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Carnival Breeze 4/25-5/3 2015 review with pictures


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When it was time to leave the beach we walk back to where the taxi dropped us off. We walked by these cute murals


As you can see by this point in the trip I had gotten a little too much sun





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Our ride back to the taxi







After the taxi dropped us off we went to our cabins, changed, grabbed some money and headed back out to go to our favorite bar. The Island Rum Bar.


We walk by the Norweigen Getaway which had some cool artwork on it.





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Even though we knew our time was limited at the bar, we decided we would walk over because last time we were there we walked back from the bar to the ship and it wasn't a very far walk. Well our memories must not have be that good because we walked for quite a while then realized that were not on the same route we took last time. We must have looked confused because a taxi driver pulled over and asks us where we're going. We told him we wanted to go to the downtown shopping area and he told us he would take us for $4 each. We hopped in and in a few minutes we were there. We hopped off paid our driver and headed over to the bar. Last time we were here we had an awesome drink calked a Nutwhacker. It was delicious and tasted like Reece's peanutbutter cups. So we ordered one. Unfortunately this time they were out of chocolate do it wasn't as good. It wasn't bad but was a little disappointing. We had a great time at the bar. The bartenders are awesome here. We had two more beers and joked around with the bartenders them Diane looked at her watched and realized we had to be back on the ship in less than 30 minutes. So we said our goodbyes to our bartenders: Christopher, Speedy and Sea Bass, and the guy sitting next to us know as the Captain.


Christopher and Sea Bass



Then we headed back to the ship.



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Enjoying your review. These memories are making me want to go back again. I LOVED the Red Frog Pub, and the little glider swing outside there. And, it was always pretty quiet there. Keep up the good work on your review.


I just started one of my own on the blog in my signature below. My memory is a little fuzzier since it was a while back (and my memory is SHOT), but we shall see what I come up with.

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As we were walking back we came across this sushi place called Ben Iguanas we thought it was funny a Knock off of Benihana




We made it back to the ship with 5 minutes to spare.


We went back to our cabins got ready for dinner, ate, went back to the cabin to change and headed to the piano bar


Mimi putting a crazy wig on Seth





Once again we closed down the piano bar and had a blast there. Afterwards we got some pizza and headed to our cabin and called it a night.



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We woke up this day and I want too hungry so Diane went to the Lido to grab some breakfast and I stayed in bed. When Diane got back we got ready to go and headed of the ship.





The port are wasn't that great lots of shops, and people walking the street asking you to buy their goods and LOTS of taxi drivers everywhere. We were originally going to take the bus over to the beach but we asked a local police officer how to get to the bus station and he highly recommended that we don't take the bus. He said that the busses in Antigua are not like the ones in the U.S. He said they don't always run on schedule and sometimes don't show up at all. So we decided to take a taxi and we went on one with another couple from the ship so the rate was a bit cheaper. I don't think that we chose the right taxi driver :). His driving was crazy!! We drive through neighborhoods and this guy was driving so fast! When he stopped he would slam on the breaks. I swear we almost hit 2 cars and just missed slamming into a bus in a intersection. The poor guy sitting behind me ms us was so nervous. I turned and said to him we better start praying now only half jokingly.

During the drive we some cattle and I noticed that all the cattle were on chains. I wonder if cattle is stolen a lot there. I was going to ask the driver about it was afraid to distract him. Finally we arrived at the beach and the driver arranged a time for him to pick us up. We went to Valley Church Beach and it was amazing!





We payed for 2 chairs and an umbrella. The guy working the beach are very friendly and not overly pushy.

You can get wave runners at the beach also but we didn't do it.


We laid out on our chairs for a while then bought a bucket of beer.






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We basically enjoyed the day relaxing in the sun and going in the water which was a bit cold when you first got in. We did take a walk Dow the beach out these buildings we saw which we thought were houses but it turned out it was a hotel













We walked to the little restaurant/bar on the beach called the Nest and ordered a quesadilla which very small and not that good. The cheese wasn't even melted. We headed back to our chairs and enjoyed the view of some more.


We walked down the beach one more time and said goodbye to one of the workers that kept coming by to talk to us. Then we met up with the copule who we were sharing the cab with. They said that our previous taxi driver had sent another driver to take us back to the ship. They told us that the new driver was sitting down having drinks with some of his friends. I thought that was a bit odd but thought he couldn't be worse than our first driver. The driver came over and we got in his van and headed back to the port.


