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OP, try Royal Caribbean. No problem catering for vegetarians over there.


And the comments on this forum from the welcome wagon are really sad and pathetic, but if you read this board enough you will realize it is just a handful of individuals that respond in this manner to anyone who dares criticize their baby, I mean vacation company of choice.

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OP, try Royal Caribbean. No problem catering for vegetarians over there.




And the comments on this forum from the welcome wagon are really sad and pathetic, but if you read this board enough you will realize it is just a handful of individuals that respond in this manner to anyone who dares criticize their baby, I mean vacation company of choice.



No mention that quite a few vegetarians have commented on how they have never had an issue with being well fed or treated appropriately?

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No mention that quite a few vegetarians have commented on how they have never had an issue with being well fed or treated appropriately?


There is the usual handful of people here to discredit, bash, and run OP out of town. I thought these forums were to help people resolve issues, not victim blame more. Someone has an issue, people only want to smear OP. Come on, we're all adults.


If you want better service don't bother chasing NCL for it, vote with your wallet. I think OP will find Royal Caribbean will take MUCH better care of them. And I wouldn't blame them if they never returned to CC forums.

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There is the usual handful of people here to discredit, bash, and run OP out of town. I thought these forums were to help people resolve issues, not victim blame more. Someone has an issue, people only want to smear OP. Come on, we're all adults.




If you want better service don't bother chasing NCL for it, vote with your wallet. I think OP will find Royal Caribbean will take MUCH better care of them. And I wouldn't blame them if they never returned to CC forums.



Come on, you don't see the OP's story is full of holes?

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And the comments on this forum from the welcome wagon are really sad and pathetic, but if you read this board enough you will realize it is just a handful of individuals that respond in this manner to anyone who dares criticize their baby, I mean vacation company of choice.


This is a pantload.

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There is the usual handful of people here to discredit, bash, and run OP out of town. I thought these forums were to help people resolve issues, not victim blame more. Someone has an issue, people only want to smear OP. Come on, we're all adults.


I certainly didn't come here to "discredit, bash or run OP out of town"

I came here, having a daughter who is vegetarian, wondering how someone could have such a huge issue that they felt like they were treated as "third tier passengers"


I shared our own experience, thinking that was what CC was all about! I actually feel offended that my comments are regarded as "sad and pathetic" :mad:


The OP stated that they "made a request for vegetarian food at the time of buying tickets". Well I haven't had that many cruises with NCL or anyone else, but I wasn't aware you could do this. I'm sure someone will tell me if I'm wrong about that. :confused:

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MisterFidgetpants -- Your most recent posts seem to be about Royal Caribbean, have you ever sailed NCL?


Yes, I have.


I just think this forum goes really rough on anyone that has a problem or criticism. NCL offers alternative menus, I don't know why it was so difficult for OP onboard. Everyone here says complaining afterwards is futile. I agree. But the OP tried to reach the right person onboard and got rebuffed. Since they are a new poster the mob here just try to smear them or shout them down. This place should help people, not put them down. Endorsing a manager ignoring a guest is ridiculous. Why should anyone put up with that? It's bad service.


Look, even myself, I expressed my opinion and a long term forum bully has called it a "pantload".


everyone have a good day, try to be a little nicer and more helpful to those who are venting or looking to resolve an issue. the mob mentality is pretty ugly and not helpful in the least.


And yes, I would suggest Royal Caribbean because OP won't have problems like this on their ships.

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Well, I don't have a problem saying things to run the OP out of town! So here goes... the world doesn't revolve around your narcissistic tendencies. Everyone has their tastes, but people like you that think the deserve special treatment are pathetic. "Hey world, I'm a Vegetarian and I'm going to push my ways on you and you better serve me to my liking or I'll whine and cry and stomp my feet and throw a tantrum to get attention." I have no problems with people who have different tastes and lifestyle preferences; I have a problem with those that feel they are entitled to everything because of it. And you, by your one post, fit this description.


OP, here's some tips:


1) Meal to go: Bring some styrofoam to-go plates, put on a nose plug, and get what you want from the buffet and bring it back to your room. I think Indian food looks terrible and smells worse (mostly curry items), but have tried it on a cruise ship because a) I'm on vacation and I like to try new things, b) it's "free", c) i can toss it if I don't like it, d) I can go back for more if I do. They are not going to remove Indian from the menu or buffet if I ask them to, and they sure won't remove the "disgusting" meat dishes you don't like to see or smell either. The ship has 14 floors and I can find someplace else if I don't like the smell. I don't like the taste or smell of beer either, but I don't tell the guy sitting next to me at the bar to move or throw it away.


