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No refund 2 weeks post cancelled Irma cruise


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Interesting that you chose to try to evade the matter with such blatantly obvious, nonsensical self ratification. I have already been as specific as necessary. Again we agreed to disagree. Nothing has changed. You claim you've been wronged but you cannot specify what part of the contract was violated. It sounds like you haven't been wronged but just want to make it sound like you were.


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whitecap, everything you have said makes perfect sense. Talking to bUU is like talking to a brick wall. She is not even addressing the issues that you brought up. She just keeps going back to the contract. She fails to understand that your issue is with the way Carnival offered passengers on the next cruise to yours the opportunity to cancel or go on the cruise and for their inconvenience were also offered 25% on their next cruise. Yes, we all know that cruise lines have to re-route passengers to other islands when the weather is not cooperating but I believe that we all do expect to be treated equally under the exact same situations. This is just good customer service. The fact that you say that even a couple of Carnival reps have agreed that it would be fair if the Sept 3 passengers were also offered the 25% discount on their next Carnival cruise, says it all. It's only common sense. By all means, the contract does state that one is not entitled to anything and they don't have to offer anything. but once they do offer compensation, don't just offer it to one cruise that itinerary was changed, you should offer it to all cruises that were inconvenienced in the same way. Again, just common sense and good customer service.

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So what it seems that you're trying to imply is that you know how to run a cruise line better than the professionals hired to do so. I think this thread has been driven to absurdity.


As I've said a few times already, we should agree to disagree. This inane attempt to browbeat away perspectives you don't like is tiresome. It's fine for y'all to have your say. It's also fine for those who have a different perspective to have their say as well.


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whitecap, everything you have said makes perfect sense. Talking to bUU is like talking to a brick wall. She is not even addressing the issues that you brought up. She just keeps going back to the contract. She fails to understand that your issue is with the way Carnival offered passengers on the next cruise to yours the opportunity to cancel or go on the cruise and for their inconvenience were also offered 25% on their next cruise. Yes, we all know that cruise lines have to re-route passengers to other islands when the weather is not cooperating but I believe that we all do expect to be treated equally under the exact same situations. This is just good customer service. The fact that you say that even a couple of Carnival reps have agreed that it would be fair if the Sept 3 passengers were also offered the 25% discount on their next Carnival cruise, says it all. It's only common sense. By all means, the contract does state that one is not entitled to anything and they don't have to offer anything. but once they do offer compensation, don't just offer it to one cruise that itinerary was changed, you should offer it to all cruises that were inconvenienced in the same way. Again, just common sense and good customer service.


So what it seems that you're trying to imply is that you know how to run a cruise line better than the professionals hired to do so. I think this thread has been driven to absurdity.


As I've said a few times already, we should agree to disagree. This inane attempt to browbeat away perspectives you don't like is tiresome. It's fine for y'all to have your say. It's also fine for those who have a different perspective to have their say as well.


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First to butternut1; thanks for understanding the facts!

bUU; I have given it some careful thought, re-read all the information/statements that you have provided and come to the conclusion that you believe that the cruise line can hang their hat on the "passenger contract" no matter the issue(s) at hand and that passengers should "just accept it". My guess is and mind you it is just my guess, that when something on your Carnival cruise goes wrong or you want something you go right to the customer service counter and slap down you Carnival employee card and make your demands known.

No sense attempting to get you to see the my point of view when you are looking at the issue with Carnival glasses. I've enjoyed our back and forth but my mom is now telling me that I have used up my computer time and need to do my homework. Hope to sail with you one of these days when we can continue our friendship with milk and cookies.

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I have given it some careful thought, re-read all the information/statements that you have provided and come to the conclusion that you believe that the cruise line can hang their hat on the "passenger contract" no matter the issue(s) at hand and that passengers should "just accept it".
It is a matter of integrity. When you give your word do you mean it? What do you think contracts are for? You get to accept or reject contracts, and when you accept it means that you are honor bound to abide by what you accepted. You don't get to change the terms later just because you don't like them.


My guess is and mind you it is just my guess, that when something on your Carnival cruise goes wrong or you want something you go right to the customer service counter and slap down you Carnival employee card and make your demands known.

Does lying about me make you feel better about yourself?


I have integrity.


I honor my commitments.


I don't complain about what I've agreed to after the fact.


