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Seems to be a whole lotta' confusion. My post referred to SS booking my biz class ticket, not me. After providing me with the Record Locator Number, I went to each airline and selected my seats. All good...not quite. Checking back a few weeks later, I noticed I no longer had any seats on one leg of the journey.

This is when I called the airline and found out those seats were given to someone else ostensibly because it was outside of 60 days and SS hadn't yet paid for the tickets.

Lastly...the agent told me that 24 hrs prior to the flight, additional seats in biz class would be opened and I could select them then.



Yes there is confusion when some seem to contradict things that are factual. I didn't want to contradict a previous poster because that simply sucks the air out of every single thread and I can't be bothered.


I tried to explain in an earlier post that making a booking with SS is not a confirmed booking 60 days out with the airline and the specific reasons why it isn't. It is a confirmed booking with SS but not the airline and yours is an excellent example as to the difference between a ticketed airline booking and a PNR. That is why I asked Lois to check it was ticketed. If they do not get paid when they think it is due, they simply expire and cancel the booking. The customer (you) takes a double hit because the airline doesn't tell you because you were not the customer making the booking. So they tell SS acting as a "travel agent" but SS then fail to tell the customer. Also if you read SS's Ts+Cs this leaves you in a situation where you cannot cancel the arrangements with SS without penalty but they have left you with arrangements you might not choose but now cannot cancel. It seems that even now SS hasn't firmed the booking with the airline, because if they had they would have allowed you to reserve your seats. By the time you reserve yours, you will be selecting from what is left after SS have paid the airline.


Anyway ...... people read posts and decide for themsleves.


Sorry to read of what happened and good luck with sorting it out.

Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Sorry if any of my postings caused unnecessary angst:eek:


Lois...you have caused no angst at all and I'm sorry that you're having so much trouble with your flights......Jeff knows what he's talking about and will help anytime...it's so important when posting on these boards that one gets the facts correct otherwise it causes a lot of confusion.


I hope all goes well for you


Sophia 😊

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Jeff...you re-explained it perfectly, but one more bit of clarification. The airline offered me biz class seats but in 2 different rows on either side of the plane. They went on to say that additional seats(read "together") would be released 24 hrs before the flight.

That's what I'm counting on.

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Lois...you have caused no angst at all and I'm sorry that you're having so much trouble with your flights......Jeff knows what he's talking about and will help anytime...it's so important when posting on these boards that one gets the facts correct otherwise it causes a lot of confusion.


I hope all goes well for you


Sophia 😊


Hi Sophia:D...I am not having trouble with my flights...sorry if my replies gave that impression. I was just saying I was told

by SS that my flights should be ticketed about 60 days before my cruise. I sail on August 9th so 60 days is getting close.:D

I am flying in Business Class for the first time:D

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Jeff...you re-explained it perfectly, but one more bit of clarification. The airline offered me biz class seats but in 2 different rows on either side of the plane. They went on to say that additional seats(read "together") would be released 24 hrs before the flight.

That's what I'm counting on.




Obviously I don't know which line, and if you have now been ticketed. If you have been ticketed it makes sense for you to log into the airline site and see what is left.


The only seats that I am aware of and can think of that may be held back and only be released at 24 hours may be row 1 if they haven't been already taken by status members who might be given priority. At the moment it doesn't seem very certain that you will be seated together. If you leave it to 24 hours the chances are very clearly reduced.


We are all different, and I do not like being let down. You seem a bit more laid back than me. I'd kick up a stink with SS and ask them why they thwarted and killed your seat reservations by not paying for the seats you had bought from them and ask them how they plan to put it right. I would for example tell SS that the airline have hinted that they do have two seats together available now but won't release them until 24 hours and demand that SS use their influence and call the line, ensure that you have been ticketed and have the two adjoining seats released to you. That is something the airline would likely agree to in these circumstances and the minimum you should expect of SS. There is no downside for the airline doing this. I hope the suggestion/idea is helpful to you.


Good luck and sorry to hear of the woes.

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Hi Sophia:D...I am not having trouble with my flights...sorry if my replies gave that impression. I was just saying I was told

by SS that my flights should be ticketed about 60 days before my cruise. I sail on August 9th so 60 days is getting close.:D

I am flying in Business Class for the first time:D




as you have seen in the other discussion, there is a risk to just waiting and seeing and there is nothing stopping SS from having your booking ticketed now on the clear understanding by you that once they have done this you won't be able to easily make changes. This means that your current seat choices will become firm.


Ask SS if you have been ticketed. If not ask that they do it because they will not like you if they mess up your seat choices. I don't mean to nag but I don't subsribe to destiny theories! I subscribe to the better theory of what can go wrong is almost inevitable if I don't try and avoid it. :)


By the way, you not having an ipad has been in my thoughts. I told wifey many years ago I was going to buy her one and she said "absolutely not ..... I don't need one and wouldn't use it". I ignored her and bought it for her anyway and it is now her most prized possession. She has all her music on it, all her books on the kindle reader, and remember all classics are free in amazon kindle. I bought her some Bose qc35s and now she uses it all day keeping in touch with her kids, reading the daily papers and her books and downloading radio and tv programmes, podcasts etc. There is so much she uses it for, all in one little pack. You probably have other stuff but thought I'd just tell you about wifey!


