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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

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Apparently, I don't know beans about what constitutes a true English Breakfast.


But I do know the hotel we stayed at in London served them. If we ever go back, I'll castigate then for pandering to the hoi polloi.

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Apparently, I don't know beans about what constitutes a true English Breakfast.


But I do know the hotel we stayed at in London served them. If we ever go back, I'll castigate then for pandering to the hoi polloi.


It most certainly is an English Breakfast, it's just that very few English people eat it. :)


I reckon we have a full English breakfast every three months or so, on a Sunday at around lunchtime and it is lunch. I don't think many would survive long if they had it every or most days unless they had a highly calorific use lifestyle.


Re the name. It's the same with Wieneschtizel and Chicken Kiev etc.



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Not going to tread into the minefield of why I like anything.

Today is another college football day and I am going to make half time food. There will be no beans, but there will be beer. I have already hung the college pennants for the favored teams outside where they are fluttering gently in the heat and humidity.

Lest anyone think I like either team, I do have a rational approach not involving unbridled affinity.

Having attended the university( known as the "U") of at least one of the favored teams I feel that I can take a side, simply because it's closer in proximity to mi casa. North Florida is, well, the North, although some might say it's more South.

DD attended the other, and having made a large financial investment, I see cheering for them as protecting my investment.

Go Blue.


Enjoy the day all.

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I think you are right Spins. With respect to offering suggestions about products you are loyal to, it is called "Tough Love". :D


Anyone who has children will know that genuine loyalty is saying things.


Most of the people pontificating about who is entitled to post opinions or questions or not seem to be confused and misunderstand the word "customer" with respect to who is entitled to express an opinion or not. Everyone currently posting on SS who is not currently on a cruise is not a customer of SS. They are all ex-customers. Even those who have booked future cruises, are not SS customers until they are on the ship ... and when they complete their arrangements they are immediately and instantly "ex-customers". All opinions about the product are valid, but for a range of different reasons.


I only really eat English breakfasts every so often when I am away ..... and it is very early ....





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Not going to tread into the minefield of why I like anything.


Today is another college football day and I am going to make half time food. There will be no beans, but there will be beer. I have already hung the college pennants for the favored teams outside where they are fluttering gently in the heat and humidity.


Lest anyone think I like either team, I do have a rational approach not involving unbridled affinity.


Having attended the university( known as the "U") of at least one of the favored teams I feel that I can take a side, simply because it's closer in proximity to mi casa. North Florida is, well, the North, although some might say it's more South.


DD attended the other, and having made a large financial investment, I see cheering for them as protecting my investment.


Go Blue.




Enjoy the day all.



Here's a picture of my flag, you could almost entitle it Blue on Blue



Edited by Mark_K
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Timing is interesting on this discussion. Myster just returned from Luton and breakfast was included with his room. Baked beans were available in a hot breakfast warmer. We were talking this morning about how that seemed an odd choice for breakfast. Myster said there were definitely people taking some. :)

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Timing is interesting on this discussion. Myster just returned from Luton and breakfast was included with his room. Baked beans were available in a hot breakfast warmer. We were talking this morning about how that seemed an odd choice for breakfast. Myster said there were definitely people taking some. :)



I doubt there is an English hotel that doesn't serve a full English breakfast. However, I would be very suprised if as much as 1% of English households eat an English breakfast on any given day.


How did Myster get on in Luton? Did he manage to get a decent curry? I use to spend time in Luton at an airline and a car manufacturer ... .and it was the curries that kept me going. :D



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Mark - you are quite right in saying that nowadays most English hotels will include baked beans at breakfast, and that some people will take them. My feeling is simply that they were not in the past considered to be suitable for breakfast, and Jeff and I agree that it was probably because workers like truckers - up very early or even working all night - who needed lots of sustenance that they came into general use.


I admit to another snobby feeling - like Jeff, I often notice people at buffet breakfasts on ships taking a large plate and piling on, all at the same time, the cooked items along with croissants, fruit, etc. Maybe they think the buffet will run out, or are just trying not to have to walk back? Anyhow, sorry, but I think it looks disgusting.

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In the good old days halcyon of SS, some of those breakfast plates were so heavy, the staff would grab the plates out of the hands of passengers at the end of the buffet, and carry them to the table, I suspect just in case the passengers collapsed under the considerable weight. I think I once saw two waiters struggling to carry a plate between them.







