, I complained to security about the diaper. It happened every single day. On the last sea day, security told me it was OK-the father took the baby's diaper off so she could be in the hot tub.


We sailed Victory in November. A family had their diapered toddler in the hot tub. Someone must have said something because we watched security talk to them. The father left and came back minutes later with a little bathing suit. He actually took the kid's diaper off on the ledge of the hot tub and slipped on his bathing suit.


So...I am not against sailing with families and children. I love watching kids have fun. I think the only sound better than a ship's horn is the laughter of children. But I don't think it's unreasonable to want an area, like a pool area, dedicated to adults so we don't have to be surrounded by jumping, splashing kids and diapered babies. (That's one reason I love the Spirit class ships-Serenity is the whole aft deck and has a pool. But there are only four ships and two are in Australia right now.)

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We leave next week on the Dream with our kids. Daughter is 9, and this will be her 3rd cruise. Son is 15 months. We are taking the advice of other posters and bringing an inflatable bath tub so he can have his own "pool" without being in the actual pool. Daughter has never been a problem on a cruise, in fact we've been complimented on her behavior. I'm hoping son is the same!

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I don't mind children on the ship, especially if they're well behaved. It's the few "bad apples" that spoil the whole bunch though. :) But even with the not-so-well-behaved ones I either just ignore, and be thankful they're not mine, or I remove myself from the area. The only time I remember a truly ill-behaved child was a little girl named Hailey on the elevator. She had gotten on with two other little girls and they were giggling, then Hailey pressed all the buttons on the elevator. Her two little friends were embarrassed and they got off at the first stop. But little Hailey would get off then run right back in. We put up with it for a couple of stops but then I did say something to her about her behavior. It didn't make a difference. She was definitely a little brat. I was so hoping we'd meet up with her again in an elevator, along with her parents, so I could ask her if she wanted to press all the buttons again. :) But it never happened, darn it. :)


I don't like seeing parents let their children run amok, but thankfully most parents aren't like that. I wouldn't like seeing a child in diapers in the hot tub, or as a PP said one with goggles jumping in the hot tub already full of adults. I think I would tell the kid to get out. Small children shouldn't be in them anyway.


As for taking the kids out of school, I don't see anything wrong with it if the kids are good students and don't have any trouble doing the make up homework. Some teachers will even give it early so the child can get it done before they go on vacation.

Edited by Yvonne
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Diapered babies in the pool is against the rules on the ship. And gross. Kids in the hot tubs not located in serenity or most aft pools are not. My kids love the hot tubs, but most of the time they are packed with other kids or adults who leave their drink cups and beer bottles behind, which is also gross and also against the rules to be in them drinking or eating in the first place. Fortunately we always do a pre or post cruise stay where we can enjoy far less crowded pools and hot tubs at the hotel. Both on any ship I've been on are two of my least favorite spots, because of how they stay packed by all ages. And the drink and plates left behind.

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The only time we've ever left our kids home during a vacation was last year, our first cruise for our 20th anniversary. I wouldnt ever have thought of leaving them when they were younger. When you become a parent you make a long committment which may mean cramping your style a bit. Our kids are now mid-late teens and we will be bringing them on their first cruise this April with us because we had so much fun on ours last year. Our 18 month old grandson will be along as well.


I have no problem with kids at all. That being said, I expect the parents to be parents be have control of their kids as well. Again, that committment when you became a parent. On our last cruise, there were some young kids playing in the pool with goggles every time we went to the pool. Running, jumping in, splashing older people, kicking you as they swam by, trying to swim under water around the crowded pool. No parents in sight. That I dont agree with. Parents should have been right there supervising and when they saw what they were doing to others, put an end to it. Dont get me wrong, when they werent affecting anyone else, splash and kick away, but sometimes you need to be a bit reserved.


My kids have always known how to act properly in public (and otherwise) and I have received compliments about their behavior from total strangers (very proud parent when that happens)

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Cruising is the best option if you have kids (especially small ones)! Whenever we book a cruise, we get asked "Are you bringing the kids?" It never even crosses our mind to leave them home (even if we had sitters).


