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Pretty Disappointed . . .


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I just returned from my Celebrity Cruise which departed from Fort Lauderdale on 10/20/2005. What an experience. Embarkation was HORRIBLE! Being a Captains Club Member (many cruises w/RCCL) I had expected embarkation to be a breeze. But...nope! Stood in line for over two hours...no chairs, no water, no Captains Club "area" according to the three employees I asked. It did take a while for the ship to clear, but the whole thing was incredibly disorganized. It was starting to get "ugly" in the embarkation area (people were becoming very angry, pushing, yelling and almost violent!!!).


Disembarkation was not quite as bad, however I sat in a lounge for about 1.5 hours inhaling smoke, kids crying, etc. I was supposed to have "priority disembarkation" - and, of course, that didn't happen at all.


The most disappointing part was that I had booked this particular cruise because it was to go to Barbados. Never got there...we were told that there was a "problem" with one of the engines so we would be going to St. Thomas, instead. Having been to St. Thomas so many times before (also stayed there for two weeks not too long ago) I really wasn't thrilled with the change at all. So, basically I could have booked a much less expensive cruise to go to the ports we did visit.


When I called the cruise line today, the woman was cooly cordial (and sounded somewhat distracted) - basically said "too bad" and offered absolutely nothing. I dunno - I picked this cruise line because I had heard they were supposed to be a step "up" from RCCL...what a disappointment.


Does anybody know why this cruise line will not make any offerings to offset the changes in itinerary and/or bad experiences??? I, for one, am not planning to use this cruise line again - especially with the response I got from their "Customer Service" rep.

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While the response from the customer service rep should've been worded differently, itineraries change no matter the cruise line. They are not obligated to give you anything at all due to a changed itinerary. Just because St. Thomas was not where you wanted to go, they at least gave you another port.


Sorry you were disappointed with your cruise.

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sorry you had a bad experience. changing iteniraries seems to be a hallmark of X.


on my upcoming transatlantic, they've dropped 2 of our 4 ports, and cut 2 days. its been a total fiasco. compensation is very very minimal. see:




they are going to have to work VERY hard for me to consider X again.

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What ship were you on? Why did you not go to Barbados? Was it because of Wilma? What about the rest of your cruise? I know sometimes ports are changed, but in hurricane season you have to expect that. I guess I need more info.



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What ship were you on? Why did you not go to Barbados? Was it because of Wilma? What about the rest of your cruise? I know sometimes ports are changed, but in hurricane season you have to expect that. I guess I need more info.




Hi Katie !


The original poster is probably referring to Century. She missed a port last week, due to an engine problem, which hopefull is fixed now. I am sailing on her next week.


I really do not fully understand the posting. The person says he/she is disappointed in the Cruise due to a missed port. Sure, I understand the missed port would be a disappointment, but I wouldnt let it ruin my entire Cruise.


I hope the original poster will tell us if this is the only major issue they had (other than embarkation/disembark, which is always dicey). If that is it, then it is a real shame this ruined their "entire" Cruise.


As for getting anything from Celebrity, it's not likely. Ports can be changed at any time, and that is a fact in Cruising. I wish it worked out better for this person.

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To the original poster: did you arrive at the port too early to board? What time did you arrive? If there was a problem clearing the ship from the previous cruise, that's not really Celebrity's fault. Lots of things happen to cause delays in getting passengers off the ship caused mostly by the passengers themselves. And if you arrived too early to board, that's mostly your fault, and that's why you had to wait so long. Personally, I think it's a mistake to arrive at the dock before noon because you never know what's going on and you might find yourself waiting for a long time to board the ship, again, through no fault of the cruise line.

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Also the priority captain's club boarding & disembarking is really becoming a joke. With most cruisers being able to get this benefit (since removal of the fee and the reciprocal benefits with Royal Caribbean), the shorter lines will be those for non-select/elite club members.

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:rolleyes: It's a real shame you had such an opinion of small incidents while on vacation. Try traveling to Las Vegas, staying at one of the top hotels on the strip and having to ask to have your room cleaned when you checked in.

