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how strict are they on age in the bars?

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Totally unrelated to the topic but just judging on your other posts I have to ask and again, it's just for my own curiosity... How fast do you typically drive on the highway, let's say I-40 or I-95. If the posted speed limit is 70mph, how fast would you drive?


Again, not related to this topic at all, I'm just curious.


You are fishing for an argument as you just singled me out....nobody else mind you, just me....you seem to enjoy stalking my posts. Hey, I will play along....I have a chauffeur, but I will ask her how fast she drives and get back to you....that work? ;)

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Somehow, I don't think morals or parenting issues are at task here. It's the LAW. Do you think any establishment, either on land or sea want to be governed by the law regarding who they can and can't serve, or be able to admit to an event or venue with questionable content? Everyone they have to turn away, they are turning away $$. So, even if little Suzie or Sam are a day or two away from being of Legal age...they are not, until they reach that day. So, I can't understand why the question...If it such a big concern..contact your lawmakers to lower the age of majority, so everyone can participate in all activities.

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You are fishing for an argument as you just singled me out....nobody else mind you, just me....you seem to enjoy stalking my posts. Hey, I will play along....I have a chauffeur, but I will ask her how fast she drives and get back to you....that work? ;)


Hard to "fish for an argument" and "stalk your post" when you seem to troll every thread. I wasn't trying to argue, wasn't trying to be rude, and wasn't being mean. I was just curious.

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Somehow, I don't think morals or parenting issues are at task here. It's the LAW. Do you think any establishment, either on land or sea want to be governed by the law regarding who they can and can't serve, or be able to admit to an event or venue with questionable content? Everyone they have to turn away, they are turning away $$. So, even if little Suzie or Sam are a day or two away from being of Legal age...they are not, until they reach that day. So, I can't understand why the question...If it such a big concern..contact your lawmakers to lower the age of majority, so everyone can participate in all activities.


You will get no argument out of me on being served under age. Again I think most of us are not speaking of LAW and allowing under age drinking. We are speaking of attendance in areas that have a RULE of certain age.


If you want your 18 to 20 year old to drink then wait until you are off the boat, many foreign areas allow it at 18.

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Hard to "fish for an argument" and "stalk your post" when you seem to troll every thread. I wasn't trying to argue, wasn't trying to be rude, and wasn't being mean. I was just curious.


;p It is the LAW so I'm sure that 70MPH limit is strictly enforced by all as not to ruin anyone else's drive.

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My phone sent that before I was done :D In response to it is your comment that it is your vacation too, I totally agree, which is why I said if someone is under 18 and acts appropriately it shouldn't be an issue. I wouldn't have taken my kids at 16/17 into the serenity area or comedy club if they weren't going to behave in a way that would not negatively affect someone else's vacation.


Being it is my vacation I don't want to sit by the loud, party area pool with children splashing everywhere. Therefore I'm going to go to the serenity area and I would take my well behaved older children with me again.


Using that reasoning, if I have a quiet 10 yr old who will just sit in his/her chair and not "disturb" anyone, that's ok for the Serenity Area....right? I have seen parents with newborns in a stroller who basically slept the entire time....That's ok too? I don't agree. Some people don't want to be around kids, it doesn't have to be logical, its their right (don't make the assumption I hate kids, I have a few beasts who are now older)....Not trying to be rude, just direct, so I will apologize upfront, but I think its a bit selfish for KC to determine what he/she thinks is appropriate behavior for me. That being said, I respect your honesty and the civil back and forth

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When they change the wording for the adult comedy show to say 18+ or mature youngsters, then it's OK. Until then it says 18+. Period. End of discussion. Just because it's not a "law" doesn't mean it shouldn't be adhered to.


Then I think the beautiful thing here is that unless they card the event or someone tells you that an individual in the audience is younger than 18, you may never know. I would MUCH rather sit next to a well-behaved mature 17 year old at a comedy club and enjoy my evening than a raunchy, loud, immature 50 year old. Any day, anywhere.

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Using that reasoning, if I have a quiet 10 yr old who will just sit in his/her chair and not "disturb" anyone, that's ok for the Serenity Area....right? I have seen parents with newborns in a stroller who basically slept the entire time....That's ok too? I don't agree. Some people don't want to be around kids, it doesn't have to be logical, its their right (don't make the assumption I hate kids, I have a few beasts who are now older)....Not trying to be rude, just direct, so I will apologize upfront, but I think its a bit selfish for KC to determine what he/she thinks is appropriate behavior for me. That being said, I respect your honesty and the civil back and forth


I don't mind a good healthy debate once in a while in case you haven't noticed.

I would suggest though if you don't want to be around any children LOL a carnival cruise is not the right place for you.

Personally a sleeping baby or a 10 year old who is being quiet laying out wouldn't bother me , but in all honesty the likelihood that either of those scenarios happens over a larger time frame is next to zero.

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Hard to "fish for an argument" and "stalk your post" when you seem to troll every thread. I wasn't trying to argue, wasn't trying to be rude, and wasn't being mean. I was just curious.


So on one hand you call me a "troll", but on the other you say you weren't trying to be rude....lol, you failed.