This year's cruise marks the 5th cruise for my 2yo and 4yo and they have a blast on each cruise we take and the 4yo begs to go to Camp Carnival or Adventure Ocean Club. I've never had negative feedback from fellow cruisers but then we're the type of parents to immediately remove our child if he's not behaving well or pre-plan so that we don't run into meltdown situations. The staff onboard have been nice and always manage to bond with our boys, particularly because they miss their own kids back home.


We will continue cruising with our boys until that dreaded day when they no longer want to be seen with us in public places. :(

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I remember being in the large swimming pool on the Lido aboard the Conquest. A little boy, about 5 years old, jumped into the pool towards me and drop kicked me in the gut! That took the wind out of me lol. After regaining my composure and breath, I decided to have fun with him so we played in the pool. I threw him all over the place and he kept on coming back for more lol. It was a memorable moment for me. I can deal with that.


Later that night, however, two full grown adults decided they'd have sexual relations in the room next door as loudly as possible. That, I cannot deal with. The adults should know better!

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We took our girls on their first cruise last May when they were 5 and 6, but it was DH's and my 5th cruise. It was hard leaving them with relatives the first cruise, especially because they were so young, but by the 3rd day I was fine, lol. I personally wanted to wait until they were a little older than toddlers to cruise, but I definitely don't see a problem with taking little ones. I just know that I personally wanted my kids to be old enough to be fine in the kids club so we could have some alone time too. And they had a blast. I was very fortunate that I never got stares or glares, everyone seemed to smile at my girls when they saw them. Even had one older couple sitting at the next table in the MDR tell us that our girls were the most well behaved kids they had seen, and I just burst out laughing. I told them they should see them at home, well behaved does not come to mind, lol. But other than my five year old being very excitable at everything, they really did very well. So I'm definitely looking forward to more cruises with my girls.

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I don't mean to step on anyone's toes... I have raised my CHILD... Only one cause God knew I couldn't handle two of her... BUT... I have read several posts here on CC... In the Carnival Forum... Where people don't seem to want anyone bringing their "kids" along on a vacation...


I can understand we ALL like our adult time... But... Carnival is for familys' right???


Yup. All are welcome!

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I am primary an RC cruiser but am taking my 18yo son and some friends on the Breeze for spring break in April (along with one other mom). It's interesting to read some of the same feelings/statements of people who are primary Carnival cruisers. But I have to say I see more anti-kid sentiments on the RC threads, but maybe it's because I spend more time on those threads. But all of it is crazy to me. Some kids are annoying. Some adults are annoying. Kids at least have an excuse of being a kid.


Bring your child and don't think twice about the nay-Sayers. Kids that learn how to handle themselves in social situations that they will experience on cruises are at an advantage in how to handle themselves in interviews, future business dinners, etc. Just make sure you are there to help them navigate the waters, no pun intended.


We have 3 boys (18, 16, 13) and have been blessed to travel to many fascinating places. One of the biggest compliments we get about them is their ability to meet and have a conversation with new friends of all ages and nationalities. I agree with other posters that adults only places should be honored, but travel is such an educational experience and can teach life lessons if you do it right.



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Edited by cindivan
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People with babies and kids need to be aware , that the cabins walls are thin and the crying and loud voices can be heard thru the walls , We did get a 20% discount on our next cruise after we had a baby cry every night for 7 days


It isn't just kids you can hear through the walls.



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You can always hit the edit button and fix errors for about 15 minutes after you post. :)


To answer your question, Carnival IS for families. Some people just don't get that. They will make generalized negative comments regarding children onboard, and some will have ZERO tolerance for kids no matter what. I've received death stares and looks of disgust from some passengers who seem insulted at the sight of my completely quiet sleeping toddlers strapped to their umbrella strollers. :mad:


Unfortunately, there are a handful of unruly, poorly raised children that are usually running around unsupervised, and who simply don't know how to behave in public and even less on a cruise ship. These few are the ones that people have an issue with and the ones that give a bad name to the rest of kids onboard who are behaving properly.