Complain if you wish - nothing wrong with that - but if you make excuses for unfounded consumer expectations expect that others will offer valid counter arguments, and will work to make sure others understand the truth of what expectations are legitimate.


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It is a matter of integrity. When you give your word do you mean it? What do you think contracts are for? You get to accept or reject contracts, and when you accept it means that you are honor bound to abide by what you accepted. You don't get to change the terms later just because you don't like them.


Does lying about me make you feel better about yourself?


I have integrity.


I honor my commitments.


I don't complain about what I've agreed to after the fact.


Complain if you wish - nothing wrong with that - but stop making excuses for unacceptable consumer behavior.


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So now that you have decided to take this to the personal level, indicating that because I feel I have a complaint that I have no integrity I'll just say that I believe from your post that you believe that you are well above the rest of us. Must be really nice up there on that pedestal. Or up there on that "funnel". I take back what I said about wanting to sail with you; go by your damn self!!!

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So now that you have decided to take this to the personal level
Me? You're the one who posted an outrageous lie about my integrity, specifically. I posted nothing about your integrity personally. Get a grip. You need to learn the difference between discussing an issue in the abstract and attacking another poster directly. You don't like the perspective I shared. That's fine. But your response was out of line.




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Me? You're the one who posted an outrageous lie about my integrity. Get a grip.




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We're sorry! Whitecap has blocked you for your rudeness and inability to control your emotions.

You will remained blocked until you are able to relate politely with others.

(may your next cruise cabin be overflowing with -----------------, but then you wouldn't complain would you)

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According to the cruise contract Carnival doesn't owe the passengers anything. They do provide compensation at times, but I don't believe they do it to make the passengers happy. I think they do it to keep the authorities from coming in and making a "cruise passengers bill of rights", kind of like they did with some problems there were with the airlines, such as long tarmac delays and compensation for not getting passengers to their destination within a certain time frame if the cause is the airlines fault. The cruise lines like that the cruise contract is almost completely one sided and don't want anything to change it.

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Airlines differ from cruise lines in some significant ways. Cruises are wholly discretionary. They almost never are the only way to do something essential, like expeditiously conduct business. That makes a difference. And in today's environment, I doubt we'll see much regulatory movement.


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We had three cabins booked on Carnival Splendor to leave out of Ft Lauderdale on Sat Sept 9. We found out at 1 pm on Thursday that our cruise had been cancelled. Being that the cruise was going to Grand Turk and Amber Cove we were aware if we sailed at all that the ports would be changed. Of course were were disappointed but it was a risk we took booking at that time of the year. Everything that I have heard said that it would take approx 3 weeks to refund our money.


3 weeks from date of sailing would be this coming Saturday...so in normal circumstances I would expect it by then. I understand why they did not cancel sooner due to the erratic pattern of Irma. We live just south of Tampa and did not plan to board our homes before leaving for the cruise but because of the change in course it suddenly became evident that the hurricane that we thought would go north and allow us to cruise was now headed our way. By scheduled cruise day Sat a.m. we were evacuating to SC to stay safe. My brother who was also to sail lives in Ft Myers area....they are still dealing with damage from Cat 4. We had a stressful time trying to decide when or if we should evacuate so I can only imagine how difficult it was for Carnival to try to schedule this crazy mess out and keep everyone safe. They simply did not know where this hurricane was going to go. We rescheduled another cruise and will give them a chance to get our refunds to us. I am going through cruising withdrawal....Yikes!

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Doeant carnival still have that 24 hour guarantee once the cruise starts? The one that guarantees a fun vacation or they will refund your money and send you home? I'm not being funny, some of you know about this. Why wasn that used??
To be fair, there are incurred costs that the guarantee won't address (vacation time from work and original airline tickets, for starters). It's a nice PR gesture to offer the guarantee, but I wonder if offering it does more harm than good, since I could see how it could be readily misconstrued as an excuse for passengers to either not adequately insure themselves (my travel insurance, incidentally, will pay me $750 if the itinerary is changed before my cruise embarks) or not adequately prepare themselves to accept the risks that they've taken onto themselves by not insuring themselves.
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I hadn't thought about it that way; lets see: Sep 3d change in itinerary/Sep 10th change in itinerary; Sep 3d no notice of change/Sep 10th 4 days notice of change; Sep 3d no options to cancel/rebook/refund or cruise credit/Sep 10th allowed to cancel and get full refund or continue with cruise and new itinerary and get 25% cruise credit for future cruise.

