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Big N. E. snow storm


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Hope everyone stayed safe. Glad we haven't heard about too many people's flights being cancelled. So sad to miss a trip you've been looking forward to for months (or more)

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Here's an article about what it's like to be a snow plow driver when there are 2 feet of snow.




yea, plowing 2-3 feet can happen a couple times a season here in Denver. March is the highest percentage of that happening too. We get a thing here in Denver called Up-Slope winter storms that usually end up in blizzard or blizzard conditions storms come in through the four corners area and sling the moisture counter clock wise up against the foothills and mountains west of Denver. Its just like wringing out a wet wash cloth and it just DUMPS heavy snow.

Last season we had a good 2 foot dumper blizzard. official blizzard warnings and all but if you've ever lived in Denver blizzard means nothing to most working folks here. They still get up and head into work.



This picture is from last the blizzard we had last year in March. we got about 22-28 inches of snow depending how far west you went towards Boulder. the further west you went the more snow there was.

This is me pushing 3+ feet of snow to the right. Front plow is 12 feet wide plus I had the wing blade down too for another 9 feet clearing another lane of travel. In the red area is the top of those concrete Jersey barrier walls you see on most all highways. About 40 inches tall. Our trucks we can lock the differential in both rear tandems axles plus loaded with ice slicer we weigh 60,000 lbs. We also carry tire chains but have never had to use them yet. Plus with a Cummings 600 hp, 1500 ft lbs torque engine we can power through most anything.





This was earlier when the storm was cranking up at its peak when snow and winds were just smokin out there.



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If it were me and pretty much knew my flight was going to be cancelled, i'd pack the car and head south while I still could. If your flight is cancelled they refund. if you don't make the ship, bye bye money you spent on it. unless you have travel insurance. I like to fly down a day early just because of what if flight is delayed or weather reasons.


This is exactly why I made sure my car was ready last month when we were set to fly out of Chicago to New Orleans for a cruises on the Dream. I took it in for an oil change and had them check everything, just in case. As it turned out, the weather was great so flying was not problem but I wanted to have a plan B, just in case.

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Also, when you leave for an extended period of time, place a frozen cup of water with a penny on it in your freezer. When you get back if the penny is on the bottom of the cup, you know your power went out long enough to cause issues with your food.


Great suggestion. I had read that once before but of course I forgot about it. Our power DID go out while we were on our cruise last month but nothing seemed spoiled and my neighbor was coming in once a day to feed that cats so I'm sure she would have noticed if it had been out for an extended time period. I just knew it went out because all of he digital clocks were flashing.

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This is exactly why I made sure my car was ready last month when we were set to fly out of Chicago to New Orleans for a cruises on the Dream. I took it in for an oil change and had them check everything, just in case. As it turned out, the weather was great so flying was not problem but I wanted to have a plan B, just in case.