BUT, saying that one doesn't want to sail with kids because of a few bad ones is the same as saying that one doesn't want to sail with adults because of a few idiots that are poorly behaved, have zero manners, drink too much, are too loud, or have poor hygiene which unfortunately can also be found onboard. Personally, I'm more annoyed by the poorly behaved adults than by the poorly behaved kids.


With all of that said, Carnival is a VERY poor choice for those wishing to avoid children altogether, even then ones that are well behaved. If someone wants to sail kid free, they better look at some of the more "adult oriented" cruise lines. And even then, kids can still be found onboard, although based on my last cruises on Holland America and Princess, the issues of kids running unsupervised, taking over hot tubs, screaming down hallways, or commandeering elevators are greatly minimized.



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I agree... I have seen some very naughty adults!!!


Sad that more people cant enjoy cruising with their well behaved kids cause being around family is what life is about...

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One of our best cruises was a few years ago when we took our kids and our than 1 year old grandson. He wasnt going to sit quietly over a two hour dinner in DR so as necessary we put him in his stroller and went for a walk.


In a few weeks we are doing it again and now he is 3 1/2 and his brother 15 months and will again have an awesome time.


Some people allow their kids to run amok on ships and it gives all kids a bad name.


Enjoy your cruise... Wishing you the best... :)

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DH and I have grown children and enjoy our adult time. We still find we can sail carnival relatively child free during the off season. We sail during Sept or May when there seem to be few children. If we were to sail during March break etc then it would serve us right if we were surrounded by little ones.


Don't get me wrong. We both love children, but at this stage in our life we enjoy a little more peaceful surroundings. If we ever find this not working for us we would probably switch to another line.


My Hubby and I's Anniversary is in March, so we always seem to be one of the few couples on board that dont have kiddos with us during that time... Oh well... There are plenty of kid free places too...

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We leave in 11 days for our annual family cruise. This will be mine and hubby's 5th cruise, my 14yr old and 11 yr old's 4th cruise and my 4 yr olds 3rd cruise. Already planning our 2016 cruise. Our cruise in Feb 2014, i only got one snide remark from some uptight angry old man asking why my kids werent in school. My kids, my decision is what we told him. If you dont want to cruise with kids, dont cruise Carnival. There have always been a bunch of kids on every Carnival cruise we take regardless of when we have taken the cruise during the year. Just my opinion.


We will continue to cruise each year as long as we can. My kids love it and so do we.


I really hate when someone tries to parent someone elses children... Ughhhhhh... Enjoy yalls cruise...

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I have a toddler myself and love kids..have no problem with them onboard. As the spouse of a teacher, I think it's not a good idea to take kids out of school to go on vacation. They get plenty of time off every year and to foresake their education for a cheaper cruise rate seems wrong to me.



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I agree with you. To date we have chosen to cruise only when they are out of school. However what another parent does is on them. And many children are on different, non traditional schedules.


I believe to each their own... ;) Us parents know our children... And how we choose to raise them should be noone elses business...

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We just completed a trip on the Breeze with our 5 grown children and 11 grand kids 6 and and under (down to 7 months). It was a blast. A review is coming with some traveling with small children portions.....:rolleyes:


Yay... Cannot wait for the review... :)

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Yep. Take your young one and have a great cruise. I've never worried a bit about offending someone for taking my son.



Im taking my almost 2 year old Grandson on my next cruise... It is my first B2B cruise... And although it will be a long cruise and a bit trying... I hope to not have to many mad shipmates, cause he is my World and I might just go off...

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Three weeks away from our first cruise with our four year-old granddaughter. Cannot. Wait. Bursting with excitement.



I am also bring along my Grandson on our next cruise... I traveled with him a year ago to Hawaii... And then this past summer to Arizona... So I am excited to take him on the ship... :)

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We take our kids out of school twice a year for vacation. I love what you said...my kids, my decision...it is no one else's business why my kids are out if school. My kids love cruising. February marks their third cruise. We also do almost everything with our kids. I love traveling with them. We bond so much on vacation.


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And traveling the World is a good way to show them different cultures!!! Enjoy!!!

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