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We are back to the halcyon days.

No bird like eating on those buffet plates...apparently.


Mark love the flag.

We have the same.


I did forget that we also fly the Lafayette leopards flag.

That's where drspins went undergrad.

At that time in ancient history it was a men's college.

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I doubt there is an English hotel that doesn't serve a full English breakfast. However, I would be very suprised if as much as 1% of English households eat an English breakfast on any given day.


How did Myster get on in Luton? Did he manage to get a decent curry? I use to spend time in Luton at an airline and a car manufacturer ... .and it was the curries that kept me going. :D



Myster said it rained for 3 days straight. He went to Harpenden and dined at New Taj Mahal. He enjoyed his meal there. Adding to the discussion on breakfast, Myster decided to try marmite. He was not a fan!

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What did he say about the meal? I don't know what Indian food is like in Canada, but I always struggled to find English Indian food on my US trips if you get my drift. Some of the best Indian food in the UK is around that area ie Luton, Harpenden, Watford, etc


I never use Marmite, but Bovril is used as a gravy sauce base in our gaff. Ozzers swear by Vegemite and seem to yearn for it when away from home.



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What did he say about the meal? I don't know what Indian food is like in Canada, but I always struggled to find English Indian food on my US trips if you get my drift. Some of the best Indian food in the UK is around that area ie Luton, Harpenden, Watford, etc


I never use Marmite, but Bovril is used as a gravy sauce base in our gaff. Ozzers swear by Vegemite and seem to yearn for it when away from home.



Myster thought the meal was delicious but he says he did not always know what he was eating. :) He obviously enjoyed it because he went there twice for dinner. Myster says his meals in Harpenden were slightly better than our experience around here but he said the delta was small.


He found the marmite very salty and apparently the vegemite is even more so.

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Here's a picture of my flag, you could almost entitle it Blue on Blue


spinnaker2: Today is another college football day and I am going to make half time food. There will be no beans' date=' but there will be beer. I have already hung the college pennants for the favored teams outside where they are fluttering gently in the heat and humidity. Lest anyone think I like either team, I do have a rational approach not involving unbridled affinity. Having attended the university( known as the "U") of at least one of the favored teams I feel that I can take a side, simply because it's closer in proximity to mi casa. North Florida is, well, the North, although some might say it's more South. DD attended the other, and having made a large financial investment, I see cheering for them as protecting my investment. Go Blue. [/quote']


Appreciate these nice mentions related to the University of Michigan. Or UM. Or "Blue". BUT, Red is a great color, too! Right? See proof below!! For UM fans last year, their team did not lose a bowl game. That is because UM did not make it to any bowl games last year. By contrast, Ohio State had three post-season games, winning them all, to includes titles for the Big Ten Conference and the National Championship title. Pretty good??


Earlier this morning, we were down on campus for pre-game activities on a beautiful Homecoming day in Columbus. Had a nice group in a suite overlooking the stadium and then did a lavish brunch, including with the College of Business Dean dropping by, etc. Nice!!


Lots of big games coming up later today, including 13th-ranked and unbeaten Northwestern visiting 18th ranked Michigan (4-1 this year). Know who is interested in that game?? UM is much improved this year under their new coach. But, Northwestern is very good, too!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 205,386 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




Here's a little "red" or scarlet from last season's Big Ten Championship game. Don't think Michigan made it there. Nor, to the National Championship game. And, who won that big contest? BUT, Michigan has a new coach and is improving much this year.:



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We are back to the halcyon days.


No bird like eating on those buffet plates...apparently.




Mark love the flag.


We have the same.




I did forget that we also fly the Lafayette leopards flag.


That's where drspins went undergrad.


At that time in ancient history it was a men's college.



Let me guess, when Lafayette was deciding whether to admit women, they said to themselves, "Why Not".

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Ozzers swear by Vegemite and seem to yearn for it when away from home.




Not this household! :eek: the stuff IMHO is hideous.


On the English Breakfast subject.. growing up Sunday was always English breakfast, no beans, but they were often consumed at lunch time on toast or in a sandwich taken to school. We don't have school dinners or cafeterias.


