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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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Greeting Coolers!


J...I need another word for "yummy"! The meal merits a stronger, more expressive word than merely "yummy". I may have to invent one of my own. How about "MMMMTASTIC"? :)


Have a great day all!

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Offensive sausage indeed! That German man must have some arm on him. Sounds like the sausage flew at a very high speed! :) We had a newspaper delivery person at one time who kept throwing the paper up onto our roof, over-shooting the front step by quite a distance. I think he might have been training for the shot put in the Olympics. He did not last long as a newspaper delivery person. :)

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Did you enjoy this comp SnS ?

The 3DE course looked great on video, the slots just get smaller and gnarlier !

Sad to see Valegro fall short in the teams , but great to see him reassert his supremacy in the Kur.

I had to feed myself this evening, Jeff… Fish 'n Chips.. freezer to plate...most un camera worthy.. the riesling was ok tho….. :-)


The course looked very interesting this year, and a little at the winner, because Jung has pulled out some impressive wins over the past year! Also super impressed at Mark Todd. He is my husband's hero for doing what he does at his age and doing it so gracefully!

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From the AP Newswire in the past few hours, they have this headline: "Cruise ship catches fire off Puerto Rico; more than 500 evacuated" with these highlights: "More than 500 passengers were being evacuated on Wednesday from a cruise ship that caught fire about a mile off Puerto Rico’s north coast. The fire was still burning aboard the Caribbean Fantasy as the U.S. Coast Guard prepared a mass-rescue craft to bring passengers safely to the San Juan harbor. No injuries have been reported and no one is missing. The fire erupted in the engine room and is currently spreading to the rest of the ship."


WOW!! Sad. Not good publicity for the cruise business in general. BUT, not sure if this actually a "cruise ship" or more of a commuter ship.


Correction!!: This is not a Carnival ship. Early reporting got that mixed up. This is more of a ferry ship to the Dominican Republic.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 152,792 views for this posting.

Edited by TLCOhio
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Hello all

Sailing into the waters off Dubrovnik.

Bright sunny day.

Hellaciously early, I was up around 4 am.

We are supposed to arrive at8 am for tender in to port.


I will need to catch up on all of the posts!


Thinking of all and hoping you are well.

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Hello Coolers


Good to hear from you, Spins, and I agree with Jeff that the time to be in Dubrovnik is before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m., if possible. It is a pity that the new cruise dock is there, to be honest, as the world and his wife are there every day in the season.


Jeff - not trying to be funny, but what is the bit of what looks like brown string behind your kipper? No doubt something important - I do not partake of them myself except in pate form, a bit 'watered down' in flavour.


Am I alone in actually being rather put off some lines because of the excessive cheerleading which they attract? We all know a few people to whom the glass is always more than half full (wish I was one), but at present the Regent board is actually very funny, to my mind, with people getting their knickers in a twist to insist that any problem is not really one. If I had not already been put off Regent after our not too wonderful trip on Mariner last year, these posts would certainly do so. Maybe we Brits are a bit more cynical than other nationalities?


It is a lovely day here; lots of washing on the line, as it is probably going to rain tomorrow.


I remember being smiled at by Mark Todd a few years ago at a horsey do - what a charmer!


Our Olympics success is very heartening - I hope that some of this lottery money is also going into facilities and coaching for youngsters.



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Good Morning Lola,


The string is to hang them for smoking ...... they hang them in pairs.





I agree with the cheerleading thing. The problem is that a potentially useful function of places like this is for people to decide whether a line is for them or not, and not only do people have to try and judge whether a posters "scale" is in sync with their own eg what may be really first class food for one may be unacceptable to others there is also the other element you touch on of cheer leading ie "they can do no wrong". Some also come not to better understand but for reassurance or validation for a decision already taken. To be honest cheerleading does seem a bit childish particularly when people who make an adverse comment are bullied and/or shouted down. One much prefers to hear "I like xxx and the food is OK" for example. I think most seek balanced feedback rather than either extreme. I guess caveat emptor is true for all of us.


Today is moussaka day in Jeff's Taverna and I am waiting for a delivery of cumin gouda from Amsterdam. I do so hope it turns up today as I have been thinking about the cheese for months and bit the bullet and had some with some other goudas air-freighted.



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Hello all. Sailing into the waters off Dubrovnik. Bright sunny day. Hellaciously early, I was up around 4 am. We are supposed to arrive a t8 am for tender in to port.


Great to hear, Spins, your update of arriving in wonderful Dubrovnik. Nice to have sunny weather. Hopefully not too hot. Looking forward to reading more details and hopefully (hint! hint!) seeing some picture highlights. In fact, lots of pictures!! Let me know if I can help you upload any of those eye-candy highlights.


I noticed that you said you would be tendering. Initially, that sounded like bad news. BUT, in checking more, the great news is that you will be anchored in the scenic area of the Old Town port, not at the farther away and less attractive Gruz commercial port area. Below is one of my over-view visuals to share what that Old Town area looks like and is so close to the key attractions there.


It looks today that there are five ships in Dubrovnik today. That totals about 8,000 total passengers there today. Great news? Your schedule shows that you are there till 22:00 or 10 pm tonight. Enjoy this exciting city, especially in the later afternoon and early evening when the bigger "mobs" are gone. Three of those larger ships are from AIDA, Costa and MSC, which with a little over 2,000 passengers each.


Understand your next stop is Split. Have not been there, yet, and expect more details and visuals in the next few days.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 32,694 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.