Then on the day you have tickets to see a show ($300.00 for two tickets) you take a shower and fall. I broke my hip, I am healthy and doctors still can't imagine why this happened. It was the way I fell. I was taken to two different hospitals and waited from the time of my injury at 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. that evening to go into surgery, even though I was in shock! The hotel we were staying at tried to convince my husband to go to a different one, which was not as close to the hospital. They just wanted him out of there! I had to stay in Las Vegas alone to recover in a rehabilitaton center and my husband had to return to work. Las Vegas is a "no fault" state, meaning you can not sue just to recover medical expenses! I also had just started a new job and was dismissed. In Ohio I quite a job so I did not qualify for unemployment since I "quite" my previous job to take a new one! Now figure in no payroll coming in when we were used to two incomes, and $35.00 copay three times a week for eight weeks to get to the ability to use a cane! Try interviewing with a cane or a slight limp just to be employed again!

I feel very blessed to just have the ability to walk correctly again, have a new career and afford to finally after four years to have a vacation and to just relax and enjoy life. Please be grateful for what you have. :)

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I have a question for the OP. You mention that you have been on several cruises, have you never missed a port before this for any reason? Been late to a port (esp during hurricane season)? If you have you already know that this could happen/did happen so why were you so upset by it. I know I am upset that I missed a port but at least you got another one. If you have been there x number of times, why not turn it into a sea day then?


I am sorry your embarkation/debarkation was terrible but it can happen on any line at anytime. Pax not showing up for clearance or theimmigration people are late can delay things quiet a bit.

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Celebrity goes over and above when necessary in order to satisfy their valued guests.


There is a sailing coming up in less than two weeks from now, it was a 14 night cruise or something like that, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, it has been shortened by the first two days.


For this, Celebrity is providing 2 nights pre cruise complimentary hotel and transfers for those that have pre-arranged flights and or as much as $250 towards flight schedule changes, as well as a $200 on board credit and 20% refund of cruise fares... if this isn't going over and above to provide their guests with more than expected as compensation for their minor inconvenience, I don't know what is.

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Celebrity goes over and above when necessary in order to satisfy their valued guests.


There is a sailing coming up in less than two weeks from now, it was a 14 night cruise or something like that, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, it has been shortened by the first two days.


For this, Celebrity is providing 2 nights pre cruise complimentary hotel and transfers for those that have pre-arranged flights and or as much as $250 towards flight schedule changes, as well as a $200 on board credit and 20% refund of cruise fares... if this isn't going over and above to provide their guests with more than expected as compensation for their minor inconvenience, I don't know what is.


Boy, you couldnt be more off base! As an agent you should be more in touch with whats going on.


First celebrity cancelled two ports of call, Rome and Marseilles which were the highlights of this transatlantic crossing. They decided to spend 2 nites docked in Barcelona and gave no one any information at all.


When you called, you got very mixed and very wrong responses. We were totally misled and many were in fact given totally false information.


It wasnt till yesterday that they finally told everyone the truth and offered compensation. How good is that compensation? Not good at all. Putting you up in a hotel for 2 nites outside the city center and your meals are not covered. On board ship, they would have been. Having to move from one hotel to another on the outskirts of town not near anything, not fun!


The 20 percent refund is based on cruise alone and not port charges or taxes which reduces it greatly.


We anticipated 14 days at exotic ports and now have 12 and the best ports are eliminated. Who knows if we will even have 12, everything is still unclear at best. The boat is in drydock and little is known. While we feel bad that Celebrity had to change all its plans for drydock they should have been upfront with their customers, told us the truth and given us the option to cancel.


We do not have the option to cancel. And you if you read the almost 70 pages on this board you will see how the passengers are not only unhappy but rather frustrated and miserable at how things were handled and what we are being forced to accept. This is being more than generous?????


Sorry, I dont think so.


One plans for a vacation and saves and anticipates. This was fraught with nothing but aggravation and more aggravation. Thats no way to enjoy a vacation.

