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drinking tap water


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The only purification that removes the chlorine is at the ice makers, bar guns, and water/drink dispensers. These are charcoal filters that must be renewed twice a year, and are for maintenance reasons (the chlorine builds scale in the equipment) rather than for taste.


The reason Starbucks and other coffee shops use carbon filters, and the reason many people use carbon filters at home, is to remove the chlorine taste. And its the reason high end restaurants use carbon filters. For them, the reduction of scale forming residue is a minor bonus.


Saying that the tap water is the same as the water everywhere else is inaccurate if someone is asking about the taste of the water. Both are equally safe, that is true. You can certainly drink both. You can also drink Johnny Walker Red Scotch instead of Macallan 18 year old Scotch, but you'll taste the difference. If the difference matters to you, then the alternative is to bring or buy bottled water.

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Never thought anything of it. I drink tap water on the ship all the time. Only problem, I gain 5-7 lbs each time I cruise. Don't think that's it.


Thanks! Now I know why I gain weight. This year, we're buying bottled water so we can avoid gaining weight! (I'm sure it has nothing to do with the three visits to the ice cream machine ...)

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  • 1 year later...

WOW... what great information about drinking the water or not. I usually BUY it from the filtered dispensers in stores that have the UV ray to it, whether that works or not, is out of my control. I'm not a scientist, just a concerned consumer who went through breast cancer and now more aware of the things I eat, drink, breathe or even put on my skin...


Chlorine is a KNOWN thyroid suppressor and carcinogen. :eek: It's nothing I'd like to shower with or DRINK. It's why I stay away from chlorinated pools (it would be so awesome if ALL Cruise Ships could fill their pools with ocean water, you'd think they're on the ocean, it would be easy peasy but I'm not an engineer either, so they must have their reasons)...


Anyways, "to each his own", I'm not a fanatic about filtered water either, being I still haven't even changed my shower head to a carbon filter in MY own home so can't expect better out there. So, on vacation, I try what I can or choose the better of both evils. It seems the sensible to thing to do is refill our bottles at the bar or soda dispensers, hoping they have those better filters vs. drinking the TAP from the room which has some chlorine. I really appreciate the time everybody took to give their input, it has helped me to make a better informed choice and prepare for it... :D

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WOW... what great information about drinking the water or not. I usually BUY it from the filtered dispensers in stores that have the UV ray to it, whether that works or not, is out of my control. I'm not a scientist, just a concerned consumer who went through breast cancer and now more aware of the things I eat, drink, breathe or even put on my skin...


Chlorine is a KNOWN thyroid suppressor and carcinogen. :eek: It's nothing I'd like to shower with or DRINK. It's why I stay away from chlorinated pools (it would be so awesome if ALL Cruise Ships could fill their pools with ocean water, you'd think they're on the ocean, it would be easy peasy but I'm not an engineer either, so they must have their reasons)...


Anyways, "to each his own", I'm not a fanatic about filtered water either, being I still haven't even changed my shower head to a carbon filter in MY own home so can't expect better out there. So, on vacation, I try what I can or choose the better of both evils. It seems the sensible to thing to do is refill our bottles at the bar or soda dispensers, hoping they have those better filters vs. drinking the TAP from the room which has some chlorine. I really appreciate the time everybody took to give their input, it has helped me to make a better informed choice and prepare for it... :D


Unless you are on your own well, you are showering and cooking, if not drinking chlorinated water. Nearly all municipal water supplies use chlorine or cloramines to disinfect the water.


Chlorine, in the levels found in drinking water, is not a carcinogen.


Desani bottled water contains 4 ingredients: water, magnesium sulfate (epsom salts, a known teratogen), potassium chloride ( a fertilizer, and a source of chlorine), and salt (another source of chlorine).


Sea water pools on ships can be of the "flow through" or "recirculation" type. Flow through pools take sea water in constantly, and the overflow goes back out to sea. These pools do not need to be chlorinated. However, flow through pools, when the ship is within 12 miles of shore, or in port, must either be closed and drained, or switched to recirculation. Recirculation pools, whether sea water or fresh water, must be chlorinated per USPH requirements.

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Anyways, "to each his own", I'm not a fanatic about filtered water either, being I still haven't even changed my shower head to a carbon filter in MY own home so can't expect better out there. So, on vacation, I try what I can or choose the better of both evils. It seems the sensible to thing to do is refill our bottles at the bar or soda dispensers, hoping they have those better filters vs. drinking the TAP from the room which has some chlorine. I really appreciate the time everybody took to give their input, it has helped me to make a better informed choice and prepare for it... :D


I always wondered what the filters on showers were for; you've given me a new perspective on it. Avoiding even skin contact with chlorine might be appropriate for cancer survivors (I'll have to ask my wife if her oncologist mentioned it).