There are people on both sides of the fence regarding this topic,very civil debate I may add, yet you only called me out and asked me a "speed limit" question (which is well regarded as the goto response when you get into a rule/law debate :rolleyes:, very weak I may add) You didn't ask this of anyone else, just me....but you aren't "stalking" my posts....Hey, whatever winds your watch, have at it

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Then I think the beautiful thing here is that unless they card the event or someone tells you that an individual in the audience is younger than 18, you may never know. I would MUCH rather sit next to a well-behaved mature 17 year old at a comedy club and enjoy my evening than a raunchy, loud, immature 50 year old. Any day, anywhere.


Touche :D and there are far too many of those where is an area that doesn't allow that?

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So let me get this straight. Only if it's a LAW does something need to be adhered to? So the RULES of no diving in the pool, having to wear shoes in the buffet, being of the proper age to attend the adult comedy show, smoking on the balcony (yes, I went there) amongst many other things, are open for interpretation because they aren't a LAW? Or maybe we only have to follow which ones we feel like because it's vacation and we paid good money for it [emoji849]. Well guess what? So did other people who expect rules and laws to be adhered to.


It's simple. Either you follow the rules or you don't. No need for encouragement or justification as to why a particular rule doesn't apply to you. It's there in black and white. Either follow it and have some respect for why it's in place or don't and expect to face the consequences however benign or harsh they may be.

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I don't mind a good healthy debate once in a while in case you haven't noticed.

I would suggest though if you don't want to be around any children LOL a carnival cruise is not the right place for you.

Personally a sleeping baby or a 10 year old who is being quiet laying out wouldn't bother me , but in all honesty the likelihood that either of those scenarios happens over a larger time frame is next to zero.


I respectfully disagree....There are certain areas of the ship that are deemed 21+....I don't want to misread what you are saying, but it seems to me you are at least implying "Yeah, i know what the rules state, but If I don't agree with it, I will do what I want to do". Just because Carnival caters to families, doenst mean that every activity/area of the ship has to be for everyone

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So let me get this straight. Only if it's a LAW does something need to be adhered to? So the RULES of no diving in the pool, having to wear shoes in the buffet, being of the proper age to attend the adult comedy show, smoking on the balcony (yes, I went there) amongst many other things, are open for interpretation because they aren't a LAW? Or maybe we only have to follow which ones we feel like because it's vacation and we paid good money for it [emoji849]. Well guess what? So did other people who expect rules and laws to be adhered to.


It's simple. Either you follow the rules or you don't. No need for encouragement or justification as to why a particular rule doesn't apply to you. It's there in black and white. Either follow it and have some respect for why it's in place or don't and expect to face the consequences however benign or harsh they may be.

I'm sorry but your argument there doesn't seem exactly close in comparison. Not smoking on the balcony or no diving in the pool is a safety rule as to ensure no serious injury or death.

Again my older children just under the age rule that was not disrupting anyone or affecting anyone else negatively or their safety really doesn't compare. Literally anyone could have questioned any of these events and didn't, you know why, because it was not obvious that they were under age yet some of the things you're naming are very easily easily noticeable.

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Then I think the beautiful thing here is that unless they card the event or someone tells you that an individual in the audience is younger than 18, you may never know. I would MUCH rather sit next to a well-behaved mature 17 year old at a comedy club and enjoy my evening than a raunchy, loud, immature 50 year old. Any day, anywhere.


I would hope they would throw both of them out. 18 means 18. In fact, I think they should scan S&S cards at the door to make sure the people that are underage aren't there taking up a spot for those that are old enough to be there. The lines are horrible enough to get a seat and it's not right for them to be taken up by kids that aren't allowed there in the first place.

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I'm sorry but your argument there doesn't seem exactly close in comparison. Not smoking on the balcony or no diving in the pool is a safety rule as to ensure no serious injury or death.


Again my older children just under the age rule that was not disrupting anyone or affecting anyone else negatively or their safety really doesn't compare. Literally anyone could have questioned any of these events and didn't, you know why, because it was not obvious that they were under age yet some of the things you're naming are very easily easily noticeable.

Again, my point being a rule is a rule. They aren't rated on a point system as to which ones could be potentially be dangerous and must always be followed along which ones we can safely disregard because no harm, no foul. Therefore, we don't get to pick and choose.


My kids did not attend the adult comedy shows even though my older one was one month shy of his 18th birthday. Why? Because he wasn't old enough. I teach them to respect the rules and that's the way it is. No one would have known by looking at him either. But we knew and we also knew it wasn't right. I guess I hold my family to a high standard.

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I respectfully disagree....There are certain areas of the ship that are deemed 21+....I don't want to misread what you are saying, but it seems to me you are at least implying "Yeah, i know what the rules state, but If I don't agree with it, I will do what I want to do". Just because Carnival caters to families, doenst mean that every activity/area of the ship has to be for everyone


We can disagree that is fine. And if you ever see my older children in one of these areas and you want to question it you can. But I doubt anyone does because no one has so far again because they will be behaving like an adult and won't be causing any issues for anyone.

