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Carnival Fantasy Itinerary Changes March 2016


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March 1, 2016


Dear Carnival Cruise Lines President & Staff,


I am writing to you to follow up on multiple phone calls I have made to your customer service folks about a recent horrible experience I had with the Carnival Fantasy ship that sailed from Miami Florida on 2/22/2016 and returned on 2/26/16.

First let me start off my telling you a bit about me and my boyfriend so you can better understand how important our vacation time off is to us, so you’ll know why this trip meant so much to us. My boyfriend and I are both career firefighter/paramedics. We both work second jobs and we both volunteer as well in our own communities as public safety staff. Between the two of us, we work 5 jobs and both volunteer. Our time off to us is very limited an very valued. We rarely get time off together to take a vacation, very rare at best and as you can imagine, hard to schedule with so many work schedules to juggle. Last year, I decided to surprise him for Christmas with the gift of a Carnival Cruise. Having never cruised with your company before myself (but I had cruised with Royal Caribbean and Princess Cruise Lines), I decided to take a chance. I wanted Blake to see Mexico as he has never been outside of the Continental USA. I renewed my passport, he got his for the very first time. He opened his Christmas gift up on the holiday & was excited to be planning on a new adventure, a cruise to Mexico. The Key West portion of the trip was a bonus to him, having never been there either.

We planned and planned for our trip, bought travel books about Mexico sight seeing, what to see and do, learned the history of Cozumel and decided on private excursions we would take since places came highly recommended that were not on the Carnival Cruise Excursions list. We converted money to Mexican Pesos before our trip, we called our credit card companies to make sure our cards would work in Mexico and added the International Plans to each of our cell phones to travel to Mexico to be able to use our phones.

The morning of the trip, we woke up at 2am to drive to the Washington DC airport to fly to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. When I woke up, I checked my email and to my shock there was an email from your company sent after 10pm the night before, indicating we were NOT going to Mexico due to a “technical issue” with the cruise ship Fantasy. Allegedly the ship would not reach adequate speeds to make it to Mexico. I immediately called in to your customer service number and spoke with a girl who said she had no other information other than what was in the email and that 2 possible options were being considered as alternative plans. We were less than an hour from leaving our home for this big vacation and now all of our plans were thrown up in the air and we had nothing concrete as to where we were going. As planners, this is unacceptable and caused us an undue and excessive amount of stress. We immediately discussed cancelling and I asked the customer service person on the phone if Carnival would cover the cost of our non-refundable airfare, we were told they would not. Either way, we were going to lose. Either we cancelled and missed everything including all of the non-refundable monies spent or if we went, we were out of our dream vacation we really wanted to take to MEXICO! There was no winning for us in this scenario. We had less than 1 hour to make a choice which was difficult at best because we did not even have complete information on which to make the choice. I asked that a supervisor call me and provided my cell phone number. I told the girl on the phone we would be flying so if they did not reach me, to please leave me a voice mail about what was going on. She said someone would call. NO ONE EVER CALLED ME BACK!

We opted to try to go and “make the best of it” since we had already spent money on things that were not refundable, the flights, the cell phone plans, money spent exchanging cash to pesos for Mexico, etc., not to mention, we finally had 5 days off together in our nightmarish schedules and we didn’t want to blow that. We get one vacation allotted to us at our primary jobs every year and a half and we must pick our vacation a year and half in advance at work so you can clearly see how difficult this is for us. (This is also why the 25% your next cruise within one year is of no use to us.)

We flew to Ft. Lauderdale and met our pre-paid and pre-scheduled transportation company MJS Transports who moved us to the Port of Miami to catch the ship. While traveling to the port, our driver, who has no loyalties to ANY cruise company, he told us, unsolicited when he found out which ship we were going on, that they had been informed “last week on late Wednesday that there had been an itinerary change for Fantasy”. He said he did not know what the change was, just knew there was a change. THIS WAS A FULL 5 DAYS BEFORE WE, THE TRAVELERS KNEW OF THIS!!!!! Had we known when they knew, we would have had more time to make a sensible change and would have cancelled our cruise and gotten our money back. We would have opted to just remain in Miami and sightsee. With the limited time we were given to decide and make choices, we couldn’t have come up with this scenario.