After we drove up and up through narrow twisting roads to the high point overlooking Dubrovnik and near the cable car high station, here is the “super star” view of the harbor and walled city. Beautiful??? Is this right near where the Silversea Spirit has been "parked"?:



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I agree with the cheerleading thing. The problem is that a potentially useful function of places like this is for people to decide whether a line is for them or not, and not only do people have to try and judge whether a posters "scale" is in sync with their own eg what may be really first class food for one may be unacceptable to others there is also the other element you touch on of cheer leading ie "they can do no wrong". Some also come not to better understand but for reassurance or validation for a decision already taken. To be honest cheerleading does seem a bit childish particularly when people who make an adverse comment are bullied and/or shouted down. I think most seek balanced feedback rather than either extreme. I guess caveat emptor is true for all of us.

Today is moussaka day in Jeff's Taverna and I am waiting for a delivery of cumin gouda from Amsterdam. Jeff


lincslady: Am I alone in actually being rather put off some lines because of the excessive cheerleading which they attract?


Appreciate the great above points by Jeff and lincslady regarding those who do too much "cheerleading". I am of the more "journalistic" style in trying to share mostly just info and facts' date=' not get too carried away with justifying one's personal choices as for the one and only way to follow/do, etc. As always, [i']"caveat emptor is true for all of us"!![/i]


Always liked the show Dragnet, one of TV's most famous programs from the 1950's that featured Jack Webb (Sgt. Joe Friday) being a straight-shooting Los Angeles cop with his famous phrase of "Just the facts, Ma'am". Did Jack Webb/Dragnet get some play in the UK, etc.? Remember it??


Just the "facts" are usually much better than too much personal spinning. Of course, not everyone can and will agree as to the "facts"!!


Look forward to seeing more great food pictures later today. Makes me hungry.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 152,852 views for this posting.

Edited by TLCOhio
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Lovely to read all the news.........


Jeffers.....you know l am an enigma.....[emoji6] It would be boring for others if l were to explain in detail.....!! You made me so envious displaying those home chips that I've decided to invest again in a deep fat fryer....although I'm guessing you still use the air fryer? Miss my own chips......three times cooked of course!


Spins....good to know that you're having fun.......what the devil is happening with the dress code.......must be quite a task for those having to tell pax.....and no sign of the CD......oh dear.....Moss is my favourite and want a superb job he does.


Mary......I still have friends living in Tetchill....l knew most of the farmers back in the days...especially the young ones!!


It's been a very lazy day here, blaming it on the humidity.....the offspring are all geared up for their very first cruise to Norway this weekend with the usual last minute panics for Mother to sort out....me thinks I maybe should go with them....[emoji15]


S [emoji5]




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Good afternoon all .....


Sorry soapy ... the last couple of pictures were deep fried spuds from scratch. I like to go back on stuff every so often just to see if an earlier conclusion holds true.


So fwiw if you do the simple two stage chips ie Maris Piper, chipped and par boiled for say fifteen minutes, water fully evaporated off, then deep fry in rapeseed or sunflower that will always be best. Anything else I still think that McCain fries in the air fryer is best, and if you can't be fussed with the palaver I suggest, then just reaching into the freezer for a handful of fries can't be beaten. I'm happy to explain the reasons why if anyone asks but I'm reasonably and fairly certain the method I use means that deep fried is in fact healthier or at least not unhealthier with less fat than air fried.


The dress thing is prized by some and hated by some, but whatever we can agree or disagree on it seems to me it is almost certainly an anachronism that will pass. As I mentioned before, it seems to me the more people of both sides complain the quicker it will probably go.


It's good to see spins got to Dubrovnik .... hope she had a great time.



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lincslady: Our Olympics success is very heartening - I hope that some of this lottery money is also going into facilities and coaching for youngsters. Lola


Interesting video from Jeff. Kind of sad and pathetic to see people waiting and then racing to get a chair spot' date=' etc.


Yes, the UK and USA are doing very well at the Rio Olympics. Below is the latest chart and totals as of mid-day on August 18. Congratulations to the winners!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio[/font']


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 202,047 views.




Here is the chart showing the latest on the winners and medal folks from the 2016 Rio Olympics. Congrats!!:



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Not too bad with our population, compared with others??


Just watched some of the sunlounger dash - love it. Aren't some of us awful?


Spins, I do hope you were anchored in the bay at Dubrovnik; even if you don't go ashore it is so pretty.


I can't win with the Regent cheerleader; she is much quicker on the ball than I am. Ah well. Think I will give up.



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I made chips last night. I don't have a deep-fat fryer, just a sauté pan into which I pour sunflower oil and warm it up to the very gentle fry stage. I have soaked my crinkle-cut chipped potatoes (Desiree yesterday) in water, then dried them in a dish cloth. Put into the oil and deep-fry until they are soft and a bit floppy and not coloured. Then I drain them on kitchen towels and they can stay like that for quite a while. Then heat the oil to very hot and add the chips to crisp up and go brown. Never fails for me.

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Good Morning Fletch .... you can't beat a decent chip!


The only reason I avoid that method and the deep fry "straight in the chip pan" method is simply to do my best to avoid as much oil absorbtion as I can and to get a crisp out and fluffy inner. As you know desiree are a waxy potato .... and I'm a traditional floury chip man. But what is life without a treat. :D


Today is char-siu pork belly with crispy skin and stir fry Singapore chow mein. And rain.





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S - me too - we probably know the same people :)



More than likely Mary...my parents owned a restaurant/ ballroom in Oswestry so we hosted all the big gala events which all the local farmers attended....l can remember as a child sitting in the ladies cloakroom drooling over the fabulous ball gowns.......good old days...





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My chip cooking method is similar to Fletch.....we used to call it blanching....rinse the spuds in cold water, dry them then blanch in the fryer......l find the longer they're left the better before dropping them into hot fat to crisp up...never failed for me either....

My grandmother always shallow fried hers in lard....boy were they good......guess l was trained well as the grandparents owned and ran three fish and chip shops during the war......sadly before my time ...[emoji4]



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