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LIVE FROM - 9/20/17 Island Princess Coastal, Panama and More Panama


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Thanks for that information about no excursions from Gatun Lake.


I am going to guess it will the same on our cruise in April. :(


I don't believe that no excursions was the plan from the get go, I think they were cancelled because of later than planned arrival at the Gatun Lake anchorage.

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So far no issues with the drink package. Only a few drinkson the menu over $10 and I wouldn’t like those anyway.



A question on the drink package - did they let you use the terms and conditions from the AIBP or were you forced onto the new Premier T&C's ? I other words were were limited to 15 drinks a day, small waters only, fountain soft drinks only and 25% rather than 40% discount on bottles of wine ?

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So far no issues with the drink package. Only a few drinkson the menu over $10 and I wouldn’t like those anyway.


A question on the drink package - did they let you use the terms and conditions from the AIBP or were you forced onto the new Premier T&C's ? I other words were were limited to 15 drinks a day, small waters only, fountain soft drinks only and 25% rather than 40% discount on bottles of wine ?

And drinks up the $12.00??

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So far no issues with the drink package. Only a few drinkson the menu over $10 and I wouldn’t like those anyway.



A question on the drink package - did they let you use the terms and conditions from the AIBP or were you forced onto the new Premier T&C's ? I other words were were limited to 15 drinks a day, small waters only, fountain soft drinks only and 25% rather than 40% discount on bottles of wine ?


I guess we are under the old rules as canned cokes and large bottled waters are no problem. This is going to get very confusing as we have the package on the next cruise as well. I have heard rumors about the new package from CC members, but haven't had time to investigate it.


10-4-2017At Sea


ThePanama Canal is still a wondrous feat of engineering. The new lock system ispretty impressive as well, but the old locks are still ticking – after 100+years. So we entered the canal, went all the way to Gatun Locks, anchored andstayed there overnight, then pulled the anchor and headed back out the Pacificside. No excursions or special events in the lake, just chilled. (But thecasino was open and busy.)


Becausewe were east facing going in and west facing going out, we did get to see adifferent view, unlike a one way transit. Got to see a post-panamax tankergoing through the upper canal to the new locks while we were transitioning theMiraflores locks. Kind of cool to look up at a huge ship traveling above you!


Take alook at Google Earth to see the new lock layout. Pretty interesting to see theway they addressed water storage for the new locks.


Coupleof crocodiles in the lake, one huge one just on the north side of the Calebracut. Several people saw crocs in the brackish water downstream of theMiraflores locks – wonder how much their toll was.


Filledup with fuel off Balboa and started back north sometime during the night. Triedto do the Country and Western Show, but the ankle said no way.


All inall just a chill out day watching the jungle go by…cloud cover kept thetemperature down. It rained in the morning while we were at anchor in the lake,but moved on.


Tonightis the second formal night. We have a Chef’s table ‘interview’ at 1000 thismorning. Piano Man is the production show. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ison MUTS. The Marriage Match Game show is also tonight.


Off tocoffee…later!



Oh BTW –Internet speeds this far south are really bad…

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Weatherreally closed in yesterday afternoon. Rockin and Rollin for sure. Wind, rain,rough seas. So much for a MUTS night. Rain all day in Puntarenas as well. Allexcursions cancelled. We are tied up opposite the Coral today. Like looking ina mirror.


We didget out and wander around Puntarenas near the docks. Lots of offers for ‘rainforest’ tours, but street flooding and landslides are blocking a lot of themajor roads, so we stayed put. This could be a gorgeous port area, but its isdirty, unkempt and falling apart. Piles of garbage here and there. Buildingsfalling down. Its very depressing and definitely not a place that wouldencourage one to have lunch there. Just wanted to get back to ship and take ashower – it was that dirty.


Mexicanports have gotten bad raps in the past, but even Ensenada 10 years ago was notthis bad. I’m glad it was raining because I can’t imagine what the smell wouldhave been like on a hot, sunny day.


Severalother people were actually warned not to go further into the town area and tostay around the port area. That really dampened our exploratory enthusiasm. Sowe vendor shopped, got soaking wet, tried the local wi-fi, did not eat or drinkanything and squished our way back to the ship. The rain was warm, but prettyconstant. There were squalls moving through the area, so it would ease up,never stop, and then intensify. Right now its almost stopped, whereas 15minutes ago it was pouring.