As our driver pulled up to the Terminal D at the Port of Miami, I said “there’s no ship here”. I was hesitant with the information I had thus far to get out of that vehicle and unload my luggage not knowing if the ship was ever going to arrive. I was told the ship is normally here by now by the baggage handlers. This was around 12:30pm. As my boyfriend worked on checking in our bags through your baggage handlers, I got on my cell phone and called your customer service number again. The person who answered had me on hold for over 30 minutes, although she checked back in with me every few minutes. I told her my concerns about no ship at the port, all of the problems along the way. While on hold, I began searching the internet for other websites and information on what might possibly be going on since I was not getting much information out of your staff. CRUISECRITIC.com provided the best information. I learned of the document called the PASSENGERS BILL OF RIGHTS and that if your company called an issue “mechanical” it would be responsible for reimbursement, but if you called it “technical” as your company was doing, it allowed you to wiggle out of responsibility. Unacceptable. It’s a play on words, plain and simple. Finally a person came back and assured me the ship would arrive by 1pm that it was en route from Port Everglades and should be there shortly, that I should not worry. I said if there is a problem with the ship, we should be told now so we did not get onboard if there were mechanical issues. I asked for a supervisor. I was told we would get a $50 on board credit for our troubles and after I fussed, was told she could offer me a free bottle of wine delivery to our room and some chocolate covered strawberries but that would be it. She asked did we want red wine or white, I said white. Guess what was delivered to our room? Red, never opened. The only other option she gave was I could cancel. Really? At this point with all we had invested? We were standing literally at the Cruise Terminal. Just cancel and have no refund for all of the other money & time we spent? Not acceptable. The cost of cruises to the Bahamas are a lot less expensive than to Mexico. $50 on board credit is really a slap in the face.

We checked in our bags, caught a cab to go get lunch in Miami and figured we’d come back around 3pm when the original boarding time was set to begin checking in. When we returned at 2:45pm, to our horror, no ship! What in the world! I called again and was reassured the ship was coming, that there was a delay but they were “on their way”. (After returning home and getting back on CRUISECRITIC.com I later learned this was a lie-the ships are watched via webcams and it hadn’t moved a bit out of Port Everglades at this point.) I asked the person who began checking our identification what was going on, we got the same story as on the phone. Other passengers were also there, angry, cursing and the mood was awful. Seeing people cry as they were being told the travel plans had changed from Mexico to the Bahamas (at this point no one destination was known but still 2 options), was heart breaking. Very sad. As we got in line and checked in, we were handed a letter stating the new itinerary was for Nassau the Bahamas and then Freeport the Bahamas. Neither of these 2 locations were on our original itinerary. If I had wanted to go to the Bahamas, I would have purchased that cruise. WE WANTED MEXICO, no exceptions. That was the whole and entire reason we booked THAT cruise. We heard others were disappointed because the show with Kathy Griffin had also been cancelled. Sad for those who were fans of hers, they scheduled that cruise for that reason alone.

We checked in and when permitted, moved into the cruise terminal. We had to throw away our bottles drinks (this will be important later on). Still no ship. We found a seat in the small terminal and settled in. A few hours into it, as the terminal was filling with people, we could sense the crowd was getting restless, angry and lots of cursing. We sat near the vending machines (a drink machine and a snack machine near the restrooms) and there was a steady line and they quickly were emptied out. We were stuck in a terminal, no place to get food or beverages now since the machines were empty (and remember we had to throw away our Cokes). No worries, the ship was supposed to be here at 1pm, it was well past 5:30PM. Soon thereafter, we noticed several travelers who were extremely angry, being ushered into a room with a closed door. This room seemed to be getting fuller and fuller. Next thing we see, cops! Lots of Miami-Dade police officers showing up because I am guessing the crowd was becoming very hostile. Cursing was heard everywhere, staff from Carnival were obviously feeling unsafe as they called the cops and everyone was angry, tired, disappointed and hungry. These are NOT words generally associated with the start of a happy or FUN vacation. The kind your company promotes daily. What is FUN about any of that? I could not call it the FUN SHIP, but at this point the NONE SHIP-IT STILL WASN’T HERE!

