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Live from Silversea Spirit Auckland to Melbourne Feb 12-24


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Not wanting to hijack the other thread for the entire LA to LA cruise, I am going to start one regarding just this segment.


We arrived in Auckland yesterday after a long flight from LA to New Zealand via Fiji on fiji airways. The flight from LA to Fiji was on a very nice new 777. Business class is quite comfortable, and George slept most of the way after dinner. A good use of AA miles. Unfortunately there were 2 medical emergencies that I was asked to attend. One due to exhaustion and dehydration, the other due to to much Ambien.


We are staying at the Auckland Hilton using Hilton honors points. A very good use of points as our room would be over $500 per night otherwise. Breakfast is included and quite extravagant and delicious.


We spent today hiking all over waiheke island. A good workout . The ferry stop is right by our hotel as is the seaport. Tomorrow am we should be able to look out and see the Spirit.

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We arrived yesterday as well after a wonderful flight from LAX on Air New Zealand. We're at the Rendezvous Hotel which is about 1/2 mile south of the harbor but still in a nice area. We went up the Sky Tower this morning and again at sunset this evening and enjoyed the view and the orientation to the city. This afternoon we walked all over the city including Albert Park and up to the winter garden near the art museum. It is a very interesting city with a strong Asian influence.


Now we're looking forward to boarding the Spirit tomorrow midday.

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Here is David's latest photo taken yesterday in Bay of Islands,New Zealand:


Crossed the International Dateline, it is now tomorrow! Very rough night last night. A lot of debris on the cabin floor. A few broken utensils but wine bottles all intact!

Today in Bay of Islands bay. Overcast but pleasant. Tonight dinner with our Trivia team. Osso Buco.





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Have fun all of you! Looking forward to some good pictures of warm places. I just shoveled the latest snowfall from our front walk, in preparation for more tomorrow.


We visited some of your upcoming ports of call way back in 2008 on Oceania. Really excited to see them again, and to see what you all have planned in these ports. Enjoy!


PS - Wes, are there two of you now?

Edited by jpalbny
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JP, alas right now at kitchen counter filing out our 2014 Tax Organizer. Gleefully, we depart for Sydney on Feb 24th and board the Spirit with EnglishUSA, Emtsbam on Feb 27th for the rest of the Grand Voyage--to LA.

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Catlover, we are just going to wheel our luggage down. It may take a couple of trips, but it is a very short distance.


Wes, I can't get my pics to post here using an iPad. I only know how to do it from a regular computer. So if you want to share any I post on FB here, feel free. I took a great one of George yesterday in a mirror sculpture garden on waiheke island.

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Pls enjoy Rachel's pix taken on waiheke island below:




If you want to try to load your pix from your Ipad here is the way I do it:


a. Sign up for Photobucket or another 3rd party host site (e.g. smugmug).

b. Save/transfer the images you want to post from your Ipad camera roll to

the 3rd party site (Photobucket has a drag & drop feature).

c. Click on the IMG code to copy and then post this copied IMG code on the post your compose on CC.


If this does not work or you just want to me to post some of your FB pix, glad to do.





Edited by WesW
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Wes, I tried this from my shutterfly account. For some reason, i can't make it work with my iPad, but I can from a regular computer.


I can see the ship from the hotel dining room, on time in port and waiting for us later today.

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No worries Rachel, it took me a couple of tries last week to figure how to post on here with my Ipad. Did not relish having to hump my laptop and find that most of the pix I load on FB and here are from my Ipad not my point and shoot.


Here is an idea to make your CC posts more unifying. If you describe which pix you want I will copy the code and send to you via email. Then you just need to copy this code on your IPAD to post in your CC post. If this is too cumbersome--will just post the FB pix you point me too.


When you try to use Shutterfly with your Ipad pix are you using the Shutterfly App for IPAD. Once I installed the photobucket app on

my Ipad mini--posting pix was turnkey.


btw..really like the couple pix of George and you, but pls tell him he needs a haircut :)

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February 12, 2015--embarkation in Auckland


We awoke early at the Hilton as George had somehow managed to set the hotel alarm clock to go off at 4 am. Further sleep was futile.


The day started off overcast and windy. Temps in the 60s in the am, 70s in the pm, with a bit of clearing in late afternoon.


After another delicious breakfast at the hotel, complete with home-made Greek yogurt and fresh berries, we took the ferry to rangitoto island, an uninhabited volcanic island just outside auckland. It is a nature preserve with hiking trails, one of which goes to the top of the crater. After a good morning workout, we returned to town.


By this time, it was 1:30. Thanks to George's wonderful coordination and willingness to serve as a pack mule, we were able to get all the luggage to the ship in one trip. No line to check in at all, and by 1:45, we were having lunch in La Terraza. A beautiful salad bar with lots of variety, several hot items, pizza. They also had sushi, but it was not very good. I think it had been prepared much earlier, and sushi does not improve with age.