But, before you buy that filter, check with your local water company. They may not be using chlorine, but chloramines instead. Both chemicals sanitize water, but chloramines have less objectionable taste -- but also stay in the water much longer (more stable). Municipalities like chloramines because their water systems have a lot of "dead end" runs ... like the main line that runs from the water plant to your street. Water can sit in the end of a run for a long time, and regular chlorine can dissipate over time. But, and here's the important part for you I think, chloramines produce less of the carcinogenic byproducts that you are probably concerned about (see this link from the EPA).


You may still want the filter, but it may not be as necessary.


Both chemicals are dangerous in higher concentrations, and both will kill marine life in the concentrations we use to sanitize water. But before sanitary water many, many people died from water borne illnesses. So there's a trade off.


UV and ozone sanitation are what is used by most bottled water companies, as there is no residual and both sanitize water effectively. Because ozone is so unstable that it dissipates very, very quickly, and because UV light has no residual at all, they are good alternatives for bottled water to reduce the amount of chemicals you consume if you desire, and to produce better taste. A carbon filter at the dispensing point really does the same thing for both chlorine and chloramines ... it removes the chemical (almost) completely.

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Unless you are on your own well, you are showering and cooking, if not drinking chlorinated water. Nearly all municipal water supplies use chlorine or cloramines to disinfect the water.


Chlorine, in the levels found in drinking water, is not a carcinogen.


Desani bottled water contains 4 ingredients: water, magnesium sulfate (epsom salts, a known teratogen), potassium chloride ( a fertilizer, and a source of chlorine), and salt (another source of chlorine).


Sea water pools on ships can be of the "flow through" or "recirculation" type. Flow through pools take sea water in constantly, and the overflow goes back out to sea. These pools do not need to be chlorinated. However, flow through pools, when the ship is within 12 miles of shore, or in port, must either be closed and drained, or switched to recirculation. Recirculation pools, whether sea water or fresh water, must be chlorinated per USPH requirements.


It took a while, but I found me favorite "bottled water" movie scene:

OP, is Aquafina okay with you?

Personally, I don't like Swiss water(sarcasm).


Edited by $hip$hape
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Unless you are on your own well, you are showering and cooking, if not drinking chlorinated water. Nearly all municipal water supplies use chlorine or cloramines to disinfect the water.


Chlorine, in the levels found in drinking water, is not a carcinogen.


Desani bottled water contains 4 ingredients: water, magnesium sulfate (epsom salts, a known teratogen), potassium chloride ( a fertilizer, and a source of chlorine), and salt (another source of chlorine).


Sea water pools on ships can be of the "flow through" or "recirculation" type. Flow through pools take sea water in constantly, and the overflow goes back out to sea. These pools do not need to be chlorinated. However, flow through pools, when the ship is within 12 miles of shore, or in port, must either be closed and drained, or switched to recirculation. Recirculation pools, whether sea water or fresh water, must be chlorinated per USPH requirements.

"Nearly all municipal water supplies use chlorine or cloramines to disinfect the water.


Chlorine, in the levels found in drinking water, is not a carcinogen.


Desani bottled water contains 4 ingredients: water, magnesium sulfate (epsom salts, a known teratogen), potassium chloride ( a fertilizer, and a source of chlorine), and salt (another source of chlorine).


Sea water pools on ships can be of the "flow through" or "recirculation" type. Flow through pools take sea water in constantly, and the overflow goes back out to sea. These pools do not need to be chlorinated. However, flow through pools, when the ship is within 12 miles of shore, or in port, must either be closed and drained, or switched to recirculation. Recirculation pools, whether sea water or fresh water, must be chlorinated per USPH requirements.


I don't know if this is your "personal" view point or what "science" backs you up on this? Certainly, you have a right to your "opinion" but like I said, being a cancer survivor, I became more aware of the toxicity of our environment and feel at least pro active to do something about it, in MY OWN small personal way and not only because it's MY own personal opinion but there's a lot out there on the internet that supports it. At the end of the day, we all have to make our own common sense, as to what we want to believe or not... I mean, as I began to read so much stuff, I kind of figured it out too, that depending on the source it comes from, THESE articles may also have their own agendas, so you need to use common sense...


My common sense, like I mentioned, tells me to BUY bottled water NOT "Desani" or Spring Water for that matter. I READ the labels, if it's NOT filtered or gone through Osmosis, I won't buy it. I "refill" my gallons through a health conscience store, water dispenser that has a FILTER and UV ray. It's what I feel would be the safest "drinking" water, I'd prefer to be drinking, that makes sense to ME... A lot of things could go wrong with tap water, from contaminated leaks to pipes bursting... I choose NOT to take those risks or subject myself to a "long term" accumulation of what "may" lead to toxic build up , that MY body, can't assimilate as others can (it's not ONLY the "chlorine" that can be found in tap water that's toxic)...