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Celebrity goes over and above when necessary in order to satisfy their valued guests.


There is a sailing coming up in less than two weeks from now, it was a 14 night cruise or something like that, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, it has been shortened by the first two days.


For this, Celebrity is providing 2 nights pre cruise complimentary hotel and transfers for those that have pre-arranged flights and or as much as $250 towards flight schedule changes, as well as a $200 on board credit and 20% refund of cruise fares... if this isn't going over and above to provide their guests with more than expected as compensation for their minor inconvenience, I don't know what is.


I'm on that cruise. The compensation is a joke. This problem has not been caused by weather, but by a problem with the drydock.


Ever try to change a transatlantic flight on short-notice? The $250 didn't even come close to the actual cost. Many people were arriving a couple days early (never fly in on sailing day). The 2 extra nights are excessive.


secondly - the hotels X is using are far away from any sites, almost in the burbs. these hotels can be had for about $80 when booked on your own (dollars, not euros)


Third - they are only including breakfast. That $200 won't replace the decadent lunches and dinners we will miss. Don't forget the extra transportation from being in the burbs.


Fourth - the 20% is almost to the penny what I have in this (cruise and airfare) on a per diem basis. Technically we are not being compensated for missing rome and marseille. we are being put in storage in BCN, at best. they are not including taxes and fees in the calculation, which is a matter I am referring to our state's attorney general. I forget which company it was a while back that got in big trouble for keeping taxes.


Finally, if you read the whole thread you can plainly see how we were lied to for days, and how much of a run-around we were, and still are, being given. Many peoples' TA found out about all this from us, the customers via CC. Many people will not find out about this until they arrive at the dock to find the ship isn't there.


If you thinks that's fair, i want to live in your world. (no offense).

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While I agree that X is not responsible for how long it takes US Customs to clear the previous ship, if they are committed to customer service, they should be diligent in making sure everyone is informed and comfortable. We had the same thing happen on RCL and they kept updating us on when we should get onboard and made sure we had refreshments. They also passed out the Cruise Compass for the first day, as a distraction. This was in the regular line. I would have expected more from X, given their reputation for excellent service.


Sure, ports are cancelled all the time but that is usually due to weather on other lines, not the cruiseline's faulty equipment. I nomrally have little pity for those who are upset that their ship didn't go to, say, Cozumel because there happened to be a punishing hurricane in the area but I do think that when you buy a cruise, you expect that the line will provide ships capable of making the intinerary.

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One more thing, then i'll shut-up. (probably)


I was originally booked on the splendour of the seas' tranatlantic. I changed to millie's because of the stops in marseille and rome, and it cost a little over $1000 more to do so. same # of days, same cabin category.


Now that those two ports have been eliminated, the iteniraries are nearly identical. The way I see it, i'm out $1000. :mad: I did overnight a letter to Mr. Fain, ceo of rci. I have not gotten a response, and frankly don't expect one.


i know they can and do change iteniraries. there is nothing legally, that i can do about. Rome isn't in a hurricane area. no riots. its purely X's fault that we are missing these ports.

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Let's hear another voice from someone on the OP's sailing. First off the sail date was Oct 29. Celebrity did not have any ships leaving from Ft Lauderdale before that.


Regarding embarkation, The Century had just returned from Europe so she had to go through Immigration with all members of the crew, she had to have her Health inspection, and she had to have a Coast Guard inspection. All this had to be done before any guests could board the ship. These are government regulations not X policy. Keep in mind there was a sizable contigent of B2B cruisers who were not allowed to remain on the ship at this time. They were also warned not to go to town due to Hurricane Wilma and the effects she left behind


Celebrity notified the Travel Agents that boarding would not start until 2:00. They sent out letters to those who booked directly with the line. Even with this notification, people started showing up at the dock at 10:00 am. We showed up at 10:45 am know we would have to wait. We had a good time talking with fellow cruisers who were aware of the situation.