Cabins were ready at 2:00, so we just finished eating and went to ours. Unfortunately it took a very long time for the luggage to be delivered, so I wasted most of the afternoon waiting. And worse, we couldn't change out of our sweaty hiking gear. It arrived with just enough time for me to unpack before muster drill at 5:00.


I am thinking that only newly embarking passengers had to attend muster as the room was only half full. It was quick and to the point.


Wonderful dinner in la terraza with Donna and Alan, our friends from the China trip last year. They have been on since LA. La Terraza is probably my favorite dinner venue on board, and it did not disappoint. Absolutely wonderful pasta, fresh salad, and good company. We had a great time catching up.

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February 13,2015--Tauranga New Zealand


We left Auckland at 10 pm, and the seas were very still at first. My brain had not adjusted to the idea that we were on a ship yet, so in the middle of the night, when we hit a large swell, I woke up and just about fell out of bed. At first, I couldn't figure out why things were moving.


We arrived at Tauranga at 8:00 am. A bright sunny day with temps in the 70's. There was a little cloud cover early on, but this quickly cleared.


Tauranga is really two parts-the town itself which is an old mission town with lots of cute shops, and Mount Maunganui , a tourist town with a long strand of beach which leads to Mt. Maunganui , a volcanic mountain that is a nature reserve with lots of hiking trails. The ship was actually docked right by the beach in easy walking distance of the mountain. The town is famous as a venue for world class surfing, and there were a lot of surfers out enjoying the big waves. We hiked up, down and around the mountain then along the beach. Lots of locals out today getting exercise, but we were the only ship in port. One guy who lives here told us that tomorrow there will be three huge ships in port, so I am glad we were here today.


The ship offered a shuttle to the town itself, so in the afternoon, we went over to buy some essentials--very expensive sunscreen and shorts for George since is it way warmer than what he was expecting.


David had asked me to join his trivia team, and we were successful. I am the only new person on the team, as I believe the rest have all been on since LA.


Delicious dinner with the main dining room with David. We had fun catching up, enjoying some delicious food, including roasted lamb, some yummy asparagus ravioli, and a variety of cheeses.


The seas are really moving a lot now, which we enjoy though I know not all do. I like to know I am actually on a ship.

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We missed you by a few days, got off in Tahiti.


Here is Spirit sailing into the sunset with Moorea in the background...




You can read my review of the first leg at...



Edited by Solent Richard
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Richard thanks for sharing the nice pix of the Spirit sailing in Moorea @ sunset.


Enjoyed your link to SolentRichard's very well done review with outstanding pictures (esp of the cuisine offered at the different dining venues). For those sailing on the Spirit for the first time, this would be a very informative/useful review to read.

Edited by WesW
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Internet is a bit flakey this am. Tried to upload some pics, but not good enough connection.


Cat lover and Bob and Victoria, if you see us around the ship, please make yourselves known. George usually has a big cowboy hat, though he bought a New Zealand hat yesterday.


Nice pic of moorea Richard. Will check out your review.

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February 14, 2015--Napier New Zealand-NOT


There was some movement of the ship during the night, but not bad. Just right for sleeping. We were to arrive at Napier just afternoon, so the morning was free.


It started off ok, just a bit of breeze. I decided to walk out on deck. Not half way round, and it started raining, and the wind picked up significantly. So that plan aborted, I decided to read and work on Internet stuff in the lounge. Internet connection was terrible, so I was reduced to reading. After a bit, I noticed the ship was really moving. Looking outside, it was now blowing a gale. Not good. The staff was scurrying around posting notices about danger if going outside on the doors.


By noon, the wind and rain had decreased a little, but the captain came on with the announcement that we would not be able to make port at Napier as it was just too windy and dangerous. Instead, we would make for the next port.



Did get to meet Victoria at lunch in La Terraza. Still haven't seen Bob as he was at the table, and we were at the buffet.


Very disappointing t miss the port as Napier was one I was really looking forward to. It is a town that burned down in the 1930's and was totally rebuilt in an Art Deco style. And I absolutely love Art Deco.


They put on some activities for the afternoon, but none to my liking, until trivia time. We did not win. Oh, well.


Lovely Valentine dinner with friends. All the ladies were given red roses. There is a pianist performing tonight, but I am ready for sleep.

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February 15, 2015--Picton New Zealand


After a bit of movement during the night, the seas calmed down for our sail in to Picton. Temps were a little cool, in the low 60's with clouds in the morning which gave way to partly sunny later on.


The sail into Picton is quite scenic as it is a small town nestled at the end of a long and narrow bay surrounded on both sides with hills covered with lush green forest and ferns.