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I know I will get flamed for this. It's OK. Here is part of the problem. The teen club is for up to 18 years old. So for kids that are ages 19-20 have absolutely no place to go. I see absolutely no problem with letting say 17 and up into the disco as long as they have a parent with them. They have nothing else to do. They are stuck in an age where no one will allow them in.


Here is where the flaming will start. I vacation in Red River NM. Very small town with snow skiing and summer activities. There is a bar there name Bull of the Woods. Small local bar. I started taking my son there when he was 2 years old. My son is now 21 years old. And guess what? He HATES alcohol. Allowing a kid in a bar is not going to make them an alcoholic anymore then allowing them in the post office is going to make the a Post master some day.


You may think my parenting morals are wrong. But I have a good kid that works, goes to school and doesn't drink.


Oh and if you letting them into the comedy club is a horrible thing to do......I promise you, they have heard much worse at school.

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We can disagree that is fine. And if you ever see my older children in one of these areas and you want to question it you can. But I doubt anyone does because no one has so far again because they will be behaving like an adult and won't be causing any issues for anyone.


I wasn't trying to imply that your child was causing issues....I thought FBW brought up a very good point as it applies to the comedy show. Those shows are typically held in a smaller venue where seating is limited. Many times people cant get in and its SRO. I have no idea what the capacity of the venue is....300? so if 60 "mature" 15-17 yr olds are there, that takes up spots for the true over 18


Lets talk about the Serenity area....many times those seats/chairs are in demand....what if there are 30 "mature" teenagers there, that takes up spots for those over 21. You mentioned before that you don't want to be around the splashing loud kids in the main pool. Why don't you go up a level or in the shade at those outlier chairs that may be by the ping pong table. I would argue that you are the one that should be inconvenienced, not someone who qualifies based on the rules set forth by Carnival

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Again, my point being a rule is a rule. They aren't rated on a point system as to which ones could be potentially be dangerous and must always be followed along which ones we can safely disregard because no harm, no foul. Therefore, we don't get to pick and choose.


My kids did not attend the adult comedy shows even though my older one was one month shy of his 18th birthday. Why? Because he wasn't old enough. I teach them to respect the rules and that's the way it is. No one would have known by looking at him either. But we knew and we also knew it wasn't right. I guess I hold my family to a high standard.


I guess you do. You must be the best parent here! While I would agree to teach children to follow rules generally, we cannot teach everything is black and white or they will have issues in the real world. They have to be able to think independently as well. That is important. Not to just do everything you are told without question.


Nor do I believe that you follow every rule 100% of time. No one does. So in essence what you are saying is the rules that I break are more horrendous than yours?

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In the night club there are usually two security people outside looking for underages....Other bars.....I had a couple little kids sit next to me in the sports bar....spinning on the barstools like it's mcdonald's or something.

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I guess you do. You must be the best parent here! While I would agree to teach children to follow rules generally, we cannot teach everything is black and white or they will have issues in the real world. They have to be able to think independently as well. That is important. Not to just do everything you are told without question.




Nor do I believe that you follow every rule 100% of time. No one does. So in essence what you are saying is the rules that I break are more horrendous than yours?


I think I've done quite well as a parent, thank you. My children are also quite capable of independent thought. I won't get into their accomplishments on here, but I will say I am very proud of the men they have become. They are also taught to follow the rules.


No need to get all defensive worrying about what rules I follow and which ones I supposedly don't compared to you. I will say this - I don't have a guilty conscience nor do I need to justify raising my children to respect the rules of the places they are guests in. That's right - guests. Paid or not. It's not our ship, not our rules. So while we are onboard, we follow the rules. Should we deem they are unreasonable, then we will choose not to attend those places. And we have boycotted certain establishments based upon their rules.

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I wasn't trying to imply that your child was causing issues....I thought FBW brought up a very good point as it applies to the comedy show. Those shows are typically held in a smaller venue where seating is limited. Many times people cant get in and its SRO. I have no idea what the capacity of the venue is....300? so if 60 "mature" 15-17 yr olds are there, that takes up spots for the true over 18


Lets talk about the Serenity area....many times those seats/chairs are in demand....what if there are 30 "mature" teenagers there, that takes up spots for those over 21. You mentioned before that you don't want to be around the splashing loud kids in the main pool. Why don't you go up a level or in the shade at those outlier chairs that may be by the ping pong table. I would argue that you are the one that should be inconvenienced, not someone who qualifies based on the rules set forth by Carnival


Tell you what, I could go along with the Carnival only has so many seats available blah blah if they did some type of requirement in regard to occupancy based on age. They don't, it is all first come, first served. You aren't guaranteed a seat in the comedy show or serenity area even if there weren't anyone under age.


In my experience the late night comedy has less people in anyway. And you know if there isn't a seat, you can stand. I have stood before, meanwhile ppl could have scooted closer together and didn't.

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In the night club there are usually two security people outside looking for underages....Other bars.....I had a couple little kids sit next to me in the sports bar....spinning on the barstools like it's mcdonald's or something.

Until Carnival puts in machines that dispense soda the kids have to go to a bar to get a soft drink. I mean you don't see the waiter coming up to the kids very often asking if they want a soft drink.

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