She didn't think she needed one but now wouldn't be without it.


Best wishes for your upcoming trip.

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Hi Jeff, thanks for all your input:).......I will give them a call tomorrow. I know 60 days is less than 2 weeks away though:D


As far as owning an IPAD......well, if I told you I don't even own a smartphone you would probably think I am a bit nuts.

I still use a flip phone. Everytime I think of upgrading, I just don't do it. Guess I am just very simple when it comes

to "modern IT stuff".:eek:.....I have a laptop..........that is what I am using and never purchased a smart phone or IPAD.

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She didn't think she needed one but now wouldn't be without it.




That's how I feel about my kindle paperwhite. And as the daughter of a librarian, I NEVER thought I'd feel that way. Real books have been a huge part of my life from the time I was 2.

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It's funny how different we all are. I have a desk top and a lap top. I don't have an iPad because it's not good to work with numbers and I need a numerical key pad by my side. I have an iPhone, which sleeps in its dock until I go out.

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That's how I feel about my kindle paperwhite. And as the daughter of a librarian, I NEVER thought I'd feel that way. Real books have been a huge part of my life from the time I was 2.


Funnily enough, when Amazon first bought the kindle out exactly the same happened as with the ipad. I told wifey I was going to order her one and she said "absolutely no ..... I love books and nothing will replace them" ..... and I got it anyway. Now she will not be without it and she has a stack of books. Of course when you go on a cruise or an extended trip to have that whole library with you makes a difference.


I just treated myself to a 12.9" Ipad Pro and one of those new pens. It is so much better than the MS Surface Pro and I am going to be a real David Hockney in a few years if I progress past childish dabbings.


You and Lois should visit us on the cooler some time. There are ladies there who like to lunch and you'll be amongst some very convivial and friendly company. :)

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It's funny how different we all are. I have a desk top and a lap top. I don't have an iPad because it's not good to work with numbers and I need a numerical key pad by my side. I have an iPhone, which sleeps in its dock until I go out.


Hi Camels,


They aren't as good as laptops for keyboard intensive stuff but with a keyboard added they are pretty decent. My laptop is an MS Surface in a dock and keyboard attatched and a large Samsung screen, so it is a desktop and a sort of expensive ipad all rolled in. I prefer the Ipad Pro to the Surface Pro though.


I have felt that mobile phones are in part a component of what is causing stress in many people these days. A few years ago, when you went out you escaped being accessible by anyone who wanted to disturb your day. You were in control. Now there is enormous pressure for people to feel that they need to be accessible every waking hour and I believe it causes illness. The social networking apps added another dimension of needing constant approbation of pretend friends and it is literally killing many of our kids who take social networking far too intensely. It has taken no self-disciplain whatsoever to say I will not have a mobile phone. If anyone wants me, they'll find me eventually, and I prefer emails to phone calls by a mile.

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Hi Jeff, thanks for all your input:).......I will give them a call tomorrow. I know 60 days is less than 2 weeks away though:D



........ I should have also said, to be a bit clearer. With cut-off points like 60 days, there is likely a number of people also on similar cut-off points with different airline partners and so at certain time points, the worst being departure-24 hours for example you are competing with everyone. So being even one day ahead of a clearly defined group all doing the same stuff gives you an edge. On BA redemptions everyone goes barmy at midnight 350 days out for each Oz flight to get first class miles seats. There is a whole sub-culture. That was why I was nagging not to leave it. We don't want a grumpy, upset Lois coming back in two weeks saying things hadn't gone well just for the sake of me nagging you to make a call to SS ....

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........ I should have also said, to be a bit clearer. With cut-off points like 60 days, there is likely a number of people also on similar cut-off points with different airline partners and so at certain time points, the worst being departure-24 hours for example you are competing with everyone. So being even one day ahead of a clearly defined group all doing the same stuff gives you an edge. On BA redemptions everyone goes barmy at midnight 350 days out for each Oz flight to get first class miles seats. There is a whole sub-culture. That was why I was nagging not to leave it. We don't want a grumpy, upset Lois coming back in two weeks saying things hadn't gone well just for the sake of me nagging you to make a call to SS ....


I guess I am just not as concerned about it as you are...and that is ok...we are all different people:).....I am not taking your

suggestion as nagging;).....I will call my friend at SS again and check with her about it one more time.:)

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Hi Sophia:D...I am not having trouble with my flights...sorry if my replies gave that impression. I was just saying I was told

by SS that my flights should be ticketed about 60 days before my cruise. I sail on August 9th so 60 days is getting close.:D

I am flying in Business Class for the first time:D


It's fine Lois, l understand....I always book my own flights quite separate from the cruise and thankfully have always got the seat that l want...so far!

You will love Business....it's so lovely to be able to stretch out and enjoy that little bit of extra service as well as the airport lounges to explore and fast track etc......great start to your holiday.