We knew the news coming again was not going to be good as about a dozen or so police officers from Miami-Dade showed up and began fanning around throughout the crowd in the terminal. The overhead announcement indicated that the ship was delayed in Port Everglades and that it would be there around 7-9PM and that the cruise company would provide us with free transportation to the Bayside area of shops and dinner places (we would have to pay for this on our own). We had planned to eat our dinner when we got on board the ship. Another unaccounted for expense. We opted to stay and just wait for our already paid for meal on the ship, like many others chose to do as well. By now our cell phones were dead, due to so many people in the terminal finding a place to plug in to recharge was next to impossible. Too many people in too small of space. I wonder if we were violating any fire codes with the quantity of people in the room, sitting, standing, lying on the floor, luggage everywhere, etc.? Some people were so angry they went to ask for their luggage back that they had decided to go home and cancel only to be told by baggage handlers there was “no way we can find your luggage in all of that, sorry we cannot help you”. So what you were saying was, even if we opted to cancel, you were going to hold our bags hostage. You had us coming or going and you were going to ruin our trip and our vacation regardless. There was no easy step along the way at this point, Everything was a headache and staff were becoming rude likely from being fussed at by so many unhappy customers.

Disappointed and dejected, day and evening turned into night. Still hungry and tired from our long day of traveling and disappointments, we waited, how awful. No food or water was offered to us. Again not words associated with a FUN vacation. Around 9:30pm our ship finally arrived, very late. We expected a rapid boarding, sort of an express style boarding procedure since the preceding events were so unpleasant, didn’t happen that way. We boarded late, with no food, no water offered to us and empty vending machines. We heard later that the last couple of boarding zones were provided with bottled water and some pizzas and Panera Bread food brought in, but we were not offered that, we never saw that, we never were a part of that.

I fully expected when we got on the ship to be handed some complimentary alcohol or beverages at least, to sooth our tired, thirsty souls. NOPE, nothing. We were told we could go eat immediately in our dining hall. Customer service is horribly lacking on your cruise ship. We ate dinner and decided tomorrow would perhaps be better. We had bought the soda beverage package ahead of time & asked for a soda with dinner. We found out later that we were charged $.13 per drink for “taxes in the port” since our sodas with dinner were served while docked in Miami. Are you kidding me? Seriously? We should have been out to sea long before then……you have to charge us? Nickel and dime us every single chance you get.

We ate, returned to our rooms around 10:45pm and ding ding, a “mandatory muster drill”. Can you imagine all we have been through for the day, to have to get out of our bed, exhausted, beat down and saddened by everything to “get up, get out of bed and come for the drill”. Seriously???? Are you kidding me? Crying babies, geriatric people who seemed horribly affected by this, all congregated for the drill. Bed time arrived around midnight. What part of this was FUN? None of it. I was disgusted. Trying to explain all of this to the first time cruiser with me also was not going well.

We sailed to Nassau, a place we had no interest in going to. We decided to make the best of it & get off the boat, at least we hoped for a passport stamp to reward us. No stamp! Passport not needed, we spent money on something we did not need. We got off the ship, looked around the small port businesses. Found the food and drinks here to be VERY EXPENSIVE, we spent $81 on a lunch with no alcohol for 2 people. Again, unacceptable and we would not have spent that much in Mexico or Key West, where we had planned and budgeted to travel to. We got back on the ship. With no proper time to research or plan, we had no idea what was in Nassau to see or spend money on as a excursion so we opted for none. Again, not what we would have done in Mexico or Key West. We went off to dinner then up to an upper deck to watch us sail out of Nassau. Guess what? We were supposed to leave around 5PM from Nassau. We tried. The boat was fired up, made a god-awful noise, shuddered and shook and of course the Captain came on the overhead PA system to let us know about another “technical issue” and we would be returning to Nassau for a fix. Technical issue was actually a propulsion issue which is mechanical. Please call a spade a spade. You owe us a refund for a mechanically UNSOUND ship. You risked our lives and our safety sailing a ship that had MECHNICAL ISUSES and you knew it. If my car would only go 20 MPH, I would return it to the shop to be fixed for a MECHANICAL ISSUE, not a technical issue. Read CRUISECRITICS.com We went back to FREEPORT because this is where your mechanic was located, where you previously had your dry dock work done. That’s why we were going there, to pay for the trip to see your mechanic. YOU SHOULD HAVE CANCELLED THE TRIP FOR US. Instead, we paid for your repair trip. UNACCEPTABLE!

