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Glory Review ~ Eastern Caribbean ~ May 16-23 w/pics


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Oh my gosh, so sorry to hear this! I had been following this review since I really enjoyed your previous one. I know that reviews can take a lot of time and sometimes personal lives get in the way...and those are so much more important than a review. Please don't feel the need to apologize, totally understandable. I'm just glad that things are working out for you and for the better. I was vested before and will continue to follow along on your review...but don't you have some cruise planning to do. :D


I saw a picture from a Grand Turk helicopter tour on "another site" last week and thought of your previous review. Looking forward to the rest and so glad you're back!



Aww thank you so much! You know.. doin good.. just plugging along now... me and lil dude!


Glad no one is mad at me or saying mean things.. love my cruising family even if some of you I haven't met in real life yet.. :-)


I was gathering thoughts and downloading more pictures to photobucket... I still relive it everyday..

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Sorry to hear about your troubles. I'm glad you are back doing the review. Cruising is definitely therapy. I sailed Glory summer of 2014, same itinerary and loved her. You are taking me down memory lane,


Quick question, what did you use to stick the letters on your cabin door? In 9 cruise, I've never decorated my door but I'm doing mine and my neighbors as a surprise (it's my parents and it's my dad's first cruise)


I used scrapbooking removable glue dots.. they roll right off... just like the back of new debit card when they send you a new one etc.. :-)


Its ok.. just was a long time comin.. and sometimes you just grow apart unfortunately...

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Sorry about your personal news but glad to see you are taking time for yourself here.



Thank you so much... I am truly happier right now and love being able to be positive Patsy instead of negative ancy pants.. we got one life and I want to live it to the fullest!

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Sorry about your change of plans in life. Happens to the best of us.


Hope you have a great cruise to help clear your head. I don't know if you're aware, but you can no longer bring bottled "water" onboard. Some people were using that as a means of smuggling booze so they banned all bottles. Could you imagine anyone doing that?! LOL [emoji6]



Yes I saw they changed that right after this cruise... geee.. I don't think I can imagine anyone doing that...... ::snort::.... :D


Man I cannot wait to take a lil "shorty" cruise.. my first one ever that is under 7 days... I hope it will be enough.... but it will be nice regardless cause I am going on a cruise.. boom boom pow!


Plus my mom is a hoot anyways and glad I have a cruising buddy...

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Before we knew it.. it was time to load back up onto our open aired taxi and take the ride back to the ferry boat... SAD PANDAS!


We had a great day of beachin' it on St. John.


A few people were snoozing on the way back, the boat was a lot more quieter coming back than going over.. everyone was zapped from the sun, sand and surf!




Love seeing all the stuff along the way back to the ship!




That rain cloud sure loved following us all day long!


Well.... the line to get back on the ship was super long... why wait in it when you can go grab a drinky drink at Senior Frogs??!!!


All three of us... lets do it!! How about a yard???




Taking a "lean" photo for miss Wrigley!




Everyone else is waiting in line and we can get tanked at a empty Senor Frogs! lol And a great view of NCL Getaway!




Annnnnnnd now we are feeling pretty good... chug-a-lug before getting back on the ship.. Plus the girls wanted to look in the gift shop...


We waited til there was a break in the line to go past the turnstile thingies and then made a mad dash for it.. that rain cloud man... really...




Back up to our balcony we go to hopefully catch some dock runners!!!

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Safely back on board... drink was hitting me by then.. lol...


Time to sit and chill and see if we got lucky with dock runners... no such luck! So decided to chill on the balcony until it was time to set sail and watch us turn around and watch the Getaway take off!




Just chillin while that silly rain cloud decides to finally do something..




She's a big girl!!!!


Time for us to start backin that thing up and turnin around!




These two... LOVE THEM!!!




Sunset!! Wasn't able to get many of these as most of the time we were in the dining room..




Enjoying a moment of pure content in this photo.... was starting to realize a lot of things during this trip... Lots of thinking and analyzing of life in general...




Just... happy..... me and the open seas.....


I think we either barely made it to dinner or we ended up lido deckin it... that one I cannot remember...




Next up... PUERTO RICO!!!!

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After another restful nights sleep..( I don't know about you but I sleep so much better on a cruise ship!) We were slowly creeping in port of Puerto Rico!


This was one port us ladies were like.. "what do we do?".... After some research we decided to go with the Bacardi tour.. why... because you get a "FREE" drink at the end.. lol.. free booze? Sign me up..