My parents still do English breakfast on a Sunday as it is the day the papers are delivered and they eat late (8am!) Never had time here on a Sunday to do a full cook as we were always racing off to sporting events. No point in doing it now as Waldo Jr sleeps until late, although I may make the occasional Benedict.


I take it based on those comments re waiters there is no longer the scoring of "home runs" at breakfast? (Yes I am stepping into the murky naysayer waters)


Also on the plate loading, I learned in Japan the hard way. The buffet breakfast is a one go wonder, so no just taking your cereal, in my case 2 large spoons with a dob of yoghurt, then getting toast and fruit.


Apparently today I am to be invaded by a group of young men watching our iconic Bathurst race. This is the first year in a long while they have not gone as a group with their fathers. I have also been asked, yesterday of course, to cater. It will be too hot for meat pies so I am resorting to sausage or steak sandwiches done on the BBQ.


The last time I was asked to cater was for an American Football final so I made Hot Dogs and doughnuts.I including things such as cheese, mustard and pickles, which would never be put on hot dog here. I defer to my learned US friends to confirm that this is indeed an appropriate choice as I may need to host the same event later this season.

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Mustard and pickle relish are standard here. There are many who use ketchup / catsup / tomato sauce instead. From there, the toppings run the gamut - onions, chili, cheese are fairly tame... Lots of strange stuff can and does get out on hot dogs. Here is a place we ate at a few weeks ago if you want to browse the odd toppings that can be found! http://www.flxwienery.com/

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Mustard and pickle relish are standard here. There are many who use ketchup / catsup / tomato sauce instead. From there, the toppings run the gamut - onions, chili, cheese are fairly tame... Lots of strange stuff can and does get out on hot dogs. Here is a place we ate at a few weeks ago if you want to browse the odd toppings that can be found! http://www.flxwienery.com/



Thank JP, sounds like i got it right.


I have had dogs the US just not at a game..


as an example here the food of choice for the "game" is a meat pie. At a game it would be straight steak, or perhaps steak and potato.


Go to my local pie shop... totally diifferent


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Nice sunsets Mark,


On the continued baked bean topic, an overlooked use for beans that I have played with successfully is to blend a tin down to a nice nutty, tomato-y sauce and use that as a base for other things including adding curry spicing for example for a dryish curry coating sauce. It makes a great base for some interesting and complex sauces.


Last night's late night pizza.





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That is a lovely pic of a lovely pizza Jeff; if I hadn't just had my beans for breakfast I would be salivating.


To revert to one of my fave hates - Mrs.Waldo mentions having to get everything at once if you want to not starve. No doubt this happens in some places, and even on some cruise ships, but never in my experience on the sort of ship we all travel on normally. I feel almost sick - and notice wait staff looking askance - at plates where scrambled egg is right next to croissants and muffins, etc. The people who behave like this obviously are fairly well off, or would not be there, and surely realise that staff are going to restock buffets when necessary? I am at a loss to understand it. Guess I am just a grumpy old woman.

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That is a lovely pic of a lovely pizza Jeff; if I hadn't just had my beans for breakfast I would be salivating.


To revert to one of my fave hates - Mrs.Waldo mentions having to get everything at once if you want to not starve. No doubt this happens in some places, and even on some cruise ships, but never in my experience on the sort of ship we all travel on normally. .


Nope me either... its an eastern thing IME



I nearly fell over backwards years ago at the Sheraton in melbourne ( now langham) when they had ice cream and cones at the breakfast buffet...and people were walking back with bacon eggs and ice cream cones on one plate


although perhaps


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I think sometimes people incorrectly presume that intelligent and relatively wealthy people know that they will not starve and would therefore eat in a way that recognises that they will certainly have enough cash for their next meal.


This behaviour is therefore not driven and motivated by the fear of not eating again, but more one of greed associated with the illness driven by the fully inclusive package.


In the perfectly understandable way that no one likes to hear that someone has paid less for the same trip, from the same sentiment some need to ensure that they get more. It is greed and gluttony rather than hunger or fear of hunger that drives some to extremely overfill their plate. It's the same with free booze for many. "If I have paid for it, I may as well take and get as much as I can".


We have been spending up to three months a year in the Club Lounge at the Intercontinental Singapore where for much of the day stuff is "free". You should see the plate and booze panic. It s very clearly governed by many by the notion that it is without any extra charge and they want to feel they have got as much as they could have done from their cash, rather than immediate need.





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