2) Nothing wrong with Buffet: Most cruisers eat at the buffet all day every day... don't act offended by it if that's the only place there is food to your liking. My DW likes sit down meals at the MDRs, I think once or twice is fine, but I can eat in 30 minutes or less at the buffet or spend 1½ hours in the MDR. What's at the buffet is in the MDR in different forms. I'd rather have more time around the ship doing stuff and snacking in between. And it's hard to keep things from getting cross-contaminated at a buffet with slobs (and kids) serving themselves. I always see staff moving stuff and cleaning, only to see the next person in line drip cottage cheese in the oatmeal because the cottage cheese was in the bowl behind the oatmeal.


3) Ask and ye shall receive: If you asked the waiter, many dishes on the menu don't have to come with the meat/non-veg items. Some of the stuff is pre-made, but others they mix together as they make the place. And as someone said, substitutions can be requested. Asking (nicely I might add) for something different is not a crime. And if they say no or it can't be done, then move on!


4) Stay Home: If you truly are that dissatisfied seeing or smelling anything other than vegetarian food, then stay home and you won't have to complain about not being satisfied. On a cruise ship, you're surrounded by food. It's one of 3 things to do on a ship: Eat, Sleep, Entertainment.


I'd venture to guess that you're one of those people when you go out to eat, you complain to get the meal for free. Seriously, what do you think Mr. H could have done for 1 passenger out of 2,200 (or 4,200)? I've seen some of the crew get harassed in ways that I couldn't believe someone could actually treat another human being that way-usually over something inconsequential. You paid for a cruise, it doesn't mean they have to kiss your ass. They went out of their way to get you non-meat stuff from the buffet and other areas and bring it to you.


Again, stay home if you feel the need to hate the world around you.

Edited by Angelo_R
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I certainly didn't come here to "discredit, bash or run OP out of town"

I came here, having a daughter who is vegetarian, wondering how someone could have such a huge issue that they felt like they were treated as "third tier passengers"


I shared our own experience, thinking that was what CC was all about! I actually feel offended that my comments are regarded as "sad and pathetic" :mad:


The OP stated that they "made a request for vegetarian food at the time of buying tickets". Well I haven't had that many cruises with NCL or anyone else, but I wasn't aware you could do this. I'm sure someone will tell me if I'm wrong about that. :confused:


There are a number of forum members who pop in to any negative thread and immediately smear and try to discredit the original poster. It is the same handful of people every time. They pounce and attack and take any criticism of their favored cruise line very personally and respond, at best, dismissively and at worst maliciously. I've resigned myself to reading far more than posting because of this. generally this is a useful forum for information. If you're not amongst those type of posters don't worry about it and don't be offended by my comments. It is just so off putting to see people put down for voicing their complaints. Sharing your experiences is helpful, not a negative.

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I certainly didn't come here to "discredit, bash or run OP out of town"





Some people being overly protecting of NCL may well be an issue on these forums, but this tendency to write off everyone who discusses these points as cheerleaders and such is equally as bad.


Some of us on here have made legitimate points. The OP has raised their point and has made comments such as that there is was just one (non changing) option in the MDR and that, for example, Jasmine Garden doesn't have a vegetarian option. I don't think that there is any harm in pointing out that this is not factual information on most NCL cruises.


Maybe there was a specific issue on this cruise (although I doubt it), but letting those comments stand is misleading to others who may be looking for information. I'm not going to let myself be bullied into stopping doing so by the self appointed forum police.

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There are a number of forum members who pop in to any negative thread and immediately smear and try to discredit the original poster. It is the same handful of people every time. They pounce and attack and take any criticism of their favored cruise line very personally and respond, at best, dismissively and at worst maliciously. I've resigned myself to reading far more than posting because of this. generally this is a useful forum for information. If you're not amongst those type of posters don't worry about it and don't be offended by my comments. It is just so off putting to see people put down for voicing their complaints. Sharing your experiences is helpful, not a negative.


I see what you are saying and I apologise if I took your comments personally. I hope never to offend, although I guess that's not always possible, as we are all human and have different perspectives on things.:)


Thank you for your response. Happy cruising. :)

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Some people being overly protecting of NCL may well be an issue on these forums, but this tendency to write off everyone who discusses these points as cheerleaders and such is equally as bad.


Some of us on here have made legitimate points. The OP has raised their point and has made comments such as that there is was just one (non changing) option in the MDR and that, for example, Jasmine Garden doesn't have a vegetarian option. I don't think that there is any harm in pointing out that this is not factual information on most NCL cruises.