Last April we had a big winter storm coming at us here in Denver. We were to fly out Friday night at 11:30 pm right about the time the storm was supposed to start moving in. Several airlines offered to those that were flying out of Denver Friday, Saturday or Sunday that they could change their flight and fly out earlier or later in anticipation that flights could be canceled. I called to see if I could change our flight to Thursday or earlier Friday and nothing was available. We just had to chance it that the storm wasnt going to be bad enough by the time our flight was to take off that we could get off the ground. We navigated how many hours of driving it would be from Denver to Miami and whether we could make it by Sunday afternoon to make our ship. it was a long shot but also dealing with weather along the way could have slowed us from making it on time. All we had was that the weather forecasters said this storm would start out as rain first then gradually change to snow over night Friday into Saturday. Friday morning came and skies were mostly clear but as the day went on it clouded up more and by afternoon it was starting to sprinkle. By 9 pm when we left for the airport it was a steady rain and getting colder. flight still said on-time. 11 pm came and we were on the plane and temps were 32 degrees and rain was changing to snow quickly. By now wife and I are getting nervous as we wanted to get off the ground and on our way before the airport or our airline decided to cancel. We pushed back from the jetway and the pilot came on and said we would need to de-ice the plane, a 30 minute process. During de-icing it really started snowing hard. finally we started taxiing out to the runway, ground was still just wet, snow was not sticking to pavement yet. I was get eager to get off the ground. (BTW this was our first ever cruise so we were very anxious to get there and start our much deserved vacation) after waiting for 3 planes ahead of us we finally made our way down the runway and off the ground. Everyone in the plane started clapping. 3-1/2 hours later we landed in Miami at 6am Miami time and saw on the news on TV's in the concourses that DIA airport in Denver was CLOSED. OMG we just got out by the skin of our teeth. Got to our hotel, checked in, check our luggage with hotel as our room wasnt ready yet. (8:30 am in the morning) went across the street to Bayside shopping center and had the best day wondering around the mall, Took the Thriller speed boat tour. rooms was ready by noon, took a nap, went to dinner then back to our room for the night. Next morning got up and took the shuttle to the cruise terminal and had THE BEST TIMES OF OUR LIVES ON SPLENDOR IN THE WESTERN CARIBBEAN. got back and spent an extra night at a hotel right on Miami beach before reluctantly going home. LOL.


If that plane didnt get off the ground, we might have lost everything we spent on that cruise. That ship is leaving on time whether your on it or not. Yes, have a plan B. unless you live by the cruise port then your just lucky to be close to it. LOL.

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Last April we had a big winter storm coming at us here in Denver. We were to fly out Friday night at 11:30 pm right about the time the storm was supposed to start moving in. Several airlines offered to those that were flying out of Denver Friday, Saturday or Sunday that they could change their flight and fly out earlier or later in anticipation that flights could be canceled. I called to see if I could change our flight to Thursday or earlier Friday and nothing was available. We just had to chance it that the storm wasnt going to be bad enough by the time our flight was to take off that we could get off the ground. We navigated how many hours of driving it would be from Denver to Miami and whether we could make it by Sunday afternoon to make our ship. it was a long shot but also dealing with weather along the way could have slowed us from making it on time. All we had was that the weather forecasters said this storm would start out as rain first then gradually change to snow over night Friday into Saturday. Friday morning came and skies were mostly clear but as the day went on it clouded up more and by afternoon it was starting to sprinkle. By 9 pm when we left for the airport it was a steady rain and getting colder. flight still said on-time. 11 pm came and we were on the plane and temps were 32 degrees and rain was changing to snow quickly. By now wife and I are getting nervous as we wanted to get off the ground and on our way before the airport or our airline decided to cancel. We pushed back from the jetway and the pilot came on and said we would need to de-ice the plane, a 30 minute process. During de-icing it really started snowing hard. finally we started taxiing out to the runway, ground was still just wet, snow was not sticking to pavement yet. I was get eager to get off the ground. (BTW this was our first ever cruise so we were very anxious to get there and start our much deserved vacation) after waiting for 3 planes ahead of us we finally made our way down the runway and off the ground. Everyone in the plane started clapping. 3-1/2 hours later we landed in Miami at 6am Miami time and saw on the news on TV's in the concourses that DIA airport in Denver was CLOSED. OMG we just got out by the skin of our teeth. Got to our hotel, checked in, check our luggage with hotel as our room wasnt ready yet. (8:30 am in the morning) went across the street to Bayside shopping center and had the best day wondering around the mall, Took the Thriller speed boat tour. rooms was ready by noon, took a nap, went to dinner then back to our room for the night. Next morning got up and took the shuttle to the cruise terminal and had THE BEST TIMES OF OUR LIVES ON SPLENDOR IN THE WESTERN CARIBBEAN. got back and spent an extra night at a hotel right on Miami beach before reluctantly going home. LOL.


If that plane didnt get off the ground, we might have lost everything we spent on that cruise. That ship is leaving on time whether your on it or not. Yes, have a plan B. unless you live by the cruise port then your just lucky to be close to it. LOL.