Up and at em folks! Its a beautiful humid day here in PR!




No sense in trying anything with my hair! Not the prettiest thing to see outside your cabin but hey we are here!


We had breakfast delivered to our cabin cause we knew we would be getting off the ship to get to our tour.


So off the ship we go, we wait in the terminal area in the line that says what tour you are on and waited.... Then it was time to board our tour van.




Still amazes me how they can park these massive hunks of steel! lol


We loaded our a/c van/bus thing and it felt outstanding! We started our drive to the Bacardi factory which is about 30-40 min away I think? He was explaining how Puerto Rico had not seen rain for like 3 months... which was weird for there because I did not know that 1/2 of the island there is a rain forest.. who would have thunk?... Also told him I totally get it as west coast was going through a pretty tough drought as well..


So finally we arrive to our tour.. We got tickets to turn in for our free drinky drink... woo!! But first I guess we gotta learn something?






We get to have a little history lesson about rum! All I know is that it goes into my tum tum...




Although the detail of all these paintings was amazing... and their family tree is pretty impressive!!




All I know is that this was one expensive bottle of rum!

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After our brief history lesson, we loaded back up into the tram.. it had rained a little bit again.. see that big black cloud in the last post? ya... that one decided to unload while we were inside so that was good!


The tram then takes you to the actual place that has the drums of rum being made.




There was a history with this Palm tree..


You walk in and you are immediately hit with the horrific smell of the molasses being fermented (spelling?)... all I know is I would rather change poopy diapers than smell that! It was horrible.. ::gag::.... so they give you some more history etc... then you go upstairs where they have a window you can see the machinery doing their thing and displays showing how rum is made etc. Its pretty cool to see what all goes into it!




That's a whole lot of rum being made!





After exploring that, back on the lil tram and to the gift shop!!!






Now THATS what I am talkin about... a wall of rum!


After we looked around it was time for my favorite part of the tour!!




Free drink and we got to keep the cup! It was so delicious and hit the spot! By this time our driver was rounding us all up because it was time to say good bye and get back in our van/bus to head to the city center so we could go see some sights and shop if we wanted to.

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Their courthouse.. there was tv crews there because something big was going on that day..




Take me to the water!!




And this black rain cloud was relentless!! I spy a whale tail.. do you??







Back on the bus.. we head to the city center...taking some quick pics of the fort. Maybe next time I will hike it and check it out..


We got to the city center where you can get off the bus and go explore etc..


Our mission... the Coach outlet store! Momma needed a new purse!




Love the old streets and buildings..




We have one of these coffee shops down the street from my house here at home!

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We were very lucky we kept missing the downpours! Go us!!


Finding the coach store was a success and we all got some new girly stuff! YAY! I work hard so I treated myself!


We beat feet back to the bus.. so we can get back to the ship..






Ahhhh home sweet home after a long adventure day!


So we are back on board... and we are waiting and waiting......


Pier runners..... we end up leaving an hour late because of these folks..


We finally get them on board and we toot our horn and we are outta here folks!!




Coast guard station




Not the prettiest of weather during this sailaway




Glad we left when we did!




Dueces Puerto Rico.... til next time!!

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Thanks for coming back to continue! I'm sorry you've had such stress and strain in your life!


I've enjoyed your pics and sense of humor. We'll be on the Glory on May 28. First cruise. I feel like I've already "been there" with all of you taking the time to post reviews and pics. Thanks!

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Nice update!!! Its interesting to see the same cruise from a different perspective. We did the exact same itinerary & did totally different things. It just goes to show the endless possibilities w/ cruising. I love it!!!!! But reading this makes me want to book & I can't right now. Dang it! Til I can......... I'll just DREAM ON!!!! :D

Edited by OceanHappy2012
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While on Half moon Cay, when you all went to go get lunch where did you leave your belongings? Do the villas have lockers?



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We just put them in the cabinets. No one really bothers your stuff up in cabanas I would hope. :-)

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Seriously LOOOOOVING this trip review!! I haven't cruised on Carnival in awhile but have been thinking about it SOLELY for the burgers...Guy's Burgers. They look SO good!


Keep it coming girl...you crack me up!



I am thinking the same thing about the burgers.:)

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Attempted to do some more last night at home and my internet went down along with my cable!!!


So I am going to sneak a little bit here in at work... shhhhhhh.... heheh..



We head up to our cabin and freshen up and head out for dinner.