Goodbye beach


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The drive back was a lot better than the drive there. We went slower so we could enjoy the views more and we didn't come close to getting into any accidents.










Back at the port



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We walked around the shopping area for a while and I bought my son a little steel drum (which he loves) and bought some postcards. After browsing in several shops we headed back to the ship.









Back on the ship we headed to our cabin and got ready for dinner. After dinner we went back to our room and chatted with our room steward for a while. Them we went to the piano bar and stayed til he was done playing. Then we called it a night


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The plans we had for Puerto Rico was to take a taxi over to Condado Beach and spend the day there because the beach is beautiful there and there is a restaurant over there called Oroscos. Well…….unfortunately we may have consumed a few too many drinks the night before and me slept in for quite a bit longer than we should have. So….we had to make new plans for the day. We got of the ship and were greeted by this cute guy.




We docked next to Royal Caribean's Independence of the Sea and the Valor.




Guys painting around the anchor







The Valor




Walking to the trolley




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There are restrooms Right now it's basically just the hut where you can rent the chairs, paddle boards or snorkeling equipment and you can get drinks there too. There are two structures that are boarded off and are under construction. I asked the lady at the hut what they were building and she said that she wasn't sure because 2 of the owners are big babies that are fighting over what they are doing. It is a beautiful beach though


We were just on Sapphire Beach in April on the Glory. What a beautiful beach!! There are restrooms and there is also a lady that walks around and takes orders for food and drink. We had several adult beverages and a delicious Mahi Mahi sandwich for lunch!

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Since our original plans didn’t work out we decided we would take the free trolley and walk around the stores for a while. We walked over to stop #1 for the trolley, which is really close to the port, and since this was the first stop the trolley was empty. The trolley ride was nice, nothing fancy but we saw quite a bit of Old San Juan. We drove by both forts and saw some really nice views of the ocean. It’s crazy how the bus drivers can maneuver those busses on the tiny streets of Old San Juan. The trolley does get pretty full and by the end there were people standing in the aisles and the driver had to tell people at the higher number stops that there was no more room. After the bus finishes the full route he drives back to the station and everyone has to get off the bus. Then he does the whole route again. I recommend. Taking the free trolley if you don’t have any plans, it’s a nice way to see the city and its air conditioned.


Pictures from the bus











After the trolley we walked around for a while and browsed through the stores. While walking we came across this lady who was selling sea glass and I bought my daughter a really pretty bracelet. We walked the cobblestone streets going from store to store for quite a while then we got hungry so we decided to walk back to the ship. On the way back we stopped at CVS to get some soda to bring on the ship. I think this location may be the busiest CVS on the planet. I have been to San Juan 4 times and every time the place is packed. After CVS we stopped in front of Senor Frogs to take pictures because last time we were here we took pictures and somehow I accidentally deleted them.





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We had one last stop to make before we headed back to the ship, we had to stop at this little store we saw by trolley stop #1 because it sold beers for $1.00. We brought a few beers to bring back on the ship.


Once back on the ship we dropped our stuff off at the cabin and headed to the Italian restaurant for lunch. This time the service was really slow and the restaurant wasn’t even crowded. Usually I don’t mind the service being slow but I was thirsty and it took almost 10 minutes before any came to ask if we wanted anything to drink. As we were sitting at the table we saw the Independence of the sail sailing away. It was fun to watch and it looked like everyone was having a good time. We could see they were having a deck party on their Lido pool area.









After lunch we walked down deck 5 and headed back to our rooms. We made a quick stop at the Red Frog Pub





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We went back to the cabin to get ready for the past guest party which apparently was my last one since they took that perk away from Gold members. Oh well, hopefully I will become platinum soon J While we were waiting for the doors to open to the past guest party we met a lady and started chatting with her. She told us that this trip was her 8th free cruise she had gotten from the casino. She was saying that she plays the slots a lot so Carnival keeps bring her back. The poor lady told us that she was a hair dresser and she had brought one of her clients with her on the cruise and that she wasn’t have that great of a time because the client was complaining the whole time. I told her if someone took me on a free cruise I wouldn’t complain (hint, hint) :)

When the doors opened we went in to the theater and the funship special were being handed out.




I had a funship special on my first cruise and didnt really care for it so I never had one again. I decided to try one this time and really liked it.