Coast Guard inspection went well and X started boarding passengers at about 1:30 pm. But with the effects of Wilma still being felt in Ft Lauderdale, check in was slow. Computer problems caused by fluctating power slowed down check in. Now keep in mind, X had over 2000 people to check in in just over two hours. It's not possible. Based on the fact they had about 140 minutes to check people in before boarding time, they would have had to check in 7 couple every minute. As you know check in takes about 5 minutes if you entered your own info online, longer if you fill out your book.


The biggest problem was the lack of communication between the TAs and ther clients. People came in expecting a flawless boarding and it wasn't going to happen, not with Wilma and all the inspections that had to go on.


Now to the engine trouble. First off it seems as if the engine trouble was more a problem to me than it was to the OP. Yet, I have yet to complain. I will explain more later. There was also a couple who was due to get married in Barbados, more of a problem to them as well.


After two days at sea we arrived in St Maarten, we had a great day. As we are sailing out that evening the Captain comes over the loud speaker to announce they had lost the Turbo Charger on the Poppa P enging and it had to be shut down. With this we would be an hour late into St Lucia, Barbados would be fine and we would be 1 to 1-1/2 hours late getting to Antigua. They would not have to make any other changes as the parts would arrive from Greece in Antigua and they could do the repairs then. We would get back to Ft Lauderdale as scheduled. Well, here is where the problems started for me. We had an excursion planned with Eli's on Antigua, with the late arrival we could not make the tour. So we had to cancel. Hey it happends.


After a great day in St Lucia we get back on the ship and start to sail away. Once again the Captain comes over the loud speaker and lets us know that we would have further changes. The engine problems were a little more extensive than originally thought. They would not have all the parts they needed in Antigua, so further changes would have to be made. The head office had made arrangements to add St Thomas to our itinerary. There was no way we could make Barbados in our current condition. So once again I had to make a cancellation. We had a private boat charter in Barbados we had to cancel and possibly lose our deposit and possibly have to pay for the boat anyway as it was about 16 hours before our sail time. We worked with the Concierge and she helped us with calling to shore to work with the company. Maureen was great, no charges to us.


At the same time Ngawhira the Event Coordinator had to figure out what to do with the wedding. It was 16 hours before their wedding and now they weren't going to the port. She was great getting the wedding moved to St Thomas.


Now those are more serious problems than, "I've been there before".


As it stands, the cruise contract states that the cruise line can change the itinerary due to weather or mechanical problems without notice. So once you step on the ship, you have agreed to the contract. Therefore nothing is due to you if they miss or reschedule a port. If one port is that important to you, why go on a cruise and go there for one day. Take your entire vacation there. You don't get a true sense of an island by spending one day there.


X was great with regards to ensuring us 4 ports. X could have easily just dropped Barbados and left us with three islands. As it was, they did everything they could to ensure us of 4 ports. They also had to pay the port charges in Barbados and ST Thomas at no cost to us.


Yes, it was disapponting, but in no way should your vacation have been ruined. It's the first time in my 10 cruises this has happened to me and the second time in my wifes 20 cruise.


These things happen, and a bad day on a cruise ship is better that a good day at work any day.


If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask. I was able to get some good information from the Hotel Director and Captain about these problems.

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Chessbriar, I don't mean to rant but I'm sure that if they had made you sleep in the corridor, you would say "at least they gave us pillows."


Serious mechanical problems that seem to recur (if I read these boards correctly) should be adressed by more than dropping ports that people may have bought a specific itinerary for. Giving the cruiseline credit for paying port in two ports seems awfully generous, as does discounting the diappointment of someone who had already visited a port to death, just because others were more inconvenienced. It's not a competition and the OP gets to be disappointed if he wants. I doubt the concierge could respond to the special needs of all 2000 pax if the check-in people couldn't.


Sorry, I haven't had my first X cruise yet so I haven't drunk the Kool-Aid but if the depictions on these boards of how the line responds to problems are accurate, I'm hoping for absolutely nothing to go wrong. They seem unable to cope or respond to passenger's disappontment.