Sounds almost identical to one of our flights before a cruise a few years ago.

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We were anticipating 12-18 inches along the coast but by the end of the storm we only had 3" of snow that turned to slush. Good thing we plowed it off the driveway or it would be frozen solid.

You are luckier than us. We got 14".

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I've been in Washington DC and flew home (to Florida) on Tuesday. 90% of the flights had been cancelled but I was in the lucky 10% who got home. We leave Sunday from NOLA on the Dream. I was getting nervous! Snow in the DC area only got to about 4-5 inches and the city basically shut down. I can't imagine being further in the NE and having 18+ inches!

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I'm from Manchester Ct and we had about 16 inches of the white stuff and it turned to freezing rain it was a mess luckily it hit on a Weekday not on a Weekend that would messed up travel plans but we are good now it is sunny and about 30 degrees.



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That's what 30" of snow looks like in Scranton PA...we could have used every plow that exists lol. As was stated...even the plow trucks were getting stuck...we were hitting rates of 3-4" an hr! Smh



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If that plane didnt get off the ground, we might have lost everything we spent on that cruise. That ship is leaving on time whether your on it or not. Yes, have a plan B. unless you live by the cruise port then your just lucky to be close to it. LOL.


Was driving to Albuquerque or Kansas City for a flight an option? If we had a situation like that, we would have tried to fly out of an airport several hundred miles away. Our home airport is Cincinnati. But if necessary, we can fly out of at least a half dozen major airports within 500 miles (8 hours) from here.

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They had a scroll across the bottom of the Weather Channel yesterday that made sense. Before the storm hits, turn your refrigerators and freezers on high. Then if the power does go out, the food will last a little longer. Never thought of that before but it does make sense.


If you have a cooler or plastic tub with lid and set it outside you have a refrigerator or freezer.

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BTW its currently 78 here in Denver today and going to be the same tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday is 80's and mid 70's to 80 all next week. This winter? This is Denver's snowiest month? its the 16th already and we haven't seen a drop of moisture in Denver area yet this month

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Was driving to Albuquerque or Kansas City for a flight an option? If we had a situation like that, we would have tried to fly out of an airport several hundred miles away. Our home airport is Cincinnati. But if necessary, we can fly out of at least a half dozen major airports within 500 miles (8 hours) from here.


I asked about that when I called our airline but they said with only a days notice flying to one of the most popular cities at the time, Miami, it was slim to no chance on any airline from Albuquerque and We would have had to drive through the storm to get there too as this storm was coming from the 4 corners area and skirting along the southern border of Colorado. Kansas City, I-70 between Denver and Kansas gets closed at the drop of a hat when it snows out there.


As the day got closer the weather forecasters here all agreed that it would not changed to all snow till late Friday night early Saturday morning. The day would start out mostly clear then gradual clouding up with rain starting in the evening. rain would not change to snow till after midnight. and even then temps where still going to still be above freezing. Thursday and Friday where warm days of 60' and 70's. Denver airport when they shut down they first stop all inbound flights and divert them to other airports. The airport and airlines do not want planes stuck here when the snow starts dumping. Then its get all planes that are here out to there destination. Our plane kept saying on-time all day and well into the evening then when got to the airport our plane was at the jet way waiting for us. that plane isnt going to just push back and leave before conditions get bad with no passengers on-board. We knew there was a high chance that we were going to be on that plane out of here but we were still very anxious and nervous because after 11:30 pm it changed to all snow fast and it was intensifying fast. It was close though. I'm sure when we landed in Miami and saw DIA closed they were not accepting in-bound flights but we did hear remaining out-bound planes were getting out as the storm was a VERY wet snow and it took a long time for snow to start sticking to the runways. Airlines and DIA just didnt want planes stuck here if the storm really cranked up and it got colder and dumped. When I got back the guys at work said about the only time they plowed anything off the highways was during the night when it was colder. During the day the radiant heat through the clouds kept things from sticking too much and they got back on top of things and more just treating roads to keep the snow from sticking.