Everybody can decide for themselves what they want to choose this is not a debate. Below are just a few links that talks about chlorine water and its adverse effects but it's really up to the reader to believe it or not. Unfortuantely, we're just consumers, NOT scientists, we're limited not able to put everything under the microscope to really KNOW what's being read is the TRUTH or not... Unless you're a scientist and have inside resources as to back up your opinion? Then that's all it is, "your opinion" and we just need to focus on that being you wouldn't want to steer somebody wrong if it affects somebody's health, wouldn't you? As to later on, finding out that it was toxic all along and has affected a LOT of people because of it. I rather again, play it safe than be sorry and blow my OWN whistle, if nobody listens to me because it's just MY opinion, I KNOW I'm NOT hurting anybody by it, can you guarantee, your opinion is doing the same, do you know what I mean?


On another note, COOL stuff you wrote about the sea water in the pools of Cruise ships! So it sounds like maybe some cruise ships have this? That's awesome! It wouldn't matter to me if they shut down getting close to ports, usually most people then are getting to get off anyways... Do you know if the Getaway NCL has this available?






Wishing everybody a HEALTHY journey, without our health any journey can seem impossible...

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It took a while, but I found me favorite "bottled water" movie scene:

OP, is Aquafina okay with you?

Personally, I don't like Swiss water(sarcasm).



P.S. THAT WAS REALLY FUNNY! But I hope they don't do that to me...:(

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No cruise ship that I know of will willingly dump and close their pools once close to land. And remember, this is at any time you are within 12 miles of shore, so even while cruising along, if close to land you cannot operate a flow through pool. Because of this, and the fact that the transition from flow through to recirculation requires an hour or two with the pool closed until the chlorination levels reach the required levels, most ships with sea water pools will not switch to flow through unless they have more than two sea days in a row, and will then switch late at night well before getting close to land.


As to chlorine, while it is my opinion, you ask what science backs this up, and I will say that the CDC/USPH, the EPA, and the WHO all agree that chlorine up to 4ppm has no discernible health issue. Ship's water is chlorinated to maintain a 0.5ppm level at all times.

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I always wondered what the filters on showers were for; you've given me a new perspective on it. Avoiding even skin contact with chlorine might be appropriate for cancer survivors (I'll have to ask my wife if her oncologist mentioned it).


But, before you buy that filter, check with your local water company. They may not be using chlorine, but chloramines instead. Both chemicals sanitize water, but chloramines have less objectionable taste -- but also stay in the water much longer (more stable). Municipalities like chloramines because their water systems have a lot of "dead end" runs ... like the main line that runs from the water plant to your street. Water can sit in the end of a run for a long time, and regular chlorine can dissipate over time. But, and here's the important part for you I think, chloramines produce less of the carcinogenic byproducts that you are probably concerned about (see this link from the EPA).


You may still want the filter, but it may not be as necessary.


Both chemicals are dangerous in higher concentrations, and both will kill marine life in the concentrations we use to sanitize water. But before sanitary water many, many people died from water borne illnesses. So there's a trade off.


UV and ozone sanitation are what is used by most bottled water companies, as there is no residual and both sanitize water effectively. Because ozone is so unstable that it dissipates very, very quickly, and because UV light has no residual at all, they are good alternatives for bottled water to reduce the amount of chemicals you consume if you desire, and to produce better taste. A carbon filter at the dispensing point really does the same thing for both chlorine and chloramines ... it removes the chemical (almost) completely.


You need to make your own common sense about this... I found most "oncologists" are programmed to tell you ONLY what they are taught, they can't help it... They have very little background on alternatives or healthy lifestyles for the "cancer" patients... He may boo it, be sarcastic or in disbelief about it or if it doesn't interfere with his protocol, let you decide what you think is best... it just depends what kind of Doctor/person he is. I know Cancer Treatment of America are very "open" minded to incorporate holistic along with conventional. I BELIEVE THAT is the BEST form of dealing with cancer, the body needs a lot of support when bombarded with toxic chemicals like chemo etc., to kill the cancer, sometimes people dieing from the treatments than the disease! So it only makes sense to me, if putting your body to war, what can you DO to help it, to make it through? You can take your chances but isn't it better to make those chances count, all they can by supporting your body all you can? sigh... I don't even want to remember what I went through! It's overwhelming but the good news is I'm still here (over 12 years) when probabilities were all against me. I remain so grateful to having such a supportive family and most of all GOD, even though through a torn relationship...:D

Edited by nildib
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No cruise ship that I know of will willingly dump and close their pools once close to land. And remember, this is at any time you are within 12 miles of shore, so even while cruising along, if close to land you cannot operate a flow through pool. Because of this, and the fact that the transition from flow through to recirculation requires an hour or two with the pool closed until the chlorination levels reach the required levels, most ships with sea water pools will not switch to flow through unless they have more than two sea days in a row, and will then switch late at night well before getting close to land.