Speakingof smells, there is a substantial sewage smell in all 4 aft elevators. Reallybad. Some of that could have been attributed to being in the canal for twodays. The ship was unable to dump grey water beyond the 12 mile limit for 50 or60 hours.


TheCoral bunkered fuel this morning and bunker fuel has a sewage like odor as well– but not quite the same.


Calliput out a supplementary patter this morning after all the tours cancelled andhad several additions to the entertainment. Tonight is Italian night in thedining room, so we are going to try Italian night in the HC. They are supposedto be cooking Penne Aribatia tonight – Judy’s favorite ship pasta.


Lookslike we’ll be able to get in a full night dancing starting at 1900.


Tomorrownight we go to Chef’s table. We haven’t been to one in years and it will beinteresting to see how much, if any, they have changed since they increased theprice to $95 per person.


Weshall see.





Decks10 and 11 forward are open in the Canal as viewing decks.


Deck 8aft is still available anytime as a viewing platform and has an excellent viewof the locks to the aft end of the ship.


10-6-2017– At Sea


Ourport call to San Juan Del Sur was cancelled yesterday before we even leftPuntarenas. The Coral did not call at San Juan Del Sur the day before eitherdue to high seas interfering with tendering operations.


Thatgives us another day at sea prior to Manzanillo.


Last nightwas a great night for dancing and just enjoying cruising. Dinner was a bitdisappointing in the HC, but only because it wasn’t fantastic like previousnights. Finally made it to bed around 2330 with the ship really rockin androllin. Had a great conversation with Callie and he had a dance with Judy. He’sa very good CD.


Tonightis Chef’s table for us. Hopefully the seas will calm a bit before then. Untilthen, Judy is staying very close to horizontal!



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Having been to Puntarenas on 4 occasions, I totally agree! And we were there in GOOD weather. Yet the whole port area seemed dirty and the vendors were not even pretending to be friendly or welcome us. It is something that I have to look into as we have many family members who travel to Costa Rica routinely and their photos and experiences seem wonderful....so may have to just take a trip there that is NOT on a cruise ship.


Again, I am counting on you and your wonderful updates/reviews as we have friends on board who are on the "elderly" side.....so we were very happy to come in contact with someone that could shed some light on their experience. Thank you so much for your posts and please keep them coming!

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what do you mean by chefs table interview?





I guess we are under the old rules as canned cokes and large bottled waters are no problem. This is going to get very confusing as we have the package on the next cruise as well. I have heard rumors about the new package from CC members, but haven't had time to investigate it.


10-4-2017At Sea


ThePanama Canal is still a wondrous feat of engineering. The new lock system ispretty impressive as well, but the old locks are still ticking – after 100+years. So we entered the canal, went all the way to Gatun Locks, anchored andstayed there overnight, then pulled the anchor and headed back out the Pacificside. No excursions or special events in the lake, just chilled. (But thecasino was open and busy.)


Becausewe were east facing going in and west facing going out, we did get to see adifferent view, unlike a one way transit. Got to see a post-panamax tankergoing through the upper canal to the new locks while we were transitioning theMiraflores locks. Kind of cool to look up at a huge ship traveling above you!


Take alook at Google Earth to see the new lock layout. Pretty interesting to see theway they addressed water storage for the new locks.


Coupleof crocodiles in the lake, one huge one just on the north side of the Calebracut. Several people saw crocs in the brackish water downstream of theMiraflores locks – wonder how much their toll was.


Filledup with fuel off Balboa and started back north sometime during the night. Triedto do the Country and Western Show, but the ankle said no way.


All inall just a chill out day watching the jungle go by…cloud cover kept thetemperature down. It rained in the morning while we were at anchor in the lake,but moved on.


Tonightis the second formal night. We have a Chef’s table ‘interview’ at 1000 thismorning. Piano Man is the production show. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ison MUTS. The Marriage Match Game show is also tonight.


Off tocoffee…later!



Oh BTW –Internet speeds this far south are really bad…

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Thank you for all the updates! I'm sorry you were not able to do any excursions in Costa Rica or Nicaragua. We had two wonderful all-day excursions there last year. It happens...years ago on a Med cruise we missed both Mykonos and Santorini!