We booked our cruise on X because of all the great stories of great service we read about. I hope that this is true. Nobody in their right mind would book a cruise expecting anythng but good service and value. I hope X delivers but if they don't, I will not hesitate to say so, both to the line and on a board like this.

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It has been mentioned many times - there is a noticable difference between Celebrity service on the sea - and Celebrity service on land.

We were on Galaxy out of Baltimore a few years ago. There were weather problems that delayed disembarkation of the previous cruise - and our embarkation. We were bussed to the Inner Harbor. The initial estimate for embarkation was just a few hours - that extended well into the evening. With water and cookies offered. To us ( DH and I) the problem was lack of communication. We had no idea what was going on - no one was available to tell us what was going on :confused: :confused: - rumors would spread through the crowd that someone from the ship was coming to speak with us - and noone would arrive.:mad:

Celebrity should add their famous EVALUATION cards for your land experience - service before and after the cruise. :eek:

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See if you can find out what went on on the cruise before me.

They had a crime scene unit on here when I got on and I was told there is a

cabin on Deck 9, 9029 I think, which is off limits. Interesting.



This is from my friend onboard Century!

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Chessbriar, I don't mean to rant but I'm sure that if they had made you sleep in the corridor, you would say "at least they gave us pillows."


Serious mechanical problems that seem to recur (if I read these boards correctly) should be adressed by more than dropping ports that people may have bought a specific itinerary for. Giving the cruiseline credit for paying port in two ports seems awfully generous, as does discounting the diappointment of someone who had already visited a port to death, just because others were more inconvenienced. It's not a competition and the OP gets to be disappointed if he wants. I doubt the concierge could respond to the special needs of all 2000 pax if the check-in people couldn't.


Sorry, I haven't had my first X cruise yet so I haven't drunk the Kool-Aid but if the depictions on these boards of how the line responds to problems are accurate, I'm hoping for absolutely nothing to go wrong. They seem unable to cope or respond to passenger's disappontment.


We booked our cruise on X because of all the great stories of great service we read about. I hope that this is true. Nobody in their right mind would book a cruise expecting anythng but good service and value. I hope X delivers but if they don't, I will not hesitate to say so, both to the line and on a board like this.


I don't appreciate your attack on me for this. I was giving you the facts of what happened without throwing in emotion. Being a rational person, I can understand the problem that happened on our cruise no matter what cruise line would have had these things happen.


So if the made me sleep in the hallway, it better be because we are hidding from pirates or going thourgh a hurricane.


You want X to respond by doing more that subsituting ports. Read the cruise contract. They didn't have to give us St Thomas, nor did they have to refund money. Yet, they did everthing they could to give us a great vacation.


Throwing the Concierge into the problems of check can't be done. Her duties we on the ship and have nothing to do with the land side. Check in problems were a result of the number of inspections the ship had to go through as well as the conditions of the port due to Wilma as well as many passengers not being informed about embarkation. The people on our roll call were all well informed as to the delay and knew it would be a mess. If this one post wonder was so excited about this cruise and these boards, they could have joined our roll call at any time. They would have know that embarkation was going to be a mess.


It's not a matter of drinking the KoolAid as you say, but being well informed before you sail. I know ahead of time what the problems would be and expected them with regard to check in. I am understanding that engines fail and am glad X did what they could to ensure we had a our 4 ports.


When a plane is delayed, do you go crying for a refund. NO! If check in lines are long at the airport, do you expect a discount, NO! Because you know you won't get one. So why does everyone expect money back when they are delayed boarding or there is an itinerary change? And don't go on about how the plane goes to the airport it is supposed to. The cruise contract addresses itinerary changes. If you don't agree with the cruise contract you have the right not to sail on the line.

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I have a friend on Century right now & she said there was crime scene tape out by a cabin on deck 9 from the previous cruise, know anything about that????


I'm sorry to say, I can't enlighten you on this one. I'm still waiting to hear what happened to the guy on the RCCL ship who disappeared. They seem to hide these facts very well.

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