We were scheduled to go to Freeport the next day, so we decided we would make the trip better and would book an excursion. Surely beautiful blue tropical waters and cool underwater salt water fish would soothe our battered vacation souls and make things better. I visited the Guest Services desk around 3pm that day and since excursions for this day were still ongoing, no one was working at the Excursions Desk on board & so the sign said to go to Guest Services. I waited in line to have a rude female staffer offer me no assistance other than to tell me to come back to the Excursions Desk after 5pm when they returned. I did that. There was a friendly nice female who assisted us in picking a Freeport excursion. I said “ I think tropical fishes and snorkeling would help make the cruise better”. She suggested a trip to the local National Park. We paid for 2 tickets and settled on the fact that tomorrow would be so much nicer doing a planned event and swimming and seeing tropical fish.

Got up and went to our meeting place the next morning for the excursion. Met up with 3 women from Canada who were also going on our excursion. They shared their disappointment and sadness of their experience, similar to ours. They mentioned it was unacceptable that the cruise lines had not “opened up” the WIFI on the ship for everyone to use for free since it would have been a kind gesture in a horrible time, to at least allow people time to plan for the new destination, see what options were available, etc. I agreed, that would have been ideal. We also talked about what if they offered an option or two to each guest, allowing them to choose what they preferred to get as free on board for the mess up. Free spa treatments, free alcohol drinks, on board credits to use for items on board, etc. None of those things were ever offered. The $50 on board credit became a slap in our faces for the amount of money you received. Remember a beer is like $9 so $50 on board credit does not go very far.

We arrived at the excursion site only to be told the water was too rough and guess what? We would not be going to our scheduled location! Sounds terribly familiar doesn’t it? We were bused to a new site to snorkel. The staff was friendly enough. We got in and snorkeled. WE SAW ZERO FISH, ZERO CORALS, ZERO anything just a sandy bottom. We had been promised underwater statues and lots of fish. I bought something and it was not what I purchased. We returned and I saw customer service to ask for a refund. I was given a 50% refund only, and only after the girl called the excursion group to verify what I had said, a change in location, no fish, no statues. THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A 100% REFUND!!!! If I bought a pair of red shoes and got home and found out the ones in the box were brown it is a 100% refund, no 50%! YOU OWE ME!

I was shot at this point. Sad and dejected. We went to dinner that night. Listened to everyone at the same table as us complain about the entire trip. The couple to my right side at dinner was there on their honeymoon, their RUINED HONEYMOON might I add. They will NEVER forget what you did to ruin their lifetime benchmark. You spoiled that. Not the kind of dinner conversation anyone should be having n vacation. Every little place you stopped to sit for a minute, every meal, that was the topic and that was the mood, no matter where you went or who you sat beside. How sad for your cruise lines. Horrible customer service messages. There was no FUN on the alleged FUN SHIP.

I asked again at Guest Services where I could complain about the experience. I was told to call the 1800 number for Carnival when we returned. The mood of the staff was overwhelmingly the same as ours, they were sorry, understood and wished Carnival was “doing more” for the cruisers. YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES BECAME EMPATHETIC AND WISHED THEIR OWN COMPANY WAS DOING MORE! This speaks volumes about your company!

I checked Cruisecritic.com while sitting in the airport waiting on my flight home. I read the blog of what really happened. The ship had been dry docked recently for new carpeting and a new hamburger joint on the ship. After dry docking it was sent out on a short cruise which had the itinerary changed as well. YOU KNEW THEN THAT PROPULSION PROBLEMS EXISTED. You needed a trip back to Freeport to get your repair job done & you put that on our vacation backs! WE PAID FOR YOUR RETURN MECHANICAL TRIP. This cruise should have been cancelled by your company straight from the start. Watch dog agencies know what you are doing is wrong. Don’t pacify people, tell them the truth and let them make a reasonable decision on the facts. YOU NEVER HAD INTENTIONS OF TAKING US TO OUR ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED PORTS OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA or COZUMEL, MEXICO. Shame on you! Piss poor customer service! I read post after post now from unhappy people telling the same story as us. RUINED VACATIONS!