Do pop over and join us on the cooler.....you'll be made most welcome.


Sophia 😊

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I guess I am just not as concerned about it as you are...and that is ok...we are all different people:).....I am not taking your

suggestion as nagging;).....I will call my friend at SS again and check with her about it one more time.:)


Yes, I understand. If it's two seats it becomes a bit of a stressfest. If I were solo I don't think I'd be so bothered as long as I wasn't where they queue up for the bog, or where someone has to step over me to get out which is true on some BA flights.

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My flights returning to the US from Rome in October of this year were cancelled. All of the booking was done by Silversea air.

At the 120 day mark when I was making reservations for dinner I decided to check on the airline reservation. To my dismay I learned my flights back were cancelled, no explanation given. I immediately contacted my TA who confirmed that they indeed were cancelled and that the Supervisor had to go back in to reclaim them. When they were redone, my seat choices were gone!

I went into the airline website and rearranged the seating choices. We are back to square one.

If I hadn't checked I am not sure what would have happened. At this point no harm no foul.

I am not sure why the cancellation happened, but a word to the wise.

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Jeff, thanks so much for the heads up and all the information. This is my first booking with SS, and we chose it largely because of included business class air. I wanted specific flights, negotiated with SS for these flights and agreed to pay extra to get the flights/airlines I wanted rather than those SS offered.


Obtained the PNR from SS and went into my FF accounts and booked the specific seats I wanted. Figured all was well (though I saw the flights were not yet ticketed) until I saw your excellent advice. Turns out the seats I booked are no longer mine, though gratefully I still have two seats together (at this moment!)


I'll be on the phone with SS tomorrow first thing since the flights are still not ticketed and seats are getting scarce.


I have done this several times with Oceania and have had best results speaking directly with their air deviation department rather than the travel consultant (or whatever they call their online sales folks). Is there an equivalent department within SS I should try to speak with? Many thanks for all your help!

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Jeff, thanks so much for the heads up and all the information. This is my first booking with SS, and we chose it largely because of included business class air. I wanted specific flights, negotiated with SS for these flights and agreed to pay extra to get the flights/airlines I wanted rather than those SS offered.


Obtained the PNR from SS and went into my FF accounts and booked the specific seats I wanted. Figured all was well (though I saw the flights were not yet ticketed) until I saw your excellent advice. Turns out the seats I booked are no longer mine, though gratefully I still have two seats together (at this moment!)


I'll be on the phone with SS tomorrow first thing since the flights are still not ticketed and seats are getting scarce.


I have done this several times with Oceania and have had best results speaking directly with their air deviation department rather than the travel consultant (or whatever they call their online sales folks). Is there an equivalent department within SS I should try to speak with? Many thanks for all your help!


I really appreciate you saying "thanks"! :) So Thanks!


Understanding airline ticketing has saved me a lot of grief and dissapointments, and a considerable amount of cash over the years and I'm aware that it is a black art to most people. In fact most travellers do not understand that this stages exists and is the key event in an airline ticket's life. Understanding whether it has been ticketed or not is often at the heart of many issues and suprises .... and opportunities if you want a "cost-free" change. If you think of the locator is simply a "wallet" where all details of a group of people's travel plans exist, whether ticketed and firm or not, then that is a better way of thinking of it rather than as an airline ticket number, which is where the majority of people go wrong.


The bottom line is the SS also understand ticketing and all they need to do is to firm the booking with the airline so that the airline know it is invoiceableto SS and then the airline tickets become ticketed and therefore "safer" and "confirmed". The regularity with which SS seem to fail to do this seems to me to prove they really don't care too much for their customers. It simply needn't ever happen, particularly in your situation where you have specified and paid extra for specific flights and have paid SS for them. They should confirm them in that situation as soon as they took your booking and credit card number. There was no reason why you would or should of known that the airline basically released them when SS hadn't confirmed the booking because you were SS's customer not theirs. As far as the airline is concerned, you no longer wanted the booking or associated seat reservations. It is simply unacceptable. What I also find unacceptable is that I am aware of several situations where when SS are confronted they blame the airline when it is SS's fault. I don't know specifically who you should speak to I'm afraid.


Enjoy your trip and hope there are no more suprises. (..... and thanks again ...:) )

Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Contact Silversea (Australia office) and requested specific flights, business class with Singapore (SYD-SIN, HKG-SIN, SIN-SYD) which were included in the cruise cost. Within 2 hours I had confirmation of requested flights and booking number (not locator). So far their service has been excellent. They use Qantas or Singapore and the Qantas product on the direct flight is just nowhere near as good as Singapore Airlines, thus the layover in Singapore, which I was suprised they allowed.

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So we are signed up for SS Air and the Charter flight from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia before our Antarctica cruise on the Cloud. How far in advance should I contact them about the flights? Also, one night in a hotel is included, does anyone know if we can add an extra day? Weather is not the greatest before Christmas and I want to ensure that we will not miss our bucket list cruise due to airline delays.

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