We arrived just in time for lunch. We were greeted by local ladies giving us flowers to pin on our collars. A quick walk into the town led us to a street lined with small cafes and restaurants with great views out to the harbor. We were in search of green lipped mussels. George and I are connoisseurs of mussels, and we were not disappointed. Not only are the green lipped mussels huge (average was 4 inches long), they are delicious. Ours were prepared in a broth with tomato, garlic, and onion, with slices of crusty bread for dipping.


After lunch, we had a nice hike. We went up the Tirohanga track to the top of the nearest mountain, down and around to a path along a deep gorge that led to the dam where the town's water supply starts. The trails are perfectly maintained and clean. Lots of beautiful views, and the weather was perfect for hiking. After about 3 1/2 hours we made it back to the ship.


Just in time for trivia. We did not win, partly because 1/2 of the team had gone missing.


Lovely dinner with friends (Donna and Alan, Helen and George) in the main dining room. Company was marvelous, food was delicious, but service was terribly slow. It took us almost 3 hours to get through dinner. We were having a good time visiting, but if I had been really hungry, it would have been too bad. I think it was a kitchen issue, as our server was very observant and on top of his part of things.

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Thanks for your continued (chock full of wonderful detail) Spirit in NZ posts Rachel.


We sailed with Alan and Donna last November on the fall crossing on the Spirit.


Also, Ida and I have a couple of private excursions planned with Helen and George, if you have time you may want to share this thread with them.


Pls pass our warm regards along to them when you get together again.


best, Wes

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February 16, 2015--Akaroa New Zealand


A night of smooth sailing brought us to Akaroa. The sea was smooth as glass, no wind, with temps in the 60s. It was overcast in the morning, but cleared as the day wore on. Perfect hiking weather.


Akaroa is a tender port. Prior to the big earthquake in Christchurch, few ships came here. But since then, they have had a steady stream of ships. The town itself is small, very picturesque with lots of little cafes and shops. It is half french and half English as a group of French settlers came here early on.


In the morning, we took a ship's tour to a sheep farm where we saw the sheep being sheared. Usually this is just a demonstration, but today it was the real thing. The sheep shearers were really interested to talk to George about ranching in Oklahoma as was the owner of the farm. He and George had a good talk regarding livestock prices.


We then got to see the dogs do their thing at herding the sheep. They were very impressive. All controlled by whistle commands. Daisy and Boudreaux, our catahoula dogs, are really good at herding, but even they could learn a thing or two from these dogs.


We had lunch at a wonderful French brasserie, again having the green lipped mussels and salad in a beautiful garden setting.


Afterward, George and I took a really long hike. Maybe too long, as my muscles are complaining. We went up and up, to the top of a mountain, probably around 10 miles altogether.


The tender took us back to the ship where we had dinner reservations at Le champagne, the French restaurant. We had barely enough time to shower and change for dinner.


The dinner was well earned and delicious. For me, this is a once per cruise deal, as it is a lot of courses and very rich. But oh so good. I had the lobster salad, gold leaf risotto (decadent), and sole. George had the fois gras, as well as the mushroom soup and venison. Dessert was a soufflé as well as chocolate truffles. Very nice, but not something you can do every day.

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February 17, 2015--Dunedin New Zealand


Very smooth sailing through the night brought us to Port Chalmers, the port for Dunedin. So smooth that I didn't even know when we docked. A bright sunny day with temps in the 70s.


For the morning, we had scheduled a hike on Mt. cargill. This was a ships's tour and was very well done. Just 6 passengers, a crew member, and the guide. Others went on the railway, but that was a 7 hour tour. And others went kayaking or out to see an albatross colony.


George, Donna, Alan, and I along with one other passenger and the captain's wife (with their baby in a backpack) hiked up and up to the top of the mountain. Spectacular views from the top, and it was a great workout. On the way to the top, we saw the "organ pipes" which is a rock formation sort of like the giant's causeway in Ireland. Not as large of course, but the same kind of volcanic rock and appearance.


The captain's baby is a doll. She is about 18 months old, and absolutely the most perfect baby. Of course, she has a very attentive and smart mom, so that helps. I have never heard or seen the child cry or fuss at all, and we have seen a lot of her as they were on our sheep farm excursion yesterday. I do not mind at all having such a sweet baby onboard. And she quite likes George and his cowboy hat.


After lunch onboard, we took the shuttle into town. We were wanting to go to what is billed as the world's steepest street. We have been to Lombard street in San Francisco of course, and this street is every bit as steep but totally straight so really impressive. We hired a cab to take us up and back then to the botanic gardens.


The botanic gardens are huge and in full bloom. They also boast the largest redwood trees I have seen outside of California. We had a pleasant walk around. Unfortunately we got back to the ship too late for trivia.


Sail out from Port Chalmers was absolutely beautiful. We had dinner in La Terraza with scenic views of the hills in the sunset. Great company as well with Alan and Donna.

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