Had so much fun on our first cruise and weather was perfect the entire time, we booked another 7 day cruise to the western Caribbean for April 2018. Carnival Glory this time. But last year we left on April 14th and next year we leave on April 21st. maybe 1 week later i the season will make a difference?? Bwahaahah yea, probably not in terms of Denver's unpredictable weather. But late April is perfect cruising time for us. Its western Caribbean's dry season so weather is good. seas are calm, Spring break is pretty much over so not a whole lot of kids on-board and its right after our wedding anniversary so when we book we say we are celebrating our anniversary and we get the gift cards to the spa, free wine too, free cake and drinks in the dining room one of the nights. Biggest part is our kids are still in school and we just have grandma watch them and we go on the cruise ourselves. This cruise we have 2 other couples going with is. They saw on facebook how much fun we had on our last cruise they heard we where planning another they wanted to come too. it will be their first cruise. We booked 3 balcony rooms on Lido deck up front all 3 rooms right next to each other so we can open up the balcony dividers and have 1 big balcony.

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Last April we had a big winter storm coming at us here in Denver. We were to fly out Friday night at 11:30 pm right about the time the storm was supposed to start moving in. Several airlines offered to those that were flying out of Denver Friday, Saturday or Sunday that they could change their flight and fly out earlier or later in anticipation that flights could be canceled. I called to see if I could change our flight to Thursday or earlier Friday and nothing was available. We just had to chance it that the storm wasnt going to be bad enough by the time our flight was to take off that we could get off the ground. We navigated how many hours of driving it would be from Denver to Miami and whether we could make it by Sunday afternoon to make our ship. it was a long shot but also dealing with weather along the way could have slowed us from making it on time. All we had was that the weather forecasters said this storm would start out as rain first then gradually change to snow over night Friday into Saturday. Friday morning came and skies were mostly clear but as the day went on it clouded up more and by afternoon it was starting to sprinkle. By 9 pm when we left for the airport it was a steady rain and getting colder. flight still said on-time. 11 pm came and we were on the plane and temps were 32 degrees and rain was changing to snow quickly. By now wife and I are getting nervous as we wanted to get off the ground and on our way before the airport or our airline decided to cancel. We pushed back from the jetway and the pilot came on and said we would need to de-ice the plane, a 30 minute process. During de-icing it really started snowing hard. finally we started taxiing out to the runway, ground was still just wet, snow was not sticking to pavement yet. I was get eager to get off the ground. (BTW this was our first ever cruise so we were very anxious to get there and start our much deserved vacation) after waiting for 3 planes ahead of us we finally made our way down the runway and off the ground. Everyone in the plane started clapping. 3-1/2 hours later we landed in Miami at 6am Miami time and saw on the news on TV's in the concourses that DIA airport in Denver was CLOSED. OMG we just got out by the skin of our teeth. Got to our hotel, checked in, check our luggage with hotel as our room wasnt ready yet. (8:30 am in the morning) went across the street to Bayside shopping center and had the best day wondering around the mall, Took the Thriller speed boat tour. rooms was ready by noon, took a nap, went to dinner then back to our room for the night. Next morning got up and took the shuttle to the cruise terminal and had THE BEST TIMES OF OUR LIVES ON SPLENDOR IN THE WESTERN CARIBBEAN. got back and spent an extra night at a hotel right on Miami beach before reluctantly going home. LOL.


If that plane didnt get off the ground, we might have lost everything we spent on that cruise. That ship is leaving on time whether your on it or not. Yes, have a plan B. unless you live by the cruise port then your just lucky to be close to it. LOL.



Great story! Thanks.



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Don't hate me but I was begging for just an inch of snow from Texas. It doesn't last long here. It might stay 1 night then melt away the next night. But I just wanted to play for 1 day. Sadly it didn't happen this year. Maybe next year.


PS I don't wish to move I love it here in Texas.



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