Maybe there was a specific issue on this cruise (although I doubt it), but letting those comments stand is misleading to others who may be looking for information. I'm not going to let myself be bullied into stopping doing so by the self appointed forum police.


I have no issues with sharing personal experiences or correcting factual inaccuracies.


But if you read this forum daily it is demoralizing and negative energy. It's a small cluster of people that are mean spirited. Everyone has to be SOMETHING behind a keyboard I suppose. Nice and helpful is easier than mean spirited and hateful.

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Some people being overly protecting of NCL may well be an issue on these forums, but this tendency to write off everyone who discusses these points as cheerleaders and such is equally as bad.


I totally agree.......I'm far too new to cruising to be a cheerleader for anyone......still finding my sea-legs! ;)


Some of us on here have made legitimate points. The OP has raised their point and has made comments such as that there is was just one (non changing) option in the MDR and that, for example, Jasmine Garden doesn't have a vegetarian option. I don't think that there is any harm in pointing out that this is not factual information on most NCL cruises.


And this was exactly what I tried to show in my previous post. Our experience on the Jade was different. DH and I are so used to checking out whether our DD would have a full stomach or not that it has become something of a standing joke on our travels! ( I guess we miss her more than we care to admit! )


Maybe there was a specific issue on this cruise (although I doubt it), but letting those comments stand is misleading to others who may be looking for information. I'm not going to let myself be bullied into stopping doing so by the self appointed forum police.


Again I agree that letting those comments stand is misleading.

I wish the OP would come back and maybe answer a few questions.

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Oh, I read this forum daily, and contribute a lot. I do so in order to help people and like to think that I've done my bit to make people's holidays better.


I agree totally with you regarding the tone on this forum. There are undoubtedly some people who take their defending of NCL too far.


However, I'm sure j am not alone in often being reluctant to join in discussions such as this one because I know it won't be long before the cheerleader comments start. Personally, I don't think those comments help at all, and will just drive away those who are genuinely trying to help.

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Oh, I read this forum daily, and contribute a lot. I do so in order to help people and like to think that I've done my bit to make people's holidays better.


Well you've certainly been helpful as far as I'm concerned and I thank you for that. :)


I agree totally with you regarding the tone on this forum. There are undoubtedly some people who take their defending of NCL too far.


However, I'm sure j am not alone in often being reluctant to join in discussions such as this one because I know it won't be long before the cheerleader comments start. Personally, I don't think those comments help at all, and will just drive away those who are genuinely trying to help.


And yet again I find myself agreeing with you Keith......the reason my post count is as it is (not very high compared with many others) is that exact reason! I tend to post a review after our cruise and always answer people's comments on there. Other than that, I often would like to ask a question or answer a query but find myself reluctant because of the response from, admittedly, a few posters. Sad but true!

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We went on the epic with my daughter who is vegan. We only ate dinner in the specialty restaurants the entire week. Every single one of them made her a delicious dish right there. It wasn't from the buffet. Even in Modernos, a meat lovers paradise, they created a beautiful dinner for her. Was great!

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I certainly didn't come here to "discredit, bash or run OP out of town"

I came here, having a daughter who is vegetarian, wondering how someone could have such a huge issue that they felt like they were treated as "third tier passengers"


I shared our own experience, thinking that was what CC was all about! I actually feel offended that my comments are regarded as "sad and pathetic" :mad:


The OP stated that they "made a request for vegetarian food at the time of buying tickets". Well I haven't had that many cruises with NCL or anyone else, but I wasn't aware you could do this. I'm sure someone will tell me if I'm wrong about that. :confused:


Sorry, but you are wrong.

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Sorry, but you are wrong.


Then I stand corrected.


Could you possibly point me in the right direction for making such a request as our DD may cruise with us next time?


Edited to add that I found something on NCL's page.....We can accommodate special food requests (Gluten-Free, Vegetarian, Kosher) if we're notified in time. Let our Access Desk know you're coming at least 8 weeks prior to cruising to ensure the best experience possible.


Just curious to know what this would entail? Pre-ordering vegetarian meals for each day?

Edited by meltingmoments
Founf the info I requested.
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Good point. Very well made. :)


Seriously, though. What part of the post that you quoted was wrong, and why?


Hi Keith,


I believe the poster was telling me I was wrong about being able to "make a request for vegetarian food at the time of buying tickets" as the OP stated in their post. At least I THINK that was what they meant! I wasn't aware that you could even DO that, but it seems you can!

I'm still confused though.......it doesn't take much! Lol :confused:

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