As to chlorine, while it is my opinion, you ask what science backs this up, and I will say that the CDC/USPH, the EPA, and the WHO all agree that chlorine up to 4ppm has no discernible health issue. Ship's water is chlorinated to maintain a 0.5ppm level at all times.


I guess you're saying no cruise ships have this in their pools, too bad :(


As for ships having chlorinated to maintain a 0.5ppm level "at all times" is NOT absolute truth... As earlier posts said of a lady taking a shower and it turned her hair GREEN because it's when they were putting a lot of chlorine or whatever at that precise moment to clean pipes or whatever... Imagine those who were "drinking" any water at that time? I'm just saying it's BEST if they were "drinking" it "filtered" at all times, as to avoid ANY risks but it seems you're happy with it, so whatever makes your boat float.... I prefer filtered and if that's what MY conscience advocates for myself and cannot advocate any less for others BUT understand and respect everybody's freedom of choice. You need to make your own choice and live with your conscience and I need to live with mine, that's what makes MY boat float... Wishing you only a healthy journey on whatever you decide! :D

Edited by nildib
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I guess you're saying no cruise ships have this in their pools, too bad :(


As for ships having chlorinated to maintain a 0.5ppm level "at all times" is NOT absolute truth... As earlier posts said of a lady taking a shower and it turned her hair GREEN because it's when they were putting a lot of chlorine or whatever at that precise moment to clean pipes or whatever... Imagine those who were "drinking" any water at that time? I'm just saying it's BEST if they were "drinking" it "filtered" at all times, as to avoid ANY risks but it seems you're happy with it, so whatever makes your boat float.... I prefer filtered and if that's what MY conscience will advocate for myself and cannot advocate any less for others. You need to live with your conscience and I need to live with mine, it's what makes MY boat float... :D


Well, I guess since it was posted on CC, then it is true. Neither of us was on the ship at the time, nor was anyone who has responded to this thread. I would dispute the statement that they were super chlorinating after piping repairs, since I know of no regulatory requirement to do so, nor is there a policy at NCL to do so (I used to work at NCL as a ship's engineer). I have seen the green hair effect before, and it is typically caused by spending a few hours in a hot tub with bleached or colored hair. The hot tubs are chlorinated to 8-10ppm by USPH regulation. The heat from the hot water in the shower reacted with the chlorine.


And you do know that all of the food is prepared onboard with the chlorinated water?

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Well, I guess since it was posted on CC, then it is true. Neither of us was on the ship at the time, nor was anyone who has responded to this thread. I would dispute the statement that they were super chlorinating after piping repairs, since I know of no regulatory requirement to do so, nor is there a policy at NCL to do so (I used to work at NCL as a ship's engineer). I have seen the green hair effect before, and it is typically caused by spending a few hours in a hot tub with bleached or colored hair. The hot tubs are chlorinated to 8-10ppm by USPH regulation. The heat from the hot water in the shower reacted with the chlorine.


And you do know that all of the food is prepared onboard with the chlorinated water?


Oh WOW, that's why I don't get into any of the pools! And NO didn't know all of the food is prepared on board with chlorinated water... It's really cool to know you use to work as ship's engineer and have such insights to share! That's why I said earlier, that I'm not a fanatic about all this, just making the BEST choices when ABLE to do it, it's out of my hands, how they prepare the food and it's really sad, disappointing, how most of all our health is taken for granted, when making such trade offs...


There's already a movement towards organic etc. and slowly but surely a lot of companies are making those changes but changes are always SLOW to BIG companies but for them to change, is not going to be based on "false documentation", there's too much money to lose, in other words, I can SEE them making the changes because what WE EAT DOES affect us and it's to their best interests, eventually, to MAKE those changes before they suffer the greater losses of their actions long term... but in the mean time, who knows how long that will take, so we are left to being the best advocates for ourselves.


I appreciate so much you shared this with me and others! I wonder what ship will be FIRST to advocate for healthier means of food preparations and organic foods? It's really the wave of the future! I bet most people will want to "sail on THAT ship"! But hopefully, it will be all hands on deck and everybody would want to be on board and not left behind... :D

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