Because tonight we drink wine at dinner!!




Ann and her "baby"... lol... She got me hooked on that wine, its so delicious!!!




This gentleman was so patient with our table at dinner. He busted his tail off to make sure everyone was happy as could be. The wait staff works very hard so make sure you thank them and they love taking pictures with you. As we are there for fun and relaxation, they are constantly working and away from their families.


After dinner it was show time!




Tonight it was the love and marriage show... and one of the couples was one of our own from our roll call group! So much fun and we had front row seat! heheh... The couple behind them were married for like 55 years or something along those lines.. they were adorbs!!!


Right after love and marriage we head to the aft of the ship for punchliner comedy.. that was our nightly thing.. all three of us LOVE comedy and I LOVE to laugh and have a great time... Plus we love Fluffy!


After comedy we head back to cabin to unwind and get into jammies!! That is the best part after a long day of fun.. and having fun is your job for the week! We ordered room service for night cap, find something on tv to watch... and of course me.. aka cracky the chipmunk am out first as usual... I can keep going but once I stop.. I am DONE.. lol...




Tomorrow Grand Turk and I get to see Topher!!!!

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Thanks for coming back to continue! I'm sorry you've had such stress and strain in your life!


I've enjoyed your pics and sense of humor. We'll be on the Glory on May 28. First cruise. I feel like I've already "been there" with all of you taking the time to post reviews and pics. Thanks!


You are welcome! Trust me it was not my intention to leave people hanging for almost a year.. ugh...


Awww thank you... I am who I am .. :-) but life is too short to be down in the dumps... even when life throws you curveballs or if you make yourself the curveball... just gotta go with it.

Oh my gosh how exciting for you! Man I wish I could be there to see your face when you walk onto the ship for the first time! Remember you will be on vacate and not to sweat the small stuff. :-)


Hope you will stay with me for the rest of the review?

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Nice update!!! Its interesting to see the same cruise from a different perspective. We did the exact same itinerary & did totally different things. It just goes to show the endless possibilities w/ cruising. I love it!!!!! But reading this makes me want to book & I can't right now. Dang it! Til I can......... I'll just DREAM ON!!!! :D


What I love about cruising!!! Something for everyone!! Yes sometimes the only thing we can do is live vicariously through others reviews. What I do to pass the time.. and hopefully you can book soon?? :D

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Loving your review. I'm on this same ship/itinerary in September!


So sorry to hear about your divorce . . . :(



Thank you so much!! :-) Oh my that is super exciting!!! Any itinerary with hmc rocks my flippy floppies!



Thank you for the kind words... it sucks but I am at peace with it and I have a lot of stuff and traveling to do and I can't take a ball and chain with me anymore because I refuse to sink! (I have really come into my own in my 30s.... kind of crazy how that works huh?)

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Great review :)


Life is short have fun, I told myself a long time ago that life can throw punches but it can't knock me out. Sometimes we may feel like we are getting whooped but just think Rocky and let life know is that all you've got!


Cruising is one of those things that you either love or hate, it's something I've been hooked on from the first minute I walked on a ship in like 96 and those feelings come flooding back every time I step on a ship to this day. Sit out on the balcony listen to the waves hitting the ship and feel the wind blowing. I am instantly at ease and peace with the world.

Edited by Kanyon71
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Great review :)


Life is short have fun, I told myself a long time ago that life can throw punches but it can't knock me out. Sometimes we may feel like we are getting whooped but just think Rocky and let life know is that all you've got!


Cruising is one of those things that you either love or hate, it's something I've been hooked on from the first minute I walked on a ship in like 96 and those feelings come flooding back every time I step on a ship to this day. Sit out on the balcony listen to the waves hitting the ship and feel the wind blowing. I am instantly at ease and peace with the world.



Thank you!

Yes... I blame my dad for starting my addiction in 1997 when we went for the first time as a family. I still get chills every time I step on a ship!!

I work hard and mommy needs a mommy time out for a week here and there. Makes me come back refreshed and ready to take on whatever I gotta do!


I plan on being on the serenity deck a lot during my 4 dayer.. lol.. with a drink most of the time in my hand!


Have a great day!

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Thank you!


I plan on being on the serenity deck a lot during my 4 dayer.. lol.. with a drink most of the time in my hand!



After reading your review, I am soooo bummed I'm not going on the same 4 day cruise with you on the Inspiration... I cruise on her on Monday. I will be sure to report back to you!

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