Upon returning the next day to the Port of Miami, we felt used and horribly unhappy. Our only 5 days of the year for rest and relation was ruined. We saw NOTHING we had scheduled for, no MEXICO, NO KEY WEST, NO TROPICAL FISH. We got nothing out of our trip (I got sick with a horrible cold that night-just the right finale to the end of a horrible cruise). We headed back home. From the airport I made my first telephone call after being on firm ground to your Customer Service. I was told that that department was closed to call back in on Saturday morning, which I did. I told them I wanted to invoke the 110% guarantee for a fun trip. I was told that no longer applied. I was told that I had to tell them I wanted that within the first 24 hours of sailing. This is again, a run around answer-I told everyone along the way I was UNHAPPY, trying to evade good customer service. All I have been given is run around and “call this person” or “we will call you back”, never ever returning my calls. I asked that a supervisor call me back and was told it would not happen until Monday afternoon, after they had a chance to collect the reports from over the weekend. I waited all day yesterday afternoon, and guess what? My phone never rang. I was told on both of my last 2 phone calls with your staff that I needed to write a letter, not an email, and mail it in, so I am doing just that. I have lived up to every single part of my cruise. I voiced my concerns along the entire way to give you every opportunity to do the right thing. You did not. Not one thing! I demand a refund of 100% of my money spent. I want a cruise to Mexico but since you apparently cannot deliver on what you advertise or say, how can I ever be certain it would ever come true? I cannot waste my VERY FEW vacation days gambling away my chance at a true relaxing vacation to the destination I choose, not one where you need to see your mechanic. I work a very stressful job handling people’s lives, daily. My customer service far exceeds anything I was provided by your staff and you are in the tourism and vacation industry. Customer service SHOULD BE 100% every single day, whether you want t do it or not. You are supposed to be in the business of making people happy, you did just the opposite.

I surely hope and expect a resolution to this matter right away. No one has ever called me back other than the recorded messages I got 2 of while in Florida talking about the last minute changes you made. Let me know if you will be mailing me a refund check or crediting my credit card, either would be suitable. I cannot get my airfare back or all of the other things I mentioned. All of which were planned around the hub of this vacation, our cruise, the one you monkeyed up.



Disappointed completely,

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Melissa, that a was horrible experience for you and I'm so sorry that you had to experience it. I did call yesterday and they said as of now, we are doing KeyWest/Cozumel. We have done this itinerary and a Bahamas itinerary before and I don't care to go back to the Bahamas. We picked this week because it works for Spring Break for the kids and we are traveling with 3 other families. I just would like to know about changes before we pre-pay for excursions.

Edited by qianabb
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Melissa, that a was horrible experience for you and I'm so sorry that you had to experience it. I did call yesterday and they said as of now, we are doing KeyWest/Cozumel. We have done this itinerary and a Bahamas itinerary before and I don't care to go back to the Bahamas. We picked this week because it works for Spring Break for the kids and we are traveling with 3 other families. I just would like to know about changes before we pre-pay for excursions.


What date are you sailing? I am March 14-18. The itinerary online is still Key West and Cozumel. I have already pre-paid my excursion. I also do not want to go back to the Bahamas.

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We are sailing March 28-April 1st. I don't care to go back to the Bahamas at all. But the kids have never been.... I'm more concerned about the mechanical problems

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We are sailing March 28-April 1st. I don't care to go back to the Bahamas at all. But the kids have never been.... I'm more concerned about the mechanical problems


The Fantasy should be sailing today. Hopefully, someone will post if the itinerary has changed. The Bahamas was so small and blah; especially Freeport.

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There was a mechanical problem that week so they had to go to different ports. The ship has been fixed and is back to it's scheduled stops.

There's a few threads about the problem.

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Information from the cab driver Hmmmm..


Tax is not controlled by Carnival. Thant would be the USA


Read cruise contract,,



Travel insurance is always recommended

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Sorry to hear that.


Yes you have to pay taxes whiles docked in a US port. No way around that.


The cruise contract that you agree to during the on line check in process states that they can change the itinerary at anytime for any reason. Yet most people skip it and do not read it. The 25% off was more than they had to offer.


We did not ask for nor did anyone in line expect anything from Carnival when we were delayed for 3 plus hours on the Breeze last year. WE were told at check in and rolled with it.