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what do you mean by chefs table interview?


Thought I would respond to see if any differences from the reviewer. If memory serves, the interview is to make sure not obviously ill as you do visit the kitchen area. Have to make sure you know what to do/not do. Also, to check for any food allergies for the food being served. You get an overview of the process which involves pre-dinner experience and then escorted to special table in DR.

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what do you mean by chefs table interview?


Thought I would respond to see if any differences from the reviewer. If memory serves, the interview is to make sure not obviously ill as you do visit the kitchen area. Have to make sure you know what to do/not do. Also, to check for any food allergies for the food being served. You get an overview of the process which involves pre-dinner experience and then escorted to special table in DR.


Yep - that's it. And we passed the written test as well as the oral dissertation...



Just kidding...

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Anyone willing to share what food you're most looking forward to on the cruise? Also any that used to be favourites that more recently have become "unfavorited"? For example, people used to Rave about The Love Boat dream dessert, but more recently it appears people have said it has dropped off their list of favorites due to various changes.


I know it sounds strange, but one thing I'm looking forward to is the balsamic vinaigrette dressing - unless they've changed it. I found that on my last Cruise about mid cruise and have high hopes it is still fabulous 7 years later. :hearteyes: I even asked for the recipe back then, but never got it. Also, back then I had a honeydew melon sorbet that was incredible. I'd take that again over nearly any other dessert.


Thanks in advance!


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Any dessert soufflé. Heading to the Panama Canal on the Caribbean in two weeks. Not a full transit, but happy to be going nonetheless. Thanks to the OP for allowing us to travel along on this cruise.



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Another day at sea. The coffee klatch has been very successful in the morning. The Patisserie is working out quite well. Far more room than the Crown IC during the 28 day Tahiti. I guess you don’t appreciate an uncrowded ship until you go back on one after being on Grands and SuperGrands for years – and even with the new cabins the Island just isn’t that crowded. Cannot wait for the 60 day on the Coral. That will be perfect. Maybe, just maybe, Princess will start doing long cruises and world cruises with the Coral after they sell the Pacific.


The Elite lounge has been a lot of fun lately as well. People keep referring to our little impromptu meetings as a group – but prior to the cruise only a few of us had actually met before. We just sort of gather for coffee and drinks later in the lounge. Getting together with other people on the roll call is lots of fun and we get to discuss our favorite subject – Cruising!


We haven’t done a lot of exciting things on our days at sea – just normal ship stuff. Callie and Mike do a great job of filling up the schedule with a bunch of stuff. Last night we went to see “Do You Wanna Dance” – one of our favorite shows. It was readily apparent that the cast loved it as well. They got more and more into it as the show went on. Love sitting center row 5 on this one.


We did do Chef’s table a couple of nights ago. Very well done with several new dishes on the menu. New wines as well and a red wine that Judy could actually drink. Great service, great conversation. Worth the $95? – only once in a great while. The UBD is a better deal and far more intimate and special. For first timers to Chef’s table – I would recommend it at least once. Otherwise every 2 or 3 years is enough for us. When it was $75 we would do it at least once per cruise, but now we do a restaurant dinner, Crab Shack and a UBD during each cruise. Herb and Jackie (Holomoku) did their first UBD on this cruise and loved it. We are going to do one next cruise for our anniversary dinner.


Service is still fantastic. We are getting to know the staff better and better and they are getting to know us. It’s a lot of fun. We still have candy left and are passing it out as we go. One of the Head Waiters is going home in LA and we’re putting together a goody bag for him to munch on while he travels back to Romania.


Tomorrow is Manzanillo and we have a whole day tour scheduled that should be fun. Got to get all the batteries charged for that one.



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Question for ccrain


We will have a balcony (BE) cabin on the Promenade deck on Island Princess for the Dec 6 full transit. We received a message from Princess that our balcony would be shut off during canal transit. I have read on cc where some passengers were given some compensation for not having access to the balcony during transit. I heard that some got obc and some got use of sanctuary for the day.


Have you, or anyone else in aft Promenade deck balcony cabin, any current information that could clarify this for me.

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