Yep you may be right, "inconvenienced" exactly the same!!!


No amount of reasonable explanation on how the circumstances are different will appease your bloodlust for compensation.


It might be time to loosen those twisted knickers evidently cutting off circulation to vital body parts before the condition becomes more serious.

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No amount of reasonable explanation on how the circumstances are different will appease your bloodlust for compensation.


It might be time to loosen those twisted knickers evidently cutting off circulation to vital body parts before the condition becomes more serious.

Another Carnival Cheerleader who apparently can't handle anyone who differs from their own personal love for the cruise line. Your blatant personal attack only shows your liberal, one sided, closed minded inability to handle a mature discussion. You are right about one thing, your BS will not change my mind and apparently not the minds of all those who have apparently called Carnival and registered their complaint. Hope you have another wonderful day.

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StolidCruiser; just to make sure my initial impression of you was correct, I have gone back a ways and looked at some of your previous post. Seems as though anytime some has complained about something on their Carnival cruise, you have berated them. Guess my description of Carnival Cheerleader was spot on.

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No amount of reasonable explanation on how the circumstances are different will appease your bloodlust for compensation.
That was my concern and the reason why I suggested several times just to agree to disagree. I worry next that he'll lash out in a personal attack against you. It's a pattern. :(
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That was my concern and the reason why I suggested several times just to agree to disagree. I worry next that he'll lash out in a personal attack against you. It's a pattern. :(

Good morning there bUU and thanks for the backup. Some people just don't know how to keep thing civil and like you and I, agree to disagree and not only have fun doing it but become close friends!! :cool: How about you and I pick a Carnival cruise and set sail together? I can just imagine the "spirited" conversations (and I mean spirited and the alcohol spirited). :D

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Good morning there bUU and thanks for the backup. Some people just don't know how to keep thing civil and like you and I, agree to disagree and not only have fun doing it but become close friends!! :cool: How about you and I pick a Carnival cruise and set sail together? I can just imagine the "spirited" conversations (and I mean spirited and the alcohol spirited). :D


Don't do it. bUU is overbearingly argumentative. I can't even imagine having to suffer this person on a daily basis.

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Don't do it. bUU is overbearingly argumentative. I can't even imagine having to suffer this person on a daily basis.

Please don't talk badly about my new friend. Though we have a "very slight disagreement" we have become very close and I am working very hard to arrange a cruise together so that we can discuss many topics (with the consumption of many umbrella drinks). :halo:

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LOL.....love it!! We are sailing with bUU soon......must scope her out so as NOT to 'suffer on a daily basis'......:o

If we weren't already booked on the Regal Princess for 21 days beginning on Nov 19th, we would join you so that we could all "suffer" together! ;p

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LOL.....love it!! We are sailing with bUU soon......must scope her out so as NOT to 'suffer on a daily basis'......:o
It is remarkable the extent to which some people will go to rationalize their own inability to handle a perspective they do not like. Folks who are blindly consumerist and rabidly anti business seen to have the most difficulty keeping discussions civil, resorting, as we saw above, to personal attacks when their efforts to browbeat away comments they disagree with fail. We are raising a generation that exudes unfounded entitlement, and what's worse that excessive self motivation works against the very things that would mitigate some of the concerns, such as more passenger friendly regulations. Today it seems many wish rules to apply only to others, not themselves, and so they want the consumer favored when they are the consumer but not when they are in the other side of the transaction, earning a living to support their family.


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It is remarkable the extent to which some people will go to rationalize their own inability to handle a perspective they do not like. Folks who are blindly consumerist and rabidly anti business seen to have the most difficulty keeping discussions civil, resorting, as we saw above, to personal attacks when their efforts to browbeat away comments they disagree with fail. We are raising a generation that exudes unfounded entitlement, and what's worse that excessive self motivation works against the very things that would mitigate some of the concerns, such as more passenger friendly regulations. Today it seems many wish rules to apply only to others, not themselves, and so they want the consumer favored when they are the consumer but not when they are in the other side of the transaction, earning a living to support their family.


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I couldn't have said it better myself; or could I, ummm, doesn't matter, it got said! :)

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