The band played for a bit and then our CD Matt came out and talked for a bit. He said to enjoy the free drinks and food and take as much as you can. So I did what he said. I read that w lot of people complain about how hard it is to order the drinks. That was not the case here. We had a couple waiters by U.S. That kept coming by. I ordered several drinks from them.


A shade ade, kiss on the lips, some drink a waiter told me to try and a funship special




After Matt talked a bit more. They showed the video where you clap for every ship you have been on. Then he talked a bit more. Matt is really entertaining. I liked him a lot. By time the party was over I had drank 5 drinks and had 4 to take back to my room.

We headed back to the room to put our drinks in the fridge then went for a walk. We went to the Red Frog Pub and played some of the games there.


We tried playing this one but we couldn't figure it out.




Some of the RFB's decor



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We decided to try our luck at the foosball table which was fun; I hadn’t played it in years. I won the game J we then headed back to the cabin to get ready for dinner. Since Seth wasn’t performing in the piano Bar that night we decided to ask to sit at a table with others that night. We were sat at a 8 top with two couple who had met the first night at dinner and then decided to have dinner together every night together, an also with al lady who was at the table by herself because her husband was out gambling. They were all nice people and it was an enjoyable dinner. We had an awesome server named Septa and he was the best we had all week. He made lots of jokes and was very funny. When it was time to order dessert I told Septa I didn’t want anything because I wasn’t hungry. He told me I had to have dessert because I was on vacation. I tried to tell him no but he insisted I have something so he ordered me the popcorn dessert. When he brought the dessert I only intended on eating a bite of it to be polite but… the dessert was so delicious so I ended up eating it all. I thanked him for the excellent choice and he just laughed saying that he knew I wanted dessert.


After dinner we didn’t really have anything planned until the deck party so we ended up going to Red Frog to hear the guitarist play. There was a guitarist who played that I cannot remember his name. He was just okay not good, not bad, just okay. He seemed to have a few problems using the equipment though. The guitarist that came on after named Matt was awesome; he had a great voice and was fun to listen to. We hung out at bar for a while and talked to the people sitting on both sides of us. The couple sitting next to me ordered the conch fritters from the bar and shared them with me. They were really good the dipping sauce for them was a little spicy and had lots of flavor. We then decided to go walk around the lani and was a nice walk. We could see another ship passing us. After walking we went back in the Red Frog and decided to go play foosball again to see if Diane could redeem herself, she couldn’t. J We saw these guys playing a game that was kind of similar to shuffleboard but on a table. We asked them what it was called and I can’t remember what it was called they told us how to play and asked if we wanted to play. We said no we would just watch them play so Diane picked one to win and I cheered the other on. My guy won J after the game was over we joined them and it was a fun game. After the game the guys asked if we wanted to play another game. We told them were headed to the deck party but would come back after and play. We went to the deck party and grabbed some chips and salsa and watched the deck party. It was fun watching one of the guys from the entertainment team dance. His dancing was so goofy; it was very entertaining to watch. After the deck party Diane said she wasn’t feeling good so we went to the cabin and she laid down for bit. She told me to give her a little bit of time then she will head back out. Within 5 mins she fell asleep. I wasn’t tired so I went back to the Red Frog and listen to the guitarist and chatted with some people. Then I headed over to the Casino bar and the guys we played the game with were there so we chatted for a bit then I called it a night.

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Ok so I’m not very exciting on Sea days. J This see day was basically a repeat of the first two sea days. We started the day by heading down to the brunch and we met some nice people and talked about where we were all from and how we enjoyed the cruise and how sad we were it was almost over. Then we went out by the pool and relaxed and listen to the guitarist. They were the same ones from the Red Frog and also another named Donald who was really bad! We were glad when his sets were all over. When it was lunch time we walked over to jimmy BBQ for lunch. On our way over I noticed that there was a salad bar set up where the taste bar is so I decided to check it out. They had a lot of options for what to put in your salad. I ordered one and we grabbed a table by the BBQ. We decided that I was going to stay at the table and eat my salad and She would wait in line and when she came back I would get in line. Well, 25 minutes later I was finished with my salad and Diane was still in so I asked her to grab me some food so I wouldn’t have to wait in that long line also. Diane got the food and we sat by the window so we could get a nice view. I had the pulled pork sandwiches and they were just as good as the first time. Since we hadn't already had enough to eat (a bit of sarcasm here). We headed to the chocolate extravaganza which always had good stuff.


Carved fruit at the extravaganza










Then we spent the rest of the afternoon going between our chairs, the pool and the hot tubs.

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