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That was undeniably a disappointing experience. If you've been around here long enough, you learn that Carnival often sucks at making things right when things go wrong. I love Carnival, but I'm not an apologist for them.


However, some of her issues could have been softened/mitigated if she had done some better research beforehand. The main one being don't book a cruise if one or more ports are "must dos". Many others like the vacation guarantee could have been taken care of by looking through the contract and/or sales literature. For a planner, it looks like she didn't do enough research into the actual cruise product. She found Cruise Critic too late. :(

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Just curious, when would have been the best time for melissdoak (wrote the long letter) to invoke the Vacation Guarantee? While waiting at port for the ship to arrive? Once on board (first 24 hours)? Sounds like a miserable experience! If I was ever in that predicament I would want to know my options. Thanks!

Edited by momonthego17
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At the risk of being flamed...


Yes, it is in the contract that Carnival can change the itinerary...and yes, by the terms of the contract Carnival wasn't obligated to give the 25%.


However, let's also consider the 'contracts' we sign when we buy our houses. We know that the government can, under certain circumstances, force us to move and give up our houses through the use of "eminent domain".


Who among us is going to shout to our spouse, "Hey Hon, start packing...the city is here to take our house...and we have to be OK with it because we knew this was a possibility when we bought the house."


Point being (and yes, this is an extreme and not necessarily comparable example), even though no compensation may be in the contract, there should be (at least in my mind) a sense of fair play and ASSUMING the letter to Carnival is accurate, I think Carnival's response is lacking.


Just my opinion...



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Just curious, when would have been the best time for melissdoak (wrote the long letter) to invoke the Vacation Guarantee? While waiting at port for the ship to arrive? Once on board (first 24 hours)? Sounds like a miserable experience! If I was ever in that predicament I would want to know my options. Thanks!


You have to be onboard and within 24 hours of start of cruise.

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At the risk of being flamed...


Yes, it is in the contract that Carnival can change the itinerary...and yes, by the terms of the contract Carnival wasn't obligated to give the 25%.


However, let's also consider the 'contracts' we sign when we buy our houses. We know that the government can, under certain circumstances, force us to move and give up our houses through the use of "eminent domain".


Who among us is going to shout to our spouse, "Hey Hon, start packing...the city is here to take our house...and we have to be OK with it because we knew this was a possibility when we bought the house."


Point being (and yes, this is an extreme and not necessarily comparable example), even though no compensation may be in the contract, there should be (at least in my mind) a sense of fair play and ASSUMING the letter to Carnival is accurate, I think Carnival's response is lacking.


Just my opinion...



The Fifth Amendment requires the government to provide just compensation to the owner of the private property being taken. Unfortunately Carnival is not held to the same standards so it's up to the contract that you are a party to. I agree, there should be some sense of fair play from Carnival. Not something I would hold my breath waiting for it to happen, unfortunately.:mad:

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And it's subjective, if you aren't "happy" (regardless of what you are unhappy about) Carnival will refund your money and fly you home? Thanks for the info!


Yes, that's how it works. It's so rarely invoked that there are few reports about it. From what I understand there is a hard sell to keep you onboard.

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At the risk of being flamed...


Yes, it is in the contract that Carnival can change the itinerary...and yes, by the terms of the contract Carnival wasn't obligated to give the 25%.


However, let's also consider the 'contracts' we sign when we buy our houses. We know that the government can, under certain circumstances, force us to move and give up our houses through the use of "eminent domain".


Who among us is going to shout to our spouse, "Hey Hon, start packing...the city is here to take our house...and we have to be OK with it because we knew this was a possibility when we bought the house."


Point being (and yes, this is an extreme and not necessarily comparable example), even though no compensation may be in the contract, there should be (at least in my mind) a sense of fair play and ASSUMING the letter to Carnival is accurate, I think Carnival's response is lacking.


Just my opinion...




I agree. Just because something is legal, doesn't make it right. Carnival is in the hospitality industry, and poor service sinks corporations in the hospitality industry. In my opinion, Carnival should reach out to this lady and try to make things right. But, they probably will not.


I, personally, hope the lady with the bad cruise will post her letter on Mr. Heald's